Poll: Did Darlie Routier murder her children?

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Did Darlie do it?

  • Yes ~ she is on Death Row where she belongs

    Votes: 234 57.2%
  • No ~ there was an intruder

    Votes: 59 14.4%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 116 28.4%

  • Total voters
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ElleaBoo said:
I also put a link on the bottom of my post for the Anita Cobby murder. Yes it was VERY brutal. I refered back to it to show just one reason why we should have the death penalty. I am not sure as to how it would fit into the serial killers catagory either. :waitasec:
Sorry. I didn't see your link, but I saw it on my search. Well, that's cool. We have two for people to pick from now. It was too much to read at one sitting but I put it in my favorites to read more later. It sounds like an interesting case. I am studying about what makes dangerous killers right now. Just finished a book by Lonnie Athens and am now reading one on his biography that is analyzing his work. It is very interesting. It so far doesn't explain Darlie but it no doubt would explain the thugs who killed Anita.
Goody said:
Sorry. I didn't see your link, but I saw it on my search. Well, that's cool. We have two for people to pick from now. It was too much to read at one sitting but I put it in my favorites to read more later. It sounds like an interesting case. I am studying about what makes dangerous killers right now. Just finished a book by Lonnie Athens and am now reading one on his biography that is analyzing his work. It is very interesting. It so far doesn't explain Darlie but it no doubt would explain the thugs who killed Anita.
There is another case very similar to Anita's that may also may hold some interest for you. Her name was Janine Balding. This murder took place after Anita's and many circumstances are eerily similar. This case is very prominate in my mind because it happened 10mins from the house I grew up in. I was just learning independance when this murder took place and it was all taken away. I can still remember my mum telling my sisiter and I that we now could not go out with our friends and her explaining to us about evil people. At a young age this case had a big impact on me.

Goody said:
Because her life isn't over. If Darlie didn't care what happened to her, she would tell the truth about what happened that night. Even if you believe she is innocent, you have to admit that she lied about the events that night. She ought to fess up. It is the right thing to do, but she won't because she is still holding onto to the hope that she can beat this thing.

So you say. That does not mean it is the truth. Not at all. Maybe she don't "fess up" because there nothing to fess. I think you think it's the right thing to do because you think there is something there and you want to know it. LOL

I have a question for you. If Darlie is as innocent as you think she is, why haven't the family been out there raising money to hire private investigators to find this killer? To me that is a no brainer.

Gee Goody, to me a no brainer also. Darlie has a bunch of lawyers working for free and they have a bunch of investigators working for free. I thought you all knew that. There is no need for the family to raise money. Not that they have anything more to sell anyway.

That is the very first step, right after hiring a good defense team. You hire qualified people to find the real killer. If you can't, you go out investigating yourself. No one, not her parents or siblings or cousins or uncles or even Darin has ever even tried. Why is that?

oooh you are not correct here. How do you get your information about what people do? Those telling you are not right. How do you think anything of the newest clues have come to be? Not by the police investigating for sure. Naturally that stopped after the trial was over, as it would be wont to do. Would any of us know that fingerprint in blood on the couch table was not damons if not for Darin? No Davis and Shook and the gray haired man with beard were bery happy to leave it as Damon's fingerprint were they not? You know they were. Only by Darin's work and Darin's expense was it able to be found that it was not a fingerprint of Damon. The prosecution allowed the little boys to be buried without the fingerprints. They had the requirement to get the fingerprints by law but they did not. They should have dug up the little boys but they did not. Darin, as the papa should not have had to do that. Do you not agree? It was a hard thing to do I am sure.
Please do not make a mistake and think that i have thought she is innocent for sure. That is not true. But I think she may be. And whether innocent or not, what I have say above did happen and is not a lie and cannot be "spinned". It just plain is and we all should face it and say yes it happened and what does it mean.
Goody said:
Hi, britgirl. Where is Leisure in the UK? I know I spelled it wrong but I can't see it on this page. LOL! So bear with me. Okay?
Hi! Leicester= middle of England, close to Nottingham and Birmingham. Small city, not a lot happens. I grew up in east London and miss it like crazy!
ElleaBoo said:
My opinion is that she did murder her 2 sons. I also feel she was not alone in the covering up of her crime and that her husband knows alot more than he is saying. Yes we all show our grief in different ways but as a mum of 4 I could not see myself being able to put one foot in front of the other let alone have a grave side party it seems so insane to me. We have not had the death penalty here in many many years I am all for it coming back. In the case in Australia of Anita Cobby I do not see the need to pay to keep these scum bags alive I would much rather see my taxes go into education and to cancer research and things of that kind than pay to keep murders alive. This is just my opinion it would be a dull boring world if we all had the same opinions and beliefs.
I love reading all the different thoughts and opinions on here. I also find myself seeing things from a whole new prospective at times.

