**POLL** How much is being done in your city to flatten the curve? (COVID-19)

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves

How much is your city doing to flatten the curve?

  • Nothing yet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some closures, recommending social distancing

    Votes: 15 20.0%
  • Many closures and required social distancing

    Votes: 46 61.3%
  • We are locked-down, unable to leave home

    Votes: 14 18.7%

  • Total voters
Fort Worth has a shelter in place order. I don't know who is out bc I'm not, other than for walks.
I live in Hannover, Germany.

Germany Imposes Tougher Restrictions on Public Life - DER SPIEGEL - International
  • More than two people can't be outside together unless they're part of the same household.
  • Going for a walk with a friend is fine, even if you don't live with them, but groups of three or more are forbidden unless you're family or roommates.
  • A minimum distance of "at least 1.5 meters (5 feet), or better yet 2 meters" should be maintained whenever possible.
  • In general, contact with people outside one's own household should be reduced to an absolute minimum. However, no mention was made of a ban on more than two people meeting indoors. Parties, however, are still not permitted -- not even inside one's own four walls.
  • Going for a run, a walk, riding a bike, playing with your kids or taking your dog out are all fine. So is stationary exercise, like calisthenics, as long as you're not doing it in a group.
  • Going to work is allowed, so is emergency care for children.
  • Grocery shopping, doctor's visits, necessary appointments, helping others in need (e.g. running errands for an elderly person) -- all fine.
  • All restaurants, cafes and pubs must close. However: You can still have food delivered or go pick it up if take-away is offered and bring it back home.
  • Hairdressers, beauty salons, massage parlors and tattoo studios must also stay closed.
  • Germany's federal and state governments had already agreed to close all public and private sports facilities, swimming pools, fitness studios, playgrounds, bars, clubs, movie theaters, concert halls, museums, trade shows, exhibitions, zoos, casinos and other gambling establishments and brothels.
  • Religious services in churches, mosques and synagogues are similarly prohibited.

I still go to work in my office every day by bike. It takes me about 20 minutes and at least I get a little exercise and fresh air that way.
About 75% of my colleagues work from home.
All of us can still work at full capacity since the company I work for owns grocery-anchored neighborhood shopping centers which are doing great a the moment of course.
I'm doing okay since I'm an introvert anyway but 4 more weeks of this is going to be a challenge, especially since spring is coming and every German is yearning to go out in the sun after the grey months.
My large urban county is doing a lot to prevent spread: Restaraunts, bars and all non essential businesses have been ordered closed.

But....The near total closure lasted only three days. Every day, more and more businesses are defining themselves as "essential" and opening.

Opening businesses include car dealers (sales and service) pawn shops, law offices- big and small, building supply, garages, tire shops, small import business selling inexpensive tools, insurance offices, and cooperate offices (technically still closed, more and more cars in the lots), check cashing stores.

I am not in a position to say what is truly essential and what is not. Likewise, I am aware that many people cannot work from home and no work means no pay.

Rather, I am just observing that the closure order seems to be collapsing by the day.... .
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currently, my state (Massachusetts) has issued a stay at home advisory, closed non-essential businesses', and schools until early may. but besides this, it doesn't feel like much is happening. most people i know are just going about their daily lives.
This just in from Dallas County:

- As stated above, our non essential business closure is collapsing daily as more businesses define themselves as essential and re-open. Private soccer field had players today.

- There does not seem to be a will to actively enforce restrictions.

- Some residual panic buying on water, meat, milk, canned goods, toilet paper, towels and sanitizer. But they are available- if one shops around.


USA does not have asian style group cohesion or social discipline to maintain a quarantine with out direct and constant police enforcement. Dallas is not actively enforcing the measures.

A partial quarantine is pretty much no quarantine. So.... for good reasons, bad reasons or mediocre reasons, our COVID-19 rate is going to go up.
We are apparently doing a lot, as we haven't gone exponential yet (nor have the neighboring cities, but the Los Angeles area is what it is). I live in one of those subdivisions that's kind of in the middle of nowhere (no jobs, no industry) and everyone is staying home. Never realized how many cars each of our neighbors have.

Anyway, we don't have anyone in an ICU bed at this time. We've had 1 death (population 150,000). Next city over has had 2 (population 200,000). Tomorrow we're going to cruise around and see if anyone at our local beaches (last time, not many) and the parks are mostly closed. City hiking trails are supposed to be open - there's usually not many people there, but we shall see.

