Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert #2

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Spota + Burke + McPartland = the 3 headed hydra.
Didn't you go to the trial? All 3 are one person.

Spota, Burke & McPartland hired Ray, and Kolker, and the makers of
the Killing Season, and the makers of the Lost Girls movie, and
Kristen Thorne, and Bruce Barket and Erin Moriority and
Petey eat your Wheaties Hack-it-up.
Spota + Burke + McPartland = the 3 headed hydra.

Spota, Burke & McPartland hired Ray.

That makes zero sense since the reason they are indicted right now is because Burke was indicted. Burke has the drop on Spota. I wouldn't hire an attorney that throws the guy under a bus that can put you in prison.

You think the DA has vast entertainment industry connections? Nah. You know who does? The mob.

I mean where the f should I really even start....
Here. I will start here:

Drake - Money In The Grave ft. Rick Ross

PS: Hydras have 9 heads. ;)
Shannan wanted to be in entertainment. Screwing Burke would not be career dependent. The mob? Now you might get that career if you play your cards right.

I told you. The mob wholesales and trafficks the drugs. They don't get their hands dirty at street level. This pipeline investigation led the DEA and these drug using girls straight to the mob. Compromise that pipeline and the mob will make sure you get dropped. The mob corrupts the cops. It's more likely the police were extorted into helping conceal and obstruct. They mob doesn't play. They're more likely to get you killed and the police will be totally complicit and in some cases take kickbacks on it. In some cases they'll be made and collecting internal intelligence. Oak beach is a barrier island with tons of concealment and private docks to unload the product if they wanted to import contraband. Hackett moved to barrier islands in Ft. Myers with the same barrier island concealment. Not as hot as Miami, either. You just need to look at maps and think like a criminal.

Also the bodies were dumped with concealment in an area where the lane was split. One side of traffic can't see what the other side is up to. They skipped the marina as it's likely going to have the most traffic leaving in and out. Look at the Google maps video of the body locations, somebody dumped these with the same perspective as someone choosing nice barrier islands to conceal illegal activity. Oak beach and Ft. Myers beach have the same landscape traits. In Ft. Myers, bodies decompose much faster in a marsh. Lots of heat and humidity. Anybody have an open missing person’s roster for Southern Florida?

Now a cop can just screw up a homicide and if they kill you they don't have to hide a body, they can easily leave your body wherever they feel like leaving it because they handle the investigation, they do the autopsy and they close the case. They'd likely get away with shootings and hot shots. This is why burke threatened Loeb with it. You can pass those off as accidental overdoses, no need to go bury them and chop them up. You just make the cause of death justified use of deadly force or accidental overdose. They know how to get away with murder. I truly think if a cop did this they'd leave them in the open or work the case and close it out as an accidental death or justified shooting.

We all know how it goes when a vice cop shoots Roger, do we not? They don't have to hide him. They can just get together and lie. This is based on the rampart scandal. This is true police corruption. This happens. Trust me.

Training Day - Killing Roger Scene | The Scenario (Part One) (1080p)

Training Day - Killing Roger Scene | Mexican Standoff (Part Two) (1080p)

I'm sorry if I'm bringing up things that are too rational and logical but I'm not going to tinfoil hat this because tinfoil hats don't close 11 open homicides.
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in 2015 U.S. Attorney Robert Capers told a certain someone who was in witness protection[CL] that he wanted to meet me. I was on the phone with CL when he kept getting death threats,so I became a witness for the Feds way back in 2015.
At the meeting in 2015, I learned cops were going to be arrested for the Shannan Gilbert murder and the snuff tapes and the Feds
were prosecuting little Jimmy. Between the Burke NON trial and the Spota trial, back room deals were made.
John is just a puppet for the masters of the universe.
More power to ya if you are spending your time In the back room
oer there being a troll.

Firstly, asking you to provide a logical explanation for your theory is not trolling. You still haven't answered a single question I asked. So if this is all some scripted soap opera , a series of stage events to make the public think this is being investigated, then you maybe the master of the universe you speak of.

What back room deal would the feds make with Burke to get him off of a murder charge? Or multiple?

I agree with you that SCPD should not be trusted, no doubt about that. Burke got 4 years for the Loeb incident, I'm sure he knew that copping a plea is better than taking it to trial. Yeah, it's frustrating for all of us... just curious, if CL was in witness protection why is he back out in Suffolk recording YouTube videos?
What back room deal would the feds make with Burke to get him off of a murder charge? Or multiple?

I mean....I don't mean to laugh. But that was funny.

Moving on.

CL might be in ”protective custody”. They still aren't back tracing the cyber and the spoofing and figuring out where it comes from. I know for a FACT that requires some legal tiptoeing around multiple electronic surveillance warrants that have the ability to breach other people based on suspected harassment.

I've gone through similar electronic harassment used the same way and it was over their heads at first. Until I heard about the FISA. I was basically begging them to do a FISA warrant on me AND consenting to it, it was that bad.

My device would act just like his if I tried to talk about it or record a video. When I saw those messages popping up one after the other I knew exactly what was happening to him.

When I saw Mari get killed and what her daughter thought, I knew she had to have the same thing going on with the tech. It will drive you crazy if you don't realize it’s happening to you and keep your head screwed on straight.

The only thing I can say is that he needs to keep his head screwed on straight. Protective custody should include keeping people safe from falling off the deep end, mentally.

I still think they keep tabs on the victims and witnesses but this level of tech proficiency being used on them--when I first told them about it 6 years ago? They did not understand how to fix it. I mean, I got straight up Suffolk Copfaced by that special agent who worked in cyber. To this day I still call him ”cop face”. That is his name now....I can't change it.

I call that vacant look he's doing ”Copface”.
All cops do it. To be fair he didn't threaten to lock me up that day. He just cop faced me.

6ix 9ine slept with Kat Staxx and got locked up for Racketeering. Kat Staxx was a minor sex trafficking victim they rescued. I'm sure they still check up on them to make sure they aren't being exploited again. Revictimization happens.

Anyway, I knew that that FISA warrant could stop it and trace it. It's a big deal warrant. It's the broadest and most invasive electronic and telecom surveillance warrant that exists.
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I mean....I don't mean to laugh. But that was funny.

Moving on.

CL might be in ”protective custody”. They still aren't back tracing the cyber and the spoofing and figuring out where it comes from. I know for a FACT that requires some legal tiptoeing around multiple electronic surveillance warrants that have the ability to breach other people based on suspected harassment.

I've gone through similar electronic harassment used the same way and it was over their heads at first. Until I heard about the FISA. I was basically begging them to do a FISA warrant on me AND consenting to it, it was that bad.

