Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert #2

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JB and SG used CVS as a cover to go to CPH house to score.

Is this fact or speculation? A number of people are of this opinion, most based on the fact MP said JB&SG were gone 15 minutes. We know MP gets confused, and has a questionable memory and in my mind has almost zero credibility.

Is there any proof of what you say? Did PCH have a reputation as a drug supplier to anyone else?
Why would AD want to be anywhere near JB - the guy who might have been responsible for the death of his girlfriend/partner? The only reason I can think of is if there's money involved or if both of them were involved in her disappearance.

Is/was AD not a very bright person or was he unaware of who JB was and his role in the disappearance of Shannan?

You’re saying this with the hindsight that Shannan was dead.

Firstly, JB and AD say that AD wanted to contact the police so JB offered to show him the way if he followed his car, so there is some sort of reason. At this point although SG’s boyfriend/family were worried they were assuming she would turn up at some point. Mari Gilbert initially said she thought Shannan had refused to pay MP because it was her birthday/mother’s day and SG wanted the money for a present instead. She thought that was why SG had left MP initially. SG had ditched a driver and refused to pay them before. That driver said she’d obviously worked out the cab fare home was less than his cut. A drive to LI and waiting several hours would have been a big cut, so similarly AD may have assumed that she figured a cab and a night in a hotel would be about $100 when MP wanted $400. They would have been thinking then of SG going to a hotel and crashing out for a long sleep, being in hospital unconscious or even arrested somewhere. Although it may be in the back of his mind something serious had happened it wouldn’t have been his immediate concern.

AD’s prime concern was finding SG, so the people who were last with her would be EXACTLY who he wanted to be around and they were also the people with the most relevant info for the police.

From AD’s point of view what he had found in Oak Beach was reassuring. A man who freely admitted Shannan had been there and expressed concern and was prepared to approach the police. He said he was too scared to enter Brewer’s house, but he needed to speak to him because of the info he had was crucial both for him and the police.
This is categorically incorrect. Marsh conditions can be extremely different within 20 feet based on altitude, vegetation, etc. No different than a patch of your yard pooling water while 10 feet away is a patch of dandelions. I worked in wetlands for several years.

That marsh is not a natural marsh, it had been landscaped and had a drainage system installed quite some time ago so it’s unlikely to have had that as it’s not usually a feature of marshes that have been interfered with by humans because stagnant pools of non-flowing water is exactly what that planning and drainage was designed to stop. It was a marsh that drained via that built drainage to a few cm every summer. Joe Scalise’s sister wanted to get involved in overhauling that system and CH was resistant so it comes up several times in the deposition.

Besides, we know that up until that point Shannan had not overcome any terrain she could not move through, because she had. She had travelled over a mile. She wasn’t in a sinkhole either she was over a bush.
Is this fact or speculation? A number of people are of this opinion, most based on the fact MP said JB&SG were gone 15 minutes. We know MP gets confused, and has a questionable memory and in my mind has almost zero credibility.

Is there any proof of what you say? Did PCH have a reputation as a drug supplier to anyone else?

Nobody knows for sure where they went (or even if they went anywhere). JB plead the 5th and refuses to say if they went anywhere and if so where they went.

CPH says he never saw either of them.

MP says they left for 15 minutes and SG cleared it with him. But he also said they did not tell him why they were going out or where to. If they were 15 minutes they didn’t go to CVS coz that’s at least a 40min round trip.

There’s rumours about CPH supplying drugs to other people in Oak Beach which came up in the depositions, but that was by bending the rules by acting as a private doctor rather than illegal drugs. The most credible was a rumour he’d given a boy steroids for poison ivy without his parents permission which the father was angry about, but that’s about it.

It did occur to me that MP knew she’d made a 911 call outside so it might have served their purposes for her to have been placed outside at some point in the narrative, but that’s speculation too.
That marsh is not a natural marsh, it had been landscaped and had a drainage system installed quite some time ago so it’s unlikely to have had that as it’s not usually a feature of marshes that have been interfered with by humans because stagnant pools of non-flowing water is exactly what that planning and drainage was designed to stop. It was a marsh that drained via that built drainage to a few cm every summer. Joe Scalise’s sister wanted to get involved in overhauling that system and CH was resistant so it comes up several times in the deposition.