Thinking to take one of the dogs to the dog park and see if people are social distancing.

Meantime, we're encouraging everyone to take up a new, artistic hobby, if they don't already have one. Everyone can benefit from youtube painting or drawing or keyboard lessons. I think I may take up Cowbell.
This just in from Dallas County:

- As stated above, our non essential business closure is collapsing daily as more businesses define themselves as essential and re-open. Private soccer field had players today.

- There does not seem to be a will to actively enforce restrictions.

- Some residual panic buying on water, meat, milk, canned goods, toilet paper, towels and sanitizer. But they are available- if one shops around.


USA does not have asian style group cohesion or social discipline to maintain a quarantine with out direct and constant police enforcement. Dallas is not actively enforcing the measures.

A partial quarantine is pretty much no quarantine. So.... for good reasons, bad reasons or mediocre reasons, our COVID-19 rate is going to go up.

So true! In anthropology, we call it "corporate behavior" (when everyone acts as if One Person; something very much encouraged in yoga, Buddhist meditation, other meditation, Tibetan chanting and dancing, all of that). It's more common in Hawaii than it is on the mainland, I hope it helps them.

Dallas is really individualistic. Also, not as pro-expert as Los Angeles, where experts from all fields, ethnicities, genders, etc. are on the airwaves urging people to stay home. We have also shut down parking lots and have LE ensuring people stay out of parks, etc. Nurses have been particularly vocal locally in joining with police to keep youngsters home.

Partial quarantines will be okay for people 40 and under, not so good for the 50 and over set (so Darwin will be somewhat happy - although it's clear that for humans, having an extra generation around is crucial; those doctors you see in the hospitals are not spring chickens and, in fact, we have troubling recruiting more medical students most places - it's not glamorous work).

LE often get early retirement. So do military. But not nurses. And they are now very much on the front lines and doing so much to keep people from outright panic when they get moderate to severe symptoms.

Praying for that antibody test so we can rearrange how we deploy medical personnel and save their lives.

More Than 50 doctors in Italy have now died from coronavirus, with thousands of health care workers infected
So true! In anthropology, we call it "corporate behavior" (when everyone acts as if One Person; something very much encouraged in yoga, Buddhist meditation, other meditation, Tibetan chanting and dancing, all of that).

Dallas is really individualistic....

One can find corporate behavior in some western cultures as well. The Germans have a dose of it.

Likewise, I agree that Hawaii could be an example of a state where corporate behavior is emphasized over individualism.

Other exceptions to individualism exist such as monasteries (Gregorian chants probably mirror Tibetan chants in group solidarity.) and the military sub culture.

As a side note, a Korean attorney friend of mine returned to Korea to care for her elderly mother. Following her passing, she immediately moved back to Texas. She told me that she missed Texas culture and individualism.
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I live in Hannover, Germany.

Germany Imposes Tougher Restrictions on Public Life - DER SPIEGEL - International
  • More than two people can't be outside together unless they're part of the same household.
  • Going for a walk with a friend is fine, even if you don't live with them, but groups of three or more are forbidden unless you're family or roommates.
  • A minimum distance of "at least 1.5 meters (5 feet), or better yet 2 meters" should be maintained whenever possible.
  • In general, contact with people outside one's own household should be reduced to an absolute minimum. However, no mention was made of a ban on more than two people meeting indoors. Parties, however, are still not permitted -- not even inside one's own four walls.
  • Going for a run, a walk, riding a bike, playing with your kids or taking your dog out are all fine. So is stationary exercise, like calisthenics, as long as you're not doing it in a group.
  • Going to work is allowed, so is emergency care for children.
  • Grocery shopping, doctor's visits, necessary appointments, helping others in need (e.g. running errands for an elderly person) -- all fine.
  • All restaurants, cafes and pubs must close. However: You can still have food delivered or go pick it up if take-away is offered and bring it back home.
  • Hairdressers, beauty salons, massage parlors and tattoo studios must also stay closed.
  • Germany's federal and state governments had already agreed to close all public and private sports facilities, swimming pools, fitness studios, playgrounds, bars, clubs, movie theaters, concert halls, museums, trade shows, exhibitions, zoos, casinos and other gambling establishments and brothels.
  • Religious services in churches, mosques and synagogues are similarly prohibited.