My device would act just like his if I tried to talk about it or record a video. When I saw those messages popping up one after the other I knew exactly what was happening to him.

When I saw Mari get killed and what her daughter thought, I knew she had to have the same thing going on with the tech. It will drive you crazy if you don't realize it’s happening to you and keep your head screwed on straight.

The only thing I can say is that he needs to keep his head screwed on straight. Protective custody should include keeping people safe from falling off the deep end, mentally.

I still think they keep tabs on the victims and witnesses but this level of tech proficiency being used on them--when I first told them about it 6 years ago? They did not understand how to fix it. I mean, I got straight up Suffolk Copfaced by that special agent who worked in cyber. To this day I still call him ”cop face”. That is his name now....I can't change it.

I call that vacant look he's doing ”Copface”.
All cops do it. To be fair he didn't threaten to lock me up that day. He just cop faced me.

6ix 9ine slept with Kat Staxx and got locked up for Racketeering. Kat Staxx was a minor sex trafficking victim they rescued. I'm sure they still check up on them to make sure they aren't being exploited again. Revictimization happens.

Anyway, I knew that that FISA warrant could stop it and trace it. It's a big deal warrant. It's the broadest and most invasive electronic and telecom surveillance warrant that exists.

Yeah, I was responding to @mage who said "Witness Protection" verbatim. Need I not make the distinction between WP & Protective Custody. We can't have a productive discussion here if we just insert whatever terms we please into our responses.

I'm still waiting for an answer to the following question : What could Burke clue the feds in on or who could he give up that would be a big enough fish for them to not pursue him over multiple dead women?

Switchn, these urban pop stars you are posting are paid actors. 99% of them lie in their music because it appeals to their clueless audience. Connecting dots between the mob, the music industry and Shannons aspirations by posting this trash is not convincing me. That's a can of worms we shouldn't open.

There is no evidence Chris Loeb is under some kind of cyber attack you reference. He gets a few texts and incoming calls and all of a sudden it's a massive conspiracy. As far as Sherre, she was schizophrenic and institutionalized many times before the murder. Schizophrenia often shows up in young adulthood and is a much more plausible explanation for her behavior than this phenomenon your describing.

If Chris Loeb was so in the know and he was going to make the house of cards fall, he'd already have a bullet in his head. He is trying to sell you a book and capitalize off of this, what do you think Chris Loeb really knows?

Where are the Snuff Films?
What back room deal would the feds make with Burke to get him off of a murder charge? Or multiple?

I mean....I don't mean to laugh. But that was funny.

Moving on.

CL might be in ”protective custody”. They still aren't back tracing the cyber and the spoofing and figuring out where it comes from. I know for a FACT that requires some legal tiptoeing around multiple electronic surveillance warrants that have the ability to breach other people based on suspected harassment.

I've gone through similar electronic harassment used the same way and it was over their heads at first. Until I heard about the FISA. I was basically begging them to do a FISA warrant on me AND consenting to it, it was that bad.

My device would act just like his if I tried to talk about it or record a video. When I saw those messages popping up one after the other I knew exactly what was happening to him.

When I saw Mari get killed and what her daughter thought, I knew she had to have the same thing going on with the tech.

The only thing I can say is that he needs to keep his head screwed on straight. Protective m
Yeah, I was responding to @mage who said "Witness Protection" verbatim. Need I not make the distinction between WP & Protective Custody. We can't have a productive discussion here if we just insert whatever terms we please into our responses.

I'm still waiting for an answer to the following question : What could Burke clue the feds in on or who could he give up that would be a big enough fish for them to not pursue him over multiple dead women?

Switchn, these urban pop stars you are posting are paid actors. 99% of them lie in their music because it appeals to their clueless audience. Connecting dots between the mob, the music industry and Shannons aspirations by posting this trash is not convincing me. That's a can of worms we shouldn't open.

There is no evidence Chris Loeb is under some kind of cyber attack you reference. He gets a few texts and incoming calls and all of a sudden it's a massive conspiracy. As far as Sherre, she was schizophrenic and institutionalized many times before the murder. Schizophrenia often shows up in young adulthood and is a much more plausible explanation for her behavior than this phenomenon your describing.

If Chris Loeb was so in the know and he was going to make the house of cards fall, he'd already have a bullet in his head. He is trying to sell you a book and capitalize off of this, what do you think Chris Loeb really knows?

Where are the Snuff Films?

I hear that paid actor embellishment bull all the time. Where it is true they have ghost writers they also are heavily involved in street level “activities”. Ahem. TRUST ME. I would not cop face me on something I know for a fact is legit.

Seymour, check the FBI file on Sinatra. ;)
Look up Drake and Baka his human trafficking body guard?

I’m not going further into it.

I’m so sick of these entertainment industry clowns I could scream. They are fraudulent but when they check somebody they are not playing. Play in about that, it will cost you your life case in point:

I doubt he would pull the same thing with the real mob. Would that not be foolish?
As far as embellishments, check out for what Rick Ross got locked up:

Then you got Suge running people over with cars.

These rappers aren’t sweet and fluffy. They can traffick drugs all over the place with super concealment in private jets. Don’t be silly.

Any mobster would be foolish not to shake them down with that kind of accessibility and a mentality just like yours across the span of law-enforcement to make them just as untouchable. To be honest I’m really sick of having this conversation with law-enforcement. Yes I have to use suspension of disbelief in order to listen to hip-hop otherwise I noticed too much stuff but it’s not people like blaze I’m after I’m after whoever controls that pipeline who gave him the drugs. They got Melissa killed plus 10 other human beings. I’m not gonna walk around here and frame some rapper for something I know that they didn’t do but to think they don’t have ties? That’s simply not the case. Just get over it and use your suspension of disbelief like the rest of us who knows what’s up.

Shannon wanted to be in the entertainment industry, It’s facts they turn those girls out and some make it and some don’t...and unfortunately Shannon was the one that didn’t make it. They loop girls into sex trafficking all the time pretending they’re going to make them some kind a big star, If you think R. Kelly’s the only person doing that—you are sadly mistaken, my friend. It is common practice. If you think Harvey Weinstein is the only guy doing that? You are sadly mistaken my friend. It is common practice.

If they put out and do what they’re told and they wind up escorting drug muling. Get near that industry and talk to some people who are in that industry for real and they will tell you the truth about the level of exploitation that goes on in that industry to girls who just want to be artists.

Johnny Blaze was a rapper and Barthelemy’s drug dealing pimp—well in the latest episode of drugs Inc. you find him getting locked up for a heroin violation in Staten Island. Who else was totally excited to see that?!

