Possible Links between RAT and JM

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Or Jesse Matthew was very upset that Randy Taylor was getting all the credit/attention for his deviant crimes...Serial killers resent when authorities give someone else credit for their work.. May be why JM later targeted HG. To send a loud and clear message to authorities that he was still in charge and actively and brazenly preying on unsuspecting innocent victims right under their noses.. Deja vu, 'Catch me if you can'.. jmo

Dennis Lynn RADER - A.K.A.: "The BTK killer"
Arrest and conviction

<snipped - read more>
By 2004, the investigation of the BTK Killer had gone cold. Then, Rader sent a letter to the police, claiming responsibility for a killing that had previously not been attributed to him. DNA collected from under the fingernails of that victim provided police with previously unknown evidence. They then began DNA testing hundreds of men in an effort to find the serial killer. Altogether, some 1100 DNA samples would be taken.

Yes, very possible.
I think one way or another Jesse would have been deeply following the Randy / Alexis abduction story because (A) He was involved or (B) He was upset that Randy was getting all that attention.

I just still can't figure out in my mind if Jesse is your classic Serial Killer type or if he just had some kind of major mental problem where he keeps replaying the Liberty incident over and over each fall because his football career was ruined by it at the same time of they year?
Just thinking out loud and tossing out some ideas for people to think about and get some responses.
Lets do a what if Jesse was involved with Alexis's disappearance and some things to considers.

After Morgan's abduction they said the released sketch of a African-American male linked to her and the Fairfax case. That had to rattle Jesse cage and make him very nervous wouldn't you think?
Now, if he did abduct Alexis and keep her shirt like he did with Morgan then he would definitely have a motive to go and try to set up Randy. Randy is a white man. What better way to throw everyone off the trail of ole Jesse by going back to that trailer and leaving evidence there, but not right in plain sight, but where it would only be found only during a thorough investigation.
WHAT IF, and that is a big WHAT IF, Jesse did go with Alexis to Randy's trailer. So Jesse commits his crime but later on he thinks, hmmmm I can go leave evidence back at that trailer we were just at that will then pin this on that drug addict white guy and LE will think he has been the main man possibly doing all these past abductions in Charlottesville which would then cause the trail to go cold leading back to me an African-American male who looks very similar to the sketch from Morgan and the Fairfax case. It's something to ponder in my mind.

I went back and watched and listened to those 3 part segment post interviews Randy gives after the trial and I will have to say there is some tiny part of me that does believe that there is more to Alexis story than what we were led to believe from Randy's trial.

I have always been a very good judge of a persons character my whole life, (don't get me wrong, I don't think Randy is a good person by any means), but something just seems wrong or off to me. Randy just doesn't come across as your classic stone cold killer.

Who knows..... I may be way off base but I would not be shocked at all now if in the coming weeks there is going to be more to this Randy and Alexis abduction story.

I picked up on the same thing. There is something off when he is telling his story. In my mind it is a story or half truths... That is the vibe I get. I think he played a role in the AM murder, but i think he had some help. Or, maybe He was the help.
Just thinking out loud and tossing out some ideas for people to think about and get some responses.
Lets do a what if Jesse was involved with Alexis's disappearance and some things to considers.

After Morgan's abduction they said the released sketch of a African-American male linked to her and the Fairfax case. That had to rattle Jesse cage and make him very nervous wouldn't you think?
Now, if he did abduct Alexis and keep her shirt like he did with Morgan then he would definitely have a motive to go and try to set up Randy. Randy is a white man. What better way to throw everyone off the trail of ole Jesse by going back to that trailer and leaving evidence there, but not right in plain sight, but where it would only be found only during a thorough investigation.
WHAT IF, and that is a big WHAT IF, Jesse did go with Alexis to Randy's trailer. So Jesse commits his crime but later on he thinks, hmmmm I can go leave evidence back at that trailer we were just at that will then pin this on that drug addict white guy and LE will think he has been the main man possibly doing all these past abductions in Charlottesville which would then cause the trail to go cold leading back to me an African-American male who looks very similar to the sketch from Morgan and the Fairfax case. It's something to ponder in my mind.

