Police say parents are not answering vital questions

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The way my calculator works tells me it has been over 1008 hours since BL went missing. He parents have talked to LE an average of 15 hours each. That leaves them with 993 hours to rest.

Are you rested enough yet to answer the vital questions they have to ask? Don't want to rush you, Just asking!!!!

Can anyone tell me what the harm would be in going in with your lawyer to talk with LE? Why they would have to be together? Sitting down with LE and your attorney is easy; the lawyer probably won't allow them to talk anyway. So what is the problem here? I feel like I have been banging my head against a wall for 5 weeks and I don't even have any kids...all of this just seems so incredibly self-centered and selfish to me, i.e. let's play stubborn with LE 'cuz they were mean to us, and if Lisa isn't found, oh well. JMO
There is such incredible spin taking place in this case. I have NEVER seen the media, and the public (like on fb -- TONS of sites dedicated to Lisa and help "finding" her) act the way they are in this case....... I mean, I could explode here with how I feel.

I saw the interview today on Fox about the cell phones and I was like "Wow, the parents really may not be involved", and yet MOMENTS later headlines read "Parents considered suspects", but this was via the Irwin's own attorney on being asked "are they considered suspects?" His reply "Well, yeah. Of course. Since day one." - DOH! [insert media running rampant]

There's a problem taking place within this case and it's public speaking 101. We have people running websites and rumor mills that have none, zero, absolute nothing to do with the case. Lawyers saying the wrong thing, media running amok, and most of us here bashing our heads into our keyboards - true story, I did it twice today cause of what I was reading.

This poor child! Where is LISA? *one more head bash*

I don't think I have anything to contribute to these talks anymore cause I can't believe what is said anymore. And Lisa, who really cares about this child?

Sorry for the rant, but its like I have my arms tied over here just watching the public/media meltdowns that are taking place.

*one more head bash*
I didnt know where to put this so I hope I am not to far off topic.

I was finally able to pinpoint what has been bothering me about this case, besides the obvious missing baby. Its the lack of "panic" and urgency (I'm not trying to critique the parents, or say they didnt panic---just MOO).

IMO- the panic I see seems more internal, an more of a 'what do I do now'
(I have never experienced this so I dont know what I would feel so I am not trying to judge--just expressing the "feeling" I get from watching the parents)

The part I feel is lacking, is the scense of urgency & panic. The kind you get when you turn around in the store and your child isnt behind you. You start screaming at the top of your lungs because you dont care what people think. Then your child comes out from behind a rack laughing. You verbally lash out at them as you snatch them up and hug them, crying all the while. You get my point

If you've been there you know what I mean. You could care less that you look like a lunatic, you often outspokenly blame yourself (I shouldnt have taken my eyes off him to look at that watch). I guess what I am saying is your frantic. I know that obviously at some point you cant be that way but IMO I have never see that side of either parent. Please dont bash me. I know everyone deals in different ways but I have seen the above senerio played out on several occasions. (once at the beach where a child was lost for over an hr----the panic and hysteria never subsided until she found that child)
This guy just flat ....omg let me get the video of him saying they ARE SUSPECTS....holy moly!!!!!!!!!

Attorney: Baby Lisa’s Parents Are Now Suspects in Her Disappearance

The most notable remark in Friday’s presser by lawyer John Piscerno came when he responded to a reporter who asked him if his clients were considered suspects by police. Piscerno answered, saying, “They’ve told them as much, sure … Debby in particular.”

video of him saying it there too.


Any guesses how long before he is "fired" uuuhhhh I mean "steps down"????
If all of us feel like this...tired of the spin, tired of the parents not confessing or talking to LE, Can you imagine what LE feels? I am still looking at a run on sentence by their newest attorney and it is a bunch of BS. I'm glad I know my grammar (well pretty well) and I'm glad I had the professor I had in Philosophy who taught us how to break down a speech to figure WTH the politician was saying.

With the reporters grabbing anything and running with it and with attorneys spinning, we all will refine our skills and all this stuff gets so much easier. Look at each word criminal defense attorneys say,...you will be stunned. Listening to them will dazzle you. Read the transcript and you will see the lies.

I don't want this to turn into another ron cummings fiasco. Jeremy is leaning in that direction...however, I think eventually these two will have to have their own separate attorney.
I'll tell you what! If Jeremy saw the box of wine come into the house and he left for work and if he thought DB had a problem with booze, it is likely he wanted to check on her or the kids throughout the evening. He had a job where he could do that too.

He had a phone and DB had a working phone. Not one word about them talking to each other that night. He was supposed to be home around 10:00pm, why didn't she call him to find out what was the problem? He could have been in an accident and DB never tried to call to see where he was?? Not buying it. I wonder if they were having relationship problems.

Why is Jeremy so cozy with DB when she lost his child when she was drunk? That girl might be roadkill if I were he.
Don't see how I can fault the parents for not speaking now. They have lawyered up and so are being managed by their kick *advertiser censored* attorney. Kick *advertiser censored* attorney is doing exactly what kick *advertiser censored* attorneys do. Emotionally, it is an issue but logically it makes perfect sense.
If the parents had anything to do with the child missing, then the child was probably disappeared before the father went to work. The story from the mother, corroborated by the neighbor, is that they got pissed and might not have noticed a baby thief. If the mother got pissed, then she was in no condition to be making babies truly disappear.

