Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert

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Is there a single person besides me who believes that as all the true facts indicate, SG went to JB's home, who was alone, went inside as her driver MP waited outside, began acting strange as she had in the past, was asked to leave and refused, was again asked to leave by MP who was summoned for help by JB, after MP gave up trying and went outside to wait in his SUV, JB grabbed SG to literally throw her out, SG screamed, stumbled down the stairs and ran down the street stopping at two neighbors homes, both who called 911, and went onto the marsh on her own and died from an exposure to the elements/drug combination?

Well, here are FOUR additional true facts that I can't ignore:

- The discovery of 4 bodies of murdered sex workers found close to OB who advertised on CL/BP just as SG. (Plus there are the other bodies/body parts of sex workers and/or likely sex workers which were also found in that same area).

- Then there's the completely differing opinions regarding SG's demeanor on her 911-call... one officer says she was calm, while other officers (and witnesses) describe her as hysterical. (Do any of these SC officers know what they're talking about ??)

- And, finally there's DrH placing himself in the middle of the everything AND lying about it. (Spoofed or not, he did -eventually - admit calling MG)

- Oh, and let's remember the fact that SG's disappearance (associated with her 911 call) was not actively investigated until many months after she disappeared. (Gotta' love MP for not talking to police that morning... what a true friend and driver. Personally, I don't believe anything he says.). Investigators had to back track. Evidence was lost from May to December.
I wondered the same thing. Apparently after she initially went missing, her mother gave out her cell numbers to the people of Oak Beach when she went their looking for her. I am pretty sure I read that in Lost Girls, but it could have been somewhere else.

Supposedly Pak and Alex Diaz gave him the #. However if anything comes of this call John Ray claims came from one of his cells to Ellenville on the 1st that is a game changer Bc I believe they didn't give out the # until the 3rd?? Btw this 5/1 call was mentioned when JR was on Websleuths Radio.

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It doesn't make any logical sense as to why Joseph Brewer was cleared so quickly and never revisited. I mean HELLO Shannan Gilbert called the police about someone trying to kill her and then was found dead. It is insane to me to have cleared the guy who ordered her as an escort so quickly. I smell ********.
Last sentence in my previous post was...I smell bs. I firmly believe Joseph Brewer was involved in Shannan Gilbert's murder in some way shape or form.
Thank you, I could not wrap my head around how a victim was able to get a call through at the moment they were so sure someone was going to kill them. She had made calls to PAK I believe through the night, so they might have thought that was her only phone.

Dr. Baden's words hit me: Something in the order of she died a mile or so from a graveyard of other dead bodies and there is no coincidence in his mind with the vast amount of criminal cases he has worked on.

The ban of cell phones after Shannon.

SG''s calls to PAK, CVS, Taco Bell and 911 are all in her records for her personal phone. These phone records have been published and are even posted here on this site.

There is no indication that SG had her burner phone with her that night. If she did, she would have left it in the car with PAK because he was the one taking her calls and booking her appointments that evening. This is also documented.
the caller got it from Shannon phone. I still don't believe it was Hackett who called.

Hackett was GIVEN SG's phone number by PAK and her boyfriend ALEX DIAZ the next day!!! PAK returned through next day with ALEX To look for SG. They met Hackett and because he is such a friendly and helpful person, they asked him if he would call her mother and offer his assistance!

It is all explained here in his letters to 48 Hours and both Pak and Diaz have confirmed this to be true!!!!
I am new here and was reading some posts and this one in particular I have a question about... how in heck did Peter Hackett have Shannan's mother's telephone number? Doesn't anyone find this odd?

See my last post above. Pak and Diaz went looking for her through next day and gave Mari's number out to people who lived in oak beach including hackett.
See my last post above. Pak and Diaz went looking for her through next day and gave Mari's number out to people who lived in oak beach including hackett.

SG''s calls to PAK, CVS, Taco Bell and 911 are all in her records for her personal phone. These phone records have been published and are even posted here on this site.

There is no indication that SG had her burner phone with her that night. If she did, she would have left it in the car with PAK because he was the one taking her calls and booking her appointments that evening. This is also documented.

Are you seriously posting that you know what Shannon would do with her burner phone? Her burner phone could have been in her purse. I posted the link that she spoke to Pak often from her regular. phone.