I still go to work in my office every day by bike. It takes me about 20 minutes and at least I get a little exercise and fresh air that way.
About 75% of my colleagues work from home.
All of us can still work at full capacity since the company I work for owns grocery-anchored neighborhood shopping centers which are doing great a the moment of course.
I'm doing okay since I'm an introvert anyway but 4 more weeks of this is going to be a challenge, especially since spring is coming and every German is yearning to go out in the sun after the grey months.

Just wanted to say that your life is similar to mine. Naturally, I don't want this virus (yet) and it is a challenge. But by reducing your contacts so dramatically, you are reducing your risk by a huge amount. I too am seeing "some people" and not excluding every single person (nor do I take a shower after picking up a package from the mailman).

It is sunny outside here (SoCal) but doesn't feel right to go out, somehow. We'll all adjust, but we're also waiting for the worst of this, as predicted.

If 75% of your colleagues are working from home, I'd say you are pretty safe in the workplace (unless you're elderly).
All the stores, restaurants, barber shops ect. are all closed some are open for curbside pick up or delivery. The playgrounds in my area are closed and I did not see anyone playing on them, however other areas close to me do have children playing on closed playgrounds.
On a good note we had great weather this weekend and lots of my neighbors were outside doing yard work. I have never seen so many people home working it their yards. Later in the evening there was a candle light moment of prayer, I'm glad that was organized.
This is virus will be here for sometime. Hope everyone is staying healthy.
I live in Hannover, Germany.

Germany Imposes Tougher Restrictions on Public Life - DER SPIEGEL - International
  • More than two people can't be outside together unless they're part of the same household.
  • Going for a walk with a friend is fine, even if you don't live with them, but groups of three or more are forbidden unless you're family or roommates.
  • A minimum distance of "at least 1.5 meters (5 feet), or better yet 2 meters" should be maintained whenever possible.
  • In general, contact with people outside one's own household should be reduced to an absolute minimum. However, no mention was made of a ban on more than two people meeting indoors. Parties, however, are still not permitted -- not even inside one's own four walls.
  • Going for a run, a walk, riding a bike, playing with your kids or taking your dog out are all fine. So is stationary exercise, like calisthenics, as long as you're not doing it in a group.
  • Going to work is allowed, so is emergency care for children.
  • Grocery shopping, doctor's visits, necessary appointments, helping others in need (e.g. running errands for an elderly person) -- all fine.
  • All restaurants, cafes and pubs must close. However: You can still have food delivered or go pick it up if take-away is offered and bring it back home.
  • Hairdressers, beauty salons, massage parlors and tattoo studios must also stay closed.
  • Germany's federal and state governments had already agreed to close all public and private sports facilities, swimming pools, fitness studios, playgrounds, bars, clubs, movie theaters, concert halls, museums, trade shows, exhibitions, zoos, casinos and other gambling establishments and brothels.
  • Religious services in churches, mosques and synagogues are similarly prohibited.

I still go to work in my office every day by bike. It takes me about 20 minutes and at least I get a little exercise and fresh air that way.
About 75% of my colleagues work from home.
All of us can still work at full capacity since the company I work for owns grocery-anchored neighborhood shopping centers which are doing great a the moment of course.
I'm doing okay since I'm an introvert anyway but 4 more weeks of this is going to be a challenge, especially since spring is coming and every German is yearning to go out in the sun after the grey months.

I wish the U.S. would also insist folks meet only in groups of 2 or 3 non- household- members at most. It's doable.
Myrtle Beach SC

- all schools transitioned over to online instruction on March 13th with a tentative return date initially set for March 31, which has now been extended thru the end of April (which is subject to change)
- the district provided a tablet to all students and still provides free lunch to those children in need (to be picked up on location)
- all restaurants and bars have been closed for about a week and a half (take-out and delivery are still available; governor has also signed an order to temporarily allow the sell of beer and wine to go)
- all visitors staying in hotels, house rentals, or AirBnBs were required to leave by noon on Sunday and hotels cannot accept new reservations until further notice
- all non-residents visiting SC must self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival (although I don't know how they plan to enforce this)
- all public access points to the beach were closed and barricaded yesterday
- all future flights from NY have been canceled until further notice
- all non-essential businesses were ordered to close today
- all state parks and government sports facilities have been closed

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