You ever heard that song with Big Pun, Terror Squad, John Blaze? Cute song. I ran into Terror Squad connections while investigating this. Those are not the people that I want to lock up for these homicides...because they didn’t do it but they probably know who did. Get him on a petty heroin charge in a sting and see if he flips.

If you don’t think these guys are legit about affiliations and that they’re getting handed off the stuff from a higher level you would be highly naïve. I say this with love.

Shannan fell for the biggest scam in the entertainment industry book. I mean, not everybody makes it—but everybody who’s in that game loses their dignity in the process of trying to achieve their dreams. Don’t check me on it.

If I’m not mistaken, copface and I met under that same exact premise. If only cop face been listening...I talked briefly to you about what was going on down in the DM but believe me when I say you don’t want to check me on this.

Cop face said the same thing to me about cyber but US Cert took it seriously. Turns out it caused a heavy drop in mass shootings. Sorry copface, your bad. Cert picked it up. Wonder if it could have saved Mari and her kid. I dunno maybe we should wait until Loeb is dead in a ditch to investigate it. The feds love waiting until bloods spilled. I mean #Parkland, right?

Being exposed to that level of exploitation made me turn my *advertiser censored* around and realize I was just like my family I’m better off keeping my dignity and locking and people like that up.

The embellishment defense to gangster rap is cute until you stare it in the face. It’s a great way to minimize the lyrics as art but when real Gambino rolls up on the childish one for catching them some federal heat by running their mouths—it’s not gonna be a good day to be baby Gambino. They’ll get checked like a Nike. They aren’t stupid enough to check organized crime unless it’s legit. I wish from the bottom of my little heart that these rappers were that stupid.

Either way, the mob has always had a hand in the entertainment industry. More so than the DA or some Suffolk cops.

The mob expects law enforcement to give them problems. But a silly rapper?! Hahaha, they can add them to the pile of bodies on Oak Beach. Don’t be silly. This whole thing was about concealing a pipeline they hand off to street level gangs. The same ones these rappers check all the time.

Isn’t there some rule in the Gambino family about Drug dealing? They never said they couldn’t “drug broker”. Keeps their hands clean.

Next, I can’t answer your questions about what kind of backroom deal the FBI gave Burke. I don’t think he committed the homicides, personally. I’m merely entertaining the angle to say I have explored every possible theory.

The snuff film thing concerns me but wasn’t it DeMeo and the Gemini Twins who produced *advertiser censored* for the Gambinos? They love hacking up bodies. I could see Burke as a customer and maybe an associate. Maybe someone who gets extorted. He is Irish, not Italian.

I just think we have a lack of police, particularly female officers willing to talk about sexual exploitation. You want him to be the boogey man, I need to find females who can testify who aren’t heroin pipeline customers or sex workers. Those girls will say anything under the right amount of racketeering duress.

Give me a few lady cops who won’t think twice about dropping one of these guys while they’re pulling off an act of retaliation. One with no priors and no drug problem and I will believe James Burke is the bad guy.

Snuff film comments only count in RICO cases as hearsay evidence. Give me some real clean cops and real testimony from people who I can believe aren’t operating with dual motives. Also it would be nice if somebody would manifest these films instead of just talk about it. I say this irrefutable evidence exists I need to see it because then that would just solve all these problems if it existed we would be able to know.

As for the Hydra thing, and whatever they’re saying, IDK.

Exactly, as to your last point, where are the films? You know career climbing to be the chief of police doesn’t give you a lot of playtime to go and work on your snuff film production hobby. Police chief’s are really busy people. Now, if he’s killing people that could get in his way career wise to obtain the chief of police position now you’re starting to make sense.

I can believe he’s a hitman.
I can believe that he is working with the mob.
I can’t even believe that he has a snuff film fetish but only because another cop said this. I need more cops. Particularly: females.

At the end of the day: all of this is circumstantial and hearsay unless you’re indicting the whole department in a Racketeering Conspiracy. Whoever is making up these allegations is trying to bring things into evidence that typically is not brought into evidence unless it’s a racketeering case where they believe people who have no credibility in a regular criminal proceeding. Whoever is trying to set Burke up, is obviously more familiar with racketeering conspiracy defense then they are civil rights prosecutions.

Could you take a whole department down on a RICO conspiracy? Absolutely, but you’re gonna need a whole lot more dirty cops than just Spota and Bourke flipping at the top.

FBI isn’t stupid, neither is the department of justice an idiot. EDNY has been in this RICO game for a long time and they’ve been fighting the mob for a long time.

In my opinion, they’re trying to indict the people that are going to be the easiest to flip on their corrupt activities as they are more believable than the criminals and powerful people don’t want to sit in jail for a really long time. Bravo.

I’m looking for credible testimony. You have one woman who is discussing a sexual act that she had with Burke using the word.....using the word for a sex organ that she should not use if you want anybody to take your testimony seriously.

Keep in mind the mob controls prostitution rackets. That’s how these dead girls happened, by the way. Maybe the police are customers of it in Suffolk County but I highly doubt James Burke is going to be able to organize a sexual slavery ring while he is dealing with things that a police officer/investigator or chief has to deal with in the day to day.

Plus protecting a whole neighborhood of mob associates who for some strange reason are just coincidentally completely innocent in this scenario for the first time in eons.

Suffolk is protecting the mob. Because their ethical compass is not as skewed, The feds are probably going to start there to start flipping people for an actual RICO case.

The mob controls these dirty adult film stores they shake down recording studios, street gangs—-they control all of it.

You’re expecting me to believe that he has time to moonlight as a serial killer and some kind of snuff film videographer while being the police chief...and that’s just not realistic.

True, where are the tapes if they existed—we would find them. The FBI has a dog in Newark they can find all of those thumb drives and data chips and everything. Go use that dog and search for your snuff films, but until someone brings me these literal snuff films with these homicide victims in it—I simply am never ever going to put much weight in it.

I don’t think he could’ve gotten away with it as long as he did. The cops beneath him would’ve taken him out in a heartbeat. Only reason the mob wants to set them up right now is so they can avoid an indictment on a real racketeering case.

They're using spin and planning evidence and disinformation like they’re expecting a racketeering case to drop on the police department. To be honest what it looks like here is the mob extorted the cops, The cops can conceal homicides, the cops called the feds off so nobody would notice they were covering up for a racket. I just don’t know where James Burkes snuff film production company is that would be an actual racket...but you can’t convict him based upon what people said and what rumors you heard. Especially when these people have no credibility and their customers with the same pipeline he was investigating.

