POI: Michael Pak

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Seriously, you believe GC went straight to the gate after MP left?

I think it would be more normal for a person to behave and do as I mentioned above. After all he was so close to the gate. At least, wouldn't it be logical to be concerned for his wife's safety and warn her? At that time no one really knew what was going on in the neighborhood.

I beleive, GC did what every normal person did. He grabbed his clothes and went over to the gate. By all means, he had estimated the situation as serious enough to call 911 in the first place. So, saying his wife what is going on, grabbing more clothes (he had obviously some on when he went out to talk with MP), generously estimated 5 minutes, but most likely less. I don't know how yoiu handle things, but if I estiamte a situation serious enough to call the police, I wait for them to arrive and hope, they do it pronto.[/QUOTE]

My bold above.

Living there in OB Gus knew it would take awhile for LE to get there as they were not stationed close by. They covered OB from a station about 45 min away from OB as that is how long it took them to arrive on the scene after being called. We had many discussions about that early on. ;}
What I know about gated communities is limited to personal experience, but at the community my parents live in, the gates are controlled by a garage door opener set to a frequency and a number pad with a code. All emergency responders have that code to get in the gate. To get out of the gate, there is a sensor that detects your car and automatically opens the gate to get out.
So who’s to say he even had to go to the gate at all.
Do any of the OB locals know the set up of the gate to shed some light on this subject?

Well, obviously GC went to that gate ... he was there later. To meet with the officer who arrived. So, assuming, GC has no telepathic abilities, he had to go there and wait and nobody could guess, it would take that long.
If you read the statement, "So who’s to say he even had to go to the gate at all."
Taken in context with the rest of the post, it not a question if he was at the gate, but if it was necessary for him to go to the gate to let someone in/out.
Echt Peter, dein ton die lezte zeit ist ganz arg agressiv.
I beleive, GC did what every normal person did. He grabbed his clothes and went over to the gate. By all means, he had estimated the situation as serious enough to call 911 in the first place. So, saying his wife what is going on, grabbing more clothes (he had obviously some on when he went out to talk with MP), generously estimated 5 minutes, but most likely less. I don't know how yoiu handle things, but if I estiamte a situation serious enough to call the police, I wait for them to arrive and hope, they do it pronto.

My bold above.

Living there in OB Gus knew it would take awhile for LE to get there as they were not stationed close by. They covered OB from a station about 45 min away from OB as that is how long it took them to arrive on the scene after being called. We had many discussions about that early on. ;}[/QUOTE]

Interesting in all of this is, how surprised OB residents were that it took so long. The subject came also up on some Suffolk County Board meetings if I remember right? It appears to me as if the brave citizens there only realized how far polices was really away with that story.
If you read the statement, "So who’s to say he even had to go to the gate at all."
Taken in context with the rest of the post, it not a question if he was at the gate, but if it was necessary for him to go to the gate to let someone in/out.
Echt Peter, dein ton die lezte zeit ist ganz arg agressiv.


And to the subject of GC and the gate. Technically he probably hadn't. But since police usually likes to meet the caller when they arrive and since it was about a girl running around in OB, it appears only logical to meet the police at the gate.
So, anyone have any current info on MICHAEL PAK?
In fact, it is irrelevant when the police arrived, at least for that question. The only relevant time is, when GC arrived at the gate. Which can't be more than maybe five minutes (and this is already estimated generously for a 30msecond way) later than his talk to MP. And you can only get this out of the way by assuming, GC was wrong in everything. And of course, BB as well, because she saw SG after GC ... so, no way. The rest is just smoke and mirrors.

But do you or does anyone els know what time GC called LE....and is 100% sure on this? I'm not asking for what he said I want to see his phone recordes that state what time he excaly called at.
Not only that but I do not believe that he made it to the gate in five minutes. I don't think GC is a liar. But I do think that he could be a little off on his times. He already said it was 5 AM when Shannan showed up at his door yet she did not get off the phone with 911 till 5:14 right there he was off 15 minutes. GC also said at first that he did not let SG in his house at first. Then he later on said he told her to come in and sit in a chair well he called police. Wich one was it? Does he even know? Like I said I don't think he is a liar but I do think he could have flaws just like any human does. So in fact, it is irrelevant on what time GC said he went to the gate because he can't be proven to know the exact time him self.
He may has visited also his bank, discussed his 401, pilgrimaged to Satiago de Composto and whatnot. Because he hadn't just called the police and told them, he waits at the gate to let them in.<modsnip>

