Poll:Why Do You Think Cindy Is Protecting Casey???

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What are Cindy's reasons for protecting Casey like she does?

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I'm interested as to why there's a video in August where CA says if she finds out KC is guilty she will support her being in prison. Yet, didn't she recently say that she will stand behind her daughter and support her no matter what happened? This is very telling IMO
the way I remember this is KC went to see her friend and told her she thinks she is going crazy and needs counseling. The next time she saw her friend she said everything is OK, I'm fine.
I never heard that CINDY heard that KC needed counseling but selected to only pursue that for herself.
THAT IS NOT the way this story went.

songline...if you rewatch the FBI interviews of Cindy, when she is interviewed by Scott Bolin, you will hear Cindy herself say that KC had wanted counselling. I think it may have been during the time they went over the forms that Cindy filled out about KC, her personality, etc. Cindy filled those out when SB left the room, and then he came back to discuss it with her. Cindy said that she herself had seen a counseller, but that KC hadn't, even tho KC had asked to see one. I think CA didn't even realize how she had said it. I'd find it for you, but my poor ears cannot take listening to Cindy's interviews again. :blowkiss:
OK I'm changing my mind after Elysium's post.

I originally said guilt. Now I think differently. I base this on knowing a pathological, control freak, narcissistic mother aka Mr. Zig’s ex. There’s a reason we dare not speak the demon’s name and refer to her as “the shifter”, short for shape shifter.

They have a daughter that the shifter has completely turned against her dad and me. She is almost 13. She has completely groomed this girl to be the most self centered person and it’s sad because she was such a sweet little girl. Ever since Casey Anthony came into the spotlight, I’ve agonized about the future for little miss zig. I thought about what if…the shifter were the mother.

Truth is the shifter would protect only to protect herself and not look bad. NOT out of guilt!! I think Cindy and the shifter just twist things into being as they want them to be and therefore the words that come out of their mouths are the truth in their twisted fantasy.
Mr. Zig’s mom once described the shifter as constantly acting as though life were a soap opera and she was the star diva…always in control around others. Like Cindy, the shifter can spin out of control occasionally, but only when she is fighting to be right.

Cindy is protecting her image, her fantasy and her attachment to being right. It makes complete sense in her mind and the talking in circles and making wild excuses are just what we call crazy making. These types love to get everyone confused and while your mind is chasing it’s tail over what has just been said, they make you feel like you are either too stupid or uninformed to possibly understand.

She can’t feel guilt because she is not the person who ever admits she is wrong. Never. Instead of thinking she may have done something wrong, she just naturally snaps into spin control of her soap opera and does what she must to keep things in line with what will make her look good and comfortable.

Hard to understand unless you've lived around these people. But I TOTALLY get it.

Guilt because she didnt have a perfect daughter to take credit for. Imperfection tarnishes Cindys fairtale image that she needs everyone to believe. Her reality is a dysfunctional family that is far from perfect, but instead of working them out, they pretend they are a strong and loving family. Cindy knows that things are very wrong, but does all she can to keep the disfunction locked inside their so called "happy home". Its easier to ignore the problem and think up a story with a happy ending than to admit a problem and work it out. She may also lack self esteem, and the admiration she gets from other people feeds her ego and helps to stuff the pain.

One statement Cindy made at the memorial REALLY bothered me and said a lot about how she wanted her family to be perceived.

"When Caylee was born she was the PERFECT baby." This poor child IMO had a standard to live up to and a job from the day she was born. How would Cindy react when Caylee disappointed her and embarrassed her by NOT being perfect? Is this the standard she set for Casey too? Did Casey finally quit trying to be the "perfect" daughter once she realized that nothing she could do would ever be good enough for Cindy? Is it possible that Casey snapped and did all those "bad things" because she wanted to hurt Cindy and show her what a bad person really was?

Seems that the whole family dynamic revolves around pretending, half truthing and mistruthing. What is so sad about this whole thing is that the ONE thing the A's are all so terrified of is the ONE thing that will help not only them but EVERYONE who is involved.....THE TRUTH.

Cindy, if you love Caylee as you claim you do...Speak the truth for her....She was only 2 years old, but when she talked she TOLD THE TRUTH. The beauty of toddlers is their brutal honesty. They havent learned to be anything but themselves. They havent yet been shamed or criticized for their "imperfections". They are happy just being who they are. She filled your lives with so much love and joy during her short time on earth..... dont you think she deserves this one last thing from you?

