Poll: If Misty were to suddenly implicate Ron...

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If Misty had implicated Ron instead of brother Tommy what would your view be?

  • Just another lie&that it was no different than any of the other stories that we all know too well?

    Votes: 42 34.1%
  • Finally the truth had been told&Misty was being HONEST with this story?

    Votes: 81 65.9%

  • Total voters
Misty passed out. Haleigh got Ron's dope. OD'd....Misty was there and Ron holds her responsible for Haleigh's death.

Ron gets help in disposing the of the body....Right before he leaves work...... By the time the 911 call is made, Haleigh's body has been removed "taken" from the house


I agree with everything except what I bolded...JMHO
It may be for us. I don't think it has been for law enforcement though.

They have long had the answer to both the AC man's statement and Ron's work schedule.


I would just LOVE for you to be able to ask Jason Joliceur what HE says/thinks about Ron's "work hours" and if he was there all night.
Couldn't vote - both answers, regardless, would require additional information/evidence to back up her claim - no matter who she implicates. No one is going to be arrested/charged on Misty's word alone. Obviously, if that were the case, they'd have to install revolving doors on the county jail...just sayin~
I did not vote because the answers do not fit my opinion.
To me it doesn't matter who she implicates, what matters to me is if it can be backed up and make since. The Joe did iit story doesn't make since, so whatever she says has to make since and at this point, either Tommy or Ron being responsible make since it just matters if she can back it up and my fear is that after almost 2 years even if she does tell the truth she will not be able to prove it... to much time has passed
I voted...just another lie. IMO, I think it may be that Misty was not at the MH that night and doesn't know what happened, or was too zonked out to know. However something did happen and a beautiful little girl disapeared that night. Since there is really not any credible coverage going on it is hard to tell what is the truth. LE lets nothing slip and our best sources seem to be JVM, NG, Levi and AH being fed "info" by the families for crying out loud. If this were my child, grandchild, niece etc. I would be screaming out on national tv news, to FBI, even the Governor of the state. If I had any information that was true and not being considered by LE I surely would not be calling an internet blogger on the phone about it. Like I said, this is just IMO.

Now, if she were to point in the NE direction to another brother I might consider her to having been home and well aware of what happened.
I voted...just another lie. IMO, I think it may be that Misty was not at the MH that night and doesn't know what happened, or was too zonked out to know. However something did happen and a beautiful little girl disapeared that night. Since there is really not any credible coverage going on it is hard to tell what is the truth. LE lets nothing slip and our best sources seem to be JVM, NG, Levi and AH being fed "info" by the families for crying out loud. If this were my child, grandchild, niece etc. I would be screaming out on national tv news, to FBI, even the Governor of the state. If I had any information that was true and not being considered by LE I surely would not be calling an internet blogger on the phone about it. Like I said, this is just IMO.

Now, if she were to point in the NE direction to another brother I might consider her to having been home and well aware of what happened.
just curious, what makes you think Misty blaming Tommy is a lie, but Timmy might be the guilty one? I think Timmy is involved, (the jail tape between him & Tommy, nailed it for me), but Tommy is the one who has put himself, front & center at the murder scene & disposal site. Now, he could be lying, (what else is new), but I can't imagine lying to this extent. He's implicated himself, in a big way, & if he can't back up the Joe stuff with proof, well, then that just leaves him. But, his lies could've taken on a life of their own. He was pretty desperate to get out of jail, & back to Lindsey. Misty could be lying on Tommy, but I think her motivation would be to protect herself. a last ditch effort to avoid murder charges. But, I really think this is it, & 1 way or another, this mess is coming to a conclusion.
I think Tommy is an easier target for her. After all she says she is closer to Timmy (per hypnosis tapes?) and probably would do anything for him. I honestly don't at this time think she actually knows what happened. But if she suspected that Timmy was involved and or did it, who better to blame after blaming cousin Joe seemed to go nowhere. Tommy turned into a walking mess with drugs and burgleries. I hope I'm making sence. There are just too many stories that don't add up such as the van and keys, people knocked out by meds, staying up late doing paperwork, going back to sleep after hearing the news... All some sort of cover story for someone, hmmm. If Misty new what happened she wouldn't have had to call about the scratches on the van. Or was that Lindsy that called? Now I'm really confused lol.
In a nutshell, IMO she doesn't know but she suspects what really happened and I do believe Tommy and Joe are involved as well. I in no way think that for one minute Misty is any kind of saint in this mess and the phone call between her and Timmy is kind of telling also. Something to the effect...Well, what do you know sis?.....(long pause)...Nothing Tim.

Of course all of this is from my own suspicions and opinions.
I just wanted to add that in a lot of posts people refer to Ron killing Misty, Tommy or whoever the perp is but.... I just don't see him as actually killing someone. He is a lot of talk and bluster and yes he does intimidate immature young girls but that just goes to show you how he doesn't measure up to the 'big boys'. He 'proves' his manhood or whatever by bullying those who he knows are weaker than him but actually killing someone... I just don't see it. IMO MOO etc...
I just wanted to add that in a lot of posts people refer to Ron killing Misty, Tommy or whoever the perp is but.... I just don't see him as actually killing someone. He is a lot of talk and bluster and yes he does intimidate immature young girls but that just goes to show you how he doesn't measure up to the 'big boys'. He 'proves' his manhood or whatever by bullying those who he knows are weaker than him but actually killing someone... I just don't see it. IMO MOO etc...