Yea and SG accidently called the police....and she was just out for a morning jog...she went to GC to see if he wanted to have a cup of coffe. Come on now....why do you have to be so demeaning?
The other night I found some intresting stuff. I quoted it and put it up here alone with the link. The next day it was deleted and I went back to find it and it was also deleted from the link I had posted.
Any thoughts of why that could be? It was info I had never heard befor about the 911 call SG made and about the driffter. Maybe it was deleted because it was false but it was just kind of strang to me.
But do you or does anyone els know what time GC called LE....and is 100% sure on this? I'm not asking for what he said I want to see his phone recordes that state what time he excaly called at.
Not only that but I do not believe that he made it to the gate in five minutes. I don't think GC is a liar. But I do think that he could be a little off on his times. He already said it was 5 AM when Shannan showed up at his door yet she did not get off the phone with 911 till 5:14 right there he was off 15 minutes. GC also said at first that he did not let SG in his house at first. Then he later on said he told her to come in and sit in a chair well he called police. Wich one was it? Does he even know? Like I said I don't think he is a liar but I do think he could have flaws just like any human does. So in fact, it is irrelevant on what time GC said he went to the gate because he can't be proven to know the exact time him self.

I know, mathematics is tough. But in fact, don't need the exact time for GC's call to know, MP had no time windoiw. We have 5:14 for the end of SG's call and we have BB's call. TheForeigner has posted those times over and over again.
MP's only possible time window started not with GC's call but with BB's 911 call. And since it is utterly impossible even for a snail on crutches to need longer than 6 minutes plus x (x is the time difference between GC's call and BB's call) to make it to the gate (a 30 second walk) ... MP HAD NO TIME WINDOW!
The other night I found some intresting stuff. I quoted it and put it up here alone with the link. The next day it was deleted and I went back to find it and it was also deleted from the link I had posted.
Any thoughts of why that could be? It was info I had never heard befor about the 911 call SG made and about the driffter. Maybe it was deleted because it was false but it was just kind of strang to me.

Idk, TOS violation, copyrights? Maybe you can give a hint, where to find that info? It wasn't from another board?
well with the copyrights I am not sure if that would be it because it was comment from a vewer on another website. I didn't really get the idea it was board but maybe it was. A lot of people on there were saying it was SG mom....idk
It basicly just went into the 911 call with details. I just found it odd that the whole thing was deleted from this website that had been up for a few years now.
I've got a question for you PB...Now I know that you think that MP didn't have enough time to have anything to do with SG going missing. And to be honest I am new here and don't feel like reading every single post that would take days upon days. So I guess I haven't seen anything on what you think happend to SG that night then?
Do you really think that she just ran off and died on her own or are you saying that not MP but someone els had something to do with her going missing?
well with the copyrights I am not sure if that would be it because it was comment from a vewer on another website. I didn't really get the idea it was board but maybe it was. A lot of people on there were saying it was SG mom....idk
It basicly just went into the 911 call with details. I just found it odd that the whole thing was deleted from this website that had been up for a few years now.

You have to look at the TOS. Copy and paste or a link, one thing is allowed, the other one not ... but I can't remember which one, right now! Sorry, worked till 6 am on something and still busy to refill my caffeine level.
I've got a question for you PB...Now I know that you think that MP didn't have enough time to have anything to do with SG going missing. And to be honest I am new here and don't feel like reading every single post that would take days upon days. So I guess I haven't seen anything on what you think happend to SG that night then?
Do you really think that she just ran off and died on her own or are you saying that not MP but someone els had something to do with her going missing?