Take Care
Hi! I think she's guilty too. When I first heard about her I thought she "must" be innocent- purely based on the fact that there is a lot of controversy over her case and she has a large fanbase who support her intruder story...but I've been reading about the blood evidence which, I think, proves her guilt, and there are so many other factors...not sure about Darin's role though...

I'd never heard of Anita Cobby. That article made me so furious...:furious:
SnootyVixen said:
Goody said:
Because her life isn't over. If Darlie didn't care what happened to her, she would tell the truth about what happened that night. Even if you believe she is innocent, you have to admit that she lied about the events that night. She ought to fess up. It is the right thing to do, but she won't because she is still holding onto to the hope that she can beat this thing.

So you say. That does not mean it is the truth. Not at all. Maybe she don't "fess up" because there nothing to fess. I think you think it's the right thing to do because you think there is something there and you want to know it. LOL
Bingo! But it is the right thing to do. No one can go over her testimony and believe she told the truth. There are many things .....like not remembering if she told Mercedes she was dreaming about where the intruder was that night. That was total bull. You could tell that she was running scared and desperately trying not to commit herself one way or the other because she didn't know if Mercedes would be called or what she would say. I don't believe that a mother would lie about anything about the murder of her children period, not unless she had something to hide. And something to hide about the crime spells G-U-I-L-T-Y to me.

SnootyVixen said:
Goody said:
Gee Goody, to me a no brainer also. Darlie has a bunch of lawyers working for free and they have a bunch of investigators working for free. I thought you all knew that. There is no need for the family to raise money. Not that they have anything more to sell anyway.
Too bad they haven't found the real killers yet. hahahahahah. They must be partying with Nicole Brown's and Ron Goldman's real killer.

SnootyVixen said:
Goody said:
oooh you are not correct here. How do you get your information about what people do? Those telling you are not right.
If these pro bono investigators had turned up anything supporting her claims it would be all over the news.

SnootyVixen said:
Goody said:
How do you think anything of the newest clues have come to be? Not by the police investigating for sure. Naturally that stopped after the trial was over, as it would be wont to do. Would any of us know that fingerprint in blood on the couch table was not damons if not for Darin? No Davis and Shook and the gray haired man with beard were bery happy to leave it as Damon's fingerprint were they not? You know they were. Only by Darin's work and Darin's expense was it able to be found that it was not a fingerprint of Damon.
So are you saying that Darin paid for Jantz's services?

SnootyVixen said:
Goody said:
The prosecution allowed the little boys to be buried without the fingerprints. They had the requirement to get the fingerprints by law but they did not. They should have dug up the little boys but they did not. Darin, as the papa should not have had to do that. Do you not agree? It was a hard thing to do I am sure.{/QUOTE]

I agree, but mistakes are made and you gotta work with what you have. I personally don't have a problem with the exumation of a body for more investigation, including additional autopsies, fingerprinting, DNA testing, etc. You won't hear me criticize them for doing that.

SnootyVixen said:
Goody said:
Please do not make a mistake and think that i have thought she is innocent for sure. That is not true. But I think she may be. And whether innocent or not, what I have say above did happen and is not a lie and cannot be "spinned". It just plain is and we all should face it and say yes it happened and what does it mean.
I don't understand. What does all the above mean? That Darin is a stand up guy? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't think we will know for sure until Darlie dies unless she is given a new trial. I just hope she doesn't leave this world without telling what really happened that night because if she doesn't settle her debt here, she will carry it with her into the hereafter. That would not be a good thing for her.
I have a few questions about this case:

1. Was the area they lived in prone to violence and breakins?
2. You would assume that someone as cold blooded as to kill 2 little boys so violently would have struck again? I would say with 100% certainy that they would have struck again by now?