I went back and watched and listened to those 3 part segment post interviews Randy gives after the trial and I will have to say there is some tiny part of me that does believe that there is more to Alexis story than what we were led to believe from Randy's trial.

I have always been a very good judge of a persons character my whole life, (don't get me wrong, I don't think Randy is a good person by any means), but something just seems wrong or off to me. Randy just doesn't come across as your classic stone cold killer.

Who knows..... I may be way off base but I would not be shocked at all now if in the coming weeks there is going to be more to this Randy and Alexis abduction story.
He does come off as the classic stone cold killer in person.

I think you should watch those 3 parts again and again so that you know exactly what it is that makes you vulnerable to the type of person RAT is. I promise after you figure that out you will be much safer in life then you are now.

I am not trying to be mean either I am just trying to protect that tiny part of you that might trust the wrong person.

AS a side note Alexis's clthes have not been found ,Randy taylors shirt was found under his couch covered in Alexis blood . How would anyone set Randy up with is own shirt that on a recorded conversation with police he tried acting like he was wearing a different one ,even though it was on video?

A miller beer shirt. (i think those are promotional)
For discussion:

The 5 things people get wrong about Alexis Murphy and Jesse Matthew


Anyway an anonymous person writing to a victim is not evidence. Neither is a known person, among many more writing to a victim a crime.
The court would need DNA and preferably a body. Her facebook shows she was on the radar of many, many men.

I very much doubt JM was involved at the scene. There is no mention of DNA being found other that RATs and maybe AMs. Driving RAT home from downtown is a possibility if he drove a cab then. Don't think he did.
Just because rat dna not in the car don't mean he didn't do it, her dna is all over his bedding, all over his camper wall, as in blood this is 100% fact..

That is not true.

My understanding about the bedding was there was only one hair found on his pillow (no blood) and no DNA or anything else belonging to Alexis was on any other part of the bedding. There was no blood DNA of Alexis' on the walls either as far as I understand. I would love to see a trial or post-trial link from MSM about it if so.
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Sure, Taylor obviously has guilt or he wouldn't have lied. But the question for me is what exactly is he guilty of doing. He was found guilty of murder, yes, still I feel there's reasonable doubt there. . . especially now with the whole JLM stuff. There's more between the two than has been brought to light.

RAT's shirt & DNA evidence: It wasn't covered in blood. Blood was all over the back of the shirt, not the front, and that was it. Also, according to testimony, "Blood from two people was on a T-shirt found under Taylor’s couch; Murphy was the “major contributor” and Taylor “could not be excluded,”" http://www.dailyprogress.com/news/t...cle_ae2f0622-d46d-11e3-a117-0017a43b2370.html. Randy wore the shirt, there was blood of two people on it, so why, if it was in fact his blood, could it not be confirmed through DNA? Could it have been JLM's blood or someone else?

Finding RAT's shirt: "
FBI agents who searched the camper the first time say they are quite sure the bloody shirt wasn't in there when they searched it the first time" -Parker Slaybaugh
"Agents were there for six hours August 7 conducting a thorough search of the camper that included turning over the sofa, bed, and chair and going through every piece of clothing."http://www.c-ville.com/randy-taylor-trial-day-two-murphys-blood-found/#.VEoLfJUtBYc - - BBM - And they didn't find the shirt. They did find a hair on a pillow and a jagged fingernail on the floor. RAT was arrested. Officers then went back and searched and found the shirt in a place that Federal agents stated they were quite sure it wasn't at when they searched "every inch" of the trailer. Inside the shirt is where they found the remaining evidence, the hair extension and eyelash. Could JLM have snuck in and left the shirt? They didn't have RAT's place guarded that night like they've been guarding the area in Charlottesville.

There's more I'd add, but I'm too tired.

I know a lot of people are wondering how they could be connected - I've been meaning to look into something else, but my workday gets in the way and I keep forgetting - has anyone checked to see if they were also in the same city/county jails at the same time?
Unless the DNA proves otherwise, there is little evidence that Jesse Matthew was involved in the abduction and disappearance of Alexis Murphy.

This part might have merit: Randy Taylor said he was afraid to talk for fear of harm to his family, but immediately requested DNA test to rule out JM once JM was incarcerated (and likely for good) because of DNA match to Fairfax Rape/Attempted Capital Murder and Morgan Harrington's murder.