I posted mine in which Shannon had the 2 phones and often used her regular phone to call Pak. The ad would have been taken down after 2am. Pak certainly was not playing poker games on a Trac Phone all night. An I Phone sure, but not a trail less burner phone. They are better quality today, but leave a trail. Pak's story lines do not make any sense. He returned to his car because he felt Shannon was setting him up with 911, the police, so he goes and sits in the car, leaving Shannon with men she thinks are going to kill her, and then follows her, because of course if you feel that you are being set up by someone for murder, you are going to be following them in such a suspicious manner after her call so the police see you stalking the caller.

The story changes to the John pushes her out the door but then puts his arms around her pulling her in. She was there for 3 hours, and this does not fit Brewer's changing stories.

  • Shannan’s earring was found in front of J. Brewer’s house by her sisters (PD missed this)
  • Detectives recovered Shannan’s jacket in the brush where she had run early in their initial search, but now tell the family “it’s lost.” They also say they don’t have her purse, ID, cell phone.

The police lose all her evidence and if found not important enough to seal and protect, especially many items found after all the bodies came to light, then give her stuff back to her family. If her family was very prominent you better believe that family would be sitting in a room at the precinct listening to that 911 call.

All the characters surrounding Shannon are scumbags. The story cannot be read as Pak was her friend because he was a pimp in the dark world of the skin trade, and he hardly knew Shannon for long. He was not her friend. The boyfriend who cracked her face was not her friend.

Brewer said he was not guilty in this case. Well, he could certainly feel that way if she did run and get lost dying from the elements because he was out to kill her. He didn't manually kill her. But, she knew he and his friends were going to kill her.

Hackett was GIVEN SG's phone number by PAK and her boyfriend ALEX DIAZ the next day!!! PAK returned through next day with ALEX To look for SG. They met Hackett and because he is such a friendly and helpful person, they asked him if he would call her mother and offer his assistance!

It is all explained here in his letters to 48 Hours and both Pak and Diaz have confirmed this to be true!!!!

My bad. It was meant to be a question not a statement.
Supposedly Pak and Alex Diaz gave him the #. However if anything comes of this call John Ray claims came from one of his cells to Ellenville on the 1st that is a game changer Bc I believe they didn't give out the # until the 3rd?? Btw this 5/1 call was mentioned when JR was on Websleuths Radio.

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It has always been my contention that Brewer was ‘cleared’ in the death of SG because Brewer knew too much as to what was going on at Oak Beach and surrounding areas.
While he may not have killed SG, he knew how she got there and may have known she was there on other occasions.
He was quoted in Kolker’s book that if the truth ever came out there would be a lot of cops with pie on their faces. What did you make of that?
As a former investigator that given similar circumstances that we know of concerning Brewer I think I can tell you there is no way in hell you could eliminate Brewer at that juncture of the investigation. It is my contention the ONLY way he could be eliminated as a suspect is if you know who killed SG.
If SCPD/DA follows their pattern of a cover-up then they would have convinced Brewer to move out of state. Does anyone know if he has moved?

Historically Oak Beach has been known for wild parties with female entertainment and drugs. Communities like Gilgo are more family oriented. Who attends the OB parties? Those with deep pockets, lawyers (judges?.. hmmm), real estate people, crime figures, drug dealers, law enforcement, business owners and so on.

These are invitation only, most with a required buy-in as admission. Security is supplied to keep casuals or party crashers out. Who makes up the security force? Off duty police who want to make some easy cash on the side. Tell your spouse you are on a case or working OT. Security is not part of the party, they just act as comfort for the guests and are part of keeping the lid on if things go bad.

How are the girls lured in? With the promise of a big payday and to meet important people who may be future clients. Drugs are a big hook, it used to be cocaine 20 years ago, no idea what the party drug de jour is. Small parties have one working girl, bigger parties more girls.

I feel that JB was a facilitator in these parties, if they existed. He may have known SG prior to May of 2010 or was screening her for the future. It is quite possible that the girls are considered as a commodity and are regarded as disposable like a paper plate or food wrapper. Late in the party a decision may be made that the girl has seen and heard too much or perishes in the revelry to an overdose or rough sex.

House parties go on all the time across LI and elsewhere. I know of one that goes on every Sunday under the guise of a football party. No big shots at this one and no hired entertainment outside of willing participants. The party does not go on without a guarantee of female fun since the guests pay at the door and expect food and fun.