I'll not go as far as saying he could never kill anyone but ITA that this blustering is just talk. He has had plenty of chances to beat Hank Sr. and Misty and Tommy and whoever else he considers responsible for Haleigh to hospital but he didn't do it, he celebrated weddings and sold drugs with them and when the in-laws annoyed him he got Misty to file for a RO and complained to LE that Timmy called him a bad name in a phone call. IMO this is a bit incongruent with the thought that he's just dying to kill all these people himself. If he is, why hasn't he?
She would have to do more than implicate, she would have to give a detailed, nothing left out, explanation as to what happened that day and night, and there would have to be something to back it up, for me.

I just hope that Misty being sentenced soon is not the end of the case. But I have a feeling it will be, even if only unofficially. I have doubts as to whether LE will ever get anything they can prove to a jury.
I'll not go as far as saying he could never kill anyone but ITA that this blustering is just talk. He has had plenty of chances to beat Hank Sr. and Misty and Tommy and whoever else he considers responsible for Haleigh to hospital but he didn't do it, he celebrated weddings and sold drugs with them and when the in-laws annoyed him he got Misty to file for a RO and complained to LE that Timmy called him a bad name in a phone call. IMO this is a bit incongruent with the thought that he's just dying to kill all these people himself. If he is, why hasn't he?

JMO, but I think that Ron Cummings is a total coward who intiminate, abuses and controls only women and children. Timmy summed him up pretty accurately, IMO. It will not take long for the real "bad boys" in prison to find out just what he is made of. A man can't really be a man when he has had only women to take care of him for his entire life. He should be really be ashamed of himself for calling LE on Timmy's phone call. I think that the "FAB" name that hurt his feelings so bad really shows just what a tough azzzzzzzzz Ron really isn't.
just curious, what makes you think Misty blaming Tommy is a lie, but Timmy might be the guilty one? I think Timmy is involved, (the jail tape between him & Tommy, nailed it for me), but Tommy is the one who has put himself, front & center at the murder scene & disposal site. Now, he could be lying, (what else is new), but I can't imagine lying to this extent. He's implicated himself, in a big way, & if he can't back up the Joe stuff with proof, well, then that just leaves him. But, his lies could've taken on a life of their own. He was pretty desperate to get out of jail, & back to Lindsey. Misty could be lying on Tommy, but I think her motivation would be to protect herself. a last ditch effort to avoid murder charges. But, I really think this is it, & 1 way or another, this mess is coming to a conclusion.

Hi dodie, I know you weren't addressing a post that I made but I'm just chiming in here. I think that Misty had to make an agonizing decision. She is protecting Timmy and is in turn having to throw her other brother to the wolves. Tommy is the "black sheep" of the family and Misty has decided that he is the one who will go down for this in lieu of Timmy. Having said that, I don't think that either brother is guilty of harming Haleigh. I do however think that the two brothers were pulled into the coverup thinking that they were helping their little sister. If Misty harmed Haleigh I do hope that she confesses. If Misty was also coerced into helping with the coverup, I truly hope and pray that she comes clean to protect herself as well as her two brothers. I do think that the sister-in-laws know a heck of alot, but if told, would implicate their husband and ex-husband.
Sorry, I could not vote either. I feel like LE has been hoping for this to happen, to back up other evidence they feel they have. I believe that Misty can testify to Ron's knowledge and deception but she has only limited knowledge of the truth of what happened. I believe there are 3 or 4 maybe 5people that know the truth and none of them will ever tell the truth. But I believe she can implicate 3 in the truth of the matter.
Sorry, I could not vote either. I feel like LE has been hoping for this to happen, to back up other evidence they feel they have. I believe that Misty can testify to Ron's knowledge and deception but she has only limited knowledge of the truth of what happened. I believe there are 3 or 4 maybe 5people that know the truth and none of them will ever tell the truth. But I believe she can implicate 3 in the truth of the matter.
i believe the holdup or not being solved is due to only 3 people noing where little hc is and mc and tc dont no where she is..and they have prob been told theyll be the ones to go down because they cant prove where she is.nor will le listen to what they have to say about rc.and that in itself is another red flag..i remember tc telling his dad on one of the tapes that the shell harbor search ment nothing ,nothing at all to not worry about it and to think about it think real hard dad..that was made up and not the truth imo was what tc was trying to say and i think another want to be skb messed this whole thing up again he didnt solve it it just caused a bunch of lies.imo
I can't wait until Misty finally implicates Ron.
The Cummings family has intimidated her for a long time.
It has been a long time coming.
Lets see if she is strong enough to go through with it.
I can't wait until Misty finally implicates Ron.
The Cummings family has intimidated her for a long time.
It has been a long time coming.
Lets see if she is strong enough to go through with it.

I hope she is, Baxter....I would like to see the Cummings go down for all they've done...JMO of course
Whomever harmed and presumably murdered Haleigh is a Croslin or Croslins.

That is why all the lies have been touted about.

Misty tries to pretend she was a victim herself. (Protection mode)
Misty tries to make Tommy look like a victim being coerced by Joe into something he didn't want to do. (Protective Mode)

These two are hiding the truth about what their own TRUE ROLES were in this crime.

It shows me they are the ones who are involved.

If it truly was anyone else involved they would have ratted them out a looooooooog time ago and backed it up with proof, imo

MOO - Just another lie from a liar among an entire pack of liars.

Not that I am completely discounting the possibility of Ron's involvement somehow (and without once again opening the debate of could something happened before Ron left for work, thus disputing his LE vetted alibi) peripherally, but quite frankly, no matter whose story changed to what at this point I would not put any stock in it's truth til it were somehow independently corroberated or proven by outside sources or info.

Just my own here but I don't think any one of these fools would know the truth if they were choking upon it.

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