End Rant
songline...if you rewatch the FBI interviews of Cindy, when she is interviewed by Scott Bolin, you will hear Cindy herself say that KC had wanted counselling. I think it may have been during the time they went over the forms that Cindy filled out about KC, her personality, etc. Cindy filled those out when SB left the room, and then he came back to discuss it with her. Cindy said that she herself had seen a counseller, but that KC hadn't, even tho KC had asked to see one. I think CA didn't even realize how she had said it. I'd find it for you, but my poor ears cannot take listening to Cindy's interviews again. :blowkiss:

I will try to find it. thank you Mitz. :blowkiss:
My thoughts exactly. I keep thinking about the 2 girls ( I think AD was one of them )that KC confided in when she said she needed help , and then later on KC said she talked with her mom and everything was okay. I just wonder if CA feels some guilt about not getting her help and now is blaming herself for everything.

ITA! After I read AD's statement to LE, and I believe that Casey had told Kio the same thing (not sure, but I know she told more than one person that she was feeling like she was going crazy and needed to be "committed"), I found myself thinking over and over again, What If? What if she had gotten some help then? Would Caylee still be alive today? I'm certain she would be. I think Cindy must feel a lot of guilt and responsibility for that. She certainly knew things were bad enough for her to get counseling for herself last year. If Only...she had acted on it...

My own daughter has mental and emotional disorders, and exhibits a lot of the same characteristics that Casey does, including hyperactivity, constant need for attention, promiscuity, drug abuse, obsession with tattoos and piercings, compulsive lying and self centeredness, etc. She is currently in a group treatment home and making slow progress.She is also a little "chameleon", constantly reinventing herself to gain approval from diffferent people. Additionally, she was very attracted to violent and bloody images on line of vampires, zombies, etc. I was shocked to find that many of Casey's MySpace images were the same as those my daughter had downloaded. Sorry, I think I might be going O/T here, but I felt I needed to explain, because in many ways, I identify with Cindy's predicament, but not her behavior.

Last summer when my daughter was acting out, I felt so much guilt and shame at my lack of ability to control her and protect her. I think I differ from CA in that I really also felt that my daughter was suffering so much, and in grave danger of losing her life, so I was able to put the focus back on her needs and get her help. I was somewhat worried about what people thought of me as a parent, but I knew that was just my own ego talking, and that I had to do whatever it took to save her.

We can all say, "I would never do that...not my kid, no way...I didn't raise my child to behave like that", but the truth is, the A family is an extreme example of life out of balance that we all are subjected to in this crazy world.
Bottom line is we need to not be afraid to act on it when we know there is something wrong with a child. My primary responsibility as a parent is to keep my children SAFE, not to be their best friend.

I think CA has a bad case of the Emporer's new clothes, and has no idea that the world sees her marching naked down the street. I understand she does not want to lose Casey, but she needs a lot of help getting over her need to control and deny the truth.
Also magic-cat, I remember during CA's interview with the FBI, CA made a statement that KC had asked to get counselling, but then only said that she (CA) had actually been to counselling. Again, Cindy denying what KC really needed. Sometimes it seems to me that Cindy wanted to keep KC down, so she (CA) would retain possession of Caylee...like if KC saw a shrink, that she might end up turning her life around and take Caylee and go out on her own. Sad really.

Ya'll are onto something here for defense to use and it all sounds good but I think the reason CA didn't want KC going to counseling is because of the "family secret". KC might "tell"-------"don't worry---I haven't said anythang".
The first part of getting help with mental problems is admitting that you have a problem. KC would never do this. Counseling wouldn't have helped her. KC would think the therapist had the problem, not her. Like CA, she would ignore the advice given. Besides, she was grown up. After eighteen, CA couldn't get her into counseling if she wanted to. KC would have to take the initiative and make the appointment.
I'm afraid that wouldn't necessarily be true if my daughter had also exhibited Casey's sociopathic behavior, her volatile temper, heartless thefts from family members, pathological lying, her history of competing with me and complaining about her daughter's attachment to me. When I added all that to the fact that my daughter never reported her child's kidnapping, that the nanny who kidnapped her doesn't exist, her car had the stench of death--and perhaps worst of all, when my daughter came home on bond, she was cheerfully unconcerned about the absence and fate of her child. :)

