Poll: Which Family Member

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Who knows what happened and/or where Caylee's remains are?

  • KC acting alone

    Votes: 78 29.5%
  • CA acting alone

    Votes: 6 2.3%
  • GA acting alone

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • LA acting alone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • KC and CA

    Votes: 10 3.8%
  • KC and GA

    Votes: 26 9.8%
  • KC and LA

    Votes: 7 2.7%
  • CA and GA

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • CA and LA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GA and LA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • KC, CA, and GA

    Votes: 17 6.4%
  • KC, CA and LA

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • KC, GA and LA

    Votes: 6 2.3%
  • KC, CA, GA and LA

    Votes: 76 28.8%
  • KC and some other non-family member person

    Votes: 19 7.2%
  • None of the family

    Votes: 6 2.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Here are my thoughts, I believe the MOST important issue in this case is the timeline and who the masterminds are, or lack there of. That being said, here is my theory, I am not convinced Casey killed her daughter, nor am i convinced it was an accident, however, I do BELEIVE beautiful little Caylee is deceased. Now, with that belief and George being retired law enforcement, Cindy being a Nurse, BOTH being unstable. It seems to me the delay in reporting is the KEY. Let's just say they (the THREE of them) were now dealing with a dead body, how it happened is unclear to possibly 2 of them, that brings me to these questions - -who would know firsthand how to get rid of a body and the amount of time is needed for decay/comsumption of animals etc., along with a location that woudl work other than a law enforcement officer. He would have known through his previous training what it all entailed, and how to insure the wild goose chase we are experiencing as we speak!! Now on to Cindy, SHE would know how to clean the "evidence" up, AKA chloraform, she would also know as we have all witnessed her unraveling that she could spin this whole thing out of control and take the heat off her daughter just by being herself, UNSTABLE. As for Lee, I am a firm beleiver that he has removed his presence from this case because he has experienced FIRSTHAND the dysfuntion since he was born. Now to Casey, I am at a loss with her, she has perplexed me to a point that is unexplainable. Her demeaner alone has challenged in me emotions that are soo raw and brought me to the point of questioning what ANY human life could possibly mean to her including her HER OWN!!! So to me, the whole delay in reporting was planned and is going according to THEIR plan . . . .that is why, CINDY is a NUT and playing it UP, George is sitting in the background outside of his occassional mishaps (possibly when someone is getting close to an answer on something does this happen)for the most part QUIETLY watching this play out and Casey is as smug as she can be!!! Lee is removed and distancing himself from what will prove to be his families final display of dysfunction!!!

I am telling you they want to fill us with CONFUSION to avoid the obvious. The 31 days!!! I mean EVERYONE is getting so caught up on the details, as there are MANY, BUT the fact remains, 31 days IS the key, and in my opinion what the focus should be on. We, myself included haven gotten so caught up on dates, times, people, parties, etc. and making the focus Casey, SHE is NOT that SMART, maybe cunning, smug, aloof but NOT SMART!!!! You can tell that just by her choices in life thus far!!! The parents, well they have been protecting Casey and controlling her life for the most part, she tries to break away aka move out, they FLIP OUT and take CONTROL once again. I am convinced they are laughing at us all and our DAILY dose of details. I really do not beleive there are ALOT of pertinent details to this case, a child is dead and the FAMILY has the only details needed. The angle being played must change its direction, in order to get results. Just look at the money, time and emotion being played out in "The Anthony Families DysFunction". I am by no means discounting ANYONES passion for this case, I am merely stating my opinion. I think we try so hard to understand something that the only way we think we will is by getting ALL the details. In this case, we must go back to the VERY beginning and acknowledge the FIRST plan of Action this Family took and that was to DELAY REPORTING!!!
Here are my thoughts, I believe the MOST important issue in this case is the timeline and who the masterminds are, or lack there of. That being said, here is my theory, I am not convinced Casey killed her daughter, nor am i convinced it was an accident, however, I do BELEIVE beautiful little Caylee is deceased. Now, with that belief and George being retired law enforcement, Cindy being a Nurse, BOTH being unstable. It seems to me the delay in reporting is the KEY. Let's just say they (the THREE of them) were now dealing with a dead body, how it happened is unclear to possibly 2 of them, that brings me to these questions - -who would know firsthand how to get rid of a body and the amount of time is needed for decay/comsumption of animals etc., along with a location that woudl work other than a law enforcement officer. He would have known through his previous training what it all entailed, and how to insure the wild goose chase we are experiencing as we speak!! Now on to Cindy, SHE would know how to clean the "evidence" up, AKA chloraform, she would also know as we have all witnessed her unraveling that she could spin this whole thing out of control and take the heat off her daughter just by being herself, UNSTABLE. As for Lee, I am a firm beleiver that he has removed his presence from this case because he has experienced FIRSTHAND the dysfuntion since he was born. Now to Casey, I am at a loss with her, she has perplexed me to a point that is unexplainable. Her demeaner alone has challenged in me emotions that are soo raw and brought me to the point of questioning what ANY human life could possibly mean to her including her HER OWN!!! So to me, the whole delay in reporting was planned and is going according to THEIR plan . . . .that is why, CINDY is a NUT and playing it UP, George is sitting in the background outside of his occassional mishaps (possibly when someone is getting close to an answer on something does this happen)for the most part QUIETLY watching this play out and Casey is as smug as she can be!!! Lee is removed and distancing himself from what will prove to be his families final display of dysfunction!!!