HOWEVER - these factors do fit JM's MO:
- smash or disable cell phone (first thing JM did to the lawyer he assaulted was grab his cell phone)
- violence and sexual assault
- abduction
- car found, no body

So, the Big Question to ask is:

Has Randy Allen Taylor ever been charged with an abduction, rape, assault charge or other violent felony?
Take it as s soft admission that dna was not run properly and thoroughly in the fir s t place

I wouldn't say it is an admission things weren't run properly but it probably does mean things were't run at all.
LE does not run every piece of DNA they find in a crime scene against a database. They run it against their suspect(s).
I think it is quite interesting that LE is even listening to RAT's lawyer if they don't think there is any chance that JM is linked. They have a guy in prison for this crime. The case is closed. Imagine if every convicted felon wanted LE to keep investigating their already solved crime. This is very unique. It just does not happen.
Just thinking out loud and tossing out some ideas for people to think about and get some responses.
Lets do a what if Jesse was involved with Alexis's disappearance and some things to considers.

After Morgan's abduction they said the released sketch of a African-American male linked to her and the Fairfax case. That had to rattle Jesse cage and make him very nervous wouldn't you think?
Now, if he did abduct Alexis and keep her shirt like he did with Morgan then he would definitely have a motive to go and try to set up Randy. Randy is a white man. What better way to throw everyone off the trail of ole Jesse by going back to that trailer and leaving evidence there, but not right in plain sight, but where it would only be found only during a thorough investigation.
WHAT IF, and that is a big WHAT IF, Jesse did go with Alexis to Randy's trailer. So Jesse commits his crime but later on he thinks, hmmmm I can go leave evidence back at that trailer we were just at that will then pin this on that drug addict white guy and LE will think he has been the main man possibly doing all these past abductions in Charlottesville which would then cause the trail to go cold leading back to me an African-American male who looks very similar to the sketch from Morgan and the Fairfax case. It's something to ponder in my mind.

I went back and watched and listened to those 3 part segment post interviews Randy gives after the trial and I will have to say there is some tiny part of me that does believe that there is more to Alexis story than what we were led to believe from Randy's trial.

I have always been a very good judge of a persons character my whole life, (don't get me wrong, I don't think Randy is a good person by any means), but something just seems wrong or off to me. Randy just doesn't come across as your classic stone cold killer.

Who knows..... I may be way off base but I would not be shocked at all now if in the coming weeks there is going to be more to this Randy and Alexis abduction story.

Uhm how is he going to put blood on rat shirt and blood all over his(rat) trailer walls,on top of that break in his home to do such acts JMl car is not seen in the area. Coming or going . I don't think JLM was there when (Rat) killed Alexis murphy in his trailer.. Not for 1 minute. I think they are connected in the area but notat that point in time.. I think they was running solo in those times.
Unless the DNA proves otherwise, there is little evidence that Jesse Matthew was involved in the abduction and disappearance of Alexis Murphy.

This part might have merit: Randy Taylor said he was afraid to talk for fear of harm to his family, but immediately requested DNA test to rule out JM once JM was incarcerated (and likely for good) because of DNA match to Fairfax Rape/Attempted Capital Murder and Morgan Harrington's murder.

HOWEVER - these factors do fit JM's MO:
- smash or disable cell phone (first thing JM did to the lawyer he assaulted was grab his cell phone)
- violence and sexual assault
- abduction
- car found, no body

So, the Big Question to ask is:

Has Randy Allen Taylor ever been charged with an abduction, rape, assault charge or other violent felony?

The answer to that question is yes. He was charged with assault of his neighbor with a gun in his hand, (robbery, home invasion) is violent felony. Also buring a car is violent felony. Also charged with fraud rap sheet goes back 30 years strong.

Lets not play the fiddle for (Rat). He is not a saint. I would like you scroll up and look witness description profile sketch some look like D.Rice and others look like (Rat). Now tell me how is that possible if he not a suspect or even mention at the time.? Same exact car/truck stopping people in same exact area.

Practice in motion. Who took heat for all of that D. Rice did. Once he got caught (rice) rat sketch by others still was being seen/made in missing women's cases very strong. That is a fact. How odd is that. How common?

