Poll: Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

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Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (and he's among those who can be talked about at WS)

    Votes: 33 14.3%
  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (though he's not presently among those who can be talked about here)

    Votes: 15 6.5%
  • Yes, I think she was, and I have some theories, but no specific person in mind.

    Votes: 59 25.5%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "yes", she was murdered.

    Votes: 65 28.1%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "no", she was not murdered.

    Votes: 32 13.9%
  • No, I firmly believe (think) Shannan Gilbert was not murdered.

    Votes: 27 11.7%

  • Total voters
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And they will do everything to protect the informant if they were into dirty business with him. When anyone such as a judge, DA, or a cop says it 'appears' then you know they are full o' manure. What do you mean it appears? There was a local news woman at the scene and from what she observed she said there was NO way the body was there for an extended period of time. The body didn't look wet.

I am sure by now you have GOOGLED Liver Mortis ( Lividity ) and have corroborated what I wrote above. When the body is in a position for an extended period of time after death the blood goes to the lowest point, AND it doesn't go to the other side if the body is turned in the other direction. What flows to the new resting site is the blood that didn't yet make it to the first parts of the body.

He cleaned his car a day after the body was found. If he killed her he knew what he did and he would have not waited a day. In any event he didn't do too good a job of it because the cops said they found fibers. She had some serious head injuries. The ME said she died from strangulation and head trauma. You mean to say there was no blood in the car? Maybe there was no bleeding. You don't get rid of blood residue so easy.

We know an older drug gave her his mother's necklace and he wanted it back. We believe he threatened her life if she didn't give it back. I believe she met that person at the party she went to after she left CL.

You don't have to be a super detective to figure this out. All you need is some common sense and an open mind.

CL will be coming up for parole very soon. He will NOT get out if he doesn't admit he killed JM. The TUGELAS will jump all over that if it happens.

The DA's case was built on the premise CL raped and killed JM. The Court said there was no proof of a rape. I guess their consciences got the best of them and threw out the felony murder and rape charge thinking they were doing this guy a favor. BIG DEAL he still got 25 to Life. They should have thrown out the whole conviction and if they wanted to play safe they should have ordered a new trial.

At least 4 jurors heard CL allegedly had inappropriate sex with another female. The jurors were interviewed by the judge and they assured him it played no role in their vote to convict. Yeah, tell me another story. These SOBs do this all the time.

There was recently a SCPD cop wrongful death case in federal court. The judge calls a mistrial even before he picks a jury because it was learned a newspaper with the story was seen in the main jury room. 4 people tell the judge they heard something inflammatory about the defendant and the judge passes it off as NO BIG DEAL. The appellate court goes right along with this BS.

Do you really want these cops to investigate the Gilgo Case?

I've read about lividity, I know as much as a non-pro person would know.

I agree with you that the whole car cleaning thing backs up the defendant's story, not prosecution's theory.

Do I want these cops to investigate the Gilgo Case? I do... Problem is, I'm not sure if they do.

If they hopefully settle on an agreement with their kindergarten debate about the number of killers they may perhaps start to do a few things. Like getting lots of cell tower dumps before these records are "destroyed".

And you know there's a detective whose decisions I find highly questionable. IF they ever find the truth and it turns out to be the same killing crew in action since 1996 then this person is in negligence of duty, at least.

Remember the person I'm suggesting to be the Asian Male? If he turns out to be the Asian Male that may tie Gilgo to some transgender/gay murders in NYC, one of which was also unsuccessfully investigated by the same person.

I'm hoping that that the obvious lack of action is eyed by some more powerful eyes too.
And they will do everything to protect the informant if they were into dirty business with him. When anyone such as a judge, DA, or a cop says it 'appears' then you know they are full o' manure. What do you mean it appears? There was a local news woman at the scene and from what she observed she said there was NO way the body was there for an extended period of time. The body didn't look wet.

I am sure by now you have GOOGLED Liver Mortis ( Lividity ) and have corroborated what I wrote above. When the body is in a position for an extended period of time after death the blood goes to the lowest point, AND it doesn't go to the other side if the body is turned in the other direction. What flows to the new resting site is the blood that didn't yet make it to the first parts of the body.

He cleaned his car a day after the body was found. If he killed her he knew what he did and he would have not waited a day. In any event he didn't do too good a job of it because the cops said they found fibers. She had some serious head injuries. The ME said she died from strangulation and head trauma. You mean to say there was no blood in the car? Maybe there was no bleeding. You don't get rid of blood residue so easy.

