
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What Happened?

  • Abduction

    Votes: 25 24.0%
  • Murdered

    Votes: 17 16.3%
  • Accident

    Votes: 61 58.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters
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Abduction -- hard to believe maybe but - I don't think 2 medical professionals could overdose their own kid...neither intentionally nor by accident, no matter how annoying or imperfect the child was. All the 'evidence' has magically appeared in the past month or so...how remarkable. If the DNA in the car is blood, then it only prooves that Maddy is alive and the McCanns are in fact being framed by the Portugese powers that be.

A syringe found? Come on, you've got to be kidding me!! I don't believe they would have left a piece of evidence like that lying around even if they did sedate her.

Bethy, as an RN I can tell you MD's or not they are human and they do make mistakes. I have witnessed it with my own eyes. Just because they have head knowledge does not give them commonsense or make them infallable. Gerry himself has said that she was sedated. Yes he could have accidentally given her too much or, given her something that she had a bad reaction to. If the latter is the case he would have no way of knowing that she would have a problem. Also if it was actually Maddies blood in the car why in does that mean that the police arm framing the McCanns and that Maddie is alive. That is far fetched to me. If there is blood in that car it tells me that Maddie was transported in that car at some point be it right after the incident took place or after the McCanns aquired the car.

As far as the syringe being found. To my knowledge they have not said they found a needle. I can tell you people use a syringe all the time to give oral medication. I think that if something happened to Maddie and that syringe was in a drawer that would probably not be the first thing they would think of.
Wow, I am sooooooo on the fence with this one...:( The fact they left their children alone in a room has bothered me since day one! Com'on pay a d... babysitter! :doh: On the other hand when I see them I don't get that "feeling" that they have done something, if so they sure stayed there for a long time, fought to keep her name in the public just doesnt seem like something one would do if guilty.. Usually guilty people end up "tripping" themselves up, like SP, no TRUE interest in his wife's whereabouts..

Guess I am just going to wait and see. Their children are beautiful and they sure appear to be good parents, just dont know..:confused: :confused:
Your right about the syringe, many, many people use to give meds to their children.
Wow, I am sooooooo on the fence with this one...:( The fact they left their children alone in a room has bothered me since day one! Com'on pay a d... babysitter! :doh: On the other hand when I see them I don't get that "feeling" that they have done something, if so they sure stayed there for a long time, fought to keep her name in the public just doesnt seem like something one would do if guilty.. Usually guilty people end up "tripping" themselves up, like SP, no TRUE interest in his wife's whereabouts..

Guess I am just going to wait and see. Their children are beautiful and they sure appear to be good parents, just dont know..:confused: :confused:

Straitfan- Just a question. What is it about the McCanns that makes you think they "appear to be good parents." I ask because that is not what I see. Yes they are educated, attractive and successful but other than that I see nothing positive.

*Nannie at home.
*Vacation, leave your kids in daycare all day.
*Not using available sitter at night.
*Maddie crying for her daddy for an hour and 45 min one evening.
*Maddie hiding in the bushes for a half an hour another night.
*Sedation at night so you can leave them in an unlocked room.
*Partying at the Tapas bar with friends without regard for your children.
*Not checking the children.
*Consuming large quanities of alcohol in a short period of time.
*After it is discovered Maddie is missing leaving Sean and Amelia alone in the room.

Ok I'll stop now!
This does not remotely look like good parenting to me
I think accident, but Im still hoping I wake up one day to read shes found safely. Ive been following along with this and a few other cases just never posted before.
Welcome, Lesa.

I'm sure we all are agreed on one thing: We'd all love to see Madeleine returned home safely.
Those are good points as to what would "not" make a good parent, I myself havent either seen these things on the news or havent heard them. That being said, I also think the media certainly "changes stories or portray's them to their own liking at times so had I heard it I am not have believed it totally.. Just my own, little opinion, nothing else.
I have administered tylenol to my kids using a syringe....all I am saying is they wouldn't have left it behind.

If there was an allergic reaction to a sedative, I think as MD's they can recognize and treat untoward symptoms and would even get help don't you think?

The PJ would like to see this case wrapped up and the political agenda is tourism. They absolutely do not want the Brits to be frightened away due to the possibility of their kids being kidnapped. A major tourism campaign was postponed this summer due to the Maddy case.

The PJ have looked the other way in cases of pedophile rings and abductions -- check out the political and powerful clients who partook in sex with orphans at the Casa Pia orphanage up until 2003...also the case mentioned here before where they beat a woman to confess that she killed her (still missing) 8 year old daughter.