Hearsay evidence is not admissible in a regular criminal proceeding but that’s all we seem to be getting on this case—-hearsay evidence, whoever is obstructing this case is familiar with organized crime cases. They said they think of civil rights case against police department works the same way as a RICO indictment works against them...so if you’re looking for the lawyer that is obstructing the case with tech, look at the one who has the most experience defending racketeering conspiracy—there’s a good lead you might even find some snuff films.

Until then the Burke thing is interesting, I have no doubt the department is dirty but I am going to need the testimony of witnesses in (or who were fired from) SCPD who saw sexual exploitation, sexual violence or experienced it first hand.

Remember this isn’t about Chris Loeb and civil rights this is about 11 open homicides and it’s important we don’t get distracted from that.

I'm preaching to the choir here @eagleyeseymour I know.
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I mean....I don't mean to laugh. But that was funny.

Moving on.

CL might be in ”protective custody”. They still aren't back tracing the cyber and the spoofing and figuring out where it comes from. I know for a FACT that requires some legal tiptoeing around multiple electronic surveillance warrants that have the ability to breach other people based on suspected harassment.

I've gone through similar electronic harassment used the same way and it was over their heads at first. Until I heard about the FISA. I was basically begging them to do a FISA warrant on me AND consenting to it, it was that bad.

My device would act just like his if I tried to talk about it or record a video. When I saw those messages popping up one after the other I knew exactly what was happening to him.

When I saw Mari get killed and what her daughter thought, I knew she had to have the same thing going on with the tech.

The only thing I can say is that he needs to keep his head screwed on straight. Protective m

I hear that paid actor embellishment bull all the time. Where it is true they have ghost writers they also are heavily involved in street level “activities”. Ahem. TRUST ME. I would not cop face me on something I know for a fact is legit.

Seymour, check the FBI file on Sinatra. ;)
Look up Drake and Baka his human trafficking body guard?

I’m not going further into it.

I’m so sick of these entertainment industry clowns I could scream. They are fraudulent but when they check somebody they are not playing. Play in about that, it will cost you your life case in point:

I doubt he would pull the same thing with the real mob. Would that not be foolish?
As far as embellishments, check out for what Rick Ross got locked up:

Then you got Suge running people over with cars.

These rappers aren’t sweet and fluffy. They can traffick drugs all over the place with super concealment in private jets. Don’t be silly.

Any mobster would be foolish not to shake them down with that kind of accessibility and a mentality just like yours across the span of law-enforcement to make them just as untouchable. To be honest I’m really sick of having this conversation with law-enforcement. Yes I have to use suspension of disbelief in order to listen to hip-hop otherwise I noticed too much stuff but it’s not people like blaze I’m after I’m after whoever controls that pipeline who gave him the drugs. They got Melissa killed plus 10 other human beings. I’m not gonna walk around here and frame some rapper for something I know that they didn’t do but to think they don’t have ties? That’s simply not the case. Just get over it and use your suspension of disbelief like the rest of us who knows what’s up.

Shannon wanted to be in the entertainment industry, It’s facts they turn those girls out and some make it and some don’t...and unfortunately Shannon was the one that didn’t make it. They loop girls into sex trafficking all the time pretending they’re going to make them some kind a big star, If you think R. Kelly’s the only person doing that—you are sadly mistaken, my friend. It is common practice. If you think Harvey Weinstein is the only guy doing that? You are sadly mistaken my friend. It is common practice.

If they put out and do what they’re told and they wind up escorting drug muling. Get near that industry and talk to some people who are in that industry for real and they will tell you the truth about the level of exploitation that goes on in that industry to girls who just want to be artists.

Johnny Blaze was a rapper and Barthelemy’s drug dealing pimp—well in the latest episode of drugs Inc. you find him getting locked up for a heroin violation in Staten Island. Who else was totally excited to see that?!

You ever heard that song with Big Pun, Terror Squad, John Blaze? Cute song. I ran into Terror Squad connections while investigating this. Those are not the people that I want to lock up for these homicides...because they didn’t do it but they probably know who did. Get him on a petty heroin charge in a sting and see if he flips.

If you don’t think these guys are legit about affiliations and that they’re getting handed off the stuff from a higher level you would be highly naïve. I say this with love.

Shannan fell for the biggest scam in the entertainment industry book. I mean, not everybody makes it—but everybody who’s in that game loses their dignity in the process of trying to achieve their dreams. Don’t check me on it.

If I’m not mistaken, copface and I met under that same exact premise. If only cop face been listening...I talked briefly to you about what was going on down in the DM but believe me when I say you don’t want to check me on this.

Cop face said the same thing to me about cyber but US Cert took it seriously. Turns out it caused a heavy drop in mass shootings. Sorry copface, your bad. Cert picked it up. Wonder if it could have saved Mari and her kid. I dunno maybe we should wait until Loeb is dead in a ditch to investigate it. The feds love waiting until bloods spilled. I mean #Parkland, right?

Being exposed to that level of exploitation made me turn my *advertiser censored* around and realize I was just like my family I’m better off keeping my dignity and locking and people like that up.

The embellishment defense to gangster rap is cute until you stare it in the face. It’s a great way to minimize the lyrics as art but when real Gambino rolls up on the childish one for catching them some federal heat by running their mouths—it’s not gonna be a good day to be baby Gambino. They’ll get checked like a Nike. They aren’t stupid enough to check organized crime unless it’s legit. I wish from the bottom of my little heart that these rappers were that stupid.

Either way, the mob has always had a hand in the entertainment industry. More so than the DA or some Suffolk cops.

The mob expects law enforcement to give them problems. But a silly rapper?! Hahaha, they can add them to the pile of bodies on Oak Beach. Don’t be silly. This whole thing was about concealing a pipeline they hand off to street level gangs. The same ones these rappers check all the time.

Isn’t there some rule in the Gambino family about Drug dealing? They never said they couldn’t “drug broker”. Keeps their hands clean.

Next, I can’t answer your questions about what kind of backroom deal the FBI gave Burke. I don’t think he committed the homicides, personally. I’m merely entertaining the angle to say I have explored every possible theory.

The snuff film thing concerns me but wasn’t it DeMeo and the Gemini Twins who produced *advertiser censored* for the Gambinos? They love hacking up bodies. I could see Burke as a customer and maybe an associate. Maybe someone who gets extorted. He is Irish, not Italian.

I just think we have a lack of police, particularly female officers willing to talk about sexual exploitation. You want him to be the boogey man, I need to find females who can testify who aren’t heroin pipeline customers or sex workers. Those girls will say anything under the right amount of racketeering duress.

Give me a few lady cops who won’t think twice about dropping one of these guys while they’re pulling off an act of retaliation. One with no priors and no drug problem and I will believe James Burke is the bad guy.