There is another one that is monthly and is at hotels that will put up with a big party (15 or more in a suite). The host is a nice person and makes money off the party. No hired girls and no drugs or hard alcohol. Food is provided, usually heroes and some buffet style fare. The same people attend most of the parties.

The sexual undercurrent on LI is not limited to Oak Beach, house and hotel parties go on all the time. There are theater parties at local adult bookstores every weekend in the industrial park areas (West Babylon, Farmingdale). Couples are easily admitted, single ladies are a go too. Single males are admitted on certain days, but everyone pays at the door. Some have a bar, others are BYOB, and no drugs and no solicitation.
Historically Oak Beach has been known for wild parties with female entertainment and drugs. Communities like Gilgo are more family oriented. Who attends the OB parties? Those with deep pockets, lawyers (judges?.. hmmm), real estate people, crime figures, drug dealers, law enforcement, business owners and so on.

These are invitation only, most with a required buy-in as admission. Security is supplied to keep casuals or party crashers out. Who makes up the security force? Off duty police who want to make some easy cash on the side. Tell your spouse you are on a case or working OT. Security is not part of the party, they just act as comfort for the guests and are part of keeping the lid on if

How are the girls lured in? With the promise of a big payday and to meet important people who may be future clients. Drugs are a big hook, it used to be cocaine 20 years ago, no idea what the party drug de jour is. Small parties have one working girl, bigger parties more girls.

I feel that JB was a facilitator in these parties, if they existed. He may have known SG prior to May of 2010 or was screening her for the future. It is quite possible that the girls are considered as a commodity and are regarded as disposable like a paper plate or food wrapper. Late in the party a decision may be made that the girl has seen and heard too much or perishes in the revelry to an overdose or rough sex.

House parties go on all the time across LI and elsewhere. I know of one that goes on every Sunday under the guise of a football party. No big shots at this one and no hired entertainment outside of willing participants. The party does not go on without a guarantee of female fun since the guests pay at the door and expect food and fun.

There is another one that is monthly and is at hotels that will put up with a big party (15 or more in a suite). The host is a nice person and makes money off the party. No hired girls and no drugs or hard alcohol. Food is provided, usually heroes and some buffet style fare. The same people attend most of the parties.

The sexual undercurrent on LI is not limited to Oak Beach, house and hotel parties go on all the time. There are theater parties at local adult bookstores every weekend in the industrial park areas (West Babylon, Farmingdale). Couples are easily admitted, single ladies are a go too. Single males are admitted on certain days, but everyone pays at the door. Some have a bar, others are BYOB, and no drugs and no solicitation.

Now the challenge is to obtain the evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
What was the roomie drifter's name? I cannot find his name anywhere? Why would his identity be withheld?
Joseph Brewer knows what happened.

If someone ordered an escort in Chicago and she ran out of the apartment to call the police saying, "they are trying to kill me" and then was found in a dumpster in a nearby alley I would hope that the only suspect is the person who ordered the escort.

That person is Joseph Brewer.

When I search for autopsy findings for Shannan Gilbert I find, "The autopsy findings are consistent with homicidal strangulation."

I'm not positive that Joseph Brewer did it but I would bet all the money I have that Joseph Brewer knows what happened.
There you go. Believe that above scenarios and what I have been saying makes a lot of sense. They finally have a victim that can be traced back to a location and what does the dim-witted police commissioner do? He lets his best suspect go and probably buys him a train ticket to get out of town.
Hackshaw, I wanted to rhank you for mentioning the article on vice.com by Michael Eduson Hayden. I read it last night. As a resident of Suffolk, I found it so disturbing.
Historically Oak Beach has been known for wild parties with female entertainment and drugs. Communities like Gilgo are more family oriented. Who attends the OB parties? Those with deep pockets, lawyers (judges?.. hmmm), real estate people, crime figures, drug dealers, law enforcement, business owners and so on.

These are invitation only, most with a required buy-in as admission. Security is supplied to keep casuals or party crashers out. Who makes up the security force? Off duty police who want to make some easy cash on the side. Tell your spouse you are on a case or working OT. Security is not part of the party, they just act as comfort for the guests and are part of keeping the lid on if things go bad.

