POI: Michael Pak

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Oak beach is a secluded area by ocean parkway a rich seculed area. Think about it it’s not uncommon for this to happen when you think about all of what I said and put it together. And on top of that there neighborhood is right behind a major parkway by water where lisk happens to burry his victims. To me this is not a strange coincidence. Once again if my theroy is correct I could be wrong.
anonymous.. thanks for your input. Question.. did you, or any others you know in the business have a felony history of human trafficking? IF you or anyone did, Would that change how you would react if the girl you drove there broke down, called 911 and was so out of her mind that even you couldnt get her to calm down? Pak and shannon had a history so it wasnt like she didnt know her driver. She did. so if she was really that out of control to no longer trust him and he realized that.... thoughts?
Hmmmm. This is a hard one because where catagorizing people. Me personally no It wouldn’t change how i reacted but you have to understand the way I worked. With me it was safety first, I would tell the girl if she smelled something heard something I don’t care what and it made her feel something was not right she was to tell me and we would not do the call. What your asking is hard to answer some drivers are dirt bags some girls are dirtbags so it’s hard to say. I will tell you this most escort agency’s don’t want felons working for them and if they get a felony while working there fired. Now independent is different. Pak and SG knew each other but if SG was trying to rob Pak and Pak found out she may have freaked out to get back in his car. I don’t think her fear was justified but to her it was what I mean buy that is if she was robing Pak and JB they probly where not gonna make as big deal as she thought . I can honestly say that this is a industry where regardless of what people here everyone wants to just go home most will take a loss and go home with no problems belive it or not the girl has a lot more say then most think if she doesn’t have a pimp and even then she can dictate if she don’t have a gurrial pimp. Gurrial pimps are the real traffickers maby not in the eyes of the the criminal injustice system but in the real world they are, So no I don’t think the felony record has much to do with it it’s person to person thing . I know felons in the industry that the girl robed and they just wouldn’t work with her. Where talkin about $100 or so here man really now iam sure there are dirt bags out there that will try a get back at a girl for doing that but most don’t care, let her go and work with a different girl.
If it was me I never would have gone to a call on oak beach. Due to the geography. But I operated differently then most drivers I also have a background in privet Investigations so I view things different
A few points
a) Would SG likely try to 'hustle' Pak who she knew well, who was a friend of her boyfriend, and was her only means back to her home?

Remember she did not even know where she was when at Oak Beach.

b) Would she try to 'hustle' Brewer a known customer, at his house? I believe most 'hustles' take place with out-of-towners in hotel rooms, or at least at a place where the girl has control and easy escape.
Yes I belive SG would try and hustel Pak and JB if she could. But you are right that most hustel take place in a area the girl can escape however it can be any client does not have to be out of towners. But to be honest most girls aren’t like that it does happen though. I don’t know SG personality, but I don’t trust everything these girls say ither. But I see your point and honestly idk, those are my two theroys it’s very wierd for a girl to do that in that area but if she did it would make sense how everything went down. But your right it doesn’t make sense for her to do it in a area she doesn’t know your right there. But to me it makes perfect sense for her to hustel JB, but not on a deserted island. If not this then what is your theroy if what happened?
Also idk if you are from the area but even if SG JB had nothing to do with LISK that doesn’t mean that someone in the OB area is not involved. A coincidence of this sort is rare but we need to look at the geography of this area, if a coincidence of this sort would take place this is the area for it happen. And I belive OB is still under investigation. Now on the LISK Facebook page some guy points out who the LISK could be and he believes it’s tied to the AC killing and the LISK is politically affiliated or related.
Anonymous19, thanks for your response. You asked about my theory so here it is summarized.

a) Something frightened Shannan at Brewer's house, she got scared and called 911, then Brewer told her to leave, got Pak and then Shannan ran.

b)I think that MP was chasing SG and either intentionally or accidentally incapacitated or killed Shannan.

c)I think that Pak might have known Dr. Hackett and asked him for help, and then Pak left Oak Beach.

d) I have no reason to believe that either Pak, Hackett or Brewer are the LISK, however they could be or know him. The LISK might have been present at Brewers's house and he could have scared Shannan.

e) The only reason people seem to link Shannan's case with the LISK is that the LISK's victims were found while the Police were aware that Shannan was missing. Remember the police accidently found the first body on a training exercise on the Parkway. At that point they were not even aware there was a serial killer operating in the area.

