Possibly related cases (GB4, Manorville, Bittrolff victims, & others)

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DNA Solves
Thanks Truth and Helpful Dingo. He had to have messed up somewhere along the line - got too cocky and full of himself and screwed up. That's how a lot of evil bastards go down I think - their egos seem to be their worst enemy.
Pat Brown has a list here of common myths about serial killers. Pretty interesting stuff.

I especially like this piece on Bundy and how he was pictured as being this brilliant and cunning sk the way the lisk seems to be portrayed. I bet after hes cuffed and in a cage we will all realize what a dope he really is and that he made some really stupid mistakes. Right truth? so that reminds me not to discount some of our pois because they dont appear so brilliant.


"My favorite choice for disproving the serial killers are brilliant concept is to take a look at Ted Bundy,*Americas most famous serial killer. It is said how terribly smart he was; that this is why it took so long to catch him. Is this the same Ted who couldnt make it through law school, who drove a GOLD Volkswagen to the lake in broad daylight and went up to women he was planning to kidnap saying, Hi! My name is TED!? Is this the same brilliant guy who nearly strangled his girlfriend who then found in his bureau drawer the plaster of Paris he used for fake casts in some of his abduction ruses? This same girlfriend and a couple of other people who knew him went to the police with their suspicions. The police ignored the information because he didnt seem the type. I think the movie Dumb and Dumber comes to mind for the killer and cops involved here. Ted was finally caught, not by clever investigative work but because he was caught speeding. He was so bright that he lied to the police officer about seeing a movie the cop knew didnt exist and then he let the police officer look into his trunk and note his rather obvious rape kit. Ted was by no means brilliant and it was the solid work of a beat cop that got a killer off the streets."
It was mentioned earlier in this thread the possibility that the GB & AC murders could be connected to the Daytona Beach, FL serial killings, and I just wanted to point out that part of the profile of the Daytona killings indicates the killer may have a "sock fetish": 3 of 4 of the victims were found with one or both socks on - no shoes....similar to the NY killings.

It was mentioned earlier in this thread the possibility that the GB & AC murders could be connected to the Daytona Beach, FL serial killings, and I just wanted to point out that part of the profile of the Daytona killings indicates the killer may have a "sock fetish": 3 of 4 of the victims were found with one or both socks on - no shoes....similar to the NY killings.


It's also like the AC killings. They had no shoes. Sounds like a shoe fetish.
It was mentioned earlier in this thread the possibility that the GB & AC murders could be connected to the Daytona Beach, FL serial killings, and I just wanted to point out that part of the profile of the Daytona killings indicates the killer may have a "sock fetish": 3 of 4 of the victims were found with one or both socks on - no shoes....similar to the NY killings.


Good eye! I now need to look closely at those cases...
Pat Brown has a list here of common myths about serial killers. Pretty interesting stuff.

I especially like this piece on Bundy and how he was pictured as being this brilliant and cunning sk the way the lisk seems to be portrayed. I bet after hes cuffed and in a cage we will all realize what a dope he really is and that he made some really stupid mistakes. Right truth? so that reminds me not to discount some of our pois because they dont appear so brilliant.


"My favorite choice for disproving the serial killers are brilliant concept is to take a look at Ted Bundy,*Americas most famous serial killer. It is said how terribly smart he was; that this is why it took so long to catch him. Is this the same Ted who couldnt make it through law school, who drove a GOLD Volkswagen to the lake in broad daylight and went up to women he was planning to kidnap saying, Hi! My name is TED!? Is this the same brilliant guy who nearly strangled his girlfriend who then found in his bureau drawer the plaster of Paris he used for fake casts in some of his abduction ruses? This same girlfriend and a couple of other people who knew him went to the police with their suspicions. The police ignored the information because he didnt seem the type. I think the movie Dumb and Dumber comes to mind for the killer and cops involved here. Ted was finally caught, not by clever investigative work but because he was caught speeding. He was so bright that he lied to the police officer about seeing a movie the cop knew didnt exist and then he let the police officer look into his trunk and note his rather obvious rape kit. Ted was by no means brilliant and it was the solid work of a beat cop that got a killer off the streets."

