POI: Michael Pak #2

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Dec 20, 2011
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This site has done some very thorough sleuthing on CM and PCH as POI.

I think that MP needs to have a separate thread of his own.

I posted this Feb. 1

The more I think about it, the more I am curious about MP. However I keep coming back to PCH and his phone call, but maybe there is a linkage.

MP leaves Oak Beach with SG in his car early that morning. He has enough street smarts and experience with LE to return to 'look' for SG. Knows his car will not incriminate him from a forensic point of view, as he can easily explain SG's presence in his car.

MP goes through the motion of looking for SG in the morning, meets PCH the ever helpful local. PCH says to MP 'how can I help'.

MP replies to the effect that SG is in rehab, and if PCH would call Mari Gilbert and let her know, MP would appreciate it.

PCH does, and instantly brings focus on himself to MP's benefit.

Remember SG refused to get into to MP's car, and she was running away from him. She felt he was a threat.

Okay I got more questions.
1) That morning, why did MP leave, only to return later, where did he go, what did he do?

2) If your are on foot, and I am in a car with headlights, and I am following you, chances are if you leave the roadway I will know where you did. Pretty hard to runaway from a car, and MP could always follow on foot. But he did not have to if he got her in the car.

3) MP if he really cared about SG, could have told LE, "this is where I saw her last", "this where I think she ran into the bush" etc. I do not think he helped with the search.

4) Until otherwise disclosed, he was the last to see SG alive.

5) PCH and MP can incriminate or exonerate each other by discussing what they said to each other, but neither seems to be talking about the conversation in the morning. PCH may be afraid of MP.

6) MP may not have anything to do with the other cases, but it was very serendipitous that the other bodies were dumped nearby.

7) Has anybody checked if MP has any connection with either the LISK or AC victims?


If you have any info about MP I would be interested to see it.


Thread #1
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I believe both Alex Diaz, who was Shannan's 'boyfriend' and had previously severely broken her jaw, and his friend Michael Pak who was Shannan's driver have knowledge that is crucial to solving this case.

MP arranged with Brewer to have Shannan come to Brewer's house. Yes it is very possible that MP knew it was a one way trip. His knowledge of this fact, fits nicely with the fact he left Oak Beach, prior to law enforcement arriving. Since he was aware of the end game no need to hang around.

I am not aware if the FBI have seriously interrogated Alex and MP, but if they have not, I would be amazed. The 'boyfriend' and and the last person who is acknowledged to have seen Shannan alive, have to be prime FBI Persons of Interest
Im having a hard time posting on a link. I do believe shannan's boyfriend ( pimp) knows more than he is saying
I’m not convinced MP knew he was delivering Shannon to be murdered... I do believe he is dishonest about his role after the fact and that he might have played a part in her demise. Why would he even be waiting there for hours if he knew brewer was planning to kill her? That scenario just doesn’t add up in my head. Whatever happened after Shannon bolted from the house however I think was unplanned on Paks part and it was an effort to erase his role in anything that went on that night.
I’m not convinced MP knew he was delivering Shannon to be murdered... I do believe he is dishonest about his role after the fact and that he might have played a part in her demise. Why would he even be waiting there for hours if he knew brewer was planning to kill her? That scenario just doesn’t add up in my head. Whatever happened after Shannon bolted from the house however I think was unplanned on Paks part and it was an effort to erase his role in anything that went on that night.

Why would he be waiting for hours?
Good question, I had not considered that before.

I am not sure that his waiting proves he was not 'delivering' Shannan.

Possibly he was waiting for 'approval' and then would leave.

Alternatively he was waiting for some financial settlement from Brewer et al, that Shannan could not be privy to.

Finally, part of his 'delivery' agreement involved some other duties after the fact.

Most interesting point you raise. Thanks Hotpotato
Has it been proven that Pak was "waiting". Could he have been part of the they in Shannan's call where she said "they're trying to kill me"? What if he was inside Brewer's home rather than waiting in the car?
Has it been proven that Pak was "waiting". Could he have been part of the they in Shannan's call where she said "they're trying to kill me"? What if he was inside Brewer's home rather than waiting in the car?