f) Supposedly Pak claims he was paid, so Shannan did not hustle him. Brewer never stated that Shannan tried to hustle him. If she had it would be reasonable for him to state that fact and say that is why he threw her out. But as far as I know he did not do that. It is my understanding that Brewer may have paid Pak directly, but I do not know for sure.

g) I think it is very important to hear the whole 911 tape, and know exactly who was in Brewer's house that night. That information will lead to solving this case.
Thanks for you input ,Yes this is a interesting theroy I agree with some points. Now from what I here LE where not doing random training they where tiped off and looking for bodies but who tiped then off. Now you also have to look into the fact that Brewer may not have wanted to discus getting hustled and money openly due to prostitution laws the way it works is wierd there’s loopholes etc. so he may have not wanted to talk about money but I don’t know I have to go back and look into JB statements, now as far as Pak knowing Hacket why do you think that. I truly belive police where tiped off on the bodies I also belive they have know there has been a serial killer since the late 90s early thousands. Now when you say Present at JB are you referring to the Drifter that guy that’s was in the house. Also just throwing this out there sometimes if there are two guys in te house they both wanna time with the girl and usely they don’t wanna pay more that could have happened as well.
As far as Pak knowing Hackett, I derived that from how Hackett inserted himself in the case by calling Mari, Shannan's mother.

When a wrongful death suit was launched against Hackett, it stated Hackett rendered care to Shannan, and this was corroborated, by what Hacket said to Mari. No matter what kind of lawyer John Ray is, he is not going to the expense and time to initiate a lawsuit unless there is some sort of chance of some kind of win.

We know that Pak and Alex Diaz when they went searching at Oak Beach a day or two after Shannan disappeared, they met with Hackett. I find that unusual the only person they had contact with, that is reported anywhere in the media is Hackett. It makes sense if Pak and Hackett knew each other that Pak would visit with Hackett.

Finally we know that last place both Pak and Shannan were seen was on the road to Hackett's house. So it would be easy for both Pak, Shannan and Hackett to meet that night. Hackett allegedly told Mari he treated Shannan.

Regarding people at Brewer's house when Shannan was present. There has been speculation over the years that some members of Suffolk County Law Enforcement might have been present. If some additional men were present it could explain some missing details. Details like was the presence of these additional men the source of Shannan's fear?
If there were additional men there were they associated for criminal purposes?
Very interesting and yes you may be on to something with the additional men in JB house. As far as Pak knowing Hackket it’s possible based on what you say but iam not entirely sure I feel that way. Pak and Hackett could have met each other that night and Hackett seems a bit outgoing due to his outgoing nature when Pak went back to OB he may have felt comfortable going to Hackett. Now it’s still strange Hackett call Sg mom and then denying it , but I think it’s possible that Shannon gave Hackett the number when she ran to his house. Unless Hackket took SG phone idk, very strange. But OB is still under investigation and now that girl came out and said the other JB was there partying one night James Burk. A lot of JB here another strange coincidence in this. James Burk Jim Bisset John Bitrolf Joe Brewer
The other thing I saw here was that people thought Pak could be involved because JB contacted Pak phone most likely when they posted the ad the simply just used Paks number for the night.
LE already told us, they want the help of the escort community in solving this case. MP will not be indicted, btw, he didn't commit a crime unless he was provably aware that SG was taking money in exchange for sexual acts, and not just her time and that he assisted in the crime.

You're wrong. Pak did commit a few crimes that night.

a) Brewer booked the date with Pak, not SG, it's even in the Suffolk County legislature from May 5, 2011
confiming that Brewer contacted Pak directly;

b) accepting the money from Brewer (Brewer let Pak in OB at gate) Brewer paid up front or SG doesn't enter the house;

c) driving Shannan to a john's house for purposes of prostitution is a crime;

d) being a 3rd party to benefit from Shannan being prostituted is a crime; the sale of a human being is trafficking;

e) Pak has said he saw her fleeing for her life and he did nothing to help her, she died;

2nd degree (involuntary) manslaughter. Pak acted recklessly. He could be facing 25 years if Spota had any
common sense at all. But we all know who Spota is the sugar daddy of, right?
Sex Trafficking (18 U.S.C. § 1591)

• Recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing, obtaining, maintaining, advertising, soliciting, or patronizing a person ;