I would wish, things were so easy, as on one hand LE paints them or on the other hand, Pat Brown. I had my little dance with her profiling in the case of that Alabama diver.
But however, lets use rather Bundy as example, because of the TruTV article which does so as well:

1.) What everybody forgets is, that Bundy was active in a time, modern computers, as we take them as granted today, were not yet implemented. The LE agencies had pretty fast an idea how to catch the guy, but that meant to cross reference lists with thousands of possible suspects. They had to "abuse" the computer, they had for the book keeping in the DMV. It took weeks, even months to make a program to do this cross referencing, to nail all those cards and fed the machine. Pat Brown obviously has no idea how IT worked back then. No Penelope Garcia there and none of her "I take a look at this or that database". So, especially the Bundy case is to me still a case in which LE did what was possible and made a lot better figure than for example LE made later in IL with the Gacy case.

2.) It took so long because Bundy crossed state borders, it took so long because the connections became only clear AFTER Bundy was caught. No ViCAP back then. The interesting detail is, that LE made the connection pretty fast after they got the basic information. Today, we have databases and LE misses the connection often enough.

3.) Bundy was a child of his time. Means, all his strategies were adapted to what he knew in his time. He knew, even if he say to a woman, "Hi! My name is Ted", there was no way in hell, anybody could just start a computer program, look up all Teds and cross reference them with registered cars. Well, the thought, he knew, because LE did exactly that, but with the technology of the time, it took some weeks.

4.) Before Bundy went to law school, he studied psychology. He was a honor student. He worked for Washington State. He also worked for a suicide hotline (where he met Ann Rule). People who knew him (which excludes Pat Brown) described him as very intelligent. He was politically active and at least intelligent enough to be trusted also with some discrete work.

What is messed up in this article is the difference between knowledge of the time, arrogance and IQ. Someone with a high IQ can still lack knowledge, especially knowledge that would be only discovered 15 years later. Bundy was arrogant. He trusted his own knowledge, that there was no way to identify someone who is only known by his first name and a description of his car. And he was right in so far, that he had left WA before the police came even near.

However, on a more general look at the subject, some SKs have a real high IQ (for example Bundy, Rifkin). They are sometimes hampered by the own arrogance, sometimes by other factors like a disability to focus (pretty nice to see in the Rifkin case), but they have the IQ. For Rifkin, we know, he was tested with 128.
Some SKs are really stupid. Otis Toole for example was too stupid to be eligible for the death penalty, because he was tested about 75 and that was too near to the limit, that would be needed to count as "not retarded". Volker Eckert, one of my German SKs, was tested ab. 80. Not too bright either and Kroll made it just over 70. Too bad, nobody tested back in the days Freight Train Guatney. My bet was, he would be some kind of negative record-holder.
However, I sit on hundreds of cases, I gathered over the years and most of those SKs are simply in an average range of IQ. 90-110, the peak range of the bell graph. Which means, they statistical expectations for the IQ of SKs are the very same as for the regular population.
So chances are, LISK is of average IQ, but that doesn't hold him back from being well organized. So please, please, don't pour out the water with the baby here ... some are really bright, some are really stupid, most have very average IQ. And only because it was believed for a long time SKs had to be extremely bright doesn't mean, we have now to go in the other extreme.

And if this sounds a little desperate now, please forgive me. I spent years discussing with people in Europe, who attacked me for saying certain SKs would be dumb as a doorknob, I don't want to repeat that with people now suddenly believing ALL SKs are that dumb only because that is the new fashionable wrong rumor about SKs.

It was mentioned earlier in this thread the possibility that the GB & AC murders could be connected to the Daytona Beach, FL serial killings, and I just wanted to point out that part of the profile of the Daytona killings indicates the killer may have a "sock fetish": 3 of 4 of the victims were found with one or both socks on - no shoes....similar to the NY killings.


Okay ... only ...

No clothes at all. Dropped in a drive-by cluster. Strangulated.

Daytona Beach
Spread all over the area, no clustering. Shot, if I remember right? Bodies not hidden but in the middle of dirt paths

Clustered parallel to the next road. Dressed, only shoes missing.

This whole thing was discussed already in early 2011. One similarity alone is not enough to connect those cases. Especially different is the kill speed ratio. That is a giveaway!

Very interesting. Just an observation and MHO; I know some people with really high IQs and really book smart who can not hold a job. I know some below average (book smart wise) guys who run their own companies and make a ton of money. I think the Harvard definition of the word "Smart" is being able to identify relationships rationally.