Snuff film comments only count in RICO cases as hearsay evidence. Give me some real clean cops and real testimony from people who I can believe aren’t operating with dual motives. Also it would be nice if somebody would manifest these films instead of just talk about it. I say this irrefutable evidence exists I need to see it because then that would just solve all these problems if it existed we would be able to know.

As for the Hydra thing, and whatever they’re saying, IDK.

Exactly, as to your last point, where are the films? You know career climbing to be the chief of police doesn’t give you a lot of playtime to go and work on your snuff film production hobby. Police chief’s are really busy people. Now, if he’s killing people that could get in his way career wise to obtain the chief of police position now you’re starting to make sense.

I can believe he’s a hitman.
I can believe that he is working with the mob.
I can’t even believe that he has a snuff film fetish but only because another cop said this. I need more cops. Particularly: females.

At the end of the day: all of this is circumstantial and hearsay unless you’re indicting the whole department in a Racketeering Conspiracy. Whoever is making up these allegations is trying to bring things into evidence that typically is not brought into evidence unless it’s a racketeering case where they believe people who have no credibility in a regular criminal proceeding. Whoever is trying to set Burke up, is obviously more familiar with racketeering conspiracy defense then they are civil rights prosecutions.

Could you take a whole department down on a RICO conspiracy? Absolutely, but you’re gonna need a whole lot more dirty cops than just Spota and Bourke flipping at the top.

FBI isn’t stupid, neither is the department of justice an idiot. EDNY has been in this RICO game for a long time and they’ve been fighting the mob for a long time.

In my opinion, they’re trying to indict the people that are going to be the easiest to flip on their corrupt activities as they are more believable than the criminals and powerful people don’t want to sit in jail for a really long time. Bravo.

I’m looking for credible testimony. You have one woman who is discussing a sexual act that she had with Burke using the word.....using the word for a sex organ that she should not use if you want anybody to take your testimony seriously.

Keep in mind the mob controls prostitution rackets. That’s how these dead girls happened, by the way. Maybe the police are customers of it in Suffolk County but I highly doubt James Burke is going to be able to organize a sexual slavery ring while he is dealing with things that a police officer/investigator or chief has to deal with in the day to day.

Plus protecting a whole neighborhood of mob associates who for some strange reason are just coincidentally completely innocent in this scenario for the first time in eons.

Suffolk is protecting the mob. Because their ethical compass is not as skewed, The feds are probably going to start there to start flipping people for an actual RICO case.

The mob controls these dirty adult film stores they shake down recording studios, street gangs—-they control all of it.

You’re expecting me to believe that he has time to moonlight as a serial killer and some kind of snuff film videographer while being the police chief...and that’s just not realistic.

True, where are the tapes if they existed—we would find them. The FBI has a dog in Newark they can find all of those thumb drives and data chips and everything. Go use that dog and search for your snuff films, but until someone brings me these literal snuff films with these homicide victims in it—I simply am never ever going to put much weight in it.

I don’t think he could’ve gotten away with it as long as he did. The cops beneath him would’ve taken him out in a heartbeat. Only reason the mob wants to set them up right now is so they can avoid an indictment on a real racketeering case.

They're using spin and planning evidence and disinformation like they’re expecting a racketeering case to drop on the police department. To be honest what it looks like here is the mob extorted the cops, The cops can conceal homicides, the cops called the feds off so nobody would notice they were covering up for a racket. I just don’t know where James Burkes snuff film production company is that would be an actual racket...but you can’t convict him based upon what people said and what rumors you heard. Especially when these people have no credibility and their customers with the same pipeline he was investigating.

Hearsay evidence is not admissible in a regular criminal proceeding but that’s all we seem to be getting on this case—-hearsay evidence, whoever is obstructing this case is familiar with organized crime cases. They said they think of civil rights case against police department works the same way as a RICO indictment works against them...so if you’re looking for the lawyer that is obstructing the case with tech, look at the one who has the most experience defending racketeering conspiracy—there’s a good lead you might even find some snuff films.

Until then the Burke thing is interesting, I have no doubt the department is dirty but I am going to need the testimony of witnesses in (or who were fired from) SCPD who saw sexual exploitation, sexual violence or experienced it first hand.

Remember this isn’t about Chris Loeb and civil rights this is about 11 open homicides and it’s important we don’t get distracted from that.

I'm preaching to the choir here @eagleyeseymour I know.

Appreciate your response and I do agree with much of it. My 2 cents on the entertainment industry, particularly the artists you reference is that the VAST majority fake it till they make it. Once they have money, they are surrounded by vultures who are typically much more involved in the street life than people like Drake, who was a childhood actor on a soap opera for teens.

How does this relate to someone like Shannan or the others ? These guys like Blaze and Akeem Cruz are low level dirtbags, they aren't even on "the mobs" radar. As far as Burke goes, I agree, we need SCPD to step up and we need testimony but if it hasn't happened yet it isn't likely it will. The 911 tapes are as far away as Burkes DVD's , which means, whether they exist or not, they are as good as folklore. BTW, Loeb just published a video on YouTube about the 911 tapes and goes on to say that he has a contact at the DOJ who corroborated his theory that Bill Clinton told the Feds to back off Burke.

While it is easy to say that Shannan may have been in a drug induced state, she was in fear for her life and it was clearly not a figment of her imagination or self fulfilling prophecy. Burke ran a prostitution ring out of his home and if you read into some of what Hawkshaw has posted about Burkes past, it seems he has plenty of time to function as police chief while having a hand in organized crime.

Right now all I hear is tick-tock-tick-tock and I think we can all bet our houses on Suffolk County appealing the appellate divisions decision. If there is one thing @mage says that I can agree with, it's that the tapes will not be released. We'll see Bigfoot before we hear them and I hope I'm wrong about that. It is maddening that it has gone on this long to begin with.
Appreciate your response and I do agree with much of it. My 2 cents on the entertainment industry, particularly the artists you reference is that the VAST majority fake it till they make it. Once they have money, they are surrounded by vultures who are typically much more involved in the street life than people like Drake, who was a childhood actor on a soap opera for teens.

How does this relate to someone like Shannan or the others ? These guys like Blaze and Akeem Cruz are low level dirtbags, they aren't even on "the mobs" radar. As far as Burke goes, I agree, we need SCPD to step up and we need testimony but if it hasn't happened yet it isn't likely it will. The 911 tapes are as far away as Burkes DVD's , which means, whether they exist or not, they are as good as folklore. BTW, Loeb just published a video on YouTube about the 911 tapes and goes on to say that he has a contact at the DOJ who corroborated his theory that Bill Clinton told the Feds to back off Burke.