Did the neighbor see or hear the baby before the drinking started, or did she simply assume the baby was asleep?
If all of us feel like this...tired of the spin, tired of the parents not confessing or talking to LE, Can you imagine what LE feels? I am still looking at a run on sentence by their newest attorney and it is a bunch of BS. I'm glad I know my grammar (well pretty well) and I'm glad I had the professor I had in Philosophy who taught us how to break down a speech to figure WTH the politician was saying.

With the reporters grabbing anything and running with it and with attorneys spinning, we all will refine our skills and all this stuff gets so much easier. Look at each word criminal defense attorneys say,...you will be stunned. Listening to them will dazzle you. Read the transcript and you will see the lies.

I don't want this to turn into another ron cummings fiasco. Jeremy is leaning in that direction...however, I think eventually these two will have to have their own separate attorney.

Oh whisp, it's like a haunting of Haleigh's case sometimes. I don't like it. Today's defense teams worry me. It doesn't seem balanced. jmo
I don't see this as similar to the case of missing child Haleigh Cummings. Haleigh was supposedly being looked after by two in-love, soon to be married, adults that were either three sheets to the wind or involved with serious drug use, abuse and sales. They perceived themselves as living an underground life and associated with people that were mentally deranged.

With Lisa, we have a couple that is apparently quite normal (except for forgetting to divorce one guy before having a baby with another), well-intentioned but unable to explain their missing child. On the one hand we have the baby thief theory, on the other hand we have collusion between parents suggesting a cover up. Haleigh Cumming's disappearance smells of collusion between cousins so there is a similarity ... of sorts ... but also a significant difference.

Kansas City police have asked for the parents to submit to separate interviews in which tough questions will be asked. Young reiterated Friday that police are not asking for Bradley and Irwin's attorneys to be excluded from the interviews but that the couple not be interviewed together.

The parents have a story that they have put together. In earlier interviews, it was DB that ruled that story. And when JI did speak the story held more contradictions. IMO

LE says that they need to have an interview with them separately. Now, if they were not guilty, they should have no problem with this. But JI and DB are scared of getting the story wrong. Nevermind the fact that the longer they keep silent, the longer it will take to find BL.

The boys have finally been interviewed but I think they had to agree to it as I bet LE had something in place to make sure they did get interviewed. I don't think having the boys interviewed was done willingly. I have to wonder too why the boys are at the relatives now. Was CPS already involved?

One other thing that bothers me is, why are they not allowing DNA to be taken from the boys? Is there DNA in that house that will show who an accomplice might be?

Their lawyers are spinning stories on Fox and ABC news, the very channels that they have agreements with. Now the story has gotten all so confused that we don't even know what is correct and what is not. This is what lawyers do. They are trying to make sure their clients get a fair trial, if they are charged, and are trying to get the public off of DB and JI.

The PI is doing nothing to find BL, but is right there spinning stories too. I thought he was hired to find this sweet baby? The public is doing more than the parents and their PI to find Lisa. This is their baby and they are whining because LE was hard on them in interrogation? Come on! A baby, your baby DB and JI, is missing!!! Why are you not helping to find her?

This whole case is heartbreaking and I sure the heck hope that this case does get solved and someone pays for what happened to BL.

The parents have a story that they have put together. In earlier interviews, it was DB that ruled that story. And when they JI did speak the story held more contradictions. IMO

LE says that they need to have an interview with them separately. Now, if they were not guilty, they should have no problem with this. But JI and DB are scared of getting the story wrong. Nevermind the fact that the longer they keep silent, the longer it will take to find BL.

The boys have finally been interviewed but I think they had to agree to it as I bet LE had something in place to make sure they did get interviewed. I don't think having the boys interviewed was done willingly. I have to wonder too why the boys are at the relatives now. Was CPS already involved?

One other thing that bothers me is, why are they not allowing DNA to be taken from the boys? Is there DNA in that house that will show who an accomplice might be?

Their lawyers are spinning stories on Fox and ABC news, the very channels that they have agreements with. Now the story has gotten all so confused that we don't even know what is correct and what is not. This is what lawyers do. They are trying to make sure their clients get a fair trial, if they are charged, and are trying to get the public off of DB and JI.

The PI is doing nothing to find BL, but is right there spinning stories too. I thought he was hired to find this sweet baby? The public is doing more than the parents and their PI to find Lisa. This is their baby and they are whining because LE was hard on them in interrogation? Come on! A baby, your baby DB and JI, is missing!!! Why are you not helping to find her?

This whole case is heartbreaking and I sure the heck hope that this case does get solved and someone pays for what happened to BL.


I disagree -I don't think their silence, or complete cooperation with interrogation, will have any bearing at all on whether Lisa is ever found again.

I also think that it's inevitable that there will be further discrepancies in their stories on re-interview. It's inevitable - they're two different people, time has passed, there will be things in the story that don't match up.