Now apply this to murder. I think the "Iceman" was pretty dumb (He was a contract killer who is credited with 50 murders but belived to be responsible for over 100 hits). He went on killing for over 20 years and hid it from family and friends very well. Then you get a guy like that one who killed that young girl at Columbia and shoved her in the ceiling or something like that when he was done. Obviously, you gotta be some kind of smart to get into the Columbia chemistry school. Now my details may be blurry as I am doing this from memory from cases I looked at years ago. But you are all smart enough to see what I am saying.

What you need is some book smarts, some street smarts, a little pyschotic thinking, sprinkle in some substance abuse and an abusive childhood. Then add in your fake self righteous cause, and finally top it off with a sadistic mindset.... and you got yourself a serial killer.
Very interesting. Just an observation and MHO; I know some people with really high IQs and really book smart who can not hold a job. I know some below average (book smart wise) guys who run their own companies and make a ton of money. I think the Harvard definition of the word "Smart" is being able to identify relationships rationally.

Now apply this to murder. I think the "Iceman" was pretty dumb (He was a contract killer who is credited with 50 murders but belived to be responsible for over 100 hits). He went on killing for over 20 years and hid it from family and friends very well. Then you get a guy like that one who killed that young girl at Columbia and shoved her in the ceiling or something like that when he was done. Obviously, you gotta be some kind of smart to get into the Columbia chemistry school. Now my details may be blurry as I am doing this from memory from cases I looked at years ago. But you are all smart enough to see what I am saying.

What you need is some book smarts, some street smarts, a little pyschotic thinking, sprinkle in some substance abuse and an abusive childhood. Then add in your fake self righteous cause, and finally top it off with a sadistic mindset.... and you got yourself a serial killer.

Well, with that recipe, you will get some garden variety psychopaths and depending on the age when the abuse started and which parent it was, you can get already some variants somehow from Corll to Watts. But take out the one or the other ingredient and you get a reall wide variety. Ever read about Dr. Harold Shipman? Or Amy Gilligan-Archer?

Okay ... only ...

No clothes at all. Dropped in a drive-by cluster. Strangulated.

Daytona Beach
Spread all over the area, no clustering. Shot, if I remember right? Bodies not hidden but in the middle of dirt paths

Clustered parallel to the next road. Dressed, only shoes missing.

This whole thing was discussed already in early 2011. One similarity alone is not enough to connect those cases. Especially different is the kill speed ratio. That is a giveaway!


I don't think that differentiating on the method of kill between these groups of murders is helpful - I mean, how many convicted SK have killed their victims in different manners....? The answer is many, and even Bundy not only strangled and bludgeoned, but also drowned a victim as well. So I have to disagree with your point on the manner of death difference - SK's evolve and change their method of kills. Also, I'd like to point out that the Daytona serial killings happened in the Fall/Winter months - isn't that when Northern "snow birds" travel south to Florida?
yes pickle I always am :)

It does seem like a long shot (sort of) but worthy of looking into in my opinion.
are you guys ready for a tiny tidbit of info? a tiny little tweet from a small bird?
there is an unofficial suspect.... (up and to the left) now I know it's not really news, but it's confirmation for me...

he has gone to florida for winters before (not daytona, but maybe it's a pit stop to place some bets at the track (daytona beach kennel club, like AC), it still it seems a long shot, but that foot fetish is real and worth looking into...
I don't think that differentiating on the method of kill between these groups of murders is helpful - I mean, how many convicted SK have killed their victims in different manners....? The answer is many, and even Bundy not only strangled and bludgeoned, but also drowned a victim as well. So I have to disagree with your point on the manner of death difference - SK's evolve and change their method of kills. Also, I'd like to point out that the Daytona serial killings happened in the Fall/Winter months - isn't that when Northern "snow birds" travel south to Florida?

In fact, Bundy beat his victims to death or strangled them, Drowning is a new one. You probably mixed him up with Watts, who dronwed victims in some of his home invasion style murders.
And yes, SKs evolve and sometimes, they also devolve. But there are reasons for the manner in which they that (also for the changers, who change in between and change back, which is an even more complex subject). They don't change just because of nice weather and because of the U-Haul to another stated worked so nicely.

