Poll - Was Cindy source for Chloroform?

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Was Cindy the source for the Chloroform?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 6.8%
  • No

    Votes: 329 83.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 39 9.9%

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Oct 2, 2008
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I realize that chloroform has been discussed at length but do not recall anything indicating Cindy supplied it. Is this possible? Could this be the secret of why she has defended Casey beyond common sense? Could Cindy have supplied it not knowing the purpose and got caught up in this mess?

WHY would Casey even suggest that Cindy supplied chloroform if this was not the case? Whats the motive?


Quote "Investigators said, Casey told inmate Robyn Adams through the letters they exchanged that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked."

BTW, I do not believe that Cindy would have supplied chloroform for this purpose. However, it may be possible that Casey gave her a line of bull (like working at Disney) that convinced her she needed it for another purpose. Did Cindy have access to it at the clinic?
I don't believe this for a minute. Casey may have done it, but no way Cindy supplied it.
They are trying to set up more doubt, that is all they need to get KC a get out of jail card.
Absolutely not. Cindy did not work in a clinic she worked in an office when she was working.
Chloroform is no longer used, it hasn't been used for decades. Casey is a certified nutcase and a hopeless liar.
KC said it?
That answers that.

No one in their right mind uses chloroform to put their babies to sleep for the night. I haven't read this but is this written in the letters or is this what is reported by the inmate?
They are trying to set up more doubt, that is all they need to get KC a get out of jail card.

As mentioned, I do not believe that Cindy would have supplied chloroform for this purpose. Is it may be possible that Casey gave her a line of bull (like working at Disney) that convinced her she needed it for another purpose?

Cindy believed in Disney, Zanny and that Casey is innocent .... which lacked common-sense.
KC said it?
That answers that.

No one in their right mind uses chloroform to put their babies to sleep for the night. I haven't read this but is this written in the letters or is this what is reported by the inmate?

JBean, it's not written...this is what the other inmate is claiming Casey told her.
As mentioned, I do not believe that Cindy would have supplied chloroform for this purpose. Is it may be possible that Casey gave her a line of bull (like working at Disney) that convinced her she needed it for another purpose?

Cindy believed in Disney, Zanny and that Casey is innocent .... which lacked common-sense.

But Cindy had no access to chloroform, Cindy might be a pain in the a$$ but she is not crazy.
As mentioned, I do not believe that Cindy would have supplied chloroform for this purpose. Is it may be possible that Casey gave her a line of bull (like working at Disney) that convinced her she needed it for another purpose?

Cindy believed in Disney, Zanny and that Casey is innocent .... which lacked common-sense.
You are right CA did not supply her with chloroform.

But I don't think CA believed KC about Disney, Zany, or that she is innocent at all.
I think CA wants to save her daughter, but knows fully that KC is full of Chit.
CA is doing the best acting of her entire life to create a circus and doubt so that
KC comes out of there.
CA lost the baby and does not want to lose a second one.
That is MO
Quote "In the letters, Casey told inmate Robyn Adams that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey Anthony implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked."

So she wrote that she used chloroform to put the baby down and she told the inmate that she got it from CA? is that right?

Well the fact that she would put in writing that she actually used chloroform to put the baby to sleep is about as incriminating as it gets imo.
They are trying to set up more doubt, that is all they need to get KC a get out of jail card.

Or Casey is doing her usual -not taking responsibility for any negative stuff she done - and deflecting it onto someone else in her mind would be a logical person. Her Mom is a nurse so of course she supplied the stuff - not. You can't expect Casey to have read to the bottom of the page where it says it isn't used anymore for a sedative.
I realize that chloroform has been discussed at length but do not recall anything indicating Cindy supplied it. Is this possible and if so are there chances of criminal charges? Could this be the secret of why she has defended Casey beyond common sense? Could Cindy have supplied it not knowing the purpose and got caught up in this mess?

WHY would Casey even suggest that Cindy supplied chloroform if this was not the case? Whats the motive?


Quote "Investigators said, Casey told inmate Robyn Adams through the letters they exchanged that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked."

BTW, I do not believe that Cindy would have supplied chloroform for this purpose. However, it may be possible that Casey gave her a line of bull (like working at Disney) that convinced her she needed it for another purpose. Did Cindy have access to it at the clinic?

Nope, it was banned in 1976.
Sounds like JB wrote that script for Casey to explain away the chloroform searches and trunk findings while steering the bus in Cindy's direction. Poor Cindy :rolleyes: (heavy sarcasm intended)

IMHO, I doubt Cindy ever supplied chloroform or even suggested it as a sleep aid for Caylee. She wouldn't have access to it with her type of job. Nor would she ever jeopardize Caylee's health with such stupidity. Trash Caylee's memory-sure, in a heartbeat. But chloroform her to sleep-no way.

Nope...don't believe it for a second.
No. Cindy could not get this substance where she works, and there is nothing in the documents that would give the slightest suggestion she would cook up a homemade batch to give to Casey to put Caylee to sleep.
Quote "In the letters, Casey told inmate Robyn Adams that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey Anthony implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked."


I'm sorry but the Palm Beach Post has this one wrong.
The chloroform issue is in the written transcript/interview that Robyn had with LE. Robyn claims Casey TOLD her those things. Casey did Not write any of that in the letters.
So she wrote that she used chloroform to put the baby down and she told the inmate that she got it from CA? is that right?

Well the fact that she would put in writing that she actually used chloroform to put the baby to sleep is about as incriminating as it gets imo.

I said on the OTHER thread I would go away, but on THIS thread... just to clarify, Inmate Anthony wrote nothing at all about chloroform in her letters. Nothing. Despite what media headlines are saying.
So she wrote that she used chloroform to put the baby down and she told the inmate that she got it from CA? is that right?

Well the fact that she would put in writing that she actually used chloroform to put the baby to sleep is about as incriminating as it gets imo.
No, that is not right. Unfortunately the PBP got their facts mixed up.
See my post # 18.
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