Your right on the behavior. If I had a child that lied, cheated, stole, threw temper fits, etc..... It would prove that they do not have any values and/or morals ...and without a concience I suppose they could do anything. Thanks for giving me that point of view!
Cindy isnt protecting KC - not really - She is protecting herself . She is the last
person Caylee was seen with that was verified outside the ant farm. She is spouting this crap to keep KC from throwing her under the bus .
These folks were never interviewed for NASA .................
Cindy is protecting Casey cuz she knows she caused this house of cards to come tumbling down.
OK, here's another long one. I apologize in advance...

Cindy is a complete and total Control Freak and has obviously been the one running everything in that house. She also seems to be a perfectionist and expects (demands) her family to be perfect or at least appear that way. But, at the same time, she KNEW that Casey was getting more and more out of control, she hadn't talked to Caylee for a month--etc...I think she had a habit of "sugar coating" things in her mind to possibly help her deal with her lack of control over everyone. Remember her denying that Casey was pregnant when it was so obvious at Rick's wedding? Casey was at least seven months pregnant and totally showing but told Cindy she hadn't had sex with anyone (or at least that's what Cindy told her brother when he asked). Rather than confront Casey or admit the fact, she just played dumb. Is that denial? To me, denial is like saying your husband isn't cheating after a month of him coming home late, not wanting sex, smelling like perfume and finding another woman's panties in your bed---NOT saying your husband isn't cheating after actually finding him in bed with another woman.

I mean, when something is so obviously true and everyone sees it and you have a person who goes around saying everyone is wrong and it's not true, I think it becomes more of a protection issue (in this case).

After she and George picked up the car, she went back to work. She told her co-workers about the car, the fact that she didn't know where Casey was and that she hadn't talked to Caylee in a month BUT she gave the appearance that she really didn't think Casey had done anything wrong and said that she would give Casey a chance to explain herself before calling police. Her supervisor finallly made her leave work to take care of things. To me, this represents the fact that she had not accepted that something was REALLY wrong--even after all the red flags with Casey being "missing" for a month, not being able to speak with Caylee, the condition of the car and time at the lot..etc. I think at this point she was protecting herself--protecting her own thought processes--telling herself, "everything is under control, I've got a hold on this, I'll work it out, I won't let myself think she lied to me, there has to be a logical explanation"..etc..But, she KNEW and her conversation with Amy on the way to get Casey shows how much she KNEW about the stealing, possibly not having a job, the smell of decomposition in the car---etc.. She was not denying a thing at that point or the rest of that night--because she COULDN'T DENY IT. She, like everyone else involved, could see that Casey had something to do with Caylee being gone, she could see that Casey was lying and even said that to Casey when she called from jail. Also, George told police that Cindy didn't want to lose "both of her girls" way before Caylee was found. So, Cindy was not in denial. She knew early on, just like George did. She began protecting Casey and demanded that George do the same. She has made conflicting statements, lied under oath, pointed fingers at Casey's friends and everything she could to create some doubt that Casey is responsible for Caylee's death. If she were in true denial, she would not have done these things because she would have no reason to lie.

Now, is she doing this because of guilt? It's possible that she feels responsible if indeed she did have that big blow-out with Casey and threatened to take custody of Caylee. She may feel that if that fight didn't happen, then none of this would have happened. She may feel that she somehow could have protected Caylee better or should have tracked down Casey earlier....she could be feeling guilty about a million things--she could be thinking that she had been a bad mother to Casey and caused Casey to become the way she is. I'm sure that George and Lee feel guilty as well--and I'm not saying any one of them should feel quilty --but, it's a natural emotion for a mother to have when their child does something wrong and other family members to share.

I voted that Cindy does not want Casey to be in jail....despite everything, I think Cindy, George and Lee still love & support Casey and they are worried that she may be sentenced to death or life in prison. They are grieving for Caylee, who they loved dearly, but they are torn. I can't imagine what it must be like to be in that situation.