How are the girls lured in? With the promise of a big payday and to meet important people who may be future clients. Drugs are a big hook, it used to be cocaine 20 years ago, no idea what the party drug de jour is. Small parties have one working girl, bigger parties more girls.

I feel that JB was a facilitator in these parties, if they existed. He may have known SG prior to May of 2010 or was screening her for the future. It is quite possible that the girls are considered as a commodity and are regarded as disposable like a paper plate or food wrapper. Late in the party a decision may be made that the girl has seen and heard too much or perishes in the revelry to an overdose or rough sex.

House parties go on all the time across LI and elsewhere. I know of one that goes on every Sunday under the guise of a football party. No big shots at this one and no hired entertainment outside of willing participants. The party does not go on without a guarantee of female fun since the guests pay at the door and expect food and fun.

There is another one that is monthly and is at hotels that will put up with a big party (15 or more in a suite). The host is a nice person and makes money off the party. No hired girls and no drugs or hard alcohol. Food is provided, usually heroes and some buffet style fare. The same people attend most of the parties.

The sexual undercurrent on LI is not limited to Oak Beach, house and hotel parties go on all the time. There are theater parties at local adult bookstores every weekend in the industrial park areas (West Babylon, Farmingdale). Couples are easily admitted, single ladies are a go too. Single males are admitted on certain days, but everyone pays at the door. Some have a bar, others are BYOB, and no drugs and no solicitation.

I agree with all you said about Oak Beach but you have the WRONG Oak Beach. The Oak Beach you are referring to is to the WEST of the Oak Beach Parking lot. The homes along that PUBLIC road are known for wild parties and for security being needed, paid admission, and all of the descriptions that you wrote about.


The events that took place in this case DID NOT take place along Oak Beach to the West of the public parking area. They took place behind a very tiny private gated community to the EAST of the public parking area. That community is known as Oak Beach Association. Unlike the party atmosphere of the Western public side of Oak Beach, the gated community is not known for wild parties. In fact, most of the residents there are in their 60's, 70's and upwards of 90's. If someone were to throw a party there would never, EVER be a need for private security because the community is GATED. The public does not have access.

ALSO, not sure if you'd ever been to one of the monthly meetings at a Home Owners Association (HOA) but I can assure you, it's not fun. Most of the board of directors and officers are snobs. Most of the meetings are attended by retired nosy residents who have nothing better to do than to complain about their fellow members.

Wild parties within the gates of OBA??

LOL. What a joke. Never ever because it wouldn't be tolerated by the powers that be.

Their version of a Wild Party in that community are the twice per year casino nights in the community building when they allow everyone to BYOB and aunt Mildred makes her secret family spiked punch. lol.
There you go. Believe that above scenarios and what I have been saying makes a lot of sense. They finally have a victim that can be traced back to a location and what does the dim-witted police commissioner do? He lets his best suspect go and probably buys him a train ticket to get out of town.

I agree with you. This would imply that there was a cover-up of some sort surrounding Joseph Brewer.

People need to dig deeper into Joseph Brewer because the police force is obviously not doing so.

Joseph Brewer was involved with the murder of Shannan Brewer in some way shape or form. I don't like to gamble but I would gamble every penny I have that he has key information into solving this case.

Hackshaw said that this is the ONE victim that can be traced to a specific location with a specific person being Joseph Brewer.

The police force cleared Brewer immediately and is trying to say that she was so high on drugs that she got lost in the marsh and just died and are sticking to that story strong. Autopsy says that she died of strangulation. Something isn't adding up.
It adds up in the world of SCPD - 2 + 2 = 3.

Years ago the NYS SIC brought in a witness name that testified SCPD/DA instructed him how to lie in court. DA scoops him up and gives him immunity and has the guy testify in a Suffolk GJ that he lied before the commission - and POOF he disappeared.

There was this 14 year old gal named Wendy C. It is believed she had vital evidence to prove the person that was charged with the murder of her friend, Jessica M was not killed by a Chris L. She, too, disappeared. Defense found her in France continuing her 'studies'. No she wasn't a Rockefeller, or a Kennedy, she was just a kid growing up in E.Setauket. And she really hasn't been seen since other than running away down a NYC street when Chris L's parents found her and wanted to talk to her. In Suffolk 2 + 2 always = 3 like a $3 dollar bill.
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