But, in my opinion, that doesn't mean they're lying or harmed Lisa.
I disagree -I don't think their silence, or complete cooperation with interrogation, will have any bearing at all on whether Lisa is ever found again.

I also think that it's inevitable that there will be further discrepancies in their stories on re-interview. It's inevitable - they're two different people, time has passed, there will be things in the story that don't match up.

But, in my opinion, that doesn't mean they're lying or harmed Lisa.

Till LE proves me wrong, I totally believe that especially DB and by now LI knows what happened to BL, otherwise they would be spilling their guts out right now. They do not want the truth known..... MOO!
Yes, the parents need to clear up some questions LE has. There is no doubting that. What I am not understanding is this nonsense that the parents attys have stated they will come in together with representation, why cant LE just take what they have offered then worry about more later. I am not understanding this game of tit-for-tat. ie: I really want to be able to do some extensive work on my house, but that is not what I can have, so I fix what is needed and not just what I want to fix. Sometimes you just have to take what you can get then worry about the rest later.
It makes sense for them to be interviewed separately.

According to the timeline, JI only got in at 3:30. He had half and hour at home so he knows what he did during that half and hour before he called 911.

DB was home at 5 pm until JI got home. She should know what happened during the time she was home.

WHY DOES JI NEED TO BE THERE WHILE SHE IS BEING INTERVIEWED?????? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE THAT HE BE WITH HIS WIFE DURING HER INTERVIEWS WITH POLICE. HE WASN'T THERE. SHE WAS AT HOME. To throw the cops a bone about what happened that night is not good enough. A child is gone. Comply with police, please.
Yes, the parents need to clear up some questions LE has. There is no doubting that. What I am not understanding is this nonsense that the parents attys have stated they will come in together with representation, why cant LE just take what they have offered then worry about more later. I am not understanding this game of tit-for-tat. ie: I really want to be able to do some extensive work on my house, but that is not what I can have, so I fix what is needed and not just what I want to fix. Sometimes you just have to take what you can get then worry about the rest later.

In da Middle I totally get what you are saying, however, I understand what LE is wanting.
IMO LE believes that one or other will say something they wouldnt say if the other one was present.
If their lawyer is there why not do it?
That lawyer is gonna stop anything that the couple is uncomfortable with.
MOO get it over with and lets move on JMO
In da Middle I totally get what you are saying, however, I understand what LE is wanting.
IMO LE believes that one or other will say something they wouldnt say if the other one was present.
If their lawyer is there why not do it?
That lawyer is gonna stop anything that the couple is uncomfortable with.
MOO get it over with and lets move on JMO
I agree. I totally understand what LE is wanting too and I personally don't understand why they cant do this individually with a lawyer present. What I don't understand is why not at least work with what is offered. If they are willing to do this, then just maybe they will do individual later.
It makes sense for them to be interviewed separately.

According to the timeline, JI only got in at 3:30. He had half and hour at home so he knows what he did during that half and hour before he called 911.

DB was home at 5 pm until JI got home. She should know what happened during the time she was home.

WHY DOES JI NEED TO BE THERE WHILE SHE IS BEING INTERVIEWED?????? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE THAT HE BE WITH HIS WIFE DURING HER INTERVIEWS WITH POLICE. HE WASN'T THERE. SHE WAS AT HOME. To throw the cops a bone about what happened that night is not good enough. A child is gone. Comply with police, please.

My bolding

For me that's the bottom line. Their child is still out there for over a month, no one knows if she might be going through unspeakable things right now.

It isn't like when the the Ramseys refused to cooperate, Jon Benet's body was found, everyone knew she was deceased, stalling that investigation wasn't going to bring JB back.

LE needs separate interviews, stalling by defense attorneys or playing let's make a deal is only hindering THEIR child's possible recovery. It's their choice. Who's running the investigation, do the parents really think that JT is going to find their baby? Unless they know it's already too late, then yes, continue to stall.

No where does it state that it's their right to have combined interviews.

I have heard the theories that LE wants to interview the parents separately because LE will try to plot one parent against another, that it would be easier for one parent to confess if the other isn't present, or that it's just more intimidating for the parents to be alone.

While any and all variations of the above may be true there is still an obvious, much less manipulative reason why it would be advantageous to interview them separately. Alone, each parent would answer questions with their own words, recollections, thoughts and interpretation of the events. When any and all information could hold great value, it is important to collect as many views of the events as possible. One parent might recall and share something that seems unimportant at the time but proves to be of great value in moving the case forward.

When two people are answering questions together, it is likely that one will answer and the other will agree, disagree and maybe add a fact they think might be significant. But neither will be as detailed in their answers or have the opportunity to give their 100% personal view of the events. Because sitting together and answering together they are providing a "group" view, consciously or not. With most couples I know, there is a leader/follower, talker/quiet balance that is set in place. I can see how that could interfere with information gathering in a group session.

Of course there will be differences in their memories and interpretations but there should be because they will process the input in different ways. It doesn't mean the differences are right or wrong or sinister. It just means there are more details available to LE with which to work. . . and this, IMO, would be a good thing.
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