No body set up rat. Its competition among killers. Go look at the 55 on his neck and look how many are killing that area you have around 5 in same time frame.
That is not true.

My understanding about the bedding was there was only one hair found on his pillow (no blood) and no DNA or anything else belonging to Alexis was on any other part of the bedding. There was no blood DNA of Alexis' on the walls either as far as I understand. I would love to see a trial or post-trial link from MSM about it if so.
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Sure, Taylor obviously has guilt or he wouldn't have lied. But the question for me is what exactly is he guilty of doing. He was found guilty of murder, yes, still I feel there's reasonable doubt there. . . especially now with the whole JLM stuff. There's more between the two than has been brought to light.

RAT's shirt & DNA evidence: It wasn't covered in blood. Blood was all over the back of the shirt, not the front, and that was it. Also, according to testimony, "Blood from two people was on a T-shirt found under Taylor&#8217;s couch; Murphy was the &#8220;major contributor&#8221; and Taylor &#8220;could not be excluded,&#8221;" http://www.dailyprogress.com/news/t...cle_ae2f0622-d46d-11e3-a117-0017a43b2370.html. Randy wore the shirt, there was blood of two people on it, so why, if it was in fact his blood, could it not be confirmed through DNA? Could it have been JLM's blood or someone else?

Finding RAT's shirt: "
FBI agents who searched the camper the first time say they are quite sure the bloody shirt wasn't in there when they searched it the first time" -Parker Slaybaugh
"Agents were there for six hours August 7 conducting a thorough search of the camper that included turning over the sofa, bed, and chair and going through every piece of clothing."http://www.c-ville.com/randy-taylor-trial-day-two-murphys-blood-found/#.VEoLfJUtBYc - - BBM - And they didn't find the shirt. They did find a hair on a pillow and a jagged fingernail on the floor. RAT was arrested. Officers then went back and searched and found the shirt in a place that Federal agents stated they were quite sure it wasn't at when they searched "every inch" of the trailer. Inside the shirt is where they found the remaining evidence, the hair extension and eyelash. Could JLM have snuck in and left the shirt? They didn't have RAT's place guarded that night like they've been guarding the area in Charlottesville.

There's more I'd add, but I'm too tired.

I know a lot of people are wondering how they could be connected - I've been meaning to look into something else, but my workday gets in the way and I keep forgetting - has anyone checked to see if they were also in the same city/county jails at the same time?

How is it not true?. Hair is part of your dna is it not? They used a high tech camera to see blood splatter on his trailer walls and the dna match AM. Her finger nail in his carper of his rug. How is that possible? Finger nail is actually human bone. Which holds dna of the person.

1 the term cannot be excluded mean . That is it 100% fact it belong to the person wearing and other person. If I cant 100% excluded a wheel from a car for it to roll. That does not mean the cars tires are not need. I mean its does car tires to roll. There for the blood was Rat on his shirt and Am. Please keep in mind he said he never saw her. Then once funfd the hair . Oh she was here.. How does blood spatter get on his walls.

2. How is JLM going to sneek in to his camper and plant something of that nature?. The fbi was watching his(rat) trailer like a hawk from air from the ground. Impossible unless JMl is next the predator alien or batman something of that nature..

3, Listen to what to you wrote. Just because you search something and don't find it , doesn't mean it was planted. I lost my phone yesterday and a old law friend came by. That Does not mean he broke in my home and planted it in bathroom on the reading board today. Its called over looking. Le over looked. Or maybe Rat put in a proximity of his trailer and brought it back inside and hid it in the sofa, to re live his killing while being watched and Le ransacked him once more thus finding it. He no place to hide it. This goes with my example city guy vs the country guy.

If they knew one another is one thing and a big thing. But I don't he helped him kill Am or Sc.. That is solo work on Rat behalf. He is a killer, its pretty much proven. Nothing can make me sway my view on that. He killed AM
If JLM dna found in Alexis car or RAT trailer, I think you can't put that man away for life sentence.

