Poll: Who Do You Think Will Be The BEST Witness For The State???

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Who Do You Think Will Be The State's Best Witness???

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casey would be the best..I'm sure the jury would see right through her lies.
and then I'd say Annie..

but since neither were an option..I chose cindy's mom

He heard Casey's rants about how she couldn't be around her family for another minute because of the fighting. He was the one to tell her she could stay over but that Caylee couldn't.

Tony talked to Casey both right before and right after she killed Caylee and could describe her stress before as well as her giddiness on Blockbuster night.

Those conversations with Casey on the last day Caylee was alive have yet to be revealed.

IMO, they will be significant.


I wonder if Tony ever feels a little twinge of guilt because he told Casey that Caylee couldn't stay and so she murders Caylee? I think I would.
I wonder if Tony ever feels a little twinge of guilt because he told Casey that Caylee couldn't stay and so she murders Caylee? I think I would.

Actually I think Tony would feel good. It's a reponsible thing to do, to tell casey not to bring her little toddler to an apartment with drinking and smoking drugs.

He shouldn't feel guilty in the least
I say Tony or Amy because they were with her most of the time during the time Caylee was "missing". I hope George/Cindy/Lee crack at some point, though.
I wonder if Tony ever feels a little twinge of guilt because he told Casey that Caylee couldn't stay and so she murders Caylee? I think I would.

I wonder if he feels some kind of guilt, too, even though he shouldn't.
I wonder if he feels some kind of guilt, too, even though he shouldn't.

I disagree big time. Only Casey should feel guilt over Caylee's death but Tony made a lot of bad decisions that he should feel guilty about. If he didn't want children, why did he intentionally and knowingly get involved with a woman who had one? If he wanted only boy children someday, why date a woman with a girl child? If he didn't feel his apartment was an appropriate place for a child, why did he allow the child's mother to move in? Did he think she'd check Caylee at the door? Tony SHOULD feel guilt, IMO, and I hope he's learned a lesson for the future: Do your thinking with your brain, not with 'that certain part of the male anatomy.'
this is neither a who nor a witness.:waitasec:

i'm thinking george. just a feeling.

My opinion was not covered by the choices :). In the end, I think that the fact that she didnt report her child missing will carry the most weight.
I disagree big time. Only Casey should feel guilt over Caylee's death but Tony made a lot of bad decisions that he should feel guilty about. If he didn't want children, why did he intentionally and knowingly get involved with a woman who had one? If he wanted only boy children someday, why date a woman with a girl child? If he didn't feel his apartment was an appropriate place for a child, why did he allow the child's mother to move in? Did he think she'd check Caylee at the door? Tony SHOULD feel guilt, IMO, and I hope he's learned a lesson for the future. Do your thinking with your brain, not with 'that certain part of the male anatomy.'

Well considering his age and how he treated Casey, he owes her or her daughter nothing. She was just a piece of @ss. Now, I understand that is no reason for his actions, but as for Caylee's death, he should not feel guilty for it. He apparently set the rules for Casey and that's the end of that. It's not his fault that Casey went nuts and wanted to rid herself of Caylee so she could keep Tony in her life.
Well considering his age and how he treated Casey, he owes her or her daughter nothing. She was just a piece of @ss. Now, I understand that is no reason for his actions, but as for Caylee's death, he should not feel guilty for it. He apparently set the rules for Casey and that's the end of that. It's not his fault that Casey went nuts and wanted to rid herself of Caylee so she could keep Tony in her life.

I specifically said that he should not feel guilty, nor should anyone but Casey, over Caylee's death. I did not say he owed anything to anyone. However, he should not have played games with a single mother if all he wanted was, as you put it, a piece of @ss. That was selfish and could only lead to someone being hurt. He's the same age as Casey. We don't make allowances for her actions because of her age.
I specifically said that he should not feel guilty, nor should anyone but Casey, over Caylee's death. I did not say he owed anything to anyone. However, he should not have played games with a single mother if all he wanted was, as you put it, a piece of @ss. That was selfish and could only lead to someone being hurt. He's the same age as Casey. We don't make allowances for her actions because of her age.

