Poll: Should LP accept 200K for Search

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Should LP accpet the 200K to continue to search for Caylee?

  • Yes

    Votes: 249 65.5%
  • No

    Votes: 84 22.1%
  • I am not sure

    Votes: 47 12.4%

  • Total voters
I voted IDK -- however, if LP set up an escrow account to deposit the $200K into; and from that account:

1. paid all of the search expenses (including a reasonable salary for himself and his actively involved employees -- after all, they have families to feed also); and

2. donated any unused amount to TES or some other reputable "missing persons" organization

Then I would say YES. What CA and GA says about it is of no relevance to me at all. If a movie, tv show, or printed media results from it, I/we have the option of not watching or not buying.

The important thing is that Caylee is found!
For all of you that voted yes, would you want someone filming the recovery of one your loved ones remains?

I didn't think so.

If it brought my loved one home, they'd have my blessings and everlasting gratitude.
LP obviously has lost nothing if someone has offered to pony up 200k. He made an investment and it is now paying off.

Murt asking for donations to keep his 'ghoul' cam running is reprehensible. If he was truly interested in helping, he would have searched like many other concerned volunteers did. He offered NO VALUE to this search except to keep rubber neckers and curiosity seekers entertained.

Bunny, with ADR I understand your message within your post but it's not about "Justice for Caylee" either. That would a be just a bonus. IMO, it's about finding Caylee for the sake of finding her and putting her to rest. That's the best thing and would bring comfort to all that have been worried on all our sleepless nights that she has not been at peace.

While I agree searches should continue, I don't think this is the way to go about it. Get LE involved at the very least, that way there's little chance of compromising the investigation.

When I refer to justice being done for Caylee, I agree that laying her to rest would be a great start. But I also think it could help with justice, in that it will preclude Casey & CA from convincing the public/jury that Caylee is happily living elsewhere in Florida with a babysitter that loves her very much. I'm not saying this is the ideal way to continue the search, but it certainly appears to be the only way and for both those reasons, I really want her found.
Well, so far, LP has only LOST money because of this case, so I don't see where it's so bad.
I know that a big part of the donations to TES goes to buying and maintaining equipement, travel expenses, etc. but Tim and his staff also have to pay themselves at some point because I doubt if any of them work for nothing, and they all have bills to pay.
Some didn't think it was so bad because Murt was asking for donations so that he could keep his streaming video going, just so they could get to keep watching it live as it happened.
What's the difference?

Do you have an accounting of the $ LP has put out vs what he has taken in? I don't think any of us can say with certainty that he has either lost or made money. We have no way of knowing.
If it were about justice for Caylee, the money would be donated anonymously with no strings attached. LP, if his only interest is justice, would search quietly, without intentionally creating a media circus everywhere he goes. At this point it IS about movie companies, wanting to make a profit - that's what this 'deal' is all about.

The fact is, LP has no more idea than anyone as to where little Caylee's body is. His whole search effort is NOTHING but a staged media event. When and if there is credible information as to Caylee's whereabouts LE will resume the search, quietly and with the dignity little Caylee deserves.
You are right. No one knows where Caylee really is besides the person who put her there. We know it isn't LP, TM, or anyone else besides the person actually charged for the crime at the moment. The truth is...OCSO or the FBI are not going to get credible information to lead them directly to Caylee as Baez would never allow it to happen. So do people give up searching because LE refuses to look? In order for someone to find her and give them a credible lead...people are going to have to keep searching! There is no other way it is going to happen unless someone accidently finds her.

So what if people who want her found give money or take money to do it?! Everything takes money, Chilly. People have to eat. People have to live. The point is...people are willing to spend a lot of it plus their time on finding this child to give her the decent burial she deserves and the dignity to be placed somewhere other than in the trash she is surrounded by now. How is it in any way better to leave her there than for someone to make a documentary finding her?
I spoke with Leonard a little while ago and told him to take the money. He will get NO money out of this deal,The money will go only toward the search for Caylee, he makes NOTHING off it. Period, the end.