Marijuana, corruption of minor, parole villation, obstruction of justice, yeah you can still put him in jail for a while though
How is it not true?
1 the term cannot be excluded mean . That is it 100% fact it belong to the person wearing and other person. If I cant 100% excluded a wheel from a car for it to roll. That does not mean the cars tires are not need. I mean its does car tires to roll. There for the blood was Rat on his shirt and Am. Please keep in mind he said he never saw her. Then once funfd the hair . Oh she was here.. How does blood spatter get on his walls.

2. How is JLM going to sneek in to his camper and plant something of that nature?. The fbi was watching his(rat) trailer like a hawk from air from the ground. Impossible unless JMl is next the predator alien or batman something of that nature..

3, Listen to what to you wrote. Just because you search something and don't find it , doesn't mean it was planted. I lost my phone yesterday and a old law friend came by. That Does not mean he broke in my home and planted it in bathroom on the reading board today. Its called over looking. Le over looked. Or maybe Rat put in a proximity of his trailer and brought it back inside and hid it in the sofa, to re live his killing while being watched and Le ransacked him once more thus finding it. He no place to hide it. This goes with my example city guy vs the country guy.

If they knew one another is one thing and a big thing. But I don't he helped him kill Am or Sc.. That is solo work on Rat behalf. He is a killer, its pretty much proven. Nothing can make me sway my view on that. He killed AM

You stated " ...her dna is all over his bedding, all over his camper wall, as in blood this is 100% fact.." and there is no evidence of it being true. That's why I say it's not true. If it is, please, as I asked before, provide a link. I provided links that back up what I've stated. There's a reason we are asked to do so. Yes, her fingernail was on the carpet/floor, but that is not the bedding as that you're claiming her DNA was all over.

1. - RATs DNA would be on the shirt because he wore it. The question wasn't if RATs DNA was on the shirt, it was if it was his blood. If another male's blood is on the shirt along with RAT's DNA (it's RAT's shirt, obviously, his DNA is on the shirt) it can prevent it from be conclusively matched to Randy. The results would come back as cannot be excluded.

2 - IDK, how did JLM get away with raping women for the past 12 years, an attempted abduction for at least 9 years and what appears to be murder for 5 years (all allegedly)? JLMs past of B&E, trespassing and larceny indicate sneaking into places is not foreign to him. As much as you feel him doing so is impossible, I think it is possible. I looked for a link or any concrete information about LE watching his trailer like a hawk after he was arrested before that shirt-finding search, but I could not find anything to support that. Granted, I could not find anything to support they weren't either.

3 - Would your law friend have a reason to do something like that. Would your friend have a motive that by doing so would pin you for something that could put you away for life? They are entirely two different things. Motive matters. If RAT put his shirt within proximity of his trailer and brought it back inside, and if the FBI were watching like a hawk from air and ground as you say, then they would have seen him doing something suspicious.

I am not in any way trying to sway your view on RAT. I understand there are those that feel he killed AM and it had nothing to do with anyone else. If he did, then he did. I am not saying that he didn't kill her or even that he had no involvement. In the least, I believe he was involved. I do feel, however, the evidence suggests there very well may have been another person involved. I don't know if it were JLM or not, but I do see a lot that would link the two; remarkable coincidences that I think are statistically improbable when looking at the entire history of the two over the past 8 years. I respect that you have your opinion regardless if it differs from my own. I just happen to believe the links are there.
Lets not play the fiddle for (Rat). He is not a saint. I would like you scroll up and look witness description profile sketch some look like D.Rice and others look like (Rat). Now tell me how is that possible if he not a suspect or even mention at the time.? Same exact car/truck stopping people in same exact area.

Practice in motion. Who took heat for all of that D. Rice did. Once he got caught (rice) rat sketch by others still was being seen/made in missing women's cases very strong. That is a fact. How odd is that. How common?

Is there a thread for the Rt 29 stuff. I'm not familiar with it nearly as much as many of you are. I'd love to start digging into it with anyone who's interested. oldwindow, I thought I'd read RAT was incarcerated during one of those Rt 29 events. I definitely could be wrong about that, though. Do you know? - And if there's a thread for that, lead me to it. It might be too off-topic to discuss here.-
You stated " ...her dna is all over his bedding, all over his camper wall, as in blood this is 100% fact.." and there is no evidence of it being true. That's why I say it's not true. If it is, please, as I asked before, provide a link. I provided links that back up what I've stated. There's a reason we are asked to do so. Yes, her fingernail was on the carpet/floor, but that is not the bedding as that you're claiming her DNA was all over.