I believe it has been confirmed that Shannan was calling from inside Brewer's house, to MP in his SUV. The fact she was refusing to get in the vehicle with MP lends credence to your point, that Shannan, believed she had reason to fear MP.
Please do not forget that the majority of girls and young women are native born citizens. Too often people consider sex trafficking an immigration and border protection issue. It is not. It is my understanding that many young females are enticed into the sex trade at bus and train stations and other places vulnerable young people tend to congregate.

Actually, most get into the business a few years after leaving school when they find that working some minimum wage job does not provide the sort of income they need for the lifestyle they want, be that "stuff", drugs or whatever. It is a profession that requires a minimum of skills, has flexible work hours and does not require a long working day to make a great deal of money. It is essentially an "easy button" for life, but once pressed it is not that easy to give up the money and all that provides, and that is the reason girls are often conflicted about what they do. Ready access to easy money becomes a sort of addiction. Once you have it, it is really hard to give it all up, and generally there are no alternatives to make that sort of money doing something else.

These days anyone with a phone and access to the internet can become an escort, so there are a lot who do it without being "enticed" into the lifestyle. They just place an add, then go see some guy and do what they might have done anyway on a night partying. No fuss, no bother, and no one needs to know unless they say. It is very easy to slip into that life, the money is what makes it so enticing, and there are a LOT of girls who do that for a short period (usually until they get bored by it or have a scary experience). They come from all walks of life, they are not just from poor families. There are university students, bored housewives, single moms, nurses tired of the grind, a vast array, but with the common problem of not having enough money and free time to support whatever their primary life goal is at that moment.
Actually, most get into the business a few years after leaving school when they find that working some minimum wage job does not provide the sort of income they need for the lifestyle they want, be that "stuff", drugs or whatever. It is a profession that requires a minimum of skills, has flexible work hours and does not require a long working day to make a great deal of money. It is essentially an "easy button" for life, but once pressed it is not that easy to give up the money and all that provides, and that is the reason girls are often conflicted about what they do. Ready access to easy money becomes a sort of addiction. Once you have it, it is really hard to give it all up, and generally there are no alternatives to make that sort of money doing something else.

These days anyone with a phone and access to the internet can become an escort, so there are a lot who do it without being "enticed" into the lifestyle. They just place an add, then go see some guy and do what they might have done anyway on a night partying. No fuss, no bother, and no one needs to know unless they say. It is very easy to slip into that life, the money is what makes it so enticing, and there are a LOT of girls who do that for a short period (usually until they get bored by it or have a scary experience). They come from all walks of life, they are not just from poor families. There are university students, bored housewives, single moms, nurses tired of the grind, a vast array, but with the common problem of not having enough money and free time to support whatever their primary life goal is at that moment.

Good points Tugela, and no doubt some women enter the sex trade, freely and under no compulsion or coercion, no pimps, agents or others living off the woman; however the reality is that the majority are not making the choice freely.

Here are some analysis of the situation in North America.




Yes some women freely choose this career path, but it often is a bad choice long term.