Hmmm these 2 simple points tell the whole story to me. I do not think there has been any murders similar to this or even in the same area because the killer is already behind bars waiting to die!!!
britgirl said:
Hello! What's your opinion on Darlie's guilt/innocence?
The death penalty over here was abolished in 1965...and "life in prison" can, pretty much, mean anything from 10 to 50 years.

10 to 50 years! Really. In Canada it's 25 and you get out, unless you have been declared a Dangerous Offender, then your sentence is indeterminate, i.e. you never get out. There's also judicial review provision (the faint hope clause) where an individual, after serving 15 years of a life sentence, can apply for an early parole, it was established by parliament when the death penalty was abolished in 1976.
ElleaBoo said:
I have a few questions about this case:

1. Was the area they lived in prone to violence and breakins?
2. You would assume that someone as cold blooded as to kill 2 little boys so violently would have struck again? I would say with 100% certainy that they would have struck again by now?

Hmmm these 2 simple points tell the whole story to me. I do not think there has been any murders similar to this or even in the same area because the killer is already behind bars waiting to die!!!
It was a new upper scale subdivision, only about 4 or 5 years old. As far as I know the entire state of Texas has not seen another double child murder like this one attributed to an intruder. Nor has the entire country, for that matter. I would think something like that would make headlines, esp if it could be linked to the Routier case.

Another thing is there were two street lights shining down on the property (house and yard) plus a flood light in the back yard that had a motion detector that when tripped would turn it on (it never went on) and three flood lights in the front yard (which was not very large) on a water fountain. The place was lit up like main street. The house was on a corner near the entrance to the subdivision. All of these things make it a bad choice for burglars yet we are to believe these particular burglars ignored all the negatives and went for it anyway. Then they walked right past the wallet with the credit cards and money, and the counter with the jewelry spread out on it, and they walked past it twice without touching it. So now we are to believe that they killed the boys for absolutely not reason. They didn't even have to go in the family room to grab the stash and leave, so why would they grab a knife out of the butcher block and go in there anyway? The story makes no sense.
Goody said:
Bingo! But it is the right thing to do. No one can go over her testimony and believe she told the truth. There are many things .....like not remembering if she told Mercedes she was dreaming about where the intruder was that night. That was total bull. You could tell that she was running scared and desperately trying not to commit herself one way or the other because she didn't know if Mercedes would be called or what she would say. I don't believe that a mother would lie about anything about the murder of her children period, not unless she had something to hide. And something to hide about the crime spells G-U-I-L-T-Y to me.

I think you know me Goody and I don claim to have the knowledge of what people do or should do. So I skip this part.

Too bad they haven't found the real killers yet. hahahahahah. They must be partying with Nicole Brown's and Ron Goldman's real killer.

This is bery without taste Goody.

If these pro bono investigators had turned up anything supporting her claims it would be all over the news.

So you like to say. But you don know, I don know too.

So are you saying that Darin paid for Jantz's services?

I am saying that Darin dug his little sons up from their grave because the law did not do so and the fingerprints were needed. To me that means Darin did somethig like what you were say that they should do. Don it?

I don't understand. What does all the above mean? That Darin is a stand up guy? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't think we will know for sure until Darlie dies unless she is given a new trial. I just hope she doesn't leave this world without telling what really happened that night because if she doesn't settle her debt here, she will carry it with her into the hereafter. That would not be a good thing for her.

