POI: Michael Pak

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Truth et al.

I see there has been a re-focusing on CPH as the LISK.

However we are not going to get an arrest if he is the LISK unless there is some hard evidence or testimony.

The DA is not going go to court unless he has a winnable case. Real incriminating evidence, not just circumstantial evidence.

This is why I think the emphasis should be on locating MP. We know where CPH is, chances are that LE is keeping a close eye on him.

I am pretty sure that MP is not the LISK but knows a lot of info, and could very well lead to the arrest of the LISK.

I know I am starting to sound like a broken record,


Sleuths if you have looked and cannot locate him, that too is valuable info, Could MP be LISK victim # ??????

Truth et al.

I see there has been a re-focusing on CPH as the LISK.

However we are not going to get an arrest if he is the LISK unless there is some hard evidence or testimony.

The DA is not going go to court unless he has a winnable case. Real incriminating evidence, not just circumstantial evidence.

This is why I think the emphasis should be on locating MP. We know where CPH is, chances are that LE is keeping a close eye on him.

I am pretty sure that MP is not the LISK but knows a lot of info, and could very well lead to the arrest of the LISK.

I know I am starting to sound like a broken record,


Sleuths if you have looked and cannot locate him, that too is valuable info, Could MP be LISK victim # ??????


LE took care of all that along time ago, MP has been debriefed multiple times, poly, cooperation etc. The bottle that requires uncorking is cph... And we know LE has questioned that individual a number of times. I think that we are presently at a stage where LE is reinterviewing the oak beach residents who witnessed events on May 1 and are emphasizing the word obstruction. LE will have more cooperation now.
LE took care of all that along time ago, MP has been debriefed multiple times, poly, cooperation etc. The bottle that requires uncorking is cph... And we know LE has questioned that individual a number of times. I think that we are presently at a stage where LE is reinterviewing the oak beach residents who witnessed events on May 1 and are emphasizing the word obstruction. LE will have more cooperation now.

Biased speculation.
One could say the same thing for CPH after all.
LE took care of all that along time ago, MP has been debriefed multiple times, poly, cooperation etc. The bottle that requires uncorking is cph... And we know LE has questioned that individual a number of times. I think that we are presently at a stage where LE is reinterviewing the oak beach residents who witnessed events on May 1 and are emphasizing the word obstruction. LE will have more cooperation now.

Everything you say above that has cleared MP also occurred for CPH who from LE's point of view is not a suspect.

I hope you are right and LE is re-interviewing the Oak Beach residents. My concern is LE ever being able to locate MP to re-interview him.

Everything you say above that has cleared MP also occurred for CPH who from LE's point of view is not a suspect.

Get the facts straight, CPH refused the poly, JB and MP did not. Refused poly, SG's possessions recently found on the border of his property line, SG found in his personal hangout under his observation deck. Not a suspect Windsor? Right. Just a "helpful individual". ;)
Get the facts straight, CPH refused the poly, JB and MP did not. Refused poly, SG's possessions recently found on the border of his property line, SG found in his personal hangout under his observation deck. Not a suspect Windsor? Right. Just a "helpful individual". ;)

Did the police actually ask him to take a polygraph?
Get the facts straight, CPH refused the poly, JB and MP did not. Refused poly, SG's possessions recently found on the border of his property line, SG found in his personal hangout under his observation deck. Not a suspect Windsor? Right. Just a "helpful individual". ;)


Could you please provide a link that confirm that Peter Hackett "refused the poly " ?

I will accept your statement that 'he refused' and assume he was asked to take a polygraph. But I would like some verification that he was asked.

BTW I myself would refuse to take a polygraph because so many times they are inconclusive or just plain wrong. I also believe that polygraphs are not admissible in New York state courts for that reason.

CPH may be involved with SG's death somehow. If he killed her he would have to done it after MP left Oak Beach, because MP was trailing SG until she disappeared and then MP left.

If CPH did get SG, he would have been have to be very careful that MP did not see them (CPH & SG).

That no other residents saw them.

That SG would have to be immobilized well enough that she could not call out for help.

CPH would have had to have secured SG in his home while LE was searching the neighborhood.

Truth I can see your focus with CPH, but I do not understand why you dismiss MP's involvement so readily.

Compare MP and CPH in relation to SG's death

1) Criminal Record
2) Lives a Criminal Lifestyle
3) No links to a family or residence
4) Has served prison time
5) Brought SG to Oak Beach
6) Was trying to get SG into his vehicle
7) SG was running away from him
8) Had a motive to harm SG ( she may have not wanted to pay MP his fee)
9) Current domicile unknown

CPH could be the LISK, but in relationship to SG'd demise I will restate that MP is a stronger POI. Plus I believe MP can shed light on CPH's SK activities if they exist.

CPH did phone SG's family and say he knew that SG went to rehab. That is terribly incriminating in my eyes. When LE was looking for SG that morning did CPH tell the officer the same story, about SG being in rehab?