But, in the end, lying to police and blaming other people isn't the answer. I think a lot more people would have sympathy for this family if they had been honest and consistent. George knew the right thing to do, that is why he was up front with police in the beginning and he testified against Casey. It's clear he loves Casey but, I think he knows there must be justice for Caylee. My biggest problem with Cindy is that she resents George's honesty and has torn him down in her quest to control everything. I wish she would stop with the lies.....Casey needs to suffer the consequences of her actions and she will--no matter how hard anyone tries to protect her...she has dug her own grave.

RIP sweet Cayleee
:clap::clap::clap: GREAT POST
Cindy is protecting Casey cuz she knows she caused this house of cards to come tumbling down.

I very much doubt that CA knows that.
She cant take credit for all the family dysfunction all by herself.
I am sorry to say that much disfunction has to be a family effort,
I can not say that GA had nothing to do with it.
First and foremost, I agree that Cindy probably does not want the whole ball of wax exposed. After all, she thought she could "control" her brother's and others ideas that Casey was a VIRGIN and NOT SEVEN MONTHS PREGNANT at Cindy's brother's wedding. Ha ha. Cindy's brother has told it otherwise and the public knows. Cindy has to face up to all her lies she has used in the past to "protect" (enable) Casey.

Cindy didn't want the family laundry hung out to the world. But it has been. The world now knows about George's past, the family money situation, Casey's mess (murder, stealing, lying, etc. etc.).

You can bet Cindy had her eye on Casey to make the family proud: graduate high school, go to college. But things didn't turn out that way. Their lives uprooted, became public and the nightmare will never end.

Too bad everyone in the family can't be sent for psychological testing (like Bradley Cooper, in his murder case). That would be interesting.

I believe people like Cindy think that, hey, OJ Simpson got off on the murder of his wife, so Casey has a chance too. Hmpfh.

Last of all, Cindy must keep control of her domino-like world, because it's intermingled with so many lies and twists due to their dysfunctional issues that have morphed into a hot bubbling cauldron. It's gonna blow, I tell you! It already has. Those dominoes are shaky, falling, collapsing one by one. When the last one falls....

Totally agree with you per curiam. Voted none of above. Denial, control and guilt certainly play a huge part but in my opinion not the bottom line. Could it be that more than one person was involved (passively or directly) and Cindy has to back Casey for this reason. It seems that if 1 person in that family pulls the end of the string too firmly that the whole ball may unravel; thus, secret upon secret will unravel? Their secrets are their power; between each other as well as the secrets from others in the outside world. (this all reminds me of the old childhood chant "I know something that you don't know.....yah, what?.....I'm not gonna tell.....TELL ME!!!.....OH YAH,.MAKE ME!!!!!" Who is holding the power? Here's another childhood dynamic "if you tell them this......I'm gonna tell them that ......so you better keep your mouth shut or you're gonna get it too!..."
SECRETS, POWER, DENIAL, CONTROL, GUILT, RESCUE.....This is one tangled ball to unravel. Using your analogy of the domino's above (per curiam), it would be better if they could get Casey to fall to the right or left than for her to fall directly on the next domino. Everyone in that line would GO DOWN.
I personally think that early on they realized or were even told what had happened. There's definitely a point where they go from "OMG, Caylee is missing and Casey may have been involved" to "Casey is perfection, leave her alone....Oh yeah, and Caylee is missing". I think at that point, they KNOW Caylee is gone. There's nothing they can do to bring her back. But they CAN try to save Casey.

Why loose 2 family members? They're trying to cut their losses.
Cindy is protecting Casey cuz she knows she caused this house of cards to come tumbling down.

Excerpts from wikipedia on "narcissistic rage"

"Narcissistic rage is a reaction to narcissistic injury (when the narcissist feels degraded by another person). When the narcissist's grandiose sense of self worth is perceivably being attacked by another person, the narcissist's natural reaction is to rage and pull-down the self worth of others (to make the narcissist feel superior to others)."
I think the fight on the night of the 15th was a narcissistic injury that caused the "house of cards to come tumbling down" There's no telling what CA said to KC that night but I'm sure it made KC feel degraded in the worst way. CA had always covered for KC but not any more; not after SP confronted CA about KC's lies and theft. CA was probably brutally honest in her confrontation with KC and this change shocked her. KC was no longer on a pedestal in CA eyes. It brought on this "narcissistic rage".

