Possible Sexual Relationship Between DeDe and Terri?

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I hate to laugh because of the seriousness of this case, but hahahha!
I'd like to offer a maitenance person a cake, get the service and equipment for free and then not even give the guy the promised cake! Geez Louise!

"I'll bake you a cake if you put in a water heater for me." Man, where can I find service like that? I'll make you a lasagne if you tell me.

These fall under rumors in my book, "But no cake" sounded so funny I had to comment.

OT. I apologize in advance.

This post made me LOL. Thanks for that, Susan! Where should I send your pie?
I also need to say that their sexual preference makes no difference to me whatsoever. I have a dear friend who is a lesbian and probably the most kind woman I have ever known. I believe it goes to the depth of the feelings whether or not anyone would help another in criminal activity.


I love my husband very much. More than words could describe. When I say I'd do anything for him, I like to think I would.. to a point. Anything in the sense that it's legal, doesn't go against my morals, etc. And though he hasn't murdered anyone and come to me asking for help in covering it up (just throwing that out there as an example), I'd like to think that if he did, I would be doing the right thing and NOT helping him cover it up and saving himself. If I were to help him cover it up and not do the right thing (morally, legally), then I'd say that I had something wrong with me - mentally speaking.

I guess it just bothers me that many in this thread are wondering to what depth DDS had a friendship or love or whatever with TH to maybe help her out. IMO, if TH did something bad and DDS helped her out in whatever way, then that makes not only TH sick in the head, but DDS as well. Being best friends, having a deep love for one another, etc. doesn't explain why one would help another person out with something as sick as this (whatever that may be, but basically, making a little boy disappear).

Sorry to ramble, I'm tired. :blushing:
If Terri and Dede were involved with this, I have to agree with everyone who says that a relationship in this case does matter. I also agree that the "sex" part doesn't matter, the close intimate relationship matters. Wasn't there a case recently where a father (can't remember his name) was having an affair and killed his wife and two little boys because he told his girlfriend he was getting divorced??? So many people live double lives without another soul knowing about it. I think Kyron could have seen something he shouldn't have and was a threat somehow. I honestly in my heart don't know what happened, but there was just something about that video with Terri's attorney that just didn't seem right to me, it was almost as if she was "smug." Did anyone else get that feeling?? Obviously it's fairly easy for Terri to walk away from people if you look at her history, maybe Dede knew that and feared she would also be rejected???
I just read through this thread and my first thought was the Kyron astro threads. I have to read the skilled astrologers' interpretations to even make some sense of it, but I do know that one of the things they were picking up on early on was an odd sexual element in the charts. The interpretations were that Kyron was kidnapped for sexual purposes and then killed. I'm now wondering though, maybe that sexual element was this possible relationship between Terri and DeeDee? Another interesting point: charts were showing a possibly young female involved in this crime. Physically young? Or is emotionally young a possibility too? Something to think about, IMO.

I'm all for emotionally young with these two. :D
I still can't get over DeDe using a fire extinguisher to protect her and TH - oh the symbolism and innuendos that I can't scrub from my over-active imagination. ;)
I agree that no matter how much you love someone or think you do, how does that play into helping them harm a child? Sure, I know, it's been done, too many times, but Dede is a seemingly average 40-something woman, no known criminal history that I am aware of, etc...She would have to be a psycho, as well as Terri being a psycho, and that seems a bit much to me...
Believe me, I am the first to say that no matter how much I loved another person, there is no way I would help them with nefarious activities. But, if you have trouble imagining who would I suggest the tv show "Wicked Attraction". It comes on Investigation Discovery with a new show every week. It's all about people who would not have been dangerous to anyone on their own, but hook up with another personality that makes a murderous duo. Every time I watch this show I am astounded at what some will do in order to "please" the object of their affection. An ealier poster mentioned the couple from Canada. That would be Karla Hamolka (I forget her husband's name). As a beautiful young girl she actually helped kill her little sister so that her fiance could have sex with a virgin. Nobody who knew her could believe that she would have done this......
ITA Passionflower,

To take it a step further, asking why it would be necessary to kill Kyron if TH and Dede were so close as to be a 'couple', I believe Kyron posed a threat to Terri, and to maintain the lifestyle she wanted, she had to get him out of the way which resulted in his death.
She had all the financial security marriage gave, and during the day could live the life that made her complete. Anything that could have ended that perfect situation for her she would eliminate as I think she wanted her cake and eat it too !If Kyron saw or knew about something he shouldn't have and threatened to tell his dad, Terri knew that would be the end of the marriage as Kaine would never accept her putting his child in such a position. For Terri she might have realized it was only a matter of time till the truth came out about whatever it was that was so bad a child would recognize it, and she made that icy decision to kill Kyron.

If these 2 women did have this relationship, I think the bond between them would be solid enough to where Dede would help with anything. The situation benefited her as well IMO as she also reaped the blessings of Terri's financial situation. She was a gardener with little income I believe. And without the perks Terri brought to the relationship, they would have a very hard time managing the lifestyle they had become accustomed to.

I remember so well during the Scott Peterson case when Dan Abrams on MSNBC interviewed a psychologist who stated the main reason people commit murder is to remove the threat so they can have the lifestyle they want for the future. xox IMO

I am thinking along the same brain waves as you are,Scandi.
Kyron was getting older, more work,trouble for TH.
I think that the sexting by TH, DD dating a man was a game to get what
they wanted.
Like a game it was immature fun and a distracting.
IMO, both of these women seem to act like teenagers in many ways.
I say no. Dede seems like a pretty together person, who would be out, and involved in the lesbian community, if she was gay.