One scenario that MP never mentioned that might have happened. MP and CPH have some sort of 'relationship' or 'understanding'. SG is running from MP and is intercepted by CPH.

MP is told by CPH "I will take over from here".

MP agrees and goes home. MP is the only person who can incriminate CPH. He has never said anything about CPH, is he afraid of CPH?

I would have to disagree with you about MP being the only one who could incriminate CPH. I think there are many people in OB who are protecting CPH and what they know. I hate to keep saying please read through the threads but it would take hours to point out to you all we have discovered over the last year about OB and the its residents. There is Gus, there is JB, there is CPH's next door neighbor, the cop. There are the people he told he gave SG a sedative, there are the people who destroyed the film in the cameras at the security gate. There is Barbara Brennan who would not let Shannan in, but called LE.
I would have to disagree with you about MP being the only one who could incriminate CPH. I think there are many people in OB who are protecting CPH and what they know. I hate to keep saying please read through the threads but it would take hours to point out to you all we have discovered over the last year about OB and the its residents. There is Gus, there is JB, there is CPH's next door neighbor, the cop. There are the people he told he gave SG a sedative, there are the people who destroyed the film in the cameras at the security gate. There is Barbara Brennan who would not let Shannan in, but called LE.

Do you have any links that support the following assertions?

"There are the people he told he gave SG a sedative,"

"there are the people who destroyed the film in the cameras at the security gate."

What exactly are you trying to say here?

"I hate to keep saying please read through the threads but it would take hours to point out to you all we have discovered over the last year about OB and the its residents. There is Gus, there is JB, there is CPH's next door neighbor, the cop."
MP is a snake. Gc is caught in a web...that guy has been poking his nose into other peoples business since his conception.
MP is a snake. Gc is caught in a web...that guy has been poking his nose into other peoples business since his conception.

Are you basing that on what you've read in the news or do you know him personally? How did he butt his nose in? SG knocked on his door.

Could you please provide a link that confirm that Peter Hackett "refused the poly " ?

I agree that polys are garbage, except what we can learn from someone's decision to not take one. Its on the last page of the second letter he sent to 48 hrs. I do not think this forum should have to provide the backup for data that has been corroborated months ago. This is very old news. My new policy is just to say, do the hw, this is all in the threads already.

The whole investigation is different now that SG and her posessions have been found.


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I will accept your statement that 'he refused' and assume he was asked to take a polygraph. But I would like some verification that he was asked.

BTW I myself would refuse to take a polygraph because so many times they are inconclusive or just plain wrong. I also believe that polygraphs are not admissible in New York state courts for that reason.

CPH may be involved with SG's death somehow. If he killed her he would have to done it after MP left Oak Beach, because MP was trailing SG until she disappeared and then MP left.

If CPH did get SG, he would have been have to be very careful that MP did not see them (CPH & SG).

That no other residents saw them.

That SG would have to be immobilized well enough that she could not call out for help.

CPH would have had to have secured SG in his home while LE was searching the neighborhood.

Truth I can see your focus with CPH, but I do not understand why you dismiss MP's involvement so readily.

Compare MP and CPH in relation to SG's death

1) Criminal Record
2) Lives a Criminal Lifestyle
3) No links to a family or residence
4) Has served prison time
5) Brought SG to Oak Beach
6) Was trying to get SG into his vehicle
7) SG was running away from him
8) Had a motive to harm SG ( she may have not wanted to pay MP his fee)
9) Current domicile unknown

CPH could be the LISK, but in relationship to SG'd demise I will restate that MP is a stronger POI. Plus I believe MP can shed light on CPH's SK activities if they exist.

CPH did phone SG's family and say he knew that SG went to rehab. That is terribly incriminating in my eyes. When LE was looking for SG that morning did CPH tell the officer the same story, about SG being in rehab?

One scenario that MP never mentioned that might have happened. MP and CPH have some sort of 'relationship' or 'understanding'. SG is running from MP and is intercepted by CPH.

MP is told by CPH "I will take over from here".

MP agrees and goes home. MP is the only person who can incriminate CPH. He has never said anything about CPH, is he afraid of CPH?


Because we know we have a methodical, secretive, plotting, serial killer who pays 1500 for "an overnight" or whatev con he chooses to tells them. It does not follow then that we have someone buying women with the intent to kill and that the buyer and seller are aware of said plot.

There is someone who has been committing murder for 15+ years in that area and I do not believe he is working with anyone when it comes to the actual murder, there may be overlap with the non-murder activities but we have no information that points in that direction.

And if there are sex partys happening at someone's house at oak beach and have been happening for years, it still doesn't follow that the party was involved in murder of the girls. I could see the guys who attend these partys not wanting to talk because they are a bunch of pu$$ys who took part in the partys and can now with hindsight realize the truth (all the girls that party attendant X brought to the party are dead in the brush) but I don't believe that there was a conspiracy to murder, their stories would have folded after the first interrogation.