1. - RATs DNA would be on the shirt because he wore it. The question wasn't if RATs DNA was on the shirt, it was if it was his blood. If another male's blood is on the shirt along with RAT's DNA (it's RAT's shirt, obviously, his DNA is on the shirt) it can prevent it from be conclusively matched to Randy. The results would come back as cannot be excluded.

2 - IDK, how did JLM get away with raping women for the past 12 years, an attempted abduction for at least 9 years and what appears to be murder for 5 years (all allegedly)? JLMs past of B&E, trespassing and larceny indicate sneaking into places is not foreign to him. As much as you feel him doing so is impossible, I think it is possible. I looked for a link or any concrete information about LE watching his trailer like a hawk after he was arrested before that shirt-finding search, but I could not find anything to support that. Granted, I could not find anything to support they weren't either.

3 - Would your law friend have a reason to do something like that. Would your friend have a motive that by doing so would pin you for something that could put you away for life? They are entirely two different things. Motive matters. If RAT put his shirt within proximity of his trailer and brought it back inside, and if the FBI were watching like a hawk from air and ground as you say, then they would have seen him doing something suspicious.

I am not in any way trying to sway your view on RAT. I understand there are those that feel he killed AM and it had nothing to do with anyone else. If he did, then he did. I am not saying that he didn't kill her or even that he had no involvement. In the least, I believe he was involved. I do feel, however, the evidence suggests there very well may have been another person involved. I don't know if it were JLM or not, but I do see a lot that would link the two; remarkable coincidences that I think are statistically improbable when looking at the entire history of the two over the past 8 years. I respect that you have your opinion regardless if it differs from my own. I just happen to believe the links are there.

1. Did you follow you the case ? The FBI brought in infra- camera lighting . Its pick up differ soils and saw blood on his campers trailer walls, small splatters. This blood belong to AM. how would they know, they swabbed it. If that's lie then show me how it is. This the evidence the The fbi brought to the table . Its not coming from my heart and soul for a bowl of Campbell soup to look good and take credit.. This evidence is from the FBI. How are you going discredit the FBI for the sake a random personal theory of your own? Which one weight more.? fact or opinion.

2. JLM is a theft and killer and he is going pay for what he done. Rat's crime rap sheets goes back 30 yrs strong. He is in his 50's. 30 yrs ok.. That's 80% of his(rat) life he was a criminal. JML has a small rap sheet. We don't know his whole past but I feel its about the same style, but we know 80% of rat life was a criminal.. How can you sit here and say Rat never raped because it not on his criminal rap sheet. That is very absurd thinking. JMl don't have murder on his rap sheet either before these events. I can you show men right now who sold drugs for all their life and never arrested for it. I can show you men right now who beat their wives for 40 yrs and never arrest for domestic violence. I know all to well.

3 We both are lawyers( me and my friend), we would tie up the court till one our body drop even then id gurentee one of us would have in wills/deeds to sue the next of kin. :). I retired this past july, 46 yrs as a lawyer ,so you never know what he trying to do to me for nice vacation :) . But in all seriousness . If they thought he was doing something suspicious, like your claim maybe's that why they took the whole camper and broke it down piece by piece. Thus finding evidence of murder of Am that was not there the 1st time. Maybe he was moving around out side.

I think they are connected as well, but I don't they both killed AM. It was a lot men up there killing on rt29, I'm counting 5. Please note Rat could do interior of cars, tow them. hide them, capture them in the night and not be seen. Clean them out it was his job at one point. I can tell you right now if a tow truck man towed your car the fbi/ police would not find any evidence that a tow man was in your car. I seen a 1000 times, people use come and try to sue the tow truck companies because something was stolen. I can go on back 15 years of that. I don't tried that, been there. Can't win unless you catch them on camera or in the act of theft. This why its a law in order in the city of Richmond for police to be there when a tow truck tow cars. Not only for their safety but for the purpose of them not stealing anything and the person being towed take pictures of inside and outside of the car, gather anything before it towed by law now.

