Possible Connections

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Ok, Ms. Lyon said, ' I don't believe the girls would have just jumped into, or even have been lured into a stangers car. They may have been told their father was in an accident... ' I tend to doubt this. These were smart young ladies, totally aware of predators. They would have run home to Mom, only a few blocks away....

Ok, so why is coffey so important to some....just a reflective thought.

Perach was not a stranger. He was known to be a frequent visitor of this Mom, who lives on the general route home.

Richard, you have my admiration. I tried to incite your narcissism, by causing a wild response, and calling me a bunch of names: It nice to have you to discuss cases with. I promise I won't try that again.

Now, lets get down to it.
Jeb, I apologized. You did not....

Jeb, I will not roll over, however. You can accuse me of whatever you want, be careful that you don't slander me, or if you do, please be sure you are able to substantiate it in a court of law.

I'm glad you're back from North Carolina. I know you wanted to visit Mr. Coffee at prison 'to hear what he would say', but I bet the NC police and his attorney weren't interested.

I know you are very concerned about his possible release. Interestingly, if he were the killer/abductor, releasing him could provide the positive evidence needed to confirm/refute your theory. He's not going to stay in a monastery if released....ya know?

Think about it and remember that this entire site is a matter of public record.

Tight lines

You must have me mixed up with Georgiagirl. I haven't made any posts to this discussion except for the update on Fred Coffey.
Yep, you half right. I got you mixed up with Skipper, who commented a week or so ago. Yes, I also could have gotten you mixed up with Georgiagirl - but she/he requested clarification for understanding of a statement I made. Maybe it was a freudian slip, didn't you have massive conversations with former member "J"oe "F"riday on the Scott Peterson case? I did enjoy you thoughts, retrospectively, however, on that case.

Tight lines/best.
Perach was not a stranger. He was known to be a frequent visitor of this Mom, who lives on the general route home....

You mean Pearch was a frequent visitor to his OWN mother, NOT to Mrs. Lyon. Yes, he did visit his mother regularly according to news accounts and interviews given by his family members.

Mrs. Pearch's house was not, however, on the route which the girls would have taken home from the mall. She lived on Dennis Ave. - some blocks beyond the Lyon house. Her home was close to the Middle School attended by Kate Lyon and her younger brother, but it was not between the school and the Lyon home, rather it was a couple of blocks beyond it.

Michael Pearch did not grow up in Kensington. His mother moved there after he had graduated from High School. Upon his discharge from the Army, he lived with her in Kensington, and then he moved out to Friendsville, MD as sort of a caretaker for a farm which belonged to an old man who was in an old folks home.

Pearch had obtained some firearms from a gunshop which was not far from Wheaton Plaza. He was a regular customer at that gun shop which was in the "triangle" area of Wheaton. This was just east of Wheaton Plaza.

No witness ever placed Michael Pearch at the scene (of the Lyon girls' disappearance on 25 March 1975), and no connection was ever made between him and the Lyon family. No one ever proved or even mentioned that Pearch had any proclivity for young girls or that he was in any way a pediphile or child molester.

But here you have a person who proved himself to be mentally unstable and who was quite capable of murder beginning a killing spree at the same mall only three weeks after the girls disappeared. Up until that moment, nobody ever thought that he was violent either.

It was mentioned by family members that he claimed to have been involved in kidnapping, false identification, disguises, and weapons while working as a counterintelligence operative for the US Army in Germany. Whether this was actually true, or just stories told by Pearch, it indicates that this sort of thing was on his mind prior to the Lyon Girls' going missing.
I guess I don't have anything else to say. You are right on top of this. The only point you missed is that psychotic killers who hate particular races, usually find other 'races' ( hair and eyes and skin) unbearably tempting...............

Why isn't Pearch listed as a suspect by MCPD? That alone is enough to make me suspicious ( smile )

This one haunts us all who live here. Thank God the neighbors have changed so much 60 percent of the people have no idea......

Stay safe, my friend.
I hope you're right. What were Bundy's "numbers" by the way?

It's this, plus the MCPD inability and disinterest that makes me wonder.

I doubt the Coffey connection, simply because their are so many persons willing to throw out logic and make libelous statements against someone only convicted of 1 murder.

Bundy? Wasn't he a gay fellow who liked adults??? Didn't he stay in a singular neigborhood in Chicargo???? Didn't he have freezers full of body parts??

