Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert

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It's still a giant risk with a small window of opportunity, and I don't really see how it could be done w/o the drifter or MP being privy to it.

Another possibility is that there was an accident of some sort that MP and JB figured would make them look guilty. In that case MP would have leave w/ SG while JB talked to the cops. The fact that the island turns out to be a dumping ground for a serial killer that uses the Internet is complete unrelated and just a matter of high population density. Maybe he he didn't even know SG went missing there.

Does anyone know when it was first published that SG went missing?

I highlighted a portion of your post in red because I strongly disagree. The fact that all 4 victims (AND Shannan Gilbert) were Craigslist prostitutes is definitely important and a definite link between the victims. Even police say that common sense tells us it's "not a coincidence."
I hope the police held on to all of their dashboard videotapes for that day. It would be a good idea to check it.

It's funny that you included this thought. I was just thinking the SAME THING early today!! This guy is going to get caught, but it will be from a random video surveillance camera that will pickup an important clue that will lead to him.

It could be a cops dashboard cam or it could be a businesses video surveillance system or maybe even an ATM camera. He's on videotape somewhere out there. It's just a matter of the right people getting their eyes on the tape.
I don't agree, MrsPC. Think about how all of the other girls were acquired. The SK goes and picks them up. SG was delivered to JB. The SK would never even consider that. JB didn't do it.

I really feel that the SK lives in Oak Beach. I get this weird vision when I think about it. I see him driving north over the Robert Moses Causeway bridge with SG in the car. She is either knocked unconscious or dead. And as he is driving north, he sees the SCPD responding southbound toward Oak Beach. And all he can do is laugh that it took so long for the SCPD to respond.

He takes her to his place of business. It is located in an industrial park close by. Maybe Bay Shore, Deer Park or Hauppauge. He is the owner of the business and he opens the garage door and pulls the car inside. He then does his sick little deed and prepares the body for disposal. Except this body can never be found. Things got too out-of-hand in Oak Beach. But as long as they can't find a body, they can't get him for the crime. I feel he either dismembers her or disposed of her at sea.

I hope I am wrong about this. I hope SG is still alive. But this is the vision I get when I think about all of the facts of the crime and just play it through in my head.

What if he was still in the grooming stage with SG. Or what if MP worked for both SG and JB. JB may simply provide the accommodations or be a party planner, so to speak maybe SG was actually brought in to meet with JB and his guest?
Was over at the findshannan site .. scroll down to comment by "cornholio"


Anyone can make a comment on a message board. Sometimes the information might be valuable, most of the time it's nothing more than rumor and misinformation passed along second hand by people without a great deal of knowledge about a case.

I base my information ONLY on what I gather from msm, and what I observe with my own eyes. In the picture I've seen of PH, he was 1 prosthetic leg. That's it. Is it possible he lost another limb after that picture was taken? I guess. But I see nothing that would convince me that that might be the case...so imo, "Cornholio" is simply repeating something they heard. And it's wrong.

Question After looking over past posts and articles, the only one who said Shannan was "grabbed and pulled into the SUV" was her mother Mari Gilbert. Is that right? Or did other witnesses also say that and I missed it.
Question After looking over past posts and articles, the only one who said Shannan was "grabbed and pulled into the SUV" was her mother Mari Gilbert. Is that right? Or did other witnesses also say that and I missed it.

The only people I've ever seen make that statement are her mother and sister.
I think it's important becuase if Shannan actually got into the SUV, it puts her next "location" possbily farther away becuase she is being driven. Frankly I think information from her family is growing less credible by the minute. Having said that, it puts into Q all Mari Gilbert's other claims like the call from PH. There is something about this mother that I don't trust.
I think it's important becuase if Shannan actually got into the SUV, it puts her next "location" possbily farther away becuase she is being driven. Frankly I think information from her family is growing less credible by the minute. Having said that, it puts into Q all Mari Gilbert's other claims like the call from PH. There is something about mother that I don't trust.

In spite of the recent attempts to discredit the mother, I still find SG's family very credible. How would the mother and sister have even known there was a CH living in the area. They could not have made up that call and I personally believe the call was made by CH because he panicked, thinking someone saw him with SG. I think he made up the drug treatment story, then realized he should never have made the call.
I highlighted a portion of your post in red because I strongly disagree. The fact that all 4 victims (AND Shannan Gilbert) were Craigslist prostitutes is definitely important and a definite link between the victims. Even police say that common sense tells us it's "not a coincidence."

I don't know. I am mixed on that. On one hand you have a few million people with access to an Island that happens to be the perfect dumping ground.

Then you have the fact that almost everyone owns a computers these days and computers have dramatically changed how we buy, write etc. The women that advertise on the internet know they get to cut the middleman out instead of going with an escort company. Its business 101 to put ads up on as many sites as possible. It also seems to offer them more money and discretion than street walking.