Besides, we know that up until that point Shannan had not overcome any terrain she could not move through, because she had. She had travelled over a mile. She wasn’t in a sinkhole either she was over a bush.
We'll agree to disagree. I'd be able to tell you the difference in terrain just by looking at the aerials.

You know that all sounds great, but he’s been DA for 4 years and all there’s been is a belt. A couple of weeks before election and suddenly he’s announcing he’s putting everything on the case but Batman. I don’t really buy it. I think that if he won it would be allowed to lapse again, no tape would come out, the corruption wouldn’t be looked at.

I hope it’s all true, it sounds positive, hopeful and of course the families need to know. But I’m not convinced.

As an aside, it’s lovely to see such a nice picture of Valerie Mack that isn’t a mugshot. She looks beautiful and happy in this picture, which is lovely to see. The later photos were very sad.
At least Sini is speaking publicly about the case(s).

Amazing what political pressure can do, first Phil Boyle, then the two DA candidates, now the DA are taking positions to move the investigation forward.

I enjoyed this insightful quote by Sini; "We are looking for someone who is sophisticated, particularly someone who knows how to evade detection,"

BTW: Did any other news outlet, besides Fox News cover this announcement?
At least Sini is speaking publicly about the case(s).

Amazing what political pressure can do, first Phil Boyle, then the two DA candidates, now the DA are taking positions to move the investigation forward.

I enjoyed this insightful quote by Sini; "We are looking for someone who is sophisticated, particularly someone who knows how to evade detection,"

BTW: Did any other news outlet, besides Fox News cover this announcement?

Amazing isn’t it? I’m sure until he told us that, most people thought it was ‘The 3 Stooges’ or even more appropriately ‘Keystone Kops’.
Election day is always the first Tuesday in November unless that's the 1st of the month, so it's always the Tuesday falling between Nov 2 and Nov 8 (in this case...it's this Tuesday).

John Ray makes motion to New York Supreme Court to lift restriction on releasing Shannan Gilbert 911 call:
John Ray Press Conference On Breaking It Down With Frank MacKay - Gilgo Murders 10 - 29 - 21

This is excellent information, thank you for sharing, PreciousDust. I have been checking the ecourts site, but had not seen the new efiled documents, there are 8 filed since 10/26/21. If Sini is trying to assure the public that the investigations are going forward in one way through the media, as in the link mentioned above: In Long Island serial killer investigation, new phone technology may be key to break in case

Yet, Sini not helping to move forward thing with the Shannan Gilbert side of things...he really should, IMO, if he supposedly has the power to help achieve that. No more hiding or covering up, whoever is culpable or messed up things, should take their lumps just like anyone else. This has got to move on and be solved. MOO
John Ray makes motion to New York Supreme Court to lift restriction on releasing Shannan Gilbert 911 call:
John Ray Press Conference On Breaking It Down With Frank MacKay - Gilgo Murders 10 - 29 - 21

Thanks for posting this, @PreciousDust . Also of note in this interview, John Ray mentioned that Sini is "no longer in charge of the investigation of the Shannan Gilbert and Gilgo Beach murders."

Big news, but no explanation provided by Sini. Nor does he tell who is in charge.
Anyone have any insights?

Lawyer demands Suffolk release 911 tapes from night Shannon Gilbert vanished in Gilgo Beach

Any chance of Bellone being connected, maybe(?) My own opinion. As of yet, we really don't know.

I hope J Ray can get some answers with his motion, shed some light. If Sini really wants reelection, he should be able to be transparent enough to stop the vagueness and state who is in charge of this, and why. It's something those who vote should be aware of, IMO.
Thought you might want to know who one in these races on Tuesday

Suffolk County District Attorney

Tim Sini (D)- 99,976

Ray Tierney (R)- 133,141 (WINNER)

Suffolk County Sheriff

Errol Toulon Jr. (D)- 124,959 (WINNER)

William Amato (R)- 103,465
Thought you might want to know who one in these races on Tuesday

Suffolk County District Attorney

Tim Sini (D)- 99,976

Ray Tierney (R)- 133,141 (WINNER)

Fingers crossed he can begin to right the wrongs of this investigation.
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