We know an older drug gave her his mother's necklace and he wanted it back. We believe he threatened her life if she didn't give it back. I believe she met that person at the party she went to after she left CL.

You don't have to be a super detective to figure this out. All you need is some common sense and an open mind.

CL will be coming up for parole very soon. He will NOT get out if he doesn't admit he killed JM. The TUGELAS will jump all over that if it happens.

The DA's case was built on the premise CL raped and killed JM. The Court said there was no proof of a rape. I guess their consciences got the best of them and threw out the felony murder and rape charge thinking they were doing this guy a favor. BIG DEAL he still got 25 to Life. They should have thrown out the whole conviction and if they wanted to play safe they should have ordered a new trial.

At least 4 jurors heard CL allegedly had inappropriate sex with another female. The jurors were interviewed by the judge and they assured him it played no role in their vote to convict. Yeah, tell me another story. These SOBs do this all the time.

There was recently a SCPD cop wrongful death case in federal court. The judge calls a mistrial even before he picks a jury because it was learned a newspaper with the story was seen in the main jury room. 4 people tell the judge they heard something inflammatory about the defendant and the judge passes it off as NO BIG DEAL. The appellate court goes right along with this BS.

Do you really want these cops to investigate the Gilgo Case?

According to the evidence, the body was found at the high water mark, was covered by salt grasses (hence the reason your lawyer failed to notice the body) and appeared to have been washed over by the tide. Since the time of high tide was known, it established the latest point when the body was placed there, which would have been 2.10AM, give or take a few minutes. Your reporter (who would not have gotten close enough anyway) would not have seen a wet body since by the time she was found she would be mostly dry. The forensic evidence also showed that she had been dead and laid on her back for at least 30 minutes before being dumped. So, that would place time of death at earlier than 1.30AM. Also, the victim called the accused's mother at 12.15AM looking for him (for the second time, the first call had been at 11:45, so there was clearly an element of anxiousness on her part), which means that he had not arrived at her before that. Therefore we are talking about at most approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes (and most likely less since we don't know how much beyond 12:15 it took for him to find her) for him to reach her, have sex, and for her to wind up dead. Not to mention, evidence from her was found on a shirt in the car, and evidence from the floor of the car was found on her shirt. So, she was there. You say he had already dropped her off at the 7-11 before 1AM....so what was that? He drives for at least half an hour, has a few minutes of sex, then drops her off and goes home so he can be "accounted for" at around 1AM (presumably after another 30+ minute drive). Why around 1AM you might ask? Why is it so important to him?....probably because that is about when she died, and he was aware of that.

One hour and fifteen minutes, at most.

How stupid do you think judges are?

What got this guy convicted was not LE setting him up, it was the extremely short window during which he was the last person know to have seen her and her winding up dead. It is that simple. He tried to squirm his way out of it, but the time frame is what nailed him.

*edit* Oh, FYI, just because I disagree with you does not mean that "the TUGELAs will jump all over it if that happens". I think it is pretty clear that he is the perp, but, I doubt it was premeditated, more likely they had an argument and it was a spur of the moment thing. He should be punished, but not forever. If he has behaved himself in prison I don't have a problem with him getting parole.
TUGELA, I really think there is a place for you writing opinions for the appellate courts. You seem to be great in hammering in square pegs into round holes.
I mentioned before I have a lawyer associate that writes/reads cases for a appellate court. He gets an assignment to write up an opinion for a judge(s) on a well publicized case. The FACTS of the case demand a reversal. What they say happened couldn't have happened. I haven't a clue if the appellant was guilty or not. I would suspect the appellant was probably guilty - but that is an assumption, NOT FACT.

He is handed the case by a supervisor with the instructions to affirm the conviction. It doesn't matter if it was legal, all that mattered is they wanted the conviction to stand. He takes the case without remarks and goes and writes an opinion to vacate the verdict.

So please don't tell me about appellate courts being on the up and up. It is all BS.
Most good lawyers will tell you that you can't predict what an appellate court will do by listening to the oral arguments. That seems to be true, but I believe the basis for that opinion is based on a false premise. What it really has more to do with (IMO) is the decision has already been made and the facts and briefs matter not one wit. I mean these guys have a reputation to uphold. Every once in a blue moon you have a judge with a conscience and will fight to do the right thing.

