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I'm confused. If he was just going HOME from the hospital why did they do the three car shuffle and side exit scam? I understand not wanting to be photographed leaving the hospital. But it is not like he's going to a SECURE location yet undetermined--he went right back home and then it was announced that he was back home!! It's strange. I think BC should shut his yap about announcing GA's every move. If you want privacy then shut it!
This is a family that thrives on drama!:bang:

edit: George is still sick.
I'm confused. If he was just going HOME from the hospital why did they do the three car shuffle and side exit scam? I understand not wanting to be photographed leaving the hospital. But it is not like he's going to a SECURE location yet undetermined--he went right back home and then it was announced that he was back home!! It's strange. I think BC should shut his yap about announcing GA's every move. If you want privacy then shut it!

Shell game? Maybe he didn't go home.
Why wouldn't we discuss it? Since July, I have read or heard George as well as the other Anthonys lie to LE, lie to the public, lie to Larry King. What in this short history would make me simply accept that this attempt is any more truthful than anything I have seen from him in the past? To not question his actions as well as BC's is not sleuthing, IMO.
For months, I have been disgusted at George making excuses for Casey. Why would I then turn around and do the same for him?

Questioning this does not make me less compassionate. It does make me more suspicious of a family I do not know but for their lies.

Exactly ~ My feelings as well.

It's amazing how he fooled those doctors into not only keeping him in the hospital for over a week, but releasing him with orders for out patient treatment.

Under the circumstances, knowing G. has been through an emotional ordeal, the Docs would allow him to remain in the Hospital regardless of their opinion on whether he was sincerely suicidal or not.

Ater exhibiting suicidal tendencies, my BIL was admitted and remained in a mental facility for a couple of months.
I'm curious why, if the Docs thought GA was indeed suicidal, they allowed him to go home so soon.

I'm not saying Ga was not stressed and emotionally distraught. However, I question whether he was sincerely suicidal.
C'mon now, my friend. :blowkiss:

I know the depth of suspicion and anger towards George. Get it and share some of it.

That said, you guys are all really bright and know that Dr's. just don't 'let' people remain in hospital for no reason at all, just because they 'volunteer' to do so. Nor can a Baker Act happen without just cause.

Expressing the upset about George is what it is. But, imagining that George is pulling any strings with medical professionals, and laws like the Baker Act are pretty much tantamount to 'conspiracy theories' only this time, the entire team of medical professionals involved with George's case must all be in on it, too? What a bunch of dummies they must all be?

Don't think so.

Is there a way to creatively express the anti-George thoughts, whilst still understanding what the role is of professionals while he is a patient? Is there a way to sepearate the anger towards George from the realities of what occurs when a person has a break-down?

The implication that the Dr's have not contributed his 'voluntary' decision bugs me. The rants don't, but that recent train of thought does.


Great post Tater !! I agree 100%
Again, we agree on this.

I don't think he meant to either, but think he really felt as if he wanted to. And that is more than enough for an intervention to be appropriate.

I don't though, believe it was a ploy. JMO

I think it was the rock bottom wake-up call, and I am very, very troubled that he's back in the environment he is already. Not good.

I don't think George has hit rock bottom YET
As they say "when your sick and tired of being sick and tired you'll do something about it to change your situation "

He's not ready for that . He may make an attempt to work a program but It won't take long before he's right back to where he was before .
C'mon now, my friend. :blowkiss:

I know the depth of suspicion and anger towards George. Get it and share some of it.

That said, you guys are all really bright and know that Dr's. just don't 'let' people remain in hospital for no reason at all, just because they 'volunteer' to do so. Nor can a Baker Act happen without just cause.

Expressing the upset about George is what it is. But, imagining that George is pulling any strings with medical professionals, and laws like the Baker Act are pretty much tantamount to 'conspiracy theories' only this time, the entire team of medical professionals involved with George's case must all be in on it, too? What a bunch of dummies they must all be?

Don't think so.

Is there a way to creatively express the anti-George thoughts, whilst still understanding what the role is of professionals while he is a patient? Is there a way to sepearate the anger towards George from the realities of what occurs when a person has a break-down?

