POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Oh no problem :)

I've been up all night, piddling about, already did my weeks' grocery shopping (at 5 am lol) ... my mind is a bit fuzzy right now.

Still looking. Sorry to confuse you with someone else. It's in the Kyron forum somewhere, unless I dreamed it. I am going thread to thread so bare with me, or assume I have lost it already.

ETA: Ok, I am nuts. I can't find it yet. I thought a man (not too old) tried to kidnap a boy, and the boy got away. I thought I was reading the comments under the article and some were retracting stepmom did it and saying oh maybe it was this guy. There was only one post by someone. Now I think it does not exist. Ack! Or my scrolling finger is too stupid to know where it was. I will still look.
I have a hard time believing that TH did this myself. Mainly because from what I have seen of things she has done I think she would messed it enough that she would have been arrested from the get go whether it was an accident or intentional.

Sometimes I do wonder though because of KH mentioning they had some marriage problems whether either one of they have an ex-lover or the spouse of one that was out for revenge. What better way to cause pain for them.

Of course it being a SO is so pausible too.

If we just knew what other reports LE surely has from the school that morning we could narrow it down some. It is so frustrating!!!
Calliope, I think I saw you at the grocery store, lol.

A random thought about TH and this entire case- didn't know where else to place it:

If the rumor of TH abusing alcohol is true, do we know if LE observed anything to that nature when she and KH arrived at Skyline on June 4th?

I'm thinking that leaving the school at 8:45am might explain needing to see the science fair early, needing to find a liquor store that opens at 9am, driving aimlessly, not picking Kyron up from school (knowing she shouldn't drive by then) and leaving the house shortly after KH to meet the bus (one last drink, or to brush the teeth.)

Just a thought. IME, LE usually is pretty astute when it comes to that type of observation...but could that have been clouded by the time lapse, as well as the frantic search for Kyron?

OMG that is a new one! I thought I had thought of every scenario but this new one for me and I could even see that now too. Sadly a lot of alcoholics will drive around aimlessly just to drink but would she do that we K in the car?
OMG that is a new one! I thought I had thought of every scenario but this new one for me and I could even see that now too. Sadly a lot of alcoholics will drive around aimlessly just to drink but would she do that we K in the car?

I don't know. Every alcoholic is different, yet the same.
My brother did. :(
He also worked drinking around a family and graduate school.
He got better grades in law school drinking than when he got sober. :waitasec:
I'm wondering if Kyron became a mini-Kaine in TH's eyes. She figured out she couldn't do anything about her husband without making herself look bad or not get what she wanted out of it, maybe not enough money. Or maybe she was mad at herself for chickening out on the murder for hire. This whole time, the resentment for Kaine is building and building, and who is she taking care of and dealing with everyday besides baby K? Kyron. And maybe, as she's getting angrier and angrier, she's seeing Kaine more and more in Kyron. Not only is Kaine still not giving her enough attention, the little boy she is blaming more and more keeps acting just like him, in her eyes.

And then, this project comes around, and she sees them bond over it, and is furious. More attention away from herself. And she's the one has to lug it to school and such, and keep dealing with Kyron, by now mini-Kaine. What if Kyron did something so Kaine like that she just lost it? She realized she can't get rid of Kaine, but she can't stand to have this mini-Kaine in her face anymore. Kyron's finally done something so Kaine like that someone has to go, and it's not going to her. She can't stand taking care of a kid that reminds her so much of Kaine and that takes Kaine's attention away from her, and also keeps a woman she can't stand, Desiree, in her life.

She starts thinking that without Kyron, her life would be better. Kaine would pay more attention to her. Desiree would be gone. It would just be TH, KH, and baby K (and even J. Maybe she blames Kyron for making J go away too). And when she sees Kyron acting like Kaine, and getting more attention from Kaine, it solidifies her plan even more, justifies it even more in her mind.

What I am saying is, I don't think this is something she came up with overnight. I think there was a rage that was seething below the surface for a long time, at least six months after the MFH plot. And she finally convinced herself that she just couldn't take it anymore, and if she couldn't get rid of Kaine, at least she could get rid of mini-Kaine, Kyron. At least he is someone she has a lot more control over her and is a lot smaller and easier to hide. And heck, while she's at it, why not let the school and a pedophile take the blame for it? She won't be suspected, and she finally gets what she wants. She can then divorce Kaine and get half of everything, or find a way to off him and get his estate.

I also think that planning is a lot different than carrying something out. I think she built herself up in her mind and thought it would be easy. Then she actually did it, and found it it's not as easy as she thought it would be, and she's not as brilliant or brave as she thought she was. And Le is a lot smarter and on to her than she ever thought they'd be. I think the only thing that has gone her way is that Kyron hasn't been found yet.
dot to consider: TMH had the truck on thursday to drop off the project. She also switched cars with him to pick up the project on Friday but didn't do so. The fair was over at 1000 yet she emails the teacher to ask when the projects can be picked up... and it is a FRIDAY. Why wouldn't she pick up the project/Kyron after school?? Why ask for the truck on Friday if she didn't pick up the project? Why email DY and tell her she would let her know when she would have the project so she could see it? All of these things seem like "tracks covering/CYA"...