There are lots of criminals Windosr, and lots, I mean lots, of people involved in prostitution. Those people are apples.
There is a Sadistic Sexual Serial Killer. That person is an orange. There is virtually no correlation between these 2 groups.

So why speculate on something we don't have information on?
MP is obviously on the shady side but I don't think he is a killer for several reasons. First of all, he has been cleared by LE. Being he was one of the last people to see SG alive, LE must have investigated him thoroughly. Also, he drives the escort because of the money so it wouldn't make sense for him to eliminate a source of income. Escorts and their non-pimp drivers are usually friends and the driver will be protective of the escort. His job is to protect her if anything goes wrong with a client. If he let that happen then escorts wouldn't hire him as their driver. I don't think he would have left SG unless he felt there was nothing else left for him to do. Being that she used drugs, he probably assumed she was just super messed up and would be OK once she slept it off.

I'm sure LE knows where to find him if they need to contact him. Heck if I were him, I'd lay low because of the publicity and unless he has money stashed away to live on he would need to get back to work somewhere he wouldn't be known. Plenty of places for him to go and get right back into driving the escorts. Truthspider is right when he says lots and lots of people are involved in the hobby (prostitution). There would never be a lack of work for a driver.
Truth and Trocse

Thank you for your responses.

Regarding CPH’s willingness to take the polygraph, here is what he said. It does not sound that incriminating to me.

"You asked me why I didn't take a polygraph test. I was willing, but learned that certain health issues that I am being treated for would negate the results."

Trocse, I suggest if you have not already, read the first post in this thread where I outline MP’s motive to harm SG. Escort Drivers are not intrinsically altruistic and virtuous individuals, any more than pimps are. MP did what he did for the money.

Trocse, you are sure that LE “knows where to find him if they need to contact him”. Based on what LE has accomplished in this case so far I think you are overly optimistic in LE’s abilities.


I am not trying to diminish CPH’s involvement in any way, however if CPH is the brilliant SK, he has been quite effective in not leaving any evidence around that could result in his arrest to date. It is my belief that MP, besides his own involvement in SG’s demise, has information and knowledge regarding CPH that would lead to CPH’s arrest.

You can be sure that at the time LE interviewed MP, that they did not question MP about CPH, as at that point CPH was not part of the case.

Truth and Trocse

Regarding CPH’s willingness to take the polygraph, here is what he said. It does not sound that incriminating to me.

"You asked me why I didn't take a polygraph test. I was willing, but learned that certain health issues that I am being treated for would negate the results."

Read up on CPH and his past as a certified sufferer of Liar's Disease, then re-read the letter. It should sound incriminating to you, if someone framed you with a phone call you should be begging to take a poly to clear yourself.

You can be sure that at the time LE interviewed MP, that they did not question MP about CPH, as at that point CPH was not part of the case.


That is certainly an opinion, you are confusing, "his name being in the public arena" with "involvement in the case". He was involved prior to April 11th, 12th, 13th, 2011 when he was aired by MG, LE just didn't want you and I to know. It is called an active ongoing investigation.
Read up on CPH and his past as a certified sufferer of Liar's Disease, then re-read the letter. It should sound incriminating to you, if someone framed you with a phone call you should be begging to take a poly to clear yourself.

That is certainly an opinion, you are confusing, "his name being in the public arena" with "involvement in the case". He was involved prior to April 11th, 12th, 13th, 2011 when he was aired by MG, LE just didn't want you and I to know. It is called an active ongoing investigation.

Not if the police didn't consider me a suspect. If I knew I didn't do it, I wouldn't give a crap what people on the internet said about me.

Nowhere have I read that the police asked him to take a polygraph and he refused.
Windsor, I agree that LE had not done an adequate job investigating SG's and the other girls disappearance because they were escorts. But we don't know what LE knows now so we can only speculate and make logical guesses. Of course MP was the driver for the money. Why else would he drive around and sit in a car in the middle of the night. It was a business agreement between him and SG. SG chose to have a driver in case she met a problem client, otherwise she could have drove herself or offered incall only. If he was a pimp, he would have taken nearly all of SG's donation instead of a third. Being that MP and SG's boyfriend together reported her missing, that makes MP all the less guilty in my eyes.

JB would have had SG's donation ready for her when arrived or she would have left. I think JB is the one who took it back after the commotion started. JB would never admit to paying or having sex with her as not to incriminate himself. First and foremost an escort is a business woman and that donation is to be given up front unless he is a regular client who she knows wont stiff her if she picks up the donation on her way out. MP driving SG is not illegal. JB paying for sex is.

What makes JB and MP look innocent for SG's death is if they wanted to kill her, they could have easily taken the phone away from her at anytime instead of letting her stay on with 911. Neither were going to kill her knowing she called 911 and they would be the investigated.

I cant think of any logical reason for MP to cover for CPH or even know him. Possibly the sex party angel but not likely.Those escorts could make more money seeing one client at a time without working that hard doing a sex party.
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