Poll: type of disposal

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How did KC dispose of Caylee's body?

  • KC buried it

    Votes: 14 5.0%
  • KC burned it

    Votes: 17 6.1%
  • KC dumped her into water

    Votes: 82 29.4%
  • KC put her into a dumpster

    Votes: 81 29.0%
  • KC had someone else dispose of the body for her

    Votes: 10 3.6%
  • KC dumped her in the woods and covered her with leaves

    Votes: 19 6.8%
  • I'm not sure yet

    Votes: 56 20.1%

  • Total voters
Well....Let's really think about this.

Apartment complex, upstairs apartments with good views, lot's of people living in one area, people coming and going at all hours.

Would you really be that brave to risk that?

apartment compex = residential, trash can not be picked up until after 7am sometimes 8.

So now we are into daylight hours, very busy, people leaving for work. People taking out the trash before they leave to work. Depending on the size of the complex, trash is not removed daily but by-weekly and then again on a week-end. She would really have to have studied the truck driver for some time to get his route down and we all know that the trash guy never comes at the same time all the time.

Then the fact that anyone could have driven up on her walked up on her...I just do not think she would have risked it! Just my thoughts.
Honestly I think Casey would've done something like that. Daytime or not. She's staying at his apt., can probably get a good idea when the truck comes (maybe it was early morning) takes his trash out, takes the bag out of the trunk and puts it in the dumpster. I don't know the layout of his complex, or where the dumpsters are located, but it would seem to be the one place she would be familiar with and have the least chance someone would be dumpster diving before it was emptied. MOO
Ive always thought water. And when you add in the fact of alligators and whatnot I think that is why she is so confident in herself....she knows chances are good no one will ever find anything.
I don't know how old your little one is, but please make sure she realizes that plastic bags are not toys to have fun in. I'd keep them locked away out of her reach if I were you.

Believe me, everything in my house is locked up! With 3 y/o twins it's a must! Even my plastic W-mart bags are in a locked pantry door, trash bags as well.
The bag I used was an industrial strength 55 gal bag. We bought them last year to cover our luggage in the back of hubby's pickup truck when we took a trip up North...amazing just how much they hold and even after a hundred miles of driving rain all luggage was dry when we arrived.
I voted dumpster, pull up late at nite, jump out, toss, jump back in and head on off to do what ever she was going to do, I don't think she missed a beat.....sickening JMO
I'm stuck between dumpster and water. I do believe she was probably moved at least once beforehand. BTW, Poppy, the baby in your pic is absolutely adorable. :)
I voted water, the dumpster seems too high risk to me although many here make valid arguments for it. I considered fire as well, but again seems very high risk. I admit I was bouncing all over on the poll but ultimately I voted for water. I wish KC would crack and disclose her daughter's whereabouts. :behindbar
Honestly I think Casey would've done something like that. Daytime or not. She's staying at his apt., can probably get a good idea when the truck comes (maybe it was early morning) takes his trash out, takes the bag out of the trunk and puts it in the dumpster. I don't know the layout of his complex, or where the dumpsters are located, but it would seem to be the one place she would be familiar with and have the least chance someone would be dumpster diving before it was emptied. MOO

Good point....I just still think that it would be easier to Toss "Down" a hill to water then "up" in a dumpster. Looks like we will never know.
I'm stuck between dumpster and water. I do believe she was probably moved at least once beforehand. BTW, Poppy, the baby in your pic is absolutely adorable. :)

Thanks Momto5, Thats my 7 week old granddaughter and her daddy LOL I thought it was cute and funny, I had thought maybee water also, but then there is the alligator thing, think maybee Casey was too chicken to get near the water, unless she dropped her off a bridge:confused: So I went with dumpster...poor Caylee
Quick question - Is there any way to find out if there was a "dumpster fire" around this time in her ping zone?

Would contain the fire, easy for her to light and run, would burn fast and hot with lots of paper/trash fuel and gas in there? Fire would be put out by fire dept and left. Next time dumpster emptied, burned stuff and water and all go...This may be the only way that I think she could have burned the body without "messing" herself up...
I think it's possible she put it in her car ~ it sure would save her having to buy it! No, I don't think she burned Caylee. It would be too risky she'd be caught and the odor would be worse than her car was. MOO

There was a case of a young marine murdered here in the states by some of his own platoon buddies, after they killed him they tried to burn the body. There was a restaurant where all the marines would go and get chicken, it was right across the street from where this occured. No one smelled anything.not even the burned body.
There was a case of a young marine murdered here in the states by some of his own platoon buddies, after they killed him they tried to burn the body. There was a restaurant where all the marines would go and get chicken, it was right across the street from where this occured. No one smelled anything.not even the burned body.