"According to Kohut[1], rages are a result of the shame at being faced with failure. Narcissistic rage is the uncontrollable and unexpected anger that results from a narcissistic injury. Narcissistic injury is a threat to a narcissist’s self-esteem or worth. Rage comes in many forms, but all pertain to the same important thing, revenge."
Again, the confrontation with CA may have made KC face her failure and she was shamed to no end. CA probably threw it in her face how she was the only one mothering Caylee and what a lousy job of being a parent KC was doing. This, along with all the other things CA could have attacked her with, brought on this rage. KC sought revenge against her attacker, CA and the one who knocked her off her pedestal, Caylee.

"They can become enraged to the point of being homicidal especially if he/she has the need to seek revenge."
What better way to take revenge on CA than to take the life of Caylee? KC could no longer be attacked on her mothering skills and CA could no longer take credit for all she did for Caylee. KC knew how much it would hurt CA to lose Caylee. In a display of power and superiority over CA, KC took what meant more to her mother than anything in the world. "I gave you Caylee. You put her above me and you used her against me."
"What is given can be taken away"

CA probably knows nothing of narcissistic rage/injury but she does know that the fight they had that night was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". This is what I think she feels guilty of. She feels as if she should have kept quiet and Caylee would still be alive. She thinks that if she had left KC on her perceived pedestal this wouldn't have happened.


-First I feel CA carries a lot of guilt -yet- now I feel CA has KC were she wants her, in jail for killing her Caylee, as long as KC keeps quiet about family issues. CA thinks she still is controlling KC's life, and CA is finally free now to pursue her own interest without KC's antics.

Secondly, I feel KC is far from over punishing her parents for putting Caylee first in their lives, especially CA. The only reason I think that the defense is keeping things so close to the vest is because they intend to disclose personal family issues at trial and throw the parents under the bus. Since hiring a reconstructive attorney, I wonder if Caylee did indeed get hurt during a family fight on the 15th, but that KC took Caylee and ran, thereby CA didn't know how badly she got hurt, and KC allowed her to die from injuries=
or KC intends to use the fight to claim she blacked out from CA choking her and she woke up to find Caylee in her trunk, after CA threw her and Caylee out-
KC may claim she lied about a ZFG to protect her mom, however, since CA has potenial to make a lot of money now, KC will not allow that-KC has made it perfectly clear- she is not taking the blame for anything- CA is well aware of this and is trying to do damage control- it has and will continue to be a battle of wills between them.

I am scared of the RevCrim!

I voted none of the above. I strongly disagree with the ideas that CA has forgiven KC... thinks it was an accident... just wants KC back home... yadayadayada...

IMO, Cindy will NEVER forgive KC, this was NO accident, and CA certainly does NOT want KC back home ever! Cindy has her own agen$da right now, and is faking this support in hopes of shutting KC up. Wait til the trial when Baez throws them under a MACK TRUCK...we may see the re-emergence of the bat swinging, hammer pounding CA! Cindy wants positive attention and sympathy...both of which she will NOT get if KC gets out and lives/is seen with her.

I forgot where it was posted earlier, but someone was recently in the courtroom sitting next to G&C and reported that after something was argued by the defence...CA said something like "that's right!" under her breath (but was loud enough to be heard by many). It is KILLING CA to NOT be able to flap her lips. This woman is a lying, manipulative, self-serving, loud mouthed, control freak. I'm not buying her current somber, "stand by my daughter" act.
I have always simply felt that Casey is an extension of Cindy....as all daughters are of their mothers. To save Casey is to save herself.
I personally think that early on they realized or were even told what had happened. There's definitely a point where they go from "OMG, Caylee is missing and Casey may have been involved" to "Casey is perfection, leave her alone....Oh yeah, and Caylee is missing". I think at that point, they KNOW Caylee is gone. There's nothing they can do to bring her back. But they CAN try to save Casey.

Why loose 2 family members? They're trying to cut their losses.

I cannot imagine why the A's would want to save Casey and would believe that she is so perfect and such a good mother (forget about being a good lady-there is no way), knowing she lies and steals and probably killed Caylee. Could they really forgive their daughter and forget their granddaughter was murdered? Could they really pretend that she just died? Would they really want Casey to move back into her old bedroom and then they could be one happy family (minus one)?

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