While it is easy to say that Shannan may have been in a drug induced state, she was in fear for her life and it was clearly not a figment of her imagination or self fulfilling prophecy. Burke ran a prostitution ring out of his home and if you read into some of what Hawkshaw has posted about Burkes past, it seems he has plenty of time to function as police chief while having a hand in organized crime.

Right now all I hear is tick-tock-tick-tock and I think we can all bet our houses on Suffolk County appealing the appellate divisions decision. If there is one thing @mage says that I can agree with, it's that the tapes will not be released. We'll see Bigfoot before we hear them and I hope I'm wrong about that. It is maddening that it has gone on this long to begin with.

Drakes a spotter and when he’s finished with the groupie he hands them to Baka. It's a system, hon. You read what he did to a girl and got locked up for it? He would have done more time if they didn't scare the woman into not testifying. It happens.

R Kelly. Harvey Weinstein. It's not race specific. They all feed them the same lines about putting girls on when they want to turn them out. It's not embellishment. It happens in that industry and the low level dirt bags still get put on.

They make entertainment industry promises just like high level stuff. Don't act like it doesn't happen. Shannan is a perfect example.

On the LISK podcast she was partying with high level people to network so she could be a performer, she got turned out and killed before it happened. They try to turn them all out, get them run through and used up.

Only a very small percentage make it. She used that escort job for networking. It was good money for her but she was looking for a career break. They all promise that but then they throw conditions in it slowly.

You want this gig you gotta put out for it. A professional conversation can nosedive pretty fast. I’ve been on music video shoot before where I wasn’t as aware as I should’ve been.

There were some girls there that look terrified and afraid and my job on that video shoot was to teach them how to just dance for one scene in the video....these are video girls...the coordination was easy. She was very afraid. I couldn't understand why.

I’m a choreographer, I wanted to choreograph for music videos. This was kind of coaching them on how to dance and relax but one girl was scared. It was when I thought hip hop was embellishment, too, and ”boats and hoes” was a descriptive I thought was a joke to explain why they never used real choreography like they used to when I was growing up.

I didn’t really know what the song was about I was called by the director and producer at short notice. I did a favor for them under the condition I could get the credit for movement coordinator and choreography.

I teach choreographed dance. This was just...Looking back I should have seen the situation clearly but I didn’t know. I thought these were just models and the girl was nervous, even classical dancers get nervous if it’s just ”boats and hoes”. Because it’s all embellishment and a joke. Right? Smh.

I had to help her get over that fear after wardrobe. I should have done something but I didn't know any better.

Then it started happening to me where unprofessional lines were crossed while negotiating a bigger gig with an artists management team and got a lot of intellectual property stolen. They refused to sign NDAs wanted me to send show concepts without a non compete. I refused. I thought they were afraid of intellectual property theft with an unreleased track or something. They wanted to exploit me from the jump. I wanted to plan a tour concept and build it for the tour. No funny business.

I was nothing but professional, by using those contracts it would generate a professional creative respect that we could share creative ideas and not worry about screwing each other over. Which happens a lot in that industry, too.

I was too professional and by the book and not interested in sleeping with anyone to get a job but it would get steered in that direction. Every time. It was uncomfortable.

I would feel bad sending any female I taught into then commercial dance industry the way it is as a back up dancer and know that would happen to them. I’m talking legit choreography. Nobody really uses it like they used to when I was growing up.

All hip hop wants is video vixens and boats and hoes. I thought I would have to buy in to boats and hoes and do the movement coordination and teach diddy bopping to get where I wanted to go and make the kind of videos I wanted to make.

I’m too well trained to teach a girl to diddy bop around like a floozy. And on top of that lose my dignity and professionalism by being exploited by an artist?

It got so bad I abandoned the dream I had wanting to eventually direct music videos. It's not wort it.

I think back to that terrified girl to this very day knowing what I know now wishing I could have asked her better questions and make sure she was okay. I just didn’t know better.

So copface should know that I was also in his shoes once. In a position to help but having no idea what to look for. I didn't question the lyrics but I find out after the fact the song was about pimping.

I brush it off as being a dumb white girl and it's just embellishment. I'm not sure if those girls were okay and to this day it haunts me. So then I started learning how it works. Terms and signs to look for. Things I clearly missed. Talk about humiliated. I wasn't there to judge or ask questions about song content.

I wasn't really interested in sleeping my way to the industry but some girls aren't like me and I'm not judging them. It was terrifying to get vaguely steered in that direction. It was unprofessional in my opinion, as a choreographer.

I don’t conduct business that way. I do my job, I am professional, I don't **** in my mess kit, as my parents would tell me not to do. I stick to that.

I make art for the artist—-I leave. What they do after that wasn’t my business. I thought that was how it would work but I was wrong.

So I promise you, they're not embellishing. They might not write the lyrics sometimes and you're right there are vultures on the outside but they're the obstacle to networking your way in.

The way I saw it there was no way in without compromising yourself. I turned back and decided to clean it up instead. I'm from a police family, my boundaries on professional conduct are drilled into me. Most of these girls were not raised the way I was and I can see how they all get lured in. I just had to learn more. So I did. Maybe I'm speaking from privilege because I'm not that way but if you saw how scared the girl was. Once it clicked I felt like a horrible person for not seeing signs right in front of my face. I swore it wouldn't happen again.

With that said, I want to know more about what you know about Brewer?
What are the chances someone could have shot Shannan?

Tell me more about what Brewer was doing?
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Yeah, I was responding to @mage who said "Witness Protection" verbatim. Need I not make the distinction between WP & Protective Custody. We can't have a productive discussion here if we just insert whatever terms we please into our responses.

Where are the Snuff Films?

How do you know he was in protective custody and not witness protection.

The snuff films? you are asking 8 years later where they are? Well, had you gone to the trial, you would have seen that
little jimmy was uptight and outta sight petrified about fingerprints being on the DVD's.

How do you know he was in protective custody and not witness protection.

The snuff films? you are asking 8 years later where they are? Well, had you gone to the trial, you would have seen that
little jimmy was uptight and outta sight petrified about fingerprints being on the DVD's.


If you follow along, you said Witness Protection and Switchn responded using the term Protective Custody, I didn't say either. Enough of the he said, she said - the point is that we can't have a conversation with terms just being inserted in the place of others when the definitions are fundamentally different.

As far as snuff films, it was alleged by CL himself that these were for distribution and sale on the "Dark Web". DVDs are copies, which means films do exist. So if you believe that theory one bit, there could be a creep in say Lithuana or Australia watching the murders of the GB4. I'm no computer forensics guy, simply stating that if this is the case, the films are bits & bytes, buried somewhere.