The implication that the Dr's have not contributed his 'voluntary' decision bugs me. The rants don't, but that recent train of thought does.

during the first 72 hours, george had no choice whether he would stay in the hospital. after 72 hours, the patient is given his options which include a 14 day involuntary hold or voluntary treatment. if doctors feel you can't help yourself, you get the 14 day involuntary. george stayed an extra week which indicates that he was helping his treatment plan to go forward but also indicates that george was not in a frame of mind to be out of the hospital yet. once george, in consultation with his doctors, felt he could handle going home, he was released. he was not released without follow up instructions which includes being able to care for himself and his needs (food, shelter, etc) along with a plan to seek treatment with a licensed counselor. he is not held at gunpoint to do any of it and cannot be grabbed again by police or anyone if he does not follow through.
I don't think George has hit rock bottom YET
As they say "when your sick and tired of being sick and tired you'll do something about it to change your situation "

He's not ready for that . He may make an attempt to work a program but It won't take long before he's right back to where he was before .

You know, I have been swinging closer to that feeling the past two days, as well.

When I consider what is yet to come, I think you may very well be right. We may have just seen a precursor. A serious one, but yes, perhaps still not rock bottom yet.

That makes my stomach hurt.
during the first 72 hours, george had no choice whether he would stay in the hospital. after 72 hours, the patient is given his options which include a 14 day involuntary hold or voluntary treatment. if doctors feel you can't help yourself, you get the 14 day involuntary. george stayed an extra week which indicates that he was helping his treatment plan to go forward but also indicates that george was not in a frame of mind to be out of the hospital yet. once george, in consultation with his doctors, felt he could handle going home, he was released. he was not released without follow up instructions which includes being able to care for himself and his needs (food, shelter, etc) along with a plan to seek treatment with a licensed counselor. he is not held at gunpoint to do any of it and cannot be grabbed again by police or anyone if he does not follow through.

I agree with much of what you posted, and have posted many details along the same lines, however, the bolded section is not entirely accurate. We had a great spurt of discussion about happens during and can happen after the 72 hour examination period.
The page is here:

I recommend that checking out the FL Baker Act on that thread for anyone who wants to learn how it actually is applied and what follow-up options may or may not occur.
C'mon now, my friend. :blowkiss:

I know the depth of suspicion and anger towards George. Get it and share some of it.

That said, you guys are all really bright and know that Dr's. just don't 'let' people remain in hospital for no reason at all, just because they 'volunteer' to do so. Nor can a Baker Act happen without just cause.

Expressing the upset about George is what it is. But, imagining that George is pulling any strings with medical professionals, and laws like the Baker Act are pretty much tantamount to 'conspiracy theories' only this time, the entire team of medical professionals involved with George's case must all be in on it, too? What a bunch of dummies they must all be?

Don't think so.

Is there a way to creatively express the anti-George thoughts, whilst still understanding what the role is of professionals while he is a patient? Is there a way to sepearate the anger towards George from the realities of what occurs when a person has a break-down?

The implication that the Dr's have not contributed his 'voluntary' decision bugs me. The rants don't, but that recent train of thought does.
Beautifully stated, my Tater-iffic Friend!!

You did a much better job expressing the same thoughts that have been tearing around my brain every time I enter this thread. I've lost friends and family to suicide, and mental illness. They don't ALL cry out for help first like George did in his own way. My Uncle went to the funeral home, paid in advance for his elderly Mother's funeral service and plot, paid for his funeral service and plot. Thanked the Funeral Director, walked out to his Truck, and got his gun. After which he sat down under the closest tree in the parking lot, and blew his head off. He left behind a new wife, and infant child. We had no noticeable warning signs, no phone calls, no hint whatsoever of trouble. Nor did he even choose to leave a suicide note. One minute he was there, the proud father of 5 grown children, and one new baby girl, and the next we were picking out his suit for the Funeral. I have always thought that the whole thing could have been prevented if he had given anyone the tiniest hint that something was amiss. But there was no giant George Anthony sized pile of Breadcrumbs to follow in my Uncle's case. There was just his brains splattered all over the Oak Tree at the Funeral Parlor.

Maybe George wasn't 100% full on serious about ending his life that day, but the fact that he made statements about wanting to harm himself, and needed to join his Granddaughter in Heaven, tells me he was screaming for help!! Plus I don't know how many people here have had to commit a loved one, but in order to have someone committed and held over after the initial 72 hours, there must be certain criteria in place that strongly suggest the patient needs further stabilization. They don't just extend inpatient mental health stays because it's fun! Slice it however you want, right or wrong, George needed help.

What's saddest to me about this whole scenario is the fact that George STILL needs help, but the likelihood of him getting that help now that he has returned to the extremely negative atmosphere in his personal life just isn't very good. Personally, I don't think this is the last time this particular crisis will rear it's ugly head in this case. All of the trigger's that pushed him over the edge in the first place are still alive and well. Coping mechanisms alone are not going to be enough to hold his head above water during the continuing flood of heartbreak. He needs a strong support system, and we all know that just isn't in place in that household. There have already been too many casualties in this sad, sad, case.