In my son in law's case I went to the court to hear the oral argument. He was charged with three burglaries and 12 attendant crimes attached to those burglaries. Judge Steven Fisher held the floor. Another judge had little to say, the other two remained mute like the 3 Monkeys.

Two of the burglaries and attendant crimes were thrown out without comment. The judge said it wasn't even worthy of discussion. He went on to say that in one burglary there was more than enough independent corroboration to support the charges.

The jury convicted on all three top charges. They heard the same 'evidence' of the two crimes the court threw out without so much as a comment. The jury also heard two Molineux cases offered into evidence at trial. In other words the court should have considered the now uncorroborated charges and the Molinuex infected the entire indictment. If the jury threw out the other two charges and convicted on one then I could possibly understand how they considered the entire case and decided he was guilty anyway. That I could begin to understand, but not this.

TUGELA, you sound like someone with a legal background. How does any appellate court hold one crime for conviction and give no weight to the infection of two crimes and uncorroborated Molineux charges that infected the entire case?

The Molineux appeal, or the bulk of the appeal was NEVER considered by the court.

When I saw the panel I feared the one person on the panel to be concerned with was Judge Fisher. He wanted to become a Court of Appeals judge. Fact is his name was on the short list for Chief Judge. AND it appears I was spot on.

We left the court believing the court would at least order a new trial. The facts were more than compelling.

So please don't scold me for 'insulting' the court - they deserve that and a lot more. A huge waste of money and resources.

BTW - I can't say for sure but the then PJ of the 2nd Dept had as her cousin the ADA that started the frame job.

Former PC went to special pains in his You Tube Video for Arrow Security to say Brewer was very cooperative when he was questioned by the SCPD. Dormer also said Brewer took a polygraph. He has been eliminated as a suspect.

Going only on recollections I recall that Brewer said he didn't call her to have sex with her. What exactly does this mean? He had no sex with her AND she wasn't there for sexually related purposes.

Some questions I would like to know:

1. How did he contact her?
2. Has he contacted her before?
3. Did he use a third party to contact her.
4. Has he contacted other prostitutes in the past for the pleasure of their company and not for sex?
5. Why was she there for almost 3 hours?
6. What was she doing there for three hours if not for sex?
7. Does anyone believe she was there not for any sexual purpose? If so, then isn't that a lie in and of itself?
8. Was he seen removing items out of his home in the middle of the night after SG left the house?
9. What were those items, assuming this is true?
10.Did Brewer ever engage in sex parties with others at Oak Beach?
11.If so, then who were they?
12.What was the contract that led to her going to Brewer's house?
13. How did he contact her or a third party?
14. Was it from a subscribed cell phone, a land line, or from a 'burner' cell phone that can't be traced back to him?
15. How long in advance did he make the arrangements?
16. Why hasn't the PD released the 23 minute tape?
17. Why did a detective write a letter to Newsday telling us he heard the tape and she didn't appear to be in peril?
18. Do you think a detective had to right to write such a letter to Newsday explaining what he heard on the tape, the same
tape the SCPD refuses to release?
19. How the heck can a police department say SG wasn't murdered when the ME can give no cause of death?
20. How the heck could the SCPD come to that conclusion after they found the bodies of the GB4, claimed they were prostitues
working from Craigslist, as SG was, and so quickly eliminate Brewer as a suspect?
Dormer named the items that were found in SG purse. Was her money found? GC named the person who was in charge of the cameras. Did LE ask this indiviual why the tape was removed? Or maybe LE has the tape and mums the word.
What are the odds a body found lying face down is missing the hyoid bone? I don't believe the hyoid bone is missing.
Yes Shannan Gilbert was murdered and it wasn't by :alien:s
I thought this was pretty interesting, ghost stories about pirates/indians/monsters etc on Fire Island by a State Trooper who worked there. pretty interesting since Melissa lived on Underhill Ave in the Bronx (named for John underhill) and then her phone pinged in Massapequa where Underhill slaughtered all the native americans. So here's a National Park service Ranger who is very well educated about the local history and would know about Underhill's history in Massapequa. Give it a listen and remember Fire Island could be a lot more important to this case than we've previously thought.

If the lisk murdered SG her money was probably not left in her wallet.
Nah, SG wasn't murdered and neither was a lawyer found dead in Centerport this past summer.
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