They weren't recorded straight to DVD , to the only copy Jimmy Burke had in a PAL gym bag that he left in his SUV for CL to grab. It's still crazy to me that people actually leave their car doors unlocked, even if the only thing they have to take is a car freshener. It's that easy to press a button, it takes 1/4 of a second. It must be psychological, providing them with a false sense of security to not lock it.

Ultimately, I think what happens with the 911 tape, relevant to Gilbert is Suffolk appeals the appellate decision, loses and than tells us something along the lines of "the dog ate my homework".
If you follow along, you said Witness Protection and Switchn responded using the term Protective Custody, I didn't say either. Enough of the he said, she said - the point is that we can't have a conversation with terms just being inserted in the place of others when the definitions are fundamentally different.

As far as snuff films, it was alleged by CL himself that these were for distribution and sale on the "Dark Web". DVDs are copies, which means films do exist. So if you believe that theory one bit, there could be a creep in say Lithuana or Australia watching the murders of the GB4. I'm no computer forensics guy, simply stating that if this is the case, the films are bits & bytes, buried somewhere.

They weren't recorded straight to DVD , to the only copy Jimmy Burke had in a PAL gym bag that he left in his SUV for CL to grab. It's still crazy to me that people actually leave their car doors unlocked, even if the only thing they have to take is a car freshener. It's that easy to press a button, it takes 1/4 of a second. It must be psychological, providing them with a false sense of security to not lock it.

Ultimately, I think what happens with the 911 tape, relevant to Gilbert is Suffolk appeals the appellate decision, loses and than tells us something along the lines of "the dog ate my homework".

In Burkes defense, I know my dog would do this, to be fair. I think that's how he found his way to me. I thought he worked for a police department and ate some evidence got high and ran away.

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If you follow along, you said Witness Protection and Switchn responded using the term Protective Custody, I didn't say either. Enough of the he said, she said - the point is that we can't have a conversation with terms just being inserted in the place of others when the definitions are fundamentally different.

As far as snuff films, it was alleged by CL himself that these were for distribution and sale on the "Dark Web". DVDs are copies, which means films do exist. So if you believe that theory one bit, there could be a creep in say Lithuana or Australia watching the murders of the GB4. I'm no computer forensics guy, simply stating that if this is the case, the films are bits & bytes, buried somewhere.

They weren't recorded straight to DVD , to the only copy Jimmy Burke had in a PAL gym bag that he left in his SUV for CL to grab. It's still crazy to me that people actually leave their car doors unlocked, even if the only thing they have to take is a car freshener. It's that easy to press a button, it takes 1/4 of a second. It must be psychological, providing them with a false sense of security to not lock it.

Ultimately, I think what happens with the 911 tape, relevant to Gilbert is Suffolk appeals the appellate decision, loses and than tells us something along the lines of "the dog ate my homework".

Wait you mean his police car was unlocked? Sitting in his driveway?
How do you know he was in protective custody and not witness protection.

The snuff films? you are asking 8 years later where they are? Well, had you gone to the trial, you would have seen that
little jimmy was uptight and outta sight petrified about fingerprints being on the DVD's.


Well. I don’t know what the form of protective surveillance is called. I call it protective custody. It's where they use surveillance for your own protection, you can have it in jail but people in witness protection typically drop off the radar and are relo’ed with new identities.

They still probably get protective custody. But it's not like the kind of protective custody you get in prison when you get locked up. This is for witnesses and crime victims who aren’t exactly in custody but need the protective security. I’m sure he has that, at least, I hope. I would also hope Shannan's family had that, too. Seeing as to how it turned out I guess maybe they didn’t have cyber covered.

The only way bad guys can get to them with physical protective custody for witnesses and crime victims is through their tech. There’s a lot you can do to a person by manipulating their device and still tamper with witnesses.

All I am asking cyber to do is cover that base.

It’s not like people in protective custody have the people around them tasked as protectors attacking them instead of protecting them. #Sarcasm

I’ve seen a lot of that going on sometimes.

Especially when the police have done something wrong to a victim. They’ll lateral over or use a task force to mess with them or find some way to maliciously attack a crime victim or witness out of their jurisdiction. I could write a book or a TV drama on how protective custody goes wrong.

The easiest way is cyber. The risky way is a task force and a lateral hire. It all depends if who you’re messing with knows how to get to your SOP and your OPS and what task force they need to send an OIG (DOJ IA) complaint on. I'm getting so good at it I'm thinking they're going to put me in IA one day dealing with rehabilitating some of these clowns. I'm just playing. Sort of.

I would be good at it--and fair. That's only if IA works the way IA is supposed to work. In corrupt departments IA is a lawsuit thwarting at a victims expense ”legal damage control” strike team.

It’s harder to get away with when someone speaks cop. For me, I have no issue pulling up the conduct standards and reporting malicious behavior and officer misconduct to their department or task force and put their *** on rubber gun desk duty. Your average victim isn’t going to know how it works.

They’re sitting ducks. Loeb is the duck. I’m telling the duck what the duck needs to know about malicious conduct and how to handle it. Nobody should be harming him or tampering with him from any PD. He’s traumatized. He needs to heal. So maybe I’m just bringing this up to make sure the ducks can get in a row and not wind up dead in a ditch. When the chief threatens to kill you, he might be locked up but his buddies are not.
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Hackett, Dormer, Scalise, Burke, Ray, Spota and McPartland had staked out Mari Gilbert as the perfect sucker long before Ray set up the con.

Ray had to conceal his intentions and switch attentions by wearing Tommie and Jimmie's favorite pimp cloths, because after all, they were paying him to represent Mari Gilbert. John called the SCPD the pink panthers in his first presser and such was the distracting power of a smoke screen. John told Mari Gilbert he would line her pocket with Hackett's money cuz he was a doctor, and had insurance. When JOhn guided Mari into the 2nd path, that down the line he would have a legal document that stated that only HE could hear the 911 tapes, the slippery slope down the rabbit hole she slid, helplessly into Ray's, SCPD, Tommie Spota, Chrissy McPartland, and Gangsta trap - it was set with such glamour to the Mark known as Mari Gilbert.

Approach your mark with an idea that seems ordinary enough - a lawsuit, line your pockets with Hackett's money, he called you/ he didn't call you, home for wayward girls, good golly miss molly - what is with this doc? Dominick "wears too much cologne" says "no no - Hackett is just a busybody."

Dormer says it is one serial killer, Spota says its many, good golly miss molly what is going on in Oz land?