This also presents the SK with a nearly perfect means to control where the meeting place is and it cuts out unneccesary risks. It also does the same for a married man that is a professional and maybe even considered a pillar of the community. On a related not do escort services take cash? Maybe there is a reason people like to use the internet over escort services. If I hobbied I would cross refernce that ads with review sites to make sure LE wasn't involved. It seems that the Internet prostitutes might be the small fish to fry for LE.

with all that said, it doesn't strike me as beyond the bounds of reason that the SG and the SK could be unrelated.
I think it's likely that SG's disappearance is related to the 4 bodies found on LI, but I can't discount the theory that it might be unrelated. Until we have an actual body, I can't rule out anything at all.
Question After looking over past posts and articles, the only one who said Shannan was "grabbed and pulled into the SUV" was her mother Mari Gilbert. Is that right? Or did other witnesses also say that and I missed it.
The only people I've ever seen make that statement are her mother and sister.
Unless someone else confirms, imo, they're writing their own version of the events (i.e., that she was pulled into the car). This is quite common, btw. In the proc of trying to figure out what happened to their loved ones, victims' families will quite naturally theorize, and over time, various aspects of the theories get mixed with fact. Again, why first utterance and original source is so important.
Does anyone have any concrete info on this mysterious drifter who was allegedly at JB's that night? It seems we have more or less skipped over this guy due to minimal info. Maybe we need to throw what we DO know about this guy out on the table and give it a going over.

I have nothing to contribute, other than the story about him returning to Georgia (which I can't even seem to verify).
I have nothing to contribute, other than the story about him returning to Georgia (which I can't even seem to verify).
All articles about the 48 year old drifter cite this single NYPost article ( link )
Does anyone have any concrete info on this mysterious drifter who was allegedly at JB's that night? It seems we have more or less skipped over this guy due to minimal info. Maybe we need to throw what we DO know about this guy out on the table and give it a going over.

I have nothing to contribute, other than the story about him returning to Georgia (which I can't even seem to verify).

I have read so little about him its hard to discuss it. Apparently there was somebody staying with JB that night. He, unlike JB, managed to keep his name from the media. All I recall about him is that he was known to hire prostitutes, he was said by his mother (or was it JB's Mother) that he was now in Georgia and the article that mentioned him assigned him the name "drifter".

The name "drifter" suggest he wasn't a Long time LI resident. If so, he probably wasn't the SK who is responsible for the Gilgo Beach 4.
Here's a link to an article that mentions him.

"A second man had been partying with missing Craigslist sex worker Shannon Gilbert the night she disappeared from a Long Island beach community....The man, a 48-year-old drifter with a penchant for strippers, was staying at the Oak Beach summer home owned by businessman Joseph Brewer, the john who hired Gilbert in May 2010 and was also with her that night....
His mom told The Post yesterday that her son had contacted her after Gilbert's disappearance. She said she believes he is now somewhere in Georgia.
'He called me,' she said. 'He told me not to worry if his name was in the papers related to the case.'"
They weren't named until 6 months after she disappeared

But if Brewer were planning on killing her why would he call MP an complain that she wouldn't leave his house? It doesn't make sense to me that she would make MP come get her out of the house and then when she runs away he chases her down and kill her. Why not kill her during the 3 hours she was in his house?

I totally agree. Totally sketchy, I have always speculated that MP isn't telling the whole truth and either is JB. I don't believe either one of them. MP caught at the Zurich airport with a chinese woman with a fake passport?? Hello, human trafficking. They are in cohoots, I also think there may be a third person. This was organized, a ring. I think SG was afraid of both JB and MP. I think she was drugged, came to, freaked out, found the drug they gave her and called the # on it to ask what it was, thus the pharmacy call. I also think that that ridiculous bit MP says about SG driving around (in the dead of night in the middle of nowhere) in JB's SUV--that was an early story JUST IN CASE--they find her body and the hairs found in his car match hers. (LE took his SUV, they definitely have hair/dna from inside) LE wants to find her body, no body=no arrest.
In spite of the recent attempts to discredit the mother, I still find SG's family very credible. How would the mother and sister have even known there was a CH living in the area. They could not have made up that call and I personally believe the call was made by CH because he panicked, thinking someone saw him with SG. I think he made up the drug treatment story, then realized he should never have made the call.

You could be right. I don't think the family is lying but I'm not sure I trust their recollections, perceptions or judgement in general. As far as getting his name, anyone could have done a reverse look up of the street via google
I think at the time this information came out, SG's family were the only people paying attention to what was going on, and if it hadn't been for their persistence the bodies may have never come to light, so I am going to give them a little slack.
I totally agree. Totally sketchy, I have always speculated that MP isn't telling the whole truth and either is JB. I don't believe either one of them. MP caught at the Zurich airport with a chinese woman with a fake passport?? Hello, human trafficking. They are in cohoots, I also think there may be a third person. This was organized, a ring. I think SG was afraid of both JB and MP. I think she was drugged, came to, freaked out, found the drug they gave her and called the # on it to ask what it was, thus the pharmacy call. I also think that that ridiculous bit MP says about SG driving around (in the dead of night in the middle of nowhere) in JB's SUV--that was an early story JUST IN CASE--they find her body and the hairs found in his car match hers. (LE took his SUV, they definitely have hair/dna from inside) LE wants to find her body, no body=no arrest.

MP isn't the one who said she was in JB's car
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