I told him to do it, whatever it takes to get Caylee home.

Good for You! Whatever it takes! Let's hope the A's don't try to come up with some frivelous lawsuit trying to get that money!
LP obviously has lost nothing if someone has offered to pony up 200k. He made an investment and it is now paying off.

That disheartens me that people would see things that way in regards of a missing child, and searching for missing children. These cases should never be seen as monetary investments...
Do you have an accounting of the $ LP has put out vs what he has taken in? I don't think any of us can say with certainty that he has either lost or made money. We have no way of knowing.
How much money he has or has spent is none of our business.
I believe that "Caylee is alive" is misinformation being put out to "save the perp".

I don't support aiding perps


ITA, unless I'm getting paid for it of course...lol. I also profit from crime, as do police, judges, security guards etc. Are we all awful people who should starve to carry out our jobs and maintain the public's respect??

ETA, maybe we should ask Yuri to take some unpaid leave time as we wouldn't want him profitting from his ongoing involvement in the investigation. I think it's ridiculous to suggest that just because someone is paid to assist in these circumstances, that we judge them for that.
Babies are in cancer wards, getting treatment at high prices all over the world. Doctors demand to get paid for treating them...are you saying that if the doctors really cared they would do it for free and that they don't deserve our respect because they charge for child oncology services??? Frankly, I don't get why any of this matters. I want her found, and if NG, LP, TES make money out of it, then so be it....as long as the poor baby is given every chance at being properly laid to rest.

You're comparing LP's media events to a doctor saving children's lives? :waitasec:
I voted yes! I'd rather anyone besides the A's get money to actually search for this angel.
Then it shouldn't be brought up that he's lost money, especially when we don't know that to be true.
The only money brought up has been the $50,000.00 which was in the public eye as far as I know. He did lose this amount and it is not in dispute.
Do you have an accounting of the $ LP has put out vs what he has taken in? I don't think any of us can say with certainty that he has either lost or made money. We have no way of knowing.

I could care less about Leonard's altruism. If he can put together a team to find Caylee, bless him.

Bringing Caylee home brings us closer to truth and justice.

As I said before that is the best possible outcome left.

If I had a couple of extra $100K, I'd sponsor LP myself.
For all of you that voted yes, would you want someone filming the recovery of one your loved ones remains?

I didn't think so.

Should we prevent the media from showing up at natural disasters or at fires.... just in the event that they film & air something we wouldn't like?

I think it's only on very rare occasions that we have seen a reputable news source or person cross the line like that.

Filming an active search does NOT mean anyone's planning on filming remains OR that it would be shown in public if it was indeed filmed.

I have a lot more faith in the morality of people than to even believe this idea even crossed anyone's mind when suggesting this 'deal.'
If it were about justice for Caylee, the money would be donated anonymously with no strings attached. LP, if his only interest is justice, would search quietly, without intentionally creating a media circus everywhere he goes. At this point it IS about movie companies, wanting to make a profit - that's what this 'deal' is all about.

The fact is, LP has no more idea than anyone as to where little Caylee's body is. His whole search effort is NOTHING but a staged media event. When and if there is credible information as to Caylee's whereabouts LE will resume the search, quietly and with the dignity little Caylee deserves.

Now come on Chilly, you know if it were to happen anonymously then there would be an even bigger circus in town of people doing anything and everything to find out who did it. The anonymously thing happen when KC got out the what 2 or 3 time and someone "anonymously" posted her bond. Everyone was going nuts for a few weeks trying to find out who it was.
Just out of curiousity if the Anthony's signed a similar deal and a search took place would you support those efforts as well? I am guessing their motivation would instantly come under scrutiny.

:clap: good point. Or to find out later SilverCreek Entertainment was involved with some funds going to the defense team (knowing they aren't going to find her in that water) :::shrugs shoulders::: you never know with this circus.

Oh I voted no.

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