I would not put it past them to be working with the abductors to obtain Maddy DNA to help put the blame on the parents....and put the case to rest also.
What does everyone mean when they say, 'not murder but an accident' - how does everyone think Maddy died by accident. Just curious -- my kids have tumbled down stairs and hit pavement and I can go on & on -- they get up and walk away everytime!! Not a scratch. Just wondering what sort of accident could kill a 3 year old from a first floor apartment.
What does everyone mean when they say, 'not murder but an accident' - how does everyone think Maddy died by accident. Just curious -- my kids have tumbled down stairs and hit pavement and I can go on & on -- they get up and walk away everytime!! Not a scratch. Just wondering what sort of accident could kill a 3 year old from a first floor apartment.
It has been reported that the McCanns sedated their children so they would sleep. The accident may be from a reaction or an overdose to the medication.

When the twins slept through the considerable commotion of searching for her as well as being carried away by strangers, police, it added to the specualtion. As did when KM left her twins alone to get the others at the Tapas bar - she knew they were safe and knew they would not wake up

The McCanns are reported to have both deny it as and GM is reported to having admitted it.
What does everyone mean when they say, 'not murder but an accident' - how does everyone think Maddy died by accident. Just curious -- my kids have tumbled down stairs and hit pavement and I can go on & on -- they get up and walk away everytime!! Not a scratch. Just wondering what sort of accident could kill a 3 year old from a first floor apartment.

Another example is one of the parents losing their temper and swatting Maddie, not meaning to do it as hard as they did, and her falling off a bed or hitting a wall or a piece of furniture, hitting her head and dying from a head injury. The accident is, they didn't mean to do it that hard and certainly didn't intend her death.
Another accident scenario would be the parents sedating the children but Maddie not going fully "out" from the sedation. In a groggy, doped up state, a three year old left alone could get into plenty of trouble in a first floor apartment. For instance, let's say Creepy Cat really did wind up on top of a large cupboard, perhaps as a result of Maddie throwing it. Now she wants it back and tries to scale the cupboard in her doped up state.

Or she decides to use the bed for a trampoline, or tries to see where her parents have gone and falls and hits her head.

Endless possibilities for this scenario.

Fact is, three year olds don't have enough discretion to be left alone. That's why most of us parents are smart enough not to risk their well-being by doing that to them.

Regardless of whether the parents are guilty of actively murdering their child, they should stand charges on child endangerment. They put their own selfish interests (eating dinner with friends, drinking, having a good "adult" time) above those of their tiny children. I could almost empathize or rationalize their behavior if they were impoverished, uneducated parents...but clearly they were neither. These were two professionals who worked in a field that should've more than shown them the dangers of leaving small children unattended. Added to that, they obviously had the monetary resources to hire someone to look after their kids.

I see G and K as incredibly selfish, self-indulgent people. And I feel they were criminally negligent in their parenting.
If they did drug her, they unintentionally made her even more vulerable.
Another accident scenario would be the parents sedating the children but Maddie not going fully "out" from the sedation. In a groggy, doped up state, a three year old left alone could get into plenty of trouble in a first floor apartment. For instance, let's say Creepy Cat really did wind up on top of a large cupboard, perhaps as a result of Maddie throwing it. Now she wants it back and tries to scale the cupboard in her doped up state.

Or she decides to use the bed for a trampoline, or tries to see where her parents have gone and falls and hits her head.

Endless possibilities for this scenario.

Fact is, three year olds don't have enough discretion to be left alone. That's why most of us parents are smart enough not to risk their well-being by doing that to them.

Regardless of whether the parents are guilty of actively murdering their child, they should stand charges on child endangerment. They put their own selfish interests (eating dinner with friends, drinking, having a good "adult" time) above those of their tiny children. I could almost empathize or rationalize their behavior if they were impoverished, uneducated parents...but clearly they were neither. These were two professionals who worked in a field that should've more than shown them the dangers of leaving small children unattended. Added to that, they obviously had the monetary resources to hire someone to look after their kids.

I see G and K as incredibly selfish, self-indulgent people. And I feel they were criminally negligent in their parenting.

Teacherbees, I agree with you 100%.
OK - lets say there is a fatal accident when they return from having dinner and ice cream with the kids. (6:00pm - Maddy was last seen in public eating area of the resort) If it was an accident as doctors -- first they would try resuscitation of the child (& I really & truely believe at this point they would have called for help if only for medical equipment to intubate or suction the airway) -- probably if it is your own child I would think that would go on for at least an hour....this gives them one hour to clean it up, mourn/freak out, gain composure, come up with a plan to cover up/hide the body -- then gain more composure and get cleaned up for dinner at the tapas bar. Does this seem realistic?
:croc: I was the only one voted other. I feel it was an accident causing her murder, not just one or the other so I voted other. Sorry.

I feel around 90% the parents did it.
:croc: I was the only one voted other. I feel it was an accident causing her murder, not just one or the other so I voted other. Sorry.

I feel around 90% the parents did it.

Don't feel lonley :) I voted accident but hold the very reasoning as you do.
I voted abduction. Until there's something more solid than all of the rumors swirling around, I'm sticking with abduction.
I say abduction. There is no proof she is dead or was accidently killed. The only thing we know for sure is she's missing.
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