I understand I am inferring some moral standard, rather than a strict capitalistic economic analysis. We should never forget the intrinsic worth of human beings is more than their simple economic worth.
If you run out on your John without getting paid, you probably don't have money to pay your driver/pimp. That's reason enough for her to be frightened of Pak.
Michael Pak among 3 others is just another unfortunate victim of the true puppet master actually pullling all the strings. So here we go ultimate fall guy #2. Michael Pak a man of average I.Q. with limited options due to his criminal past. Lands a gig that entails him driving the less marginalized to the elite of Oak Beach. Hes actually not quite intelligent enough to beat the lie detector. So he takes the polygraph because he actually doesn't have anything to hid. Passes with flying colors. Initial contact with Dr Feel good and him is close to none except maybe the passing of a phone number in a frantic search he clearly only engages in to squash and shift the blame of someone he obviously feels some blame for in her death. He and the doctor slowly develop a relationship due to their from the commonality of their names being equally dragged through the mud. The issue is i dont think pak doesn' even know how close he gets to the beast of burden. Him and Shannons presence in the quaint little party town is merely coincidence and only gains relevance to other bodies because of her career choices. A lot of people are being postered up to hide the actual puppet master/master of ceremonies who is the only one capable enough of pulling all the strings. JB is #1 on that list and Michael pak is #2. Followed by #3 who is the other JB people alleged by many to be the absolute closest link to burlap. This individual is never even placed at oak beach by anyone and is only linked to this investigation by the unfortunate timing of his suicide that forever linked his name to this case. Access to burlap simply to me is not enough to destroy the legacy of a man who tragically kills himself the day after an escorts body is found. I think John ray is blowing smoke about his links to Shannon despite being a supporter of him. Anything he says is purely speculation until someone comes forward and id's him as an attendee of one of these drug fueled party's. The key to getting lisk lies in the conscience of one of these attendees coming forward risking there reputation and willing to make some powerful enemies.
Remember before there was any real evidence, without even finding Shannan's body, the SCPD said it was an accidental death by drowning.

Now it is still an open case, being investigated by the FBI, and several other agencies. They do not think it was an accident. So maybe, just maybe, they have some evidence that has not been publicly released that makes the FBI believe it was not an accident. Perhaps what is on the 911 tape, that none of us have heard, may have some evidence that keeps the FBI going.

I could be wrong though, the FBI could be wrong, and the SCPD who could not find Shannan's body for months, or never realized that a serial killer was operating in their midst for years could be right, and you could be right too..

Anything is possible.
Just catching up!

Hi Windsor,
I'm catching up too (it's now 6/2018)! We've been working together since this began. I want you to know that when I finally took Shannan out of the picture (LISK), the case became more clear to me. Just try it. Everybody try it...please
Just catching up!

I'm catching up too (it's now 6/2018)! We've been working together since this began. I want you to know that when I finally took Shannan out of the picture (LISK), the case became more clear to me. Just try it. Everybody try it...please

Knowing this, what does it mean then when 9 out of the first 13 threads either has SG in the title or is a thread directly related to that aspect of this cluster???? You could round the irrelevancy off to 10 with the Suffolk county corruption, a.k.a. water is wet thread. You haven't missed much but while you're catching up and in case you didn't hear, I hear the vultures are back in town also with a movie in the works. Exploitation at its finest, sure hope everyone gets paid.
Some Comments,
Shannan's death may have little or nothing to do with the LISK and the other deaths. I just do not have a opinion or knowledge.

Michael Pak, I believe, is key to solving Shannan's death. I feel he has a lot of direct involvement and knowledge. This is based on the facts he was chasing Shannan, he was the last to see her alive, he left Oak Beach prior to LE arrival, and he had interactions with Hackett.
Im listening to the lead detective on Part 6.
He has the time Shannan called 9-1-1. He has her at Coletti's at 5:13am. AFTER she leaves Coletti's her phone cuts out, with the lead detective stating the battery ALL OF A SUDDEN RAN OUT, because she'd been on the phone a considerable amount of time. What a moron.

She had an iphone 6 Detective, and 23 minutes is NOT a considerable amount of time.

Coletti's call goes into SCPD 911, and Shannan ends up at Brennan's house. @11:06 Coletti stated to police that Pak went AFTER Shannan from Coletti's. NO SHYTE.
@11:27 the detective said that the police thought Pak took control of her, but realize that is not the case. B.S. HE TOOK THE DAMN PHONE FROM HER YOU MORON. HE WANTED HER TO SHUT THE FRIG UP.

@11:56 Detective states police have arrived and meet Coletti and Brennan, but Pak and Shannan are gone. NO SHYTE DETECTIVE.

So, considering Coletti knew that Brewer had a party, the cops only had to go to 8 The Fairway and find out it was an illegal criminal enterprise. Prostitution is illegal. It is a criminal enterprise.

