Police: Boy found hanged in Texas school bathroom

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PrayersForMaura, I've dealt with that too. My father committed suicide and many people believe it or not will tell you that suicides don't go to heaven right to your face. Personally, I don't believe that. Depression is an illness. God doesn't judge you because of an illness. What about alcholics or drug addicts that abuse their bodies to the point of death. I don't think they are exempt from heaven either even though in a way they are killing themselves (just slower and in a more passive way).

This little boy was desperate and depressed. I want to believe that God opened his arms to him once he passed.

Maybe it's silly or I'm just in denial.
When I was in 6th,7th and half of the 8th grade I was a bully. I am very ashamed of that now, and have been since right before my freshman year in high school. I don't know what changed, maybe I just grew up and started thinking for myself?

In my experience, I was smart, popular and well liked by my teachers. It's very hard to explain but I was almost coerced into it by my teachers. It was obvious which kids the teachers didn't care for and there was an unspoken encouragement for the popular kids to make their lives miserable. We were actually given perks after a nasty incident. Like leaving class early, or free time. I never got in trouble. Never. My parents never even knew. I know the victims parents were at the school complaining, I saw them there. I was never even questioned once. It's difficult to see when you're immersed into it 7 hours a day.
PrayersForMaura, I've dealt with that too. My father committed suicide and many people believe it or not will tell you that suicides don't go to heaven right to your face. Personally, I don't believe that. Depression is an illness. God doesn't judge you because of an illness. What about alcoholics or drug addicts that abuse their bodies to the point of death. I don't think they are exempt from heaven either even though in a way they are killing themselves (just slower and in a more passive way).

This little boy was desperate and depressed. I want to believe that God opened his arms to him once he passed.

Maybe it's silly or I'm just in denial.

I'm an atheist, so take what I say with a grain of salt;) That's one of the dumbest thing I've ever heard! and yes, I've heard it many times from the "good" Catholics in my own family. Funny, they're usually the very first ones to proclaim, "God doesn't give a person more than they can handle!" when a person is depressed or going through a particularly rough time. LOL
When I was 11 my 15 year old cousin shot herself in the head. My cousin, her mother, and her husband were doting parents, although there is much more to tell of her story. At any rate, neither of her parents were ever the same for the remainder of their lives. She was an only child, and they never had any others, although both were still young enough at the time of her death. I was very close to her, and numerous people told me she was in hell, etc. etc. The priest at her parish told us that anyone who commits suicide is given the benefit of the doubt, in his opinion, of not having been in their right mind at the time they committed the act of suicide. I was always thankful that they belonged to a parish where the priest interpreted the church laws the way that he did. He was of great comfort to them, as should be. I can remember how traumatic it was for me as I was only 11, and had many cruel things said to me about her. May this poor baby rest in peace.
I am so terrified for my son. He is 7 years old and he is active in scouts so he has lots of friends, but only a couple of them go to his school. I heard him telling his friend that nobody at the school likes him. I know he has friends in school. He is not being bullied as he is the size of a 9/10 year old. I just get scared for how society is these days and what he faces and the scary games they play that could get him killed. I guess I should have a talk with him and tell him these types of games could really hurt him or someone else.
How dare anyone think they know who God wants in heaven.
Prayers for this family, poor little kid. I've worked with some kids with suicide risk, but not this young. It's a real shame that kids so young have such a weight on their shoulders. I hope this is a wake up call to the school about bullying.

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