For example:
Bundy was basically a strangler. But whenever things in his "normal" life went bad, he was confronted with problems, he couldn't solve on the spot, he changed to beating. The reason is very simple. Always when he lost control in his normal life, he went to beating, because beating is the more rage-fueled kill method compared to strangling. Beating indicates power assurance/power gain behavior. And only after Bundy won the feeling of power back, he switched back to strangling, which is in itself domination/control behavior. The interesting part came, when he attacked those four girls in the Tallahassee sorority house and the other student in the same night. Those murders/assaults were a beating orgy, releasing of long time bottled up rage and helplessness. However, as soon as he had vent his steam, and even while has was otherwise spiraling down fast in this phase, he returned to strangling. Which is consistent with other slightly dissociative SKs with a strong dahs of psychopathy in the mix after they start to spiral down. I suggest, you look up the following cases for comparison: Edwards, Co-Ed Killer, Ng & Lake, Guatney and of course, Coral Watts.

I never came across a case in which a shooter changed his MO to strangulation. Now there is nothing in this business, that is entirely impossible. So, maybe you can find such a case. However, that would be merely the prove of possibility, while the odds would remain extremely low.

Yes, American snowbirds travel south in the winter months, AWAY from the snow. Funny thing, because European snowbirds travel towards the snow and go skiing. Which obviously has nothing to do with SKs per se. Or not much at least. About as much as the recognition, that northern snowbirds travel south to Florida in fall/winter has, as stand alone criteria.

The problem, I have with this "connections" is, they focus all on exactly ONE thing that is similar while there is a slight tendency to ignore n factors which are different (n not necessarily finite in a mathematical sense). You try to dismiss COD ... fine by me, but you would also need to dismiss kill speed, different mode of disposal and signature parts to construct that connection.

yes pickle I always am :)

It does seem like a long shot (sort of) but worthy of looking into in my opinion.
are you guys ready for a tiny tidbit of info? a tiny little tweet from a small bird?
there is an unofficial suspect.... (up and to the left) now I know it's not really news, but it's confirmation for me...

he has gone to florida for winters before (not daytona, but maybe it's a pit stop), but still it seems a long shot, but that foot fetish theme is real, and worth double checking...

Who is Jane Doe #9098 ?

The 1996 partial victim

And remind me, never to travel to Florida in the cold season ... since I also have an a little bit damaged leg (no prosthetic though) and hate snow, there is some chance, someone would suspect me to be a crazy SK if I avoid winter ...

The 1996 partial victim

And remind me, never to travel to Florida in the cold season ... since I also have an a little bit damaged leg (no prosthetic though) and hate snow, there is some chance, someone would suspect me to be a crazy SK if I avoid winter ...


AND your name is peter, no wonder you can't see this for what it is.

Oh and thanks for answering my question about #9098. I wasn't asking who she was on namus, that I already knew, I made it my signature because she can be connected to the perp unlike most of the other victims. We need to find out her actual identity.
AND your name is peter, no wonder you can't see this for what it is.
And what is it? Obsession without evidence?

Oh and thanks for answering my question about #9098. I wasn't asking who she was on namus, that I already knew, I made it my signature because she can be connected to the perp unlike most of the other victims. We need to find out her actual identity.

What perp? LISK or Manorville? As far, the level of connection is "they were all strangled". If that would be enough, we can conclude, it was Rifkin. Or Berkowitz (you know, the singular argument of SKs can change their MOs). Or Jack the Ripper (there had always been rumors, he went to the US) ... or what do you think about Holmes (SKs can change MO). Makes me think, with this kind of "connections" we can connect all into one big monster case.

In fact, Bundy beat his victims to death or strangled them, Drowning is a new one. You probably mixed him up with Watts, who dronwed victims in some of his home invasion style murders.
And yes, SKs evolve and sometimes, they also devolve. But there are reasons for the manner in which they that (also for the changers, who change in between and change back, which is an even more complex subject). They don't change just because of nice weather and because of the U-Haul to another stated worked so nicely.

For example:
Bundy was basically a strangler. But whenever things in his "normal" life went bad, he was confronted with problems, he couldn't solve on the spot, he changed to beating. The reason is very simple. Always when he lost control in his normal life, he went to beating, because beating is the more rage-fueled kill method compared to strangling. Beating indicates power assurance/power gain behavior. And only after Bundy won the feeling of power back, he switched back to strangling, which is in itself domination/control behavior. The interesting part came, when he attacked those four girls in the Tallahassee sorority house and the other student in the same night. Those murders/assaults were a beating orgy, releasing of long time bottled up rage and helplessness. However, as soon as he had vent his steam, and even while has was otherwise spiraling down fast in this phase, he returned to strangling. Which is consistent with other slightly dissociative SKs with a strong dahs of psychopathy in the mix after they start to spiral down. I suggest, you look up the following cases for comparison: Edwards, Co-Ed Killer, Ng & Lake, Guatney and of course, Coral Watts.

