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Haha, SuperDave. True. But I wasn't really thinking about it in terms of giving him more publicity. It's more of an illustration of what threatens him and his clients so much that he feels the need to defend it in a twitter meltdown. Seems like Burke and the pineapple were two of his biggest issues. Not to mention all the lies he crammed in there.
I recall there was reference made to duvet fibers being found on JBs shirt. Cannot provide info source....have read so much over the years that sources have become a blur. Do not ever recall fibers reported on "body", just SHIRT.

BTW, does anyone know when and where the still shot of JR getting into the white van, which was shown during the Dateline show, was taken? He had on tan pants and a light colored Oxford shirt, and wasn't that what he was reported to be wearing when law enforcement showed up the morning of Dec 26th? Could that have been the van used to take him to the Ferries, or was it to take him somewhere at another place and time?

The reason I ask, is because it looks like he has a medal around his neck. He has told the story of Pam P going in and miraculously picking up JBs medal, which JB had given him after a pageant, then returning it to him. He says he always carries it on him. He couldn't have had it around his neck, then, if that's a photo of him getting in the transport van on the 26th, so it must be of another time and place. Unless JR is mistaken about Pam finding it during her trip to the house?
Wow, that's a good catch. At first I thought it might be from after the funeral (so after Pam) since there was a lot of press there, but he's wearing a maroon tie and no medal there. Here's what Kolar describes him wearing that morning: "a long sleeved blue and white pin-striped shirt and khaki pants." It does look like roughly the same outfit and you can see brick that looks like the house. The only thing that makes me doubt it is the pink flowers visible in the bottom portion of the screencap. I couldn't find any pictures of the house with pink flowers by it. I know there used to be video of the Ramseys leaving the house, and I think Patsy had her coat over her head? Maybe someone knows where it is.

Here's a picture of him wearing the medal:


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Haha, SuperDave. True. But I wasn't really thinking about it in terms of giving him more publicity. It's more of an illustration of what threatens him and his clients so much that he feels the need to defend it in a twitter meltdown. Seems like Burke and the pineapple were two of his biggest issues. Not to mention all the lies he crammed in there.

Wow, that's a good catch. At first I thought it might be from after the funeral (so after Pam) since there was a lot of press there, but he's wearing a maroon tie and no medal there. Here's what Kolar describes him wearing that morning: "a long sleeved blue and white pin-striped shirt and khaki pants." It does look like roughly the same outfit and you can see brick that looks like the house. The only thing that makes me doubt it is the pink flowers visible in the bottom portion of the screencap. I couldn't find any pictures of the house with pink flowers by it. I know there used to be video of the Ramseys leaving the house, and I think Patsy had her coat over her head? Maybe someone knows where it is.

Here's a picture of him wearing the medal:

Thanks SO MUCH!! Wherever and whenever, the leafless trees and shrubs in the background indicate either very late fall or a warmer winter day. The escort ushering JR into the van is coatless, as is JR, so it would most likely have been a very short walk to the van if it was from the Boulder house in cold climate.
Haha, SuperDave. True. But I wasn't really thinking about it in terms of giving him more publicity. It's more of an illustration of what threatens him and his clients so much that he feels the need to defend it in a twitter meltdown. Seems like Burke and the pineapple were two of his biggest issues. Not to mention all the lies he crammed in there.

Wow, that's a good catch. At first I thought it might be from after the funeral (so after Pam) since there was a lot of press there, but he's wearing a maroon tie and no medal there. Here's what Kolar describes him wearing that morning: "a long sleeved blue and white pin-striped shirt and khaki pants." It does look like roughly the same outfit and you can see brick that looks like the house. The only thing that makes me doubt it is the pink flowers visible in the bottom portion of the screencap. I couldn't find any pictures of the house with pink flowers by it. I know there used to be video of the Ramseys leaving the house, and I think Patsy had her coat over her head? Maybe someone knows where it is.

Here's a picture of him wearing the medal:

Thanks SO MUCH!! Wherever and whenever, the leafless trees and shrubs in the background indicate show a different climate than the pink flowers would indicate. The escort ushering JR into the van is coatless, as is JR, so it would most likely have been a very short walk to the van if it was from the Boulder house in cool climate. I found one photo of the house taken showing their patio door out of the sunroom area with pink flowers in pots, but it looks more like springtime to me. Another mystery.Screenshot_2016-09-11-01-29-59.jpg.
I buy it when I look at PR. A mother who had a lot invested in this image of the perfect, photogenic family. One that did not include an "abnormal" son who may have caused his sister's death. