POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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If you google his name and the words ironoutlaw and auto body, you'll see a poster on the ironoutlaw website identifying himself in a way that is consistent with this person (i.e., as an ex-con in certain states, etc.). The poster claims to have been working at an auto body shop in Portland, at least as of 2/09. I guess he shares a name with a very famous Australian outlaw of yesteryear. Just fwiw...

Wow. Just wow. And did he type that in red? Or is that the website somehow?

Wonder if he's allowed to have a computer. Wonder what's in that google email? Wonder if something in there can get him his third strike? Wonder if officials know of this?
Okay, so he's back in jail and the MCS RSO site hasn't been updated, I guess, since it says updated August and his arrest was September. (?)

Wow is right. That comment about the 3 strikes law.....obviously he's planning on doing something again? Here's the link to that blog, if it's okay to link it, if not, mods please remove.

Okay, so he's back in jail and the MCS RSO site hasn't been updated, I guess, since it says updated August and his arrest was September. (?)

Wow is right. That comment about the 3 strikes law.....obviously he's planning on doing something again? Here's the link to that blog, if it's okay to link it, if not, mods please remove.


People often ask if I am related to Ned Kelly or I get teased about Ned Kelly. Although I have never robbed a train or stage coach I have been in prison 6 times, twice in California, twice in Oregon & twice in Washington, in that order. I have been out since 2002 and finally found a job at an auto body shop here in Oregon. That I know of there is no other Ned Kelley or Ned Kelly in existence. With the three strikes rule in place I wouldn't go visiting California, Oregon or Washington again...

Sounds like he's working the system knowing that not to break more than 2 laws in each three-strike state. Guess that's 2 children per state.

Also, it's kind of scary that he's homeless. He may feel he has nothing to lose.
OOOhhh the wording in red is from the owner of the website. He's the one that said the last sentence.
I sure as carp hope they know where this guy was on June 4. And I hope his alibi is better than Terri's.
Wow. Just wow. And did he type that in red? Or is that the website somehow?

Wonder if he's allowed to have a computer. Wonder what's in that google email? Wonder if something in there can get him his third strike? Wonder if officials know of this?

I haven't looked at it again, but I think the red is a comment from the person whose website it is. Iirc, there are a number of comments in red on other posts, and they seem to be responsive or to comment on the post in question.

eta: sorry, I just now read your post about this. I think you are right, obviously.
Not related to this case, and the premise of the article is false confessions, but nonetheless an interesting article about many issues we've been discussing:

Mr. Lowery took a lie detector test to prove he was innocent, but the officers told him that he had failed it.

“I didn’t know any way out of that, except to tell them what they wanted to hear,” he recalled. “And then get a lawyer to prove my innocence.”


Jim Trainum, a former policeman who now advises police departments on training officers to avoid false confessions, explained that few of them intend to contaminate an interrogation or convict the innocent.

“You become so fixated on ‘This is the right person, this is the guilty person’ that you tend to ignore everything else,” he said.

Not related to this case, and the premise of the article is false confessions, but nonetheless an interesting article about many issues we've been discussing:

Mr. Lowery took a lie detector test to prove he was innocent, but the officers told him that he had failed it.

“I didn’t know any way out of that, except to tell them what they wanted to hear,” he recalled. “And then get a lawyer to prove my innocence.”


Jim Trainum, a former policeman who now advises police departments on training officers to avoid false confessions, explained that few of them intend to contaminate an interrogation or convict the innocent.

“You become so fixated on ‘This is the right person, this is the guilty person’ that you tend to ignore everything else,” he said.


Cypress, if we were to throw out the polygraphs altogether there are still so many reasons to believe that Terri is connected to Kyron's disappearance...there is something so...off...about her.

Try to reconcile the perfect mother and talented teacher image she tried to present with the child endangermant convicted, sexting, lying (weekend Kaine moved out/reporters) reality of her personality.
How could police not question her activities that day closely?
And why wouldn't they be alarmed by an hour or more of uncorroborated time on that day?
Cypress, if we were to throw out the polygraphs altogether there are still so many reasons to believe that Terri is connected to Kyron's disappearance...there is something so...off...about her.

Try to reconcile the perfect mother and talented teacher image she tried to present with the child endangermant convicted, sexting, lying (weekend Kaine moved out/reporters) reality of her personality.
How could police not question her activities that day closely?
And why wouldn't they be alarmed by an hour or more of uncorroborated time on that day?

The child endangerment was related to her DUI, which was an isolated incident. I don't know any parent who hasn't doesn't something incredibly stupid and/or dangerous where their child is concerned. It's awful that it happened, but it was an isolated incident. IMHO, I don't think an isolated DUI has any real bearing on this case.

I'm very wary of posting this, but I'll give you some insight into how I view Terri. IMHO, and without attempting to diagnose Terri, she has some unhealthy views about sex. Perhaps they are related to low self-esteem, perhaps they are related to abuse she's endured. Who knows, but I think these unhealthy views strongly govern her choices about men and how she deals with stressful situations. In general, Terri strikes me as the type of person not very confident about herself. Over the years, she's endeavored in many ways to boost her self-confidence (marriages, body-building, education), but it's something that's never come together for her. Her view of self is very closely connected to her feelings of worth, which is why she wanted to have liposuction, which is why she was worried that Kaine thought she was fat and unattractive. IMHO, her feelings of self-worth are closely related to how loved she feels, etc., which is why her relationships are erratic and not sustainable -- her feelings of self-worth frequently change and what follows is her feeling of being loved frequently changes and causes problems in her relationships. In that way, IMHO, she is needy.

IMHO, Terri isn't lying about how she met Kaine. IMHO, Kaine told her it was over with Desiree and they proceeded with their relationship. Perhaps Kaine told her what she wanted to believe, what made it convenient for her to proceed with their relationship, he provided her with a way to pursue him without feeling guilty, but the fact remains that this is what Kaine told her (in an interview, he explained the relationships this way). Obviously, Desiree has a different viewpoint. Is Desiree wrong in her viewpoint? No, I don't believe she is wrong. I believe it may not be as cut and dry as Kaine made it seem to Terri, though. Is Terri wrong in her viewpoint? No, she's not, IMHO. However, the disparity between what the two women believe is heavily influencing Desiree's overall opinion of Terri, IMHO. From the very beginning, Desiree has believed Terri is a liar. Is she, though? If Terri believed and repeated what Kaine told her about Desiree at the beginning of their relationship, is Terri the liar? No, IMHO, but Desiree obviously believes she is and this belief has governed Desiree's opinion of Terri, perhaps unfairly, for seven years. Additionally, Terri became the primary caregiver for Desiree's son, and I believe we can all agree that this would've been difficult for Desiree. This, too, has influenced, perhaps unfairly, Desiree's opinions of Terri.

For the past seven years, Terri has been attempting to get in Desiree's good graces -- being the go between for Kyron by driving him to Eugene for his weekend visits with Desiree and Tony, being somewhat involved in Desiree's other son's life, taking a lot of pictures of Kyron and tagging Desiree on Facebook, e-mail correspondence with Desiree about Kyron. All of this tells me that Terri wants Desiree to like her. In the aftermath of Kyron's abduction, a lot of things were said, but if you read early news reports, this blended family had handled things rather amiably. There was a lot of talk about making it work for the children, etc. Even though Desiree believes Terri is involved, she's never called Terri a bad mother, she's never claimed that Terri was abusive toward Kyron; in fact, she's said the opposite. She said that although Terri couldn't replace her, Terri has given Kyron what he needed. It's widely reported that Terri loves children, that she was helpful with them, attentive, etc. Desiree and Kaine may believe it's a lie now, because they believe Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, but her actions for seven years told Desiree and Kaine that she loved all the children in this blended family, that she didn't mind caring for them, being involved in their lives, or going the extra mile.

So, then, Kyron disappears. Desiree suspects Terri from the beginning (she admitted this in an interview). But, also IMHO, Desiree's unfairly biased opinions about Terri frame Desiree's mindset from the outset. IMHO, Desiree doesn't keep her feelings a secret. Either verbally or non-verbally Desiree communicates to Terri that she holds her responsible, even if at first it is that Desiree blames Terri because she was the last parent to see Kyron. IMHO, this is what sets off Terri's defensiveness. Five interviews with LE within the first day of Kyron's disappearance wherein they are questioning her whereabouts that day magnifies this feeling in Terri. Terri retreats to a familiar comfort, perhaps her escape -- the Internet, and finds that people are already blaming her, calling her the evil stepmother, etc. (I read these types of comments the first day, in the first articles). This adds up to Terri feeling persecuted. If she is innocent, then of course she feels guilty. She was the last parent to see Kyron. Terri's a talker, she emotes when she's angry or frustrated. She starts acting defensive because she feels like everyone is blaming her. Desiree observes Terri and thinks her being defensive is a sign of her guilt, that she has something to hide. The cycle continues, with Terri feeling persecuted, and Desiree taking Terri's odd actions a sure sign that she's involved.

For the time being, Kaine supports Terri. He can't believe she would hurt Kyron. LE believes Terri's alibi sounds bogus. They press her about it. She takes a polygraph. Because her alibi sounds bogus, LE indicates she failed the poly in an attempt to smoke her out. There's a lot of pressure (financial, social, etc.) on LE to solve this case. Terri tells anyone and everyone who will listen that she failed the poly, but she doesn't understand why, because she was where she says she was.

LE doesn't pass along to Tony, Desiree, or Kaine that they are lying to Terri about the results of her polygraph. The other parents therefore believe she failed. IMHO, it's entirely possible Terri lies at this point, trying to cover her unverifiable time by saying she went to a couple of stores (Alberton's) that she never went to that day. She may or may not have anything to hide, but she can't verify her time either because she really was driving the baby around or because she was engaged in some kind of illegal or illicit behavior unrelated to Kyron. At this point, she panics, not because she is guilty but because she knows the others suspect her. IMHO, the walls closing in on her increases ten-fold if she was engaged in some type of illicit behavior. I believe this is possible, but I also believe at some point she reverts to her original story. She either says she was confused about Alberton's or finds a way to discount the lie and reverts to the story she recounted to her friend via e-mail on June 5. This waffling creates some confusion and suspicion among the other parents and accounts for their comments; however, Terri's timeline is tight, too tight for her to have done this alone, and little by little her initial timeline is verified. At this point, however, LE and Desiree and Tony are convinced Terri is involved. Thus the accomplice theory is born, IMHO.

At this point, she and Kaine begin fighting. He doesn't directly accuse her of anything, but the tacit suspicion is there. Still, though, she puts up a front. Then comes the sting, the RO, the divorce papers, Kaine and baby K leaving. At this point, Terri shuts down, but Michael Cook enters the picture. He starts doing nice things for her around the house; in contrast to the apparent innerworkings of her marriage to Kaine, Michael pays attention to her. He defends her in the press. Most people would get rip-roaring drunk if they were under the amount of stress that Terri was under, but that's not her vice. Alcohol is only a symptom of a larger problem. Also, IMHO, Michael Cook is a plant -- either of his own volition or at the request of someone else. He has information about how to work her over, about how to get the information he wants from her. Perhaps he prods her into sexual conversation, jokes around, perhaps not. I strongly believe sex is Terri's vice -- it's how she gets what she wants from men, it's how she copes, it's how she feels self-worth, it's the way in which she feels valuable in a relationship, etc. So, everything is gone, and she wants to feel something other than blamed for the disappearance of a boy she's raised, and so she engages in this completely inappropriate behavior. And the entire world finds out about it.

The sting and the increasing suspicion on Terri prompts her to hire Houze. For some completely inexplicable reason, Terri's good friend Michael Cook relays their conversations to LE. Houze tells Terri it's his way or the highway. She acquiesces to his demands. He works quietly behind the scenes.

In the absence of any real evidence, this is how I explain Terri and this situation.
I really do agree with most of what you say. I have thought many of the same things. And you said it better than I could have.

I actually don't think Terri took Kyron from the school on that day. But there is a back story here that leads me to believe she knows who did. I think the MFH is the key here....can you work that into your explanation somehow? Do you think LE made it up? Or the LS made it up?
Cypress, if we were to throw out the polygraphs altogether there are still so many reasons to believe that Terri is connected to Kyron's disappearance...there is something so...off...about her.

Try to reconcile the perfect mother and talented teacher image she tried to present with the child endangermant convicted, sexting, lying (weekend Kaine moved out/reporters) reality of her personality.
How could police not question her activities that day closely?
And why wouldn't they be alarmed by an hour or more of uncorroborated time on that day?

I agree citigirl, she shows a pattern of behavior as you mentioned and then factor in the poly & GJ and you don't have to hate Terri (as others have mentioned) etc. to be suspicious...for goodness sakes.
The child endangerment was related to her DUI, which was an isolated incident. I don't know any parent who hasn't doesn't something incredibly stupid and/or dangerous where their child is concerned. It's awful that it happened, but it was an isolated incident. IMHO, I don't think an isolated DUI has any real bearing on this case.

I'm very wary of posting this, but I'll give you some insight into how I view Terri. IMHO, and without attempting to diagnose Terri, she has some unhealthy views about sex. Perhaps they are related to low self-esteem, perhaps they are related to abuse she's endured. Who knows, but I think these unhealthy views strongly govern her choices about men and how she deals with stressful situations. In general, Terri strikes me as the type of person not very confident about herself. Over the years, she's endeavored in many ways to boost her self-confidence (marriages, body-building, education), but it's something that's never come together for her. Her view of self is very closely connected to her feelings of worth, which is why she wanted to have liposuction, which is why she was worried that Kaine thought she was fat and unattractive. IMHO, her feelings of self-worth are closely related to how loved she feels, etc., which is why her relationships are erratic and not sustainable -- her feelings of self-worth frequently change and what follows is her feeling of being loved frequently changes and causes problems in her relationships. In that way, IMHO, she is needy.

IMHO, Terri isn't lying about how she met Kaine. IMHO, Kaine told her it was over with Desiree and they proceeded with their relationship. Perhaps Kaine told her what she wanted to believe, what made it convenient for her to proceed with their relationship, he provided her with a way to pursue him without feeling guilty, but the fact remains that this is what Kaine told her (in an interview, he explained the relationships this way). Obviously, Desiree has a different viewpoint. Is Desiree wrong in her viewpoint? No, I don't believe she is wrong. I believe it may not be as cut and dry as Kaine made it seem to Terri, though. Is Terri wrong in her viewpoint? No, she's not, IMHO. However, the disparity between what the two women believe is heavily influencing Desiree's overall opinion of Terri, IMHO. From the very beginning, Desiree has believed Terri is a liar. Is she, though? If Terri believed and repeated what Kaine told her about Desiree at the beginning of their relationship, is Terri the liar? No, IMHO, but Desiree obviously believes she is and this belief has governed Desiree's opinion of Terri, perhaps unfairly, for seven years. Additionally, Terri became the primary caregiver for Desiree's son, and I believe we can all agree that this would've been difficult for Desiree. This, too, has influenced, perhaps unfairly, Desiree's opinions of Terri.

For the past seven years, Terri has been attempting to get in Desiree's good graces -- being the go between for Kyron by driving him to Eugene for his weekend visits with Desiree and Tony, being somewhat involved in Desiree's other son's life, taking a lot of pictures of Kyron and tagging Desiree on Facebook, e-mail correspondence with Desiree about Kyron. All of this tells me that Terri wants Desiree to like her. In the aftermath of Kyron's abduction, a lot of things were said, but if you read early news reports, this blended family had handled things rather amiably. There was a lot of talk about making it work for the children, etc. Even though Desiree believes Terri is involved, she's never called Terri a bad mother, she's never claimed that Terri was abusive toward Kyron; in fact, she's said the opposite. She said that although Terri couldn't replace her, Terri has given Kyron what he needed. It's widely reported that Terri loves children, that she was helpful with them, attentive, etc. Desiree and Kaine may believe it's a lie now, because they believe Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, but her actions for seven years told Desiree and Kaine that she loved all the children in this blended family, that she didn't mind caring for them, being involved in their lives, or going the extra mile.

So, then, Kyron disappears. Desiree suspects Terri from the beginning (she admitted this in an interview). But, also IMHO, Desiree's unfairly biased opinions about Terri frame Desiree's mindset from the outset. IMHO, Desiree doesn't keep her feelings a secret. Either verbally or non-verbally Desiree communicates to Terri that she holds her responsible, even if at first it is that Desiree blames Terri because she was the last parent to see Kyron. IMHO, this is what sets off Terri's defensiveness. Five interviews with LE within the first day of Kyron's disappearance wherein they are questioning her whereabouts that day magnifies this feeling in Terri. Terri retreats to a familiar comfort, perhaps her escape -- the Internet, and finds that people are already blaming her, calling her the evil stepmother, etc. (I read these types of comments the first day, in the first articles). This adds up to Terri feeling persecuted. If she is innocent, then of course she feels guilty. She was the last parent to see Kyron. Terri's a talker, she emotes when she's angry or frustrated. She starts acting defensive because she feels like everyone is blaming her. Desiree observes Terri and thinks her being defensive is a sign of her guilt, that she has something to hide. The cycle continues, with Terri feeling persecuted, and Desiree taking Terri's odd actions a sure sign that she's involved.

For the time being, Kaine supports Terri. He can't believe she would hurt Kyron. LE believes Terri's alibi sounds bogus. They press her about it. She takes a polygraph. Because her alibi sounds bogus, LE indicates she failed the poly in an attempt to smoke her out. There's a lot of pressure (financial, social, etc.) on LE to solve this case. Terri tells anyone and everyone who will listen that she failed the poly, but she doesn't understand why, because she was where she says she was.

LE doesn't pass along to Tony, Desiree, or Kaine that they are lying to Terri about the results of her polygraph. The other parents therefore believe she failed. IMHO, it's entirely possible Terri lies at this point, trying to cover her unverifiable time by saying she went to a couple of stores (Alberton's) that she never went to that day. She may or may not have anything to hide, but she can't verify her time either because she really was driving the baby around or because she was engaged in some kind of illegal or illicit behavior unrelated to Kyron. At this point, she panics, not because she is guilty but because she knows the others suspect her. IMHO, the walls closing in on her increases ten-fold if she was engaged in some type of illicit behavior. I believe this is possible, but I also believe at some point she reverts to her original story. She either says she was confused about Alberton's or finds a way to discount the lie and reverts to the story she recounted to her friend via e-mail on June 5. This waffling creates some confusion and suspicion among the other parents and accounts for their comments; however, Terri's timeline is tight, too tight for her to have done this alone, and little by little her initial timeline is verified. At this point, however, LE and Desiree and Tony are convinced Terri is involved. Thus the accomplice theory is born, IMHO.

At this point, she and Kaine begin fighting. He doesn't directly accuse her of anything, but the tacit suspicion is there. Still, though, she puts up a front. Then comes the sting, the RO, the divorce papers, Kaine and baby K leaving. At this point, Terri shuts down, but Michael Cook enters the picture. He starts doing nice things for her around the house; in contrast to the apparent innerworkings of her marriage to Kaine, Michael pays attention to her. He defends her in the press. Most people would get rip-roaring drunk if they were under the amount of stress that Terri was under, but that's not her vice. Alcohol is only a symptom of a larger problem. Also, IMHO, Michael Cook is a plant -- either of his own volition or at the request of someone else. He has information about how to work her over, about how to get the information he wants from her. Perhaps he prods her into sexual conversation, jokes around, perhaps not. I strongly believe sex is Terri's vice -- it's how she gets what she wants from men, it's how she copes, it's how she feels self-worth, it's the way in which she feels valuable in a relationship, etc. So, everything is gone, and she wants to feel something other than blamed for the disappearance of a boy she's raised, and so she engages in this completely inappropriate behavior. And the entire world finds out about it.

The sting and the increasing suspicion on Terri prompts her to hire Houze. For some completely inexplicable reason, Terri's good friend Michael Cook relays their conversations to LE. Houze tells Terri it's his way or the highway. She acquiesces to his demands. He works quietly behind the scenes.

In the absence of any real evidence, this is how I explain Terri and this situation.

I think this is one of the best posts I've read, Cypress. Well done.
Cypreress, just out of curiosity, when was it reported, or when did you hear, Terri had liposuction? I don't recall ever hearing that.
I really do agree with most of what you say. I have thought many of the same things. And you said it better than I could have.

I actually don't think Terri took Kyron from the school on that day. But there is a back story here that leads me to believe she knows who did. I think the MFH is the key here....can you work that into your explanation somehow? Do you think LE made it up? Or the LS made it up?

Maybe we'll find out differently, but Terri reminds me of several people I know, in that she is her own worst enemy, but ultimately she's harmless. Or, I should say, she's most harmful to herself.