I am telling you they want to fill us with CONFUSION to avoid the obvious. The 31 days!!! I mean EVERYONE is getting so caught up on the details, as there are MANY, BUT the fact remains, 31 days IS the key, and in my opinion what the focus should be on. We, myself included haven gotten so caught up on dates, times, people, parties, etc. and making the focus Casey, SHE is NOT that SMART, maybe cunning, smug, aloof but NOT SMART!!!! You can tell that just by her choices in life thus far!!! The parents, well they have been protecting Casey and controlling her life for the most part, she tries to break away aka move out, they FLIP OUT and take CONTROL once again. I am convinced they are laughing at us all and our DAILY dose of details. I really do not beleive there are ALOT of pertinent details to this case, a child is dead and the FAMILY has the only details needed. The angle being played must change its direction, in order to get results. Just look at the money, time and emotion being played out in "The Anthony Families DysFunction". I am by no means discounting ANYONES passion for this case, I am merely stating my opinion. I think we try so hard to understand something that the only way we think we will is by getting ALL the details. In this case, we must go back to the VERY beginning and acknowledge the FIRST plan of Action this Family took and that was to DELAY REPORTING!!!

The red bolded statment I agree with the most and completely sums up this case!
I think KC is the only one who knows the whole true story, but I think her family knows bits and pieces and half-truths.

Well put. I don't think the family knows exactly and was a part of it...but geeze, even with the bits and pieces we know they'd have to know something.
I think they all know a little bit of something. Maybe not final details, but their suspicions probaly have been confimred by speaking with one another.
I believe the brother is smart, and the glue that holds this family together. Anyone ever notice how he is called when something is going on. GA called when CA was freaking out in the very beginning. Brother is supposedly the one KC finally admitted to that she gave Caylee to the babysitter. Brother is the one who took KC step by step via phone over her ideas as to where Caylee may have been at the time? Brother is the one who others speculate may have called LE re the gun in the car?

I think LE, FBI needs to get Brother alone. They need to speak to him on a lengthy basis. I think if anyone will let loose any info, it will be he.
It's really hard for me to think like this family with the manipulations and mind games, but I don't think Casey would trust any of them enough to actually tell them what happened. She seems to have had things used against her in the past so that would really be stupid. I think the whole family knows her and how she thinks because they think exactly the same way and that's how they live and treat each other. They know without being told and suspected before ever calling 911 when they say they looked under the playhouse. It's the oddest thing I've ever seen how they defend Casey but actually are hurting her case with comments.
I, as many others do, come from a dysfunctional family. I can tell you that there are secrets and when there is something BIG going on that some turn their heads to the wall and pretend that NOTHING is happening. In my opinion Casey is the only one who killed Caylee and she isn't telling the rest of the family. Everyone in that family retreats back into their inherited and rehearsed roles within the family and they don't want to know more than they have to know. Nobody confronts Casey and tells her they know she is lying because from day 1 of her life they just say, "Okay Casey, you are right Casey." So Cindy, George and Lee may know in some part of their minds that Casey has killed Caylee but on the surface of their minds they don't know. And they aren't going to ask. They will continue believing Casey's BS about Nanny Zanny.
The notion that other family members know something is based on either their participation or Casey communicating details to them.

If anything is clear from this circus, it is that Casey does not confide truthfully to others, even in matters of little consequence. That she would do so under the threat of homicide charges boggles the mind.
I chose casey and george. i think it's too possible that george found caylee in the trunk that day he went into the car on the 24th. told casey to ditch the car and one of them got rid of the body.

the reactions of cindy saying the decomp thing to the police makes me believe she didn't know YET. may know bits and pieces now.
I think she initally acted alone, however I think either they all know, or nobody knows.
I voted Casey and Casey alone.

However, Fox News Channel talked to Holly Bristo and she is reporting Casey and Lee high 5ed each other going into the jail when they thought nobody was looking.

High 5??????????????????????????
I believe KC acted alone in the death and GA covered it up for her. CA was truly sobbing and so upset on 911 calls that the truth slipped out about the car, the thief, and KC being a bad mom (ca threatening to call DFAC or whatever it is in Florida). That is why GA made up seeing KC (just in case) and gets so darn angry at everything. He is a loose cannon, IMO.
I still think George is the one that will break....I dont think he knew at first what happened but by now he does.....I think his temper and being in that house all the time with CIndy and Casey will drive him nuts.....he'll haul *advertiser censored* and spill the beans!
They are all in on it. Casey and Lee high-fiving each other suggest that. I loathe these people.
Casey killed Caylee, but the rest of the family knows and has helped her in destroying evidence, fabricating theories and creating doubt.
I think this was an accident and Casey did not know what to do because of family dynamics. She had a friend help her don't know who. None of the family knew anything till the 911 calls. Gearge is the way he is because he was LE. His mind can't handle what is happening in his own family. I've seen this family before, meaning the dysfunction and these families always stick together and will never dicuss the huge elephant that is right there in the room with them.
Man I sure wish I could change my vote after seeing Lee with Casey today and the whole "high five" thing. I would have voted for all four of them!
Well I can tell you all right now, if my sister harmed any of her children, I'D TELL!!! No doubt about it. She better be smart enough not to confide in me!
I think Casey acted alone but she later confessed to them and now they all know what happened and where her body is.

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