((oops had one more thought))... is she also using baby K's teething/earrache as an excuse for why she didn't stay until ten and also to give her "reason" to be out driving around in the country for hours?

It is just my opinion, but this seems so planned to me....
My New theory from another thread

I have an interesting theory. What if in TH's (Don't forget just a theory) attempts to find a MFH guy she runs across a real creep who offers to trade Kyron for Kaine. In other words you give me Kyron and I'll take care of Kaine later. Free MFH.

So she has set up the situation so that the teacher doesn't immediately notice when Kyron is not there. She and the guy basically plan for a snatch. She leaves but has second thoughts and is freaking out. Calls DD and doesn't tell her what happened. DD knows something is up but she's not sure what. She tries to get it out of her at her home but Terri is a shut clam. She thinks that she's going to get busted cause the guy is going to get caught. But he never does. Now she knows what happened. But she really doesn't.

Kaine is now in fear of his life because LE have put two and two together. DY and Kaine both think she knows where to find the guy but she's not talking. She's afraid by the time they get to Kyron it will be too late. She knows if they find him dead she's going to jail for life. So she's not saying a word.

How's that for a theory.
dot to consider: TMH had the truck on thursday to drop off the project. She also switched cars with him to pick up the project on Friday but didn't do so. The fair was over at 1000 yet she emails the teacher to ask when the projects can be picked up... and it is a FRIDAY. Why wouldn't she pick up the project/Kyron after school?? Why ask for the truck on Friday if she didn't pick up the project? Why email DY and tell her she would let her know when she would have the project so she could see it? All of these things seem like "tracks covering/CYA"...


((oops had one more thought))... is she also using baby K's teething/earrache as an excuse for why she didn't stay until ten and also to give her "reason" to be out driving around in the country for hours?

It is just my opinion, but this seems so planned to me....

Curious what you think Nurse ... How would Terri have ended Kyron's life? Would she have went back to the house, in the truck or at the site where she left him?
Would there have been any purpose in "improving" Kyron's science project as late as that morning? Was this "island" area close enough to the school that he might have asked her to take him there and back quickly to get tree-frogs or something to enhance the project?

Respectuflly snipped. Not picking on you, stmarysmead, you just happend to have the most recent post that involved looking for tree frogs. There have been a few theories that speculated if Kyron went out looking for a red eyed tree frog. I think we can safely rule this out, as he had just finished a research project on them and would know that there aren't any in Oregon. They live in "rainforests from southern Mexico, through Central America, to Northern Colombia." [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agalychnis_callidryas"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agalychnis_callidryas[/ame]

Not saying it's improbable that he wandered off on his own, just wanted to dispell this minor discrepancy. Sorry if it's a bit OCD... I'm a stickler for the details. :blushing:
one thing I cannot figure is, if TH borrowed hubbys truck with intent on picking SF project up in it, why would she not have gone to the school after school to pick up not only the project that borrrowed the truck to carry and Kyron himself?? Why would either she or kaine be looking for him to get off the bus at all, why was it not just the plan to go grab both he and the projcet after school????

arggggg this case is so dang frustrating.
I just read this entire thread (while I was at work, of which I do not care about anymore since the owner piddled away her money and now cant pay the bills and is closing us down, leaving SummerRaye without a job....therefore I can read all the WS I want!!!) and I have to say that you guys are some of the smartest people I know....I mean it. I learn so much and you guys drive me to think outside the box about many different things.

That being said....you have all made me a lil nutz (worse off than before) because all of these theories could ALL HAVE HAPPENED!! From an accidental death (TH accidently hurts Kyron) to selling the kiddo, to all the money issues....they all could pretty much work.

So...i started thinking about money...what if TH and possibly DD, did stash Kyron and are waiting for a big ransom payout? I mean, TH prolly wouldn't get it but DD might (or another friend who was willing to help) and then that way, TH could pay so called MFH person, if she is, in fact still in debt to him?

But with that being said...Kyron would totally spill what had happend, who picked him up, where he was at. ( Maybe...)

I dunno. It was a thought I ran with it and when i finished typing...I didn't really like it anymore.
My New theory from another thread

I have an interesting theory. What if in TH's (Don't forget just a theory) attempts to find a MFH guy she runs across a real creep who offers to trade Kyron for Kaine. In other words you give me Kyron and I'll take care of Kaine later. Free MFH.

So she has set up the situation so that the teacher doesn't immediately notice when Kyron is not there. She and the guy basically plan for a snatch. She leaves but has second thoughts and is freaking out. Calls DD and doesn't tell her what happened. DD knows something is up but she's not sure what. She tries to get it out of her at her home but Terri is a shut clam. She thinks that she's going to get busted cause the guy is going to get caught. But he never does. Now she knows what happened. But she really doesn't.