My ending point is not to rude or anything. Rat is a lie and theft and JML is going get what he deserve reserved by law. .If he know's rat or not. Like they say's " When there no evidence or suspect in a crime of ill intent to solved be on the good willed. God will create the witness and evidence, What you do in the dark will always come to light."!! Justice
Is there a thread for the Rt 29 stuff. I'm not familiar with it nearly as much as many of you are. I'd love to start digging into it with anyone who's interested. oldwindow, I thought I'd read RAT was incarcerated during one of those Rt 29 events. I definitely could be wrong about that, though. Do you know? - And if there's a thread for that, lead me to it. It might be too off-topic to discuss here.-

Yes ,he was in jail for a while in 2006, but then again it was a lot men killing up there on rt29 ,while he was in jail.. D rice was in jail as well and the killing was still going on. Another was jailed 1st and the killing was still going on His last name started with a E. Yes there's a thread on the info. A lot of it very good and factual in the Randy Taylor/ Am section. Samatha Clark section here on WS.
1. Did you follow you the case ? The FBI brought in infra- camera lighting . Its pick up differ soils and saw blood on his campers trailer walls, small splatters. This blood belong to AM. how would they know, they swabbed it. If that's lie then show me how it is. This the evidence the The fbi brought to the table . Its not coming from my heart and soul for a bowl of Campbell soup to look good and take credit.. This evidence is from the FBI. How are you going discredit the FBI for the sake a random personal theory of your own? Which one weight more.? fact or opinion.

2. JLM is a theft and killer and he is going pay for what he done. Rat's crime rap sheets goes back 30 yrs strong. He is in his 50's. 30 yrs ok.. That's 80% of his(rat) life he was a criminal. JML has a small rap sheet. We don't know his whole past but I feel its about the same style, but we know 80% of rat life was a criminal.. How can you sit here and say Rat never raped because it not on his criminal rap sheet. That is very absurd thinking. JMl don't have murder on his rap sheet either before these events. I can you show men right now who sold drugs for all their life and never arrested for it. I can show you men right now who beat their wives for 40 yrs and never arrest for domestic violence. I know all to well.

3 We both are lawyers( me and my friend), we would tie up the court till one our body drop even then id gurentee one of us would have in wills/deeds to sue the next of kin. :). I retired this past july, 46 yrs as a lawyer ,so you never know what he trying to do to me for nice vacation :) . But in all seriousness . If they thought he was doing something suspicious, like your claim maybe's that why they took the whole camper and broke it down piece by piece. Thus finding evidence of murder of Am that was not there the 1st time. Maybe he was moving around out side.

I think they are connected as well, but I don't they both killed AM. It was a lot men up there killing on rt29, I'm counting 5. Please note Rat could do interior of cars, tow them. hide them, capture them in the night and not be seen. Clean them out it was his job at one point. I can tell you right now if a tow truck man towed your car the fbi/ police would not find any evidence that a tow man was in your car. I seen a 1000 times, people use come and try to sue the tow truck companies because something was stolen. I can go on back 15 years of that. I don't tried that, been there. Can't win unless you catch them on camera or in the act of theft. This why its a law in order in the city of Richmond for police to be there when a tow truck tow cars. Not only for their safety but for the purpose of them not stealing anything and the person being towed take pictures of inside and outside of the car, gather anything before it towed by law now.

My ending point is not to rude or anything. Rat is a lie and theft and JML is going get what he deserve reserved by law. .If he know's rat or not. Like they say's " When there no evidence or suspect in a crime of ill intent to solved be on the good willed. God will create the witness and evidence, What you do in the dark will always come to light."!! Justice
Oldwindow, I am not Aeronomy but I did follow this case. I can find nothing that says any blood was found on any wall of the trailer. I can find no FBI documentation, no court documentation, nothing. If you have a link, that would be great. Facts have links to prove they are facts. Without a link, what you (that is generic "you", not specific "you") post is considered opinion. Otherwise, there is no evidence in any MSM that shows Alexis' blood was on the wall of RATs trailer.

No one said RAT did not rape anyone. We have no idea if he did or didn't. I think something got misconstrued there.

I am also not aware that the camper was broken down piece by piece. Are you saying that they left a pile of bits and pieces where the trailer used to be? Again, a link would be great. I'd really like to see a picture of that.
That is not true.