Then the wind must have blowing in the opposite direction.

I find it impossible to believe nobody would smell a burning body otherwise.

OR they lied for some reason.

In any event, it's still too time consuming AND risky to assume nobody will smell the stench OR see the fire/smoke & come to investigate.

I also believe she would have been too cheap to waste gas like that.... she'd want it for her gas tank.
At this time, I think the body was put somewhere near the water, like maybe in a drainage pipe. Don't know if the body was intact to begin with, either, and might have been placed in several locations, or moved around 'cause of her being seen by the witnesses at different locations.
Then the wind must have blowing in the opposite direction.

I find it impossible to believe nobody would smell a burning body otherwise.

OR they lied for some reason.

In any event, it's still too time consuming AND risky to assume nobody will smell the stench OR see the fire/smoke & come to investigate.

I also believe she would have been too cheap to waste gas like that.... she'd want it for her gas tank.

this is florida we have wild fires every year,smokey sometimes for months, not unusual, also have you ever driven down road you see smoke, did you investigate ? If you were driving along and smelled something bad, you think oh puwee bad smell some poor animal got hit by car and crawled into woods and died, but did you ever go look ?
I can also think of many cases, where bodies were burned without anyone noticing until later when the police came and asked about it.

examples: campfires, bbq grills

This is for real.
I believe KC is ruthless enough to have burned the body. I also believe that's why she's not sweating these searches in the woods or in the water. She may have originally considered burying her (hence backing into the garage, the shovel, etc.) but she had second thoughts.
WHen I first heard about the stolen gas cans, I thought she had burned her. But, honestly, as this goes on, I just see her doing the easiest thing possible. I voted dumpster. Not sure it would have been the one beside the car, because that would have been too easy to make her look responsible, had the body been discovered immediately. I don't think she ever considered preserving any memories or how the decomposition would be fastest. I think it was just a matter of ease for her day. I believe she abandoned the car because she thought the smell would be gone in a day or two.
I believe KC is ruthless enough to have burned the body. I also believe that's why she's not sweating these searches in the woods or in the water. She may have originally considered burying her (hence backing into the garage, the shovel, etc.) but she had second thoughts.

Burning a body takes a long time and intense heat. I just can't see Casey tending to the burning remains and following thru on something like that, if it was logistically feasible at all.

I voted dumpster and think that is why she is so not worried about the searches. Everyday that passes makes it more and more unlikely that even if they did a major search of the landfill that they would ever find anything. In the Hacking case they were there much much sooner in the timeline following death, knew for a fact she was there, and only recovered a small amount of her remains.
I can also think of many cases, where bodies were burned without anyone noticing until later when the police came and asked about it.

examples: campfires, bbq grills

This is for real.

it is so distasteful people really have a hard time with it. I know because its the theory that I believe and I still have a hard time with it.
My question is why don't more people believe that KC might of burned the body????
At least attempted to as an attempt to make the body unidentifiable and then disposed of the burned remains elsewhere.
After all lets put some pieces together here.......we all believe that the entire A family seems to put bits of truth into every lie they tell!!!!! And every excuse they have for their behavior!!!!

It is apparent that a body might have been in the A's backyard. (stored there for a small amount of time or placed there for a unknown amount of time)

It is apparent that a body was in the trunk of KC's car. (evidence shows this)

It is apparent that KC stole gas cans from the A's home. (again evidence/ was it to burn body?, and why take them home and not purchase them to start...no record???)

It is apparent that KC later purchased gas cans on another occasion after dad took the ones in her car (again why the need for more gas cans?? / takes along time to burn a body completely ,would need quite a bit of gas to do that and do it quickly without be seen doing it!!! enough gas could burn the body and the container it was in up pretty well ans fairly fast....besides that body in the trunk is starting smell real bad!!!)

And last but not least.......I am sure you all recall Cindy's comment as to why she washed KC's clothes that were left in the car " Because they smelled like "SMOKE"!!!!!!!!

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