I don know where you get what you say I say. I don think I say all this. I just say that Daein did do something to help try to prove Darlie innocent. That was your question I think. I do not know wht kind of guy he is. But I don know that he is a bad prson. In my belief Darlie cannot settle her debt here if she is guilty no matter what she say or do. It goes with her and it settled then. So it does not matter if she tells if guilty here.
Goody said:
It was a new upper scale subdivision, only about 4 or 5 years old. As far as I know the entire state of Texas has not seen another double child murder like this one attributed to an intruder. ]

Goody, do you forget to remembr about the little girl Krystal and her friend who had both of the throats cut and one died and the man snuck in the house by the window and there were adult in the house who he nevr woke. Other children sleep also and he not kill them just go for the two littlw girls and thought both killed. remember her?
SnootyVixen said:
Goody, do you forget to remembr about the little girl Krystal and her friend who had both of the throats cut and one died and the man snuck in the house by the window and there were adult in the house who he nevr woke. Other children sleep also and he not kill them just go for the two littlw girls and thought both killed. remember her?
No, that is the case that put him where he is. But his motive in that crime was rape. He had a thing for the girl who survived. He went there to rape her because he had seen her stepfather earlier that day and he said he would be out of town for the weekend. He knew the family and had been over there on several occasions as a guest. After he found out the man in the family would be gone, he went over there to rape the girl, thinking he would kill her and the mother, but when he got there, he was surprised by the fact that she had a guest in her room spending the night. That was the little girl he killed. He slashed the first girl's throat too but she didn't die. (Or was it the other way around? ) Anyway, he left the house because the others were still sleeping and didn't know he was there. He was going to go after them but then decided he had already been there too long and better get out before he got caught. So he fled without bothering the others.

That in way compares to him killing Joel Kirkpatrick for no reason at all and not even trying to kill his mother who claims she was hanging onto his leg as he dragged her outside. His only attempt to hurt her was to hit here in order to free himself so he could flee. It doesn't follow his M.O. in any other case.
SnootyVixen said:
Are you speaking to me? I don write to her ever. never Do you?
Nope. Not my cup of tea. I am afraid it would color my views.
SnootyVixen said:
I don know where you get what you say I say. I don think I say all this. I just say that Daein did do something to help try to prove Darlie innocent. That was your question I think. I do not know wht kind of guy he is. But I don know that he is a bad prson. In my belief Darlie cannot settle her debt here if she is guilty no matter what she say or do. It goes with her and it settled then. So it does not matter if she tells if guilty here.
Heaven would be a pretty empty place if that were true, I think, but I am willing to concede that it is possible.

You are right that Darin did do some things, but for the most part that was just raising money for the atty and his expenses. There were some investigators in it but I think if my loved one were in this pickle and I truly believed she was innocent, I would be doing my own investigating, independent of attys, police, prosecutor's office, etc. I have never heard anyone on Darlie's side ever talk about doing anything like that. I just think they would if they truly believed her to innocent.
New member here. Just wanted to pop in and say hello and how much I enjoy reading everyone's posts, it's been very informative reading everything.

I'm from Dallas and have lived here all my life, I kept up with the trial when it was occuring but didn't delve too deeply into it until I found out that a good friend knew Darlie both in a professional and friend capacity and got 're-interested' again.

I was just able to purchase MTJD on Amazon for list price, and its very eye opening to connect the pictures with everything I have read about the case.

Anyways, enjoying everyone's thoughts and debates!
Desilu said:
New member here. Just wanted to pop in and say hello and how much I enjoy reading everyone's posts, it's been very informative reading everything.

I'm from Dallas and have lived here all my life, I kept up with the trial when it was occuring but didn't delve too deeply into it until I found out that a good friend knew Darlie both in a professional and friend capacity and got 're-interested' again.

I was just able to purchase MTJD on Amazon for list price, and its very eye opening to connect the pictures with everything I have read about the case.

Anyways, enjoying everyone's thoughts and debates!
Welcome. Do you have any personal insight on her personality or any facts that we don't know? If so, please spill!!!! :dance:
Goody said:
Heaven would be a pretty empty place if that were true, I think, but I am willing to concede that it is possible.
why would you say heaven would be an empty place if murderes were unable to make things right with god? do you think there are more murderers and bad people than you do GOOD people who have lived their lives to the fullest?:cool:? i sure hope i misunderstood you- because that statement reallyyyyyyy throws me off----
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