Kaine is now in fear of his life because LE have put two and two together. DY and Kaine both think she knows where to find the guy but she's not talking. She's afraid by the time they get to Kyron it will be too late. She knows if they find him dead she's going to jail for life. So she's not saying a word.

How's that for a theory.

Now that sounds like movie material to me!!
Originally Posted by oxymoran
It started out as pure hate for Kaine. But by her 40th birthday in March 2010, having failed to have her husband killed,TH reflected that she could be left impoverished if she and Kaine split. ..... Timing was good...Science Fair would create smoke. In any case, school would be out for Summer within days which would put the plan on hold for another 3 months and the co-conspirator needed cash quickly.

I pray that he's still alive and at this point there is no reason to believe he's not.

But, where is the fast cash coming from, for either of them until and if the new lawyer gets some for pics or whatever? Lawsuits can take years. She waited until it had been a month to get a lawyer, who may or may not be getting any money, but it will be to pay him, maybe?
I agree with oxymoran. TH may also know how fast money can come in when something like this happens. Maybe she knew the bucks would come rolling in right away.
The 'cash donations' to the bank bothers me. why the word cash? I have seen how easy it is to get this money. She could have been collecting money from day one. 'poor thing'.
The world knows about this case.
Cell phone on SI could be her mistake, something spooked her and that part didnt go as planned.
My New theory from another thread

I have an interesting theory. What if in TH's (Don't forget just a theory) attempts to find a MFH guy she runs across a real creep who offers to trade Kyron for Kaine. In other words you give me Kyron and I'll take care of Kaine later. Free MFH.

So she has set up the situation so that the teacher doesn't immediately notice when Kyron is not there. She and the guy basically plan for a snatch. She leaves but has second thoughts and is freaking out. Calls DD and doesn't tell her what happened. DD knows something is up but she's not sure what. She tries to get it out of her at her home but Terri is a shut clam. She thinks that she's going to get busted cause the guy is going to get caught. But he never does. Now she knows what happened. But she really doesn't.

Kaine is now in fear of his life because LE have put two and two together. DY and Kaine both think she knows where to find the guy but she's not talking. She's afraid by the time they get to Kyron it will be too late. She knows if they find him dead she's going to jail for life. So she's not saying a word.

How's that for a theory.

Interesting. The most plausible conspiracy theory I've heard.
I've been thinking quite a bit about the wording Desiree and Kaine are using at the press conferences. It is a bit unusual, "stashed" is just not a word that is used much. Seems to me that they are talking in code, and if this has been discussed before let me know. I was curious if anyone else thinks perhaps someone is communicating with LE and giving them instructions as to what KH and DY should say at the press conferences, such as a kidnapper. I watched a show last week where an adult was kidnapped and held for ransom and the kidnappers were communicating through the want-ads in code. This particular person was held for 8 months before he was let go. The kidnappers did settle for a lower ransom, but eventually the man was released. Maybe the day the press conference was supposed to have a "bomb shell" and nothing really happened, and that is why the parents looked so distraught. I also heard KH say that he would gladly change places with Kyron, which also seems (to me) like he was saying "take me and let him go". Maybe TH did something to make this happen, maybe she led people to believe they had quite a bit of money, maybe she got hooked up in some scam on the internet, maybe she lied about KH to someone and they were after him, taking Kyron as revenge. They seem to think that TH is still "executing" this plan. It's just all worded so weirdly to me anyway. I think when the truth is known we will all be stunned.
IIRC, there was a teenage son of TH mentioned - it was said he was troubled. Has anyone looked into this? I'm not saying he is responsible for any of TH's problems, but I think someone brought it into the conversagtion on Nancy Grace, or one of those shows. And after that, it was never mentioned again. Did anyone else hear this?
Maybe the day the press conference was supposed to have a "bomb shell" and nothing really happened, and that is why the parents looked so distraught. I also heard KH say that he would gladly change places with Kyron, which also seems (to me) like he was saying "take me and let him go". Maybe TH did something to make this happen, maybe she led people to believe they had quite a bit of money, maybe she got hooked up in some scam on the internet, maybe she lied about KH to someone and they were after him, taking Kyron as revenge. They seem to think that TH is still "executing" this plan. It's just all worded so weirdly to me anyway. I think when the truth is known we will all be stunned.

I thought the parents looked devastated, as though they had just been given very bad news. What was said during the press conference sure didn't match their demeanor. I thought LE was going to announce that they had found Kyron's body because of that, or that they had found some proof that he had died.

I pray every day that we are stunned because Kyron is found alive and unharmed (as much as any child can be deemed unharmed in his situation).
IIRC, there was a teenage son of TH mentioned - it was said he was troubled. Has anyone looked into this?

He is a minor. I'm sure LE is aware of his situation. I'm also sure that WS members are not allowed to sleuth minors in this case.
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