My understanding about the bedding was there was only one hair found on his pillow (no blood) and no DNA or anything else belonging to Alexis was on any other part of the bedding. There was no blood DNA of Alexis' on the walls either as far as I understand. I would love to see a trial or post-trial link from MSM about it if so.
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Sure, Taylor obviously has guilt or he wouldn't have lied. But the question for me is what exactly is he guilty of doing. He was found guilty of murder, yes, still I feel there's reasonable doubt there. . . especially now with the whole JLM stuff. There's more between the two than has been brought to light.

RAT's shirt & DNA evidence: It wasn't covered in blood. Blood was all over the back of the shirt, not the front, and that was it. Also, according to testimony, "Blood from two people was on a T-shirt found under Taylor’s couch; Murphy was the “major contributor” and Taylor “could not be excluded,”" http://www.dailyprogress.com/news/t...cle_ae2f0622-d46d-11e3-a117-0017a43b2370.html. Randy wore the shirt, there was blood of two people on it, so why, if it was in fact his blood, could it not be confirmed through DNA? Could it have been JLM's blood or someone else?

Finding RAT's shirt: "
FBI agents who searched the camper the first time say they are quite sure the bloody shirt wasn't in there when they searched it the first time" -Parker Slaybaugh
"Agents were there for six hours August 7 conducting a thorough search of the camper that included turning over the sofa, bed, and chair and going through every piece of clothing."http://www.c-ville.com/randy-taylor-trial-day-two-murphys-blood-found/#.VEoLfJUtBYc - - BBM - And they didn't find the shirt. They did find a hair on a pillow and a jagged fingernail on the floor. RAT was arrested. Officers then went back and searched and found the shirt in a place that Federal agents stated they were quite sure it wasn't at when they searched "every inch" of the trailer. Inside the shirt is where they found the remaining evidence, the hair extension and eyelash. Could JLM have snuck in and left the shirt? They didn't have RAT's place guarded that night like they've been guarding the area in Charlottesville.

There's more I'd add, but I'm too tired.

I know a lot of people are wondering how they could be connected - I've been meaning to look into something else, but my workday gets in the way and I keep forgetting - has anyone checked to see if they were also in the same city/county jails at the same time?

Thanks for posting this. There's stuff here I've never seen before.

What does "could not be excluded" mean? Does that mean they couldn't tell if RAT's dna was on the shirt or that it was definitely someone else's dna but they're just not excluding him for other reasons (2 men's dna?)?

Isn't it more likely that RAT hid the shirt in a temporary spot and after the FBI search felt that it would be safe to stuff it under the couch because the search was done?
How is it not true?. Hair is part of your dna is it not? They used a high tech camera to see blood splatter on his trailer walls and the dna match AM. Her finger nail in his carper of his rug. How is that possible? Finger nail is actually human bone. Which holds dna of the person.

1 the term cannot be excluded mean . That is it 100% fact it belong to the person wearing and other person. If I cant 100% excluded a wheel from a car for it to roll. That does not mean the cars tires are not need. I mean its does car tires to roll. There for the blood was Rat on his shirt and Am. Please keep in mind he said he never saw her. Then once funfd the hair . Oh she was here.. How does blood spatter get on his walls.

2. How is JLM going to sneek in to his camper and plant something of that nature?. The fbi was watching his(rat) trailer like a hawk from air from the ground. Impossible unless JMl is next the predator alien or batman something of that nature..

3, Listen to what to you wrote. Just because you search something and don't find it , doesn't mean it was planted. I lost my phone yesterday and a old law friend came by. That Does not mean he broke in my home and planted it in bathroom on the reading board today. Its called over looking. Le over looked. Or maybe Rat put in a proximity of his trailer and brought it back inside and hid it in the sofa, to re live his killing while being watched and Le ransacked him once more thus finding it. He no place to hide it. This goes with my example city guy vs the country guy.

If they knew one another is one thing and a big thing. But I don't he helped him kill Am or Sc.. That is solo work on Rat behalf. He is a killer, its pretty much proven. Nothing can make me sway my view on that. He killed AM
Her hair was an extension, so not a part of her body, and her fingernail was a fake nail, also. So, those items while normally would contain DNA, did not in this case.

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