I never came across a case in which a shooter changed his MO to strangulation. Now there is nothing in this business, that is entirely impossible. So, maybe you can find such a case. However, that would be merely the prove of possibility, while the odds would remain extremely low.

Yes, American snowbirds travel south in the winter months, AWAY from the snow. Funny thing, because European snowbirds travel towards the snow and go skiing. Which obviously has nothing to do with SKs per se. Or not much at least. About as much as the recognition, that northern snowbirds travel south to Florida in fall/winter has, as stand alone criteria.

The problem, I have with this "connections" is, they focus all on exactly ONE thing that is similar while there is a slight tendency to ignore n factors which are different (n not necessarily finite in a mathematical sense). You try to dismiss COD ... fine by me, but you would also need to dismiss kill speed, different mode of disposal and signature parts to construct that connection.


I see what you're saying in regards to Bundy and the catalysts that made him change his MO. The victim I referred to as being drowned by Bundy was Lynette Culver - I read she was drowned in a bathtub - but see now now her body was never found.....so COD verification seems impossible for now.

I've wondered however since the GB victims were found....is it possible that the Daytona SK learned from some of his forensic mistakes in Florida? Shell casings were found enabling the police to identify the gun used in the slayings...he left DNA with some of the Daytona victims...even tire casts were lifted from one of the victim dump sites that enabled LE to identify the possible make/model of the suspect vehicle....I mean - lots & lots of mistakes on the SK part...and yet he still eludes LE.

I think another reason I keep coming back to this possibility is that one of the contact names in victim Melissa Barthelemy cell phone was a throw away cell phone registered to "Mickey Mouse" ( http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/04/24/melissa-barthelemy-the-long-island-serial-killer-victims-secret-life.html ) When I read that, I just don't know....when I think "Mickey Mouse" I think Florida....I can't shake that.

As for the victims in Daytona - three of the four known victims were involved with prostitution, and the fourth struggled with addiction. Now granted, unfortunately, this type of lifestyle is high-risk - and being so theoretically increases the likelihood of becoming a victim of violent crime ...

As for "clustering" here is a website with three different geographical mapping links including where the victims were found:


However, I will say, since the Daytona SK started killing, there have been NUMEROUS unsolved homicides from Tampa to Daytona Beach, all with similar victimology ( http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2010-01-11/news/os-serial-killer-20100111_1_serial-killers-serial-killer-case-iwana-patton )

I have been compiling a list of potential victims in that region of Florida and I'm up to 10 so far...if anyone is interested in the Daytona case, here is a link that has pretty comprehensive coverage:


And here is the Daytona Beach Serial Killer WS thread:


I'll stop pushing my theory :) - but I did want to throw out my observations and see if anyone else saw any of the potential connections to the GB & AC case.
yes pickle I always am :)

It does seem like a long shot (sort of) but worthy of looking into in my opinion.
are you guys ready for a tiny tidbit of info? a tiny little tweet from a small bird?
there is an unofficial suspect.... (up and to the left) now I know it's not really news, but it's confirmation for me...

he has gone to florida for winters before (not daytona, but maybe it's a pit stop to place some bets at the track (daytona beach kennel club, like AC), it still it seems a long shot, but that foot fetish is real and worth looking into...

Truthspider, could you be a bit more specific?
Is it some kind of info/rumor from an anonymous LE source? or is it some info/rumor by some recidents on LI or in Florida?
Are you refering to a "snowbird"? meaning a person who normaly live in Florida but travel north in the summertime?
I see what you're saying in regards to Bundy and the catalysts that made him change his MO. The victim I referred to as being drowned by Bundy was Lynette Culver - I read she was drowned in a bathtub - but see now now her body was never found.....so COD verification seems impossible for now.

Still, since she was abducted from her high school and it is unlikely, she had a bathtub in her school bag and it is sure, Bundy had none in the stolen van he used at that time ... well, of course we can spin now a theory, that she was drowned by Bundy without the faintest bit of probability, but it would be exact that - without the faintest bit of probability.