I don't know. I remember thinking that way about Scott Peterson but, after his own attorneys grilled him in a 'mock' trial, he chose not to testify. Casey may think she's all that, but she also can see that her lies haven't worked so well for her so far.

IF the defense team is smarter than I think they are, they will do the same type of mock trial. I don't think she would take the stand if she saw a video of how badly she reacted/ lied.
I don't think they will do this though, because I don't think they want to be FIRED a week or so before the trial date. Casey would fire anyone who threatened her web of lies, and would do so with great indignation.

She's got enough against her as it is. I don't think she would crack on the witness stand. I think she would be defiant to the end ( think OJ not SP).
I wonder if George is going to make it thru this.
I do agree that Caylee will be the best witness.
This whole case makes me feel ill everytime I think about it.
I think Annie D is going to be a great witness...JMO
She would have been my vote too.

LE held back some of her interviews and she actually slept at KC's house while she was out on bond. IMO she must have lots of info.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that she may have worked undercover for LE on that sleepover or at least at some point wore a wire for them just like TL did.

She has info and LE hasn't handed it over yet, I think it will turn out to be important to the case. Do you have similar thoughts about Annie D?
Yes Doodlelover I do. I'd love to know what they are holding back.I voted for Grandmom. It takes a lot for a gram to say the things she did about KC..She wants justice for Caylee and will try her darndest.I hope GA.I dont know if he will hold up emotionally..God help him.
I voted Tony. He saw the night sweats and say her in bed sitting up crying over the Caylee video at the nursing home, he saw the other happy-go-lucky side of her cooking, cleaning partying right after it happened, and Casey will give herself away!!
I think KC's actions before and after will be the best witness for the state.
I wonder if George is going to make it thru this.
I do agree that Caylee will be the best witness.
This whole case makes me feel ill everytime I think about it.

I have had a feeling for a long time that one of them would not live through the trial. I don't know if it will be GA or LA, but every time I see either of them, I get the feeling of the presence of death surrounding them.
IF the defense team is smarter than I think they are, they will do the same type of mock trial. I don't think she would take the stand if she saw a video of how badly she reacted/ lied.
I don't think they will do this though, because I don't think they want to be FIRED a week or so before the trial date. Casey would fire anyone who threatened her web of lies, and would do so with great indignation.

She's got enough against her as it is. I don't think she would crack on the witness stand. I think she would be defiant to the end ( think OJ not SP).

SJ: can't you just picture Casey on the stand defending herself?
Prosecutor: "What did you do this morning before Trial, Miss Anthony?"
Casey: "Well, I dropped Caylee off at Zanny's and then went off to work at Universal just like any other normal day before I came to the Court House...."
I chose GA. The fact that he went to the FBI behind CA's back and also testified in front of the grand jury tells me that he will be their best witness. JMO

I would like to think that GA would be a star witness, but we really have no idea 'what' GA testified to at the Grand Jury. He may have told the truth and laid out all the damning info he knew or suspected about KC and the GJ came back with an indictment against KC, in part because of his words. Or he may have lied through his teeth and the GJ indicted anyway, despite his testimony.

It will be interesting to see exactly what he says under oath at trial. (if he testifies)
I don't think any of the immediate family will be good witnesses. They come to the stand with a bias. Casey is their daughter/sister/granddaughter, and none of them want to see her convicted and sent to prison. Their testimony won't be truthful and won't help the prosecution.

Of the choices in this poll, I think TL will be an excellent witness. Of those not listed, I think the detectives, YM and JA will also be excellent witnesses, explaining in detail the steps taken in their investigation. I think Annie will also be an excellent witness.

The forensic experts and Casey's own words/actions will convict her.

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