Hawk -I give you a thousand points for all your ranting on how crooked these bums are.

Alex Diaz went to SCPD on May 2 at 11:30pm with Brewer to report Shannan missing. The police laughed them out of the station.

Mari called SCPD on May 3, 2010 at 9:07AM for 1 minute on May 3, 2010 and at 9:09am for 7 minutes. She was looking for Shannan and trying to report her missing. See her phone record below - at the bottom of the page in BIG letters, I put SCPD 1st precinct.

@16:36 Detective states she was safe at Coletti's. UNTIL SHE SAW PAK WHO SHE WAS FLEEING FROM.

does he NOT know about a pimp - beating his girl?
Pak snapped and beat the crap out of Shannan at Brewer's.
Over money.
WHY are SCPD covering up for a vicious pimp who beats people. Prostitution is a deadly deadly business.

He is completely victim blaming Shannan
and by the way- Alex went to Oak Beach at 11am on
May 3, 2010 and met Canning and Gambino.
BOTH of them told Alex they heard Shannan's screams
for help.

Gambino lives exactly across the street from Hackett,
so Brennan was NOT the last to see Shannan alive.
The killer was. How come this detective never mentions witnesses who saw Shannan running (canning) and heard Shannan screaming (Karen Gambino - who has MOVED out of OB since May, 2010)


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    M call scpd may 3.jpg
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@18:16 the detective said that Shannan ran away from Coletti.
WRONG - she ran from PAK.

This guy has too many holes in his story. He clearly does not know about a pimp beating the shyte out of his girl over not doing what he told her to do.

Detective clearly doesnt know about a full blown panic when one or more are beating you - or threatening to kill you. And that would be Michael Pak - my friends, a pimp does things like that.

They are nasty vicious thugs who all belong in prison.


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    canning brennan hackett may 1.png
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This detective clearly has not done his homework.

There is NO statute of limitations on involuntary manslaughter.
Pak drove her to work and she fled from HIM for her life.
End of statement.

Same as Megan Waterman.
Akeem brought her to NY for purposes of prostitution (from Maine)

Shannan cross the border of New Jersey and New York - she crossed state lines.
Pak could get the Mann Act, and Alex, too. Alex was not working at the time of May 1, 2010. Shannan was earning the money to pay for rent for Shannan AND ALEX.

To be a 3rd party recipient in the illegal gotten money of prostitution - is a felony - and Alex should have been charged with an accessory to her death. These cops dropped the ball and are shaming Shannan and blaming her, when they did not do their job.
To transport a prostitute to a john is ILLEGAL and Pak transported her and took her money - when he was chasing her - believe me folks - he grabbed the money while beating her up.
This detective has left A LOT of important factual information
out of his narrative.

Shannan was in BUSINESS, and Michael was in BUSINESS.
Michael was not a driver - he is a pimp.
Shannan did not ever have a choice what or who she had sex with - it is up to her handler - her pimp. HE has to make money,
he was a driver for SOMEONE ELSE

There is a man that Pak had to answer to at the end of the night
and share the proceeds of the money from Brewer to the man.
This detective is leaving a LOT of FACTUAL information out of his narrative; that's all I will say.

IF he has the ad for Shannan for that night, I'd be very interested in seeing it.

Pak booked Shannan, therefore, HE is responsible for her life.
and Pak knows it.

HE was on the A&E movie saying that he could not find Shannan cuz the reeds were so high - very interesting choice of words.
How do you upload a m4v
that is :14 seconds?
I have Pak from the A&E movie saying the reeds
were high and he couldn't find Shannan, and then
he say's that's it.

well folks - some business partner he is.
why the frig didn't he call 9-1-1 FOR her
and help her get to a hospital, if she was so
drugged up?

If she was so drugged up? how did she manage
to RUN from Brewer's to Coletti's
and then Coletti's to Brennans?

She was running from a savage - a real jeckyl
and hyde known as Michael Pak. He found her
caught up with her
punched the shyte out of her - got her phone

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