  • Knowing, or in reckless disregard of the fact, that the victim will be caused to engage in a commercial sex act

Doesnt explain why she ended up dead under the circumstances her remains were found in. Next

Of course it does. She was on drugs, having a psychotic episode and probably in the process of ODing. Running out into the swamp, it would be easy to die from exposure or simply from ODing out there.
Oak beach is a secluded area by ocean parkway a rich seculed area. Think about it it’s not uncommon for this to happen when you think about all of what I said and put it together. And on top of that there neighborhood is right behind a major parkway by water where lisk happens to burry his victims. To me this is not a strange coincidence. Once again if my theroy is correct I could be wrong.

Some of the bodies found out there were related, but others were not. It is just a remote area that was convenient to dump bodies. There is no reason to think that those bodies have anything to do with SG.

A SK is not going to be dumping bodies in his/her back yard. It attracts too much attention. The SK responsible for at least some of the remains found along that road is likely someone familiar with the area but who does not actually live there.
A few points
a) Would SG likely try to 'hustle' Pak who she knew well, who was a friend of her boyfriend, and was her only means back to her home?

Remember she did not even know where she was when at Oak Beach.

b) Would she try to 'hustle' Brewer a known customer, at his house? I believe most 'hustles' take place with out-of-towners in hotel rooms, or at least at a place where the girl has control and easy escape.

Probably not. Pak was connected to her, cheating him out of what would be a trivial amount compared to her overall take would have been stupid and pointless. If Brewer was a regular customer, or someone she periodically saw, she would not be trying to hustle him either, because the repeat customers are the ones the girls value. They represent the least amount of work and risk for the escort, so they have preferred status over someone the girl has not seen before. If an escort has an appointment with a new customer, and a regular calls wanting to see her, the new customer will get bumped for sure. She will make some excuse or simply not show up for the appointment (or not answer the door/phone if it is an incall). It sounds like the appointment with Brewer was a long one, which means it cost a lot, and she would not be trying to rip off a customer like that.

From an escort's point of view, you would want regulars who hire you for multi-hour appointments, that is kind of like the jackpot in the escort world.
As far as Pak knowing Hackett, I derived that from how Hackett inserted himself in the case by calling Mari, Shannan's mother.

When a wrongful death suit was launched against Hackett, it stated Hackett rendered care to Shannan, and this was corroborated, by what Hacket said to Mari. No matter what kind of lawyer John Ray is, he is not going to the expense and time to initiate a lawsuit unless there is some sort of chance of some kind of win.

We know that Pak and Alex Diaz when they went searching at Oak Beach a day or two after Shannan disappeared, they met with Hackett. I find that unusual the only person they had contact with, that is reported anywhere in the media is Hackett. It makes sense if Pak and Hackett knew each other that Pak would visit with Hackett.

Finally we know that last place both Pak and Shannan were seen was on the road to Hackett's house. So it would be easy for both Pak, Shannan and Hackett to meet that night. Hackett allegedly told Mari he treated Shannan.

Regarding people at Brewer's house when Shannan was present. There has been speculation over the years that some members of Suffolk County Law Enforcement might have been present. If some additional men were present it could explain some missing details. Details like was the presence of these additional men the source of Shannan's fear?
If there were additional men there were they associated for criminal purposes?

It is not corroborated. The person making the accusation can't use their own accusation as corroboration for their accusation. We don't really know what Hackett said, if anything at all.

Lawyers will do lots of things even if their is little chance of a direct payout. The publicity they get for taking on a case like this will pay back many fold over with other clients who will hire them as a result of hearing about them in the news. Concluding that there was a real case based simply on Ray getting involved is not really a good idea. Some lawyers do that all the time, Gloria Alred is one who springs to mind. The clients you see her representing on TV for the most part likely don't pay her anything, but the publicity that comes from being on TV gets her a whole lot of other clients who DO pay her. That is why you see her on TV all the time, she does it for a reason, and that reason is not altruism.

I don't find it weird that Hackett would be involved in subsequent events. Every neighborhood has the local self important blowhard who feels the need to get involved and take charge when something happens. If the police were there to investigate calls made by locals when SG was running around, and then the next day or two Pak was wandering around looking for her, it should not be too surprising that someone like Hackett encountered him and got involved at that point to assist.
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