I've wondered however since the GB victims were found....is it possible that the Daytona SK learned from some of his forensic mistakes in Florida? Shell casings were found enabling the police to identify the gun used in the slayings...he left DNA with some of the Daytona victims...even tire casts were lifted from one of the victim dump sites that enabled LE to identify the possible make/model of the suspect vehicle....I mean - lots & lots of mistakes on the SK part...and yet he still eludes LE.

Which makes him, in his own mind successful. So he has no drive to change a thing. And by the way, shooters are in the field of serial killers a very specific bunch with a really strong emotional bond to their hardware. Especially short range shooters using pistols. The firepower is to them often like a completion of themselves, the part, that gives them power. Which is the reason, it is at least extreme rare, a shooter SK changes the way he kills. Usually, they develop along the line of intentionally set graze shots. Compare Albright for a psychopathic shooter, compare Berkowitz as example for a mission-driven shooter, compare Zodiac as example for a power assurance type of shooter SK.

I think another reason I keep coming back to this possibility is that one of the contact names in victim Melissa Barthelemy cell phone was a throw away cell phone registered to "Mickey Mouse" ( http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/04/24/melissa-barthelemy-the-long-island-serial-killer-victims-secret-life.html ) When I read that, I just don't know....when I think "Mickey Mouse" I think Florida....I can't shake that.

Reading the article closely reveals, it wasn't a contact in her cell phone, it was the registration of the caller, who called Amanda claiming to be the serial killer.
However, you think Florida when you hear Mickey Mouse, I think Paris and someone else maybe thinks California ... or Enemy Mine. Mickey Mouse is a pretty iconic character and as such kind of omnipresent.

As for the victims in Daytona - three of the four known victims were involved with prostitution, and the fourth struggled with addiction. Now granted, unfortunately, this type of lifestyle is high-risk - and being so theoretically increases the likelihood of becoming a victim of violent crime ...

Look at the details. The three prostitutes in Daytona were street corner type. Like AC, but not like the GB4. The Craigslist escorting enforced a different communicative behavior because it forces the unsub to do the first step. Unless, he finds another way to come near to them.
Also, while all four AC victims were prostitutes, two of them weren't out to solicit business when the killer picked them up.

As for "clustering" here is a website with three different geographical mapping links including where the victims were found:


This is basically the same map only displaying two different points of view on the problem and in the third map both together then. The basic theory is, that an SK with spread out dump sites of single bodies has to have his comfort zone inside of the geographical shape that is established by the dump sites. The problem is, that is a long shot, especially with shooters. The same technique would show for example Berkowitz somewhere in NYC, but in fact, he lived in a suburb. The same techniquey would also show Albright in the red light districts of Dallas, not on the other side of the city where he lived. So, without additional information, just based on the dump sites, geographical profiling is most of the time useless (or will be until they find a way to integrate traffic ways in their algorithms).
However, one point is clear: Not all SKs cluster their victims, but those, who do, have a reason. It is part of the ritualistic aspects of their signature. Daytiona didn't cluster, AC and LISK did.

However, I will say, since the Daytona SK started killing, there have been NUMEROUS unsolved homicides from Tampa to Daytona Beach, all with similar victimology ( http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2010-01-11/news/os-serial-killer-20100111_1_serial-killers-serial-killer-case-iwana-patton )

I have been compiling a list of potential victims in that region of Florida and I'm up to 10 so far...if anyone is interested in the Daytona case, here is a link that has pretty comprehensive coverage:


And here is the Daytona Beach Serial Killer WS thread:


So someone is still active there. With an entirely different MO than LISK. See, I don't doubt, Daytona and Florida has SKs. I'm pretty sure Daytone has one and if you found more execution style shot females in the right age bracket, I would say, it's a safe bet. But I doubt, it's one of the three guys on the East Coast.
The interesting part is the trucker SK theory. Opposite to what the alleged common knowledge says, the facts speak a different language. It IS possible and under certain conditions, likely, to have more than one SK in one area. One of those conditions would be given for a big city which at the same time would a high way/interstate hub. So, my guess is, Daytona plus a number of people just coming through occasionally. And of course, any PD is happy not to admit to have an SK around. Look to Texas in the I-45 corridor to see how that works out.

I'll stop pushing my theory :) - but I did want to throw out my observations and see if anyone else saw any of the potential connections to the GB & AC case.

Feel free to throw out ideas. Maybe this one wasn't the one, that breaks one of these cases, but maybe the next one is the one, that does exactly that. Any theory that includes all details, we know about those cases, is a good one.


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