Having said that, I believe there's a kernel of truth in most of what has been said and reported. With regard to the MFH plot, I believe it's entirely possible Terri had a conversation in jest with the landscaper that was, after Kyron's disappearance, taken more seriously than is warranted. In the wake of Kyron's abduction, I believe it's possible that the landscaper, upon questioning, was convinced that the MFH was more serious and valid than he'd ever believed. What could have been a conversation in jest seems a lot more serious when a child is missing, but is it more valid? Is the landscaper or is LE retroactively assigning more importance to that conversation than is warranted? We know the conversation never went beyond talk -- there were no plans, no payments, Kaine is alive, etc. In that regard, how serious was it really? Not serious enough for the landscaper to come forward when the conversation took place. Not serious enough for the landscaper to come forward of his own volition when Kyron went missing.

Also, I'm extremely curious about the landscaper's life, if there are warrants for him, if he was engaged in illegal activities about which LE was aware when they brought him in for questioning, the circumstances under which he relayed this story to LE, if he received any type of immunity (and for what) in exchange for his testimony in front of the grand jury, etc.
Cypreress, just out of curiosity, when was it reported, or when did you hear, Terri had liposuction? I don't recall ever hearing that.

She didn't have liposuction, but she stated on her Facebook page that she'd like to have liposuction.
Maybe we'll find out differently, but Terri reminds me of several people I know, in that she is her own worst enemy, but ultimately she's harmless. Or, I should say, she's most harmful to herself.

Having said that, I believe there's a kernel of truth in most of what has been said and reported. With regard to the MFH plot, I believe it's entirely possible Terri had a conversation in jest with the landscaper that was, after Kyron's disappearance, taken more seriously than is warranted. In the wake of Kyron's abduction, I believe it's possible that the landscaper, upon questioning, was convinced that the MFH was more serious and valid than he'd ever believed. What could have been a conversation in jest seems a lot more serious when a child is missing, but is it more valid? Is the landscaper or is LE retroactively assigning more importance to that conversation than is warranted? We know the conversation never went beyond talk -- there were no plans, no payments, Kaine is alive, etc. In that regard, how serious was it really? Not serious enough for the landscaper to come forward when the conversation took place. Not serious enough for the landscaper to come forward of his own volition when Kyron went missing.

Also, I'm extremely curious about the landscaper's life, if there are warrants for him, if he was engaged in illegal activities about which LE was aware when they brought him in for questioning, the circumstances under which he relayed this story to LE, if he received any type of immunity (and for what) in exchange for his testimony in front of the grand jury, etc.

Cypress, you would make an excellent defense attorney for Terri. I hope Houze takes note of your post. You do make it all fit. I cannot think of outstanding pieces of the puzzle that won't fit into your explanation at the moment. We will have to see if LE has other pieces we don't know about.
Cypress, thank you for expressing your opinion/doubts about TH being a suspect. I think they are all well thought out and definitely worth considering. For some reason, I am reminded of the movie "It's a Wonder Life", where the woman comes forward at the end and gives Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed her money and says "I've been saving this just in case I ever need a divorce... if I ever get married". Now that was woman with an eye on the future!

Who knows what has happened here in Kyron's case, and, as much as I don't want TH to be guilty....BECAUSE SHE IS A MOTHER..... I still just hope that LE has NOT spent all their time barking up the wrong tree.
That's an excellent post, Cypress. I hold a similar view of Terri and the dynamic between her and DY and KH. I'm just not quite ready to give her a complete pass. Like citigirl, I too think there might be a back story that hasn't come to light yet.

You said yourself that sex is Terri's vice, and I definitely agree. She took to MC quickly enough, and I'd wager her relationship with the LS was about more than shrubs and weeds. A MFH plot is either a very obvious joke or it's serious. I don't see room for a misunderstanding. Then again, maybe he's an immigrant. If so, the humor might not have translated well. He might've been a little unsure whether she was joking, and when the news came out about Kyron, he freaked. It's could happen.

Forget about the LS. Getting back to Terri and sex, is it possible she succumbed to the advances of another man? Someone she met at the gym, maybe. Is she so powerless to her vice that she went and got herself tangled up in a dangerous situation? I dunno, but that's where my thoughts have been for awhile.
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