How do you know so much about killers and their driving habits, and their MO in presuing people....and how to you make them similiar to Coffey??? Richard - this is why I think this is being railroaded away from the truth.


Richard, fantastic job-as always. Every time I hear of a case of this nature I can't help but think 'is this some of Freds work'. I believe Fred Coffey to be a serial killer possibly with numbers as high as Ted Bundy. He is suspect in numerous cases of the southeast. When he did that 12 yr. hitch in the Navy, he may have killed throuhout the US., & possibly Asia too. If we knew when & where he was stationed, it would help. I was told Fred had 3 vehicles, & no wonder, since some of these type killers drive 100K miles per year, riding around looking for victims. In my mind, Fred is suspect in all of these type cases commited between the early 60's & late 1986. I just hope LE checks some of the victims found with DNA left behind, against the DNA of Fred Coffey.

Of course I meant ' frequent visitor of "t" his mother who lived in the area....'

So I made a typo!! Obviously, every on else lived the the area ( smile ).

Interesting that you had to make a "corrective" statement on such an obvious typo.
Jeb - "I was told..." duh??? What does that mean. Who told you??? Sounds like here-say from a bad dream! And he, Coffey, is responsible for 'all the killings from the 1960's to the 1980's?' What?????

When you wrote that hysterical statement you gave his attorney direct evidence to dismiss everything you would ever say in a trial as prejudicial. Ever think about that??

You too! What about Raymond Rudolph Mileski who lived in another county? Hardly as close as Pearch.

What about the fact that he said he knew the scoop on the Lyon Sisters?

What about the fact that he only became a convicted murderer in 1977?

What about the fact that he is dead now? No information there anymore?

Coffey says he knows nothing. This guy, Mileski, is a convicted killer of family members and claimed he knew something. What did the police find out before he died. Or did they care?

The more I research this case the more, and more illogical statements I find.
This discussion is getting confusing. Are you three having discussions in p.m.'s and then answering each other on the thread? Just wondering, trying to follow along.
Hear-say is not allowed in a court of law, however, it does not negate a persons whole testimony.

The answer to all your questions can be found in the arichives of this case that was started around April 2004 and ended about August 2006 and is about 17 pages long. It covers in detail every point you've raised and more.

Very good information about Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer can be found on wikipedia.com. Hope I spelled that right. If not...just search on their names and go to that site. Bundy attacked women, Dahmer attacked men and boys. You'll find the states they killed in, the number of known victims and much more about them on that site. Neither one of them were anywhere near the east coast.

At least 3 members of this website have given information to MCP in writing, by phone and/or in person on more than one occassion. They know who we are and how to reach us. Once in awhile they might tell us something (nothing earth shattering) but we don't put every thing we know on this website to protect the integritity (sp?) of that relationship. We care about the victims and their families and we want to see this case solved one day. Nothing is written in stone in our opinion and we make allowances for all posibilities. We also know that MCP has more information than we or the public knows but their hands are tied because of lack of DNA and needed concrete evidence to tie the case to one specific person at this time. They also get frustrated and discouraged by these cases. Some of us include them in our prayers for this case because we know what they go through. We go through it, too. If you have any facts on the case...please post them, otherwise, personal attacks on those who are trying very hard to find an answer are hurtful, inflammatory and nonproductive and not appreciated by anyone. Thank you.
...What about Raymond Rudolph Mileski who lived in another county? Hardly as close as Pearch.

What about the fact that he said he knew the scoop on the Lyon Sisters?

What about the fact that he only became a convicted murderer in 1977?

What about the fact that he is dead now? No information there anymore?

... This guy, Mileski, is a convicted killer of family members and claimed he knew something. What did the police find out before he died. Or did they care?

The more I research this case the more, and more illogical statements I find.

You sum things up pretty well in regard to Mileski. He appeared in the news in November 1977 when he murdered his wife and oldest son, and wounded his youngest son. He turned himself in to Prince Georges County Police, and was subsequently tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison.

Mileski apparently made some statements to fellow Maryland inmates which were reported to authorities regarding the Lyon Sisters. What he told them is only known by police. They visited his former residence in Suitland in 1982 to search his yard, but found nothing there.

Many years later, an informant with second or third hand information came forward and told a story of how Mileski might have been involved in the Lyon Sisters' disappearance. All that information was relayed to Montgomery County Police for investigation.. Whether or not they spoke with Mileski or what he might have told them is not known by me.