I have no desire to add another body to the ever growing pile unless her name is Cayseeomarie Anthony.

My 0.08 cents on the issue.
Respectfully, are you saying that if George tries to kill himself again it means he does not have major mental issues?



I've never heard LancelotLink say anything like that.
If in fact GA's debts & the A famililies mortgage & other bills have been paid causes me to think that whoever is paying these debts off is rewarding the A family for all the manipulations they have spoken of. No different than how the A's reacted to KC. I'm so sorry for their loss but I don't feel someone should come to their financial rescue. Whoever is handing out the cash you can reach me at my profile to donate. I don't share the same chacteristics as CA I'm very deserving of a hand out. :bang:
Just wondering how his stay at home is going by now?
How CA/LA handling GA.
Just thoughts on if GA still feels uplifting???
Beautifully stated, my Tater-iffic Friend!!

You did a much better job expressing the same thoughts that have been tearing around my brain every time I enter this thread. I've lost friends and family to suicide, and mental illness. They don't ALL cry out for help first like George did in his own way. My Uncle went to the funeral home, paid in advance for his elderly Mother's funeral service and plot, paid for his funeral service and plot. Thanked the Funeral Director, walked out to his Truck, and got his gun. After which he sat down under the closest tree in the parking lot, and blew his head off. He left behind a new wife, and infant child. We had no noticeable warning signs, no phone calls, no hint whatsoever of trouble. Nor did he even choose to leave a suicide note. One minute he was there, the proud father of 5 grown children, and one new baby girl, and the next we were picking out his suit for the Funeral. I have always thought that the whole thing could have been prevented if he had given anyone the tiniest hint that something was amiss. But there was no giant George Anthony sized pile of Breadcrumbs to follow in my Uncle's case. There was just his brains splattered all over the Oak Tree at the Funeral Parlor.

Maybe George wasn't 100% full on serious about ending his life that day, but the fact that he made statements about wanting to harm himself, and needed to join his Granddaughter in Heaven, tells me he was screaming for help!! Plus I don't know how many people here have had to commit a loved one, but in order to have someone committed and held over after the initial 72 hours, there must be certain criteria in place that strongly suggest the patient needs further stabilization. They don't just extend inpatient mental health stays because it's fun! Slice it however you want, right or wrong, George needed help.

What's saddest to me about this whole scenario is the fact that George STILL needs help, but the likelihood of him getting that help now that he has returned to the extremely negative atmosphere in his personal life just isn't very good. Personally, I don't think this is the last time this particular crisis will rear it's ugly head in this case. All of the trigger's that pushed him over the edge in the first place are still alive and well. Coping mechanisms alone are not going to be enough to hold his head above water during the continuing flood of heartbreak. He needs a strong support system, and we all know that just isn't in place in that household. There have already been too many casualties in this sad, sad, case.

I have no desire to add another body to the ever growing pile unless her name is Cayseeomarie Anthony.

My 0.08 cents on the issue.

And in turn, that was a wonderful post. I saw this and had to log back in to tell you so.

It must be hard for you to relive those experiences, and more so to share your Uncle's story specifically. I'm so sorry.

I can't add thing to that - you stated it all so well.

The courage of the people here who bare their souls and share their experiences leaves me in awe daily.

You're $0.08 is worth a lot more than that for educational value alone.
Just wondering how his stay at home is going by now?
How CA/LA handling GA.
Just thoughts on if GA still feels uplifting???

I would imagine it's pretty silent in that house, and they're keeping their distance from each other.
Just wondering how his stay at home is going by now?
How CA/LA handling GA.
Just thoughts on if GA still feels uplifting???

In my fantasy, George never went home. I'm pretending that they snuck him into another hospital and he is continuing his treatment.

That's my delusion and I'm stickin' to it!!!:rolleyes:
In my fantasy, George never went home. I'm pretending that they snuck him into another hospital and he is continuing his treatment.

That's my delusion and I'm stickin' to it!!!:rolleyes:

I'm with you Lovejac. :crazy:
With the high cost of any type of inpatient health care, the A's might not have the finances for the continued care he was receiving. It is possible that GA did not want to go home, but finances forced him's also possible that he simply wanted to go back to the house, back to the only 2 people he has left, C & L. Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling we will be hearing more breaking news about GA in the very near future.

Breaking news maybe but, he isn't going to "try" to commit suicide again ..

Cindy will make sure of that!
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