I honestly think, she ran out there and died. But that was only the beginning of the game. Of course, after all that ruckus, people were curious and I guess, some people went in there to look for her. Remember, that almost 18 months later, when the first wave of the Lynch CPH campaign ran shallow, suddenly a citizen gave LE a hint, starting the search that in the end produced SG's body. So, without hard evidence, it's hard to say, it was that way, but at least, things appear that way to me. Wouldn't be the first time, an SK case triggers some follow up crimes from brave citizens who didn't dare to let out their darker sides till they felt, if they do everybody would anyway blame the SK who, as everybody knows is crazy enough to do anything.
I honestly think, she ran out there and died. But that was only the beginning of the game. Of course, after all that ruckus, people were curious and I guess, some people went in there to look for her. Remember, that almost 18 months later, when the first wave of the Lynch CPH campaign ran shallow, suddenly a citizen gave LE a hint, starting the search that in the end produced SG's body. So, without hard evidence, it's hard to say, it was that way, but at least, things appear that way to me. Wouldn't be the first time, an SK case triggers some follow up crimes from brave citizens who didn't dare to let out their darker sides till they felt, if they do everybody would anyway blame the SK who, as everybody knows is crazy enough to do anything.


PB, I won't ask for a link because I don't believe there is one...but I agree with your thinking that someone must have phoned in a tip (or hint - interesting choice of words btw) as you call it, that led to her discovery...Can you elaborate on that a bit? Tx!

PB, I won't ask for a link because I don't believe there is one...but I agree with your thinking that someone must have phoned in a tip (or hint - interesting choice of words btw) as you call it, that led to her discovery...Can you elaborate on that a bit? Tx!

Well. somewhere in the old threads were posts referring to exactly those links. which means they existed.
And that some people were riding attack after attack on CPH is no secret. The question, everyone avoided is, how far were those people willing to go. We know, they are willing to spend time, even some money on it. So, what is really the limit?
I honestly think, she ran out there and died. But that was only the beginning of the game. Of course, after all that ruckus, people were curious and I guess, some people went in there to look for her. Remember, that almost 18 months later, when the first wave of the Lynch CPH campaign ran shallow, suddenly a citizen gave LE a hint, starting the search that in the end produced SG's body. So, without hard evidence, it's hard to say, it was that way, but at least, things appear that way to me. Wouldn't be the first time, an SK case triggers some follow up crimes from brave citizens who didn't dare to let out their darker sides till they felt, if they do everybody would anyway blame the SK who, as everybody knows is crazy enough to do anything.

I had no idea that a citizen gave LE a hint to were she was. That kinda raises an eyebrow for me. Like I said I need to do lots more reading on this. I feel like I have done all that I can but there still seems to be so much I haven't. Very intresting.
I'm still on the fence. I mean I could see how she ran out there and died. It is very possible. But it's just the 911 call, her saying someone was trying to kill her, the phone call from the doctor to her mother that I can't get over. It just all seems to be to much for me.
I had no idea that a citizen gave LE a hint to were she was. That kinda raises an eyebrow for me. Like I said I need to do lots more reading on this. I feel like I have done all that I can but there still seems to be so much I haven't. Very intresting.
I'm still on the fence. I mean I could see how she ran out there and died. It is very possible. But it's just the 911 call, her saying someone was trying to kill her, the phone call from the doctor to her mother that I can't get over. It just all seems to be to much for me.

The phone call is easy to explain. By all means, it was a call of 23 minutes length and during these 23 minutes not only nobody tried to kill her or stop her from talking to the police, she also managed to run out. So either, someone tried to kill her and had the unbelievable stupidity to do so even after the police was already called knowing, it was no secret where she was, or, the attempt on her life existed only in her imagination.

And CPH? This guy has a 30+ year history of telling wild stories. High IQ, but totally the attention *advertiser censored* with a tendency to butt in everywhere. Probably quite heroic when it comes hard on hard, but more in fantasy land when bored. Someone easy to manipulate into something.
I had no idea that a citizen gave LE a hint to were she was. That kinda raises an eyebrow for me. Like I said I need to do lots more reading on this. I feel like I have done all that I can but there still seems to be so much I haven't. Very intresting.
I'm still on the fence. I mean I could see how she ran out there and died. It is very possible. But it's just the 911 call, her saying someone was trying to kill her, the phone call from the doctor to her mother that I can't get over. It just all seems to be to much for me.

LE denies that they were given a tip about SG's whereabouts. They claim they were just checking out one of the "90 points of interest" mapped out during the original airial search. This new search did occur a day after a number of mafia people were arrested in a prostitution sting. Just a coincidence?
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