See the thread on Mileski in "Suspects and Persons of Interest" for more.
ShurlT, you are right on time with that post, excellant job!!
Thanks Jeb.

My above statement that neither Bundy nor Dahmer were near the east coast is incorrect.

Bundy was in Floria in 1978. Dahmer was there in 1981 after his discharge from the Army because he didn't want to go home to his father's house. In 1982 he moved to his grandmother's in Wisconsin. Sorry.
Let's consider the possibility that they might have been abducted by a home owner or renting tenant along their route. There were not that many houses and the police did go door to door asking everyone questions. All garages, sheds, ponds, etc were carefully searched.

I lived at 3325 Glenway Drive. It was not directly on their route, but less than a quarter of a mile away. They would have crossed the dead end at the bottom of Glenway to pick back up on Drumm. My house was never searched, and I never heard of any of my friends' houses being searched. No one came to our door and asked questions, and I never heard that that happened at any of my friends' houses. I had a friend named Becky who lived in the house at the end of the Plyers Mill side of Drumm and her house would have been on (one of) their route(s). I never heard that her house was seached and I'm pretty sure I would have.

I suggested the possibility of a neighborhood person named Michael Pearch being their abductor. (See the Suspects and Persons of Interest thread). Pearch's mother lived in a house only a few blocks from the Lyon house and very close to Kate's middle school. He traveled the residential roads often in his green VW, and liked to shop in Wheaton and at the Mall.

I'm not disputing you, Richard, but I'm a bit confused. There was no "middle school" in the area. The children living in that part of Kensington who went to Oakland Terrance Elementary went on to Newport Mill Junior High, I believe. Is this the school you're referring to? I don't think Newport Mill was anywhere near the Lyon's house or even our neighborhood. I believe it was on the other side of University Blvd, but I haven't doublechecked. (I moved out of the neighborhood after 6th grade, so I never attended Newport Mill myself.)
... My house was never searched, and I never heard of any of my friends' houses being searched. No one came to our door and asked questions, and I never heard that that happened at any of my friends' houses. ...

I'm not disputing you, Richard, but I'm a bit confused. There was no "middle school" in the area. The children living in that part of Kensington who went to Oakland Terrance Elementary went on to Newport Mill Junior High, I believe. Is this the school you're referring to? ...

In response to your first question about police searches, I got that information from Washington Post reports regarding the search for the girls. Police whom I have spoken to have also referred to officers having gone door to door looking for the girls and requesting permission to search the property for them. I was not there personally, so I cannot state from personal experience. Perhaps the "search" was only a door to door questioning of neighbors, but I distinctly remember reading about sheds and ponds being searched. I will try to find that news report again.

You are absolutely correct about my mistake in calling Kate's school a "Middle School". She actually was attending Oakland Terrace ELEMENTARY School, along with her younger brother. It was/is located on Plyers Mill Road some blocks from where the girls lived, and across the street. Sheila attended a Middle School some blocks beyond it and she was bussed to her school.

The house that I was referring to in my earlier post was a small brick rambler owned by Michael Pearch's mother. It was on Dennis Ave, only a few blocks past Oakland Terrace Elementary School.

Pearch lived there for a time, but moved to Western Maryland, not far from the West Virginia Border. He was unemployed and would often come home to visit his mother and sister at the Dennis Ave home.

I do not know the route that Sheila's school bus took, but if it drove directly from the Lyon home to her Middle School, it could have passed near the Pearch home.
I lived at 3325 Glenway Drive. It was not directly on their route, but less than a quarter of a mile away. They would have crossed the dead end at the bottom of Glenway to pick back up on Drumm. My house was never searched, and I never heard of any of my friends' houses being searched. No one came to our door and asked questions, and I never heard that that happened at any of my friends' houses. I had a friend named Becky who lived in the house at the end of the Plyers Mill side of Drumm and her house would have been on (one of) their route(s). I never heard that her house was seached and I'm pretty sure I would have.quote

According to the Gazette dated 23Mar05, they searched storm drains & sewers. They asked if they could search basements & garages, it was strictly volunteer.

Another man(I won't use his name) said 'They came in the house,looked in the closets & boxes under the stairs'.

They also searched the woods the girls would have had to walk through, they searched back yards, & they dredged the pond near the nursing home.

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