Snuff films, murder, pre-meditated murder, concealing bodies, fear and loathing in Suffolk County - all the police are scared for their lives from jimmy Gangsta. Just ask Hickey - landed him in the hospital. What happened to Jimmy Bissette? He was going to tip - rut row - not today Bissette boy. BANG. bye bye. Mrs. B - gets a ticket by Riverhead police as she leaves the funeral. Sorry honey, don't even THINK of tipping. Lanieri? well, Diane Stuke didn't waste any Kleenex on his death, now did she? they were newlyweds, 6 months to the day. I guess Petroccelli let ole Robbie know - YOU'RE FIRED.

Make your false sincerity an effective weapon in concealing SNUFF films.

murder - pre-meditated murder, transportation, burn phones, agencies,

Shannan's funeral, a somber affair, a limoscene, full on press, a joker leading
the press down another rabbit hole "murderer, murderer, I hope you are listening [smirk smirk] Louder for the 2nd verse, just like the 1st -

Yes, the one who never met a camera he didn't like earned his money that day being the vulgar piece of trash that slithered from a sewer and made his home a marsh. Scalise says they were going to drain the marsh and Hackett almost had a heart attack. Can you say Russian mail order bride? First one doesn't work out, go back to say HI to Vladmir and get a 2nd bride. Go live in Pennsylvania while the heat is on, but no, fish breath gets in some trouble there. He and Gangsta in the hood. my my what a small world.

LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS if I do say so myself.
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Hackett, Dormer, Scalise, Burke, Ray, Spota and McPartland had staked out Mari Gilbert as the perfect sucker long before Ray set up the con.

Ray had to conceal his intentions and switch attentions by wearing Tommie and Jimmie's favorite pimp cloths, because after all, they were paying him to represent Mari Gilbert. John called the SCPD the pink panthers in his first presser and such was the distracting power of a smoke screen. John told Mari Gilbert he would line her pocket with Hackett's money cuz he was a doctor, and had insurance. When JOhn guided Mari into the 2nd path, that down the line he would have a legal document that stated that only HE could hear the 911 tapes, the slippery slope down the rabbit hole she slid, helplessly into Ray's, SCPD, Tommie Spota, Chrissy McPartland, and Gangsta trap - it was set with such glamour to the Mark known as Mari Gilbert.

Approach your mark with an idea that seems ordinary enough - a lawsuit, line your pockets with Hackett's money, he called you/ he didn't call you, home for wayward girls, good golly miss molly - what is with this doc? Dominick "wears too much cologne" says "no no - Hackett is just a busybody."

Dormer says it is one serial killer, Spota says its many, good golly miss molly what is going on in Oz land?

Snuff films, murder, pre-meditated murder, concealing bodies, fear and loathing in Suffolk County - all the police are scared for their lives from jimmy Gangsta. Just ask Hickey - landed him in the hospital. What happened to Jimmy Bissette? He was going to tip - rut row - not today Bissette boy. Not today. BANG. bye bye. Mrs. B - gets a ticket by Riverhead police as she leaves the funeral. Sorry honey, don't even THINK of tipping. Lanieri? well, Diane Stuke didn't waste any Kleenex on his death, now did she? they were newlyweds, 6 months to the day. I guess Petroccelli let ole Robbie know - YOU'RE FIRED.

Make your false sincereity an effective weapon in concealing SNUFF films.

murder - pre-meditated murder, transportation, burn phones, agencies,

LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS if I do say so myself.

Yo. No offense. Cops aren’t that smart...or stupid...to come up with these elaborate schemes. They follow orders. All cops are taking a directive from somebody above them.

You know who is smart and dumb enough to do this? A district attorney or lawyer trying to kill a lawsuit.
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Not bad SwitchnSiden. Not bad at all. REDRUM.
Go tell Tommie Loretta Lynch says HI.

bwahhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahah

You just created probable cause for an electronic surveillance warrant by manipulating my words to threaten the DA and cackle about it like an idiot. You aren't very bright.

Keep doing it big, Loretta! She did great work for civil rights in Suffolk CO.
United States Agrees to Comprehensive Settlement with Suffolk County Police Department to Resolve Investigation of Discriminatory Policing Against Latinos

I’m sitting here trying to protect crime victims and witnesses for malicious tampering and unlawful surveillance by the police and I got you over here trying to create probable cause by mixing my words.

This is a willful misinterpretation that *you did*, you just created that probable cause to have *your self* surveilled for veiling threats at the District Attorney.

It’s not OK for James Burke to threaten to kill people. Neither is it OK for you to threaten to kill anybody in Suffolk County who works for the police department or the DA. Or anyone, anywhere. You need to slow your roll and chill with the threats. If you don’t think that Suffolk county is on this forum watching it like hawks (no pun intended) you would be foolish.

Call me Loretta Lynch any day I would love to have a job like hers. See, funny you bring her up...Loretta Lynch is the chick who shows up when a cop takes a quote and minces it to create probable cause. It is a civil rights violation, fourth amendment to be exact.

You want to keep people like Loretta Lynch out of investigations? I would suggest cops stop blatantly committing violations of the fourth amendment. If you were a cop you just committed a civil rights violation and tampered with my statement to create probable cause. I already expect Suffolk to do blanket surveillance, anyway. But tampering with statements...that’s how Loretta Lynch winds up at the department. This could create probable cause for Suffolk county based upon your response to me. It also could create probable cause for the Department of Justice because the statement was tampered with.

Let’s hope you’re not a cop and just some Cray Cray person. DOJ and FBI can find out.

Do you not understand civil rights? Please watch a few videos on it. This goes for citizens this goes for police—if you don’t like Loretta Lynch, I suggest we respect the civil rights of others and not tamper with statements to create probable cause. I assure you at the end of the day it won’t be me who gets in trouble.

@eagleyeseymour What's this guys problem? I feel like I’m Clarice Starling and I got ”Multiple Miggs” over in the next cell.
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The Strange Rise and Violent Fall of Long Island's Dirtiest Police Chief

"Loeb wasdenied access to a lawyer, ...….black duffel bag from the unlocked black 2008 GMC Yukon"

Duh- Loeb called him a pedophile and little jimmy's fear was off the charts.
Hysterical that HIGH priced Vinegrad's best defense to have a new trial is
Hickey LIED on the stand. hahahahahahahahah

so did every cop that said Pervert - nope folks - he said PEDOPHILE and the Feds in 2015 told Loeb that
it would ALL come out in the trial, and (zzzzzzzzz) Burke's trial put me to sleep. how 'bout u?

Loeb gets to put WHATEVER he wants in his Netflix SMASH series on the REAL Long Island Serial Killer.
not imitations of Leni Riefenstahl's production - I will say obviously little jimmy is a fan of Hitler cuz that
First*Spota award for Chrissie was CLASSIC Riefenstahl. Sieg Heil. Nazi salute and all, American style.
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