I agree. She doesn't seem to be the type who would hide her sexual orientation.
What does DS's sexual orientation or a (rumored/speculated) sexual involvement with TH have to do with Kyron's disappearance? I fail to see a link between sexuality and Kyron being abducted or disposed of.

There has been no evidence presented that indicates any of this. As such it feels like rumor mongering and digging for dirt, because it's salacious.

Didn't we just hear from someone innocent who has been harmed by rumors in this case? Why yes, yes we did. Heather of Rosemont Farms wrote an impassioned plea and sent it to WS's imploring people NOT to spread rumors.


Did I say, thank you???
I don't know where her blogs are. But she got a guy to put in a water heater for her. The bid was $1000 but a neighbor did it for her and she gave him a cake. Heard that one before lately. But no cake.

She cut her internet and used the free waves out there. She went on and on about the lack of finances in detail.

I guess one does tend to think about money a lot when there's not much coming in ... and unexpected expenses come up.

I guess that makes me obsessed about money too :(
I agree. She doesn't seem to be the type who would hide her sexual orientation.

I know many people who still pretend they are straight.
Being in the beauty business for over 20 years, I have seen it all.
Very sweet people.
TH/DD relationship has allot to do with Kyron disappearing if they are guilty.
It would be a motive to get rid of their threat.
They enjoyed everything they were doing with their life style and maybe Kyron was going to ruin it all.
7 year olds love to talk and tell stories. JMOO

I think KC killed Caylee, also just because Caylee was 'talking' about KC lifestyle.
IMO, TH isn't gay at all. Maybe she used herself to entice DDS if DDS is gay? I don't know. That's about as far as it goes in my mind. I have close girlfriends who would come and stay with me if I was distraught and I'm not gay. I had a young man stay here for a week recently who needed a place to lay his head and I hope no one thought there was anything going on! :eek:

I respect those who think this issue might be why DDS is standing behind TH, but I'm not ready to believe it.
There's an assumption being made by some that DDS is involved in Kyron's disappearance and then (because of that assumption) people are trying to find out 'why' and looking at her sexual orientation for clues to a motive.

However, the main question is:

Was DDS involved in this crime at all?

Until that question is definitively answered, everything else regarding the why is speculation and rumor and is assuming she was involved. Is that fair to assume her involvement in a crime?
There's an assumption being made by some that DDS is involved in Kyron's disappearance and then (because of that assumption) people are trying to find out 'why' and looking at her sexual orientation for clues to a motive.

However, the main question is:

Was DDS involved in this crime at all?

Until that question is definitively answered, everything else regarding the why is speculation and rumor and is assuming she was involved. Is that fair to assume her involvement in a crime?

i couldn't agree with you more. there is literally not one shred of evidence that says she was involved. everyone wants to assume that because she has been in the investigation path, that she is involved somehow. that surely is one possibility, but the other possibility is that police are using her to get to TH and that she 100% innocent in this. we just don't know - but we need some evidence. I wouldn't even call some of this speculation rumor -it literally has no foundation other than poster's imaginations :banghead:
There's an assumption being made by some that DDS is involved in Kyron's disappearance and then (because of that assumption) people are trying to find out 'why' and looking at her sexual orientation for clues to a motive.

However, the main question is:

Was DDS involved in this crime at all?

Until that question is definitively answered, everything else regarding the why is speculation and rumor and is assuming she was involved. Is that fair to assume her involvement in a crime?

I dont think we are talking about this strictly because we assume she is involved. We can look at the fact that she has perked the interest of LE and all of us by basically inserting herself in the middle of it ..Almost as soon as Kaine moved out she moved in so to speak.. She is coming front and center on everyones radar imo, and i dont think anyone really wondered about her personal life until this exbf talked...now things fit better, now we see why she seems to be in the middle of it ..why she bought bat phones why she was eager to come move in and come out in defense , why she is mia from work...we all wondered why...now we are figureing out why..
I think lots of things get lumped under the banner of 'sleuthing,' but real sleuthing involves following actual leads and facts, and discarding things that are not verifiable.

Sleuthing does not include spinning tales and stories and using imagination to fill in the blanks.

So focusing on facts.

1. Who is involved in Kyron's disappearance?

2. If DDS is on this list, what facts put her there? And what proof is there of these facts?

3. What facts make DDS's sexual orientation related to this case? (I don't see anything that relates to known facts).
I dont think we are talking about this strictly because we assume she is involved. We can look at the fact that she has perked the interest of LE and all of us by basically inserting herself in the middle of it ..Almost as soon as Kaine moved out she moved in so to speak.. She is coming front and center on everyones radar imo, and i dont think anyone really wondered about her personal life until this exbf talked...now things fit better, now we see why she seems to be in the middle of it ..why she bought bat phones why she was eager to come move in and come out in defense , why she is mia from work...we all wondered why...now we are figureing out why..
She didnt move in; she stayed for about 10 days then left. I'm wondering why it keeps being called "moved in."
She didnt move in; she stayed for about 10 days then left. I'm wondering why it keeps being called "moved in."

Terri's parents asked DeDe to stay with Terri. I guess they are okay with Terri and DeDe's 'supposed' relationship?

I think imaginations are very creative in this thread. No worse than my gang theory I guess.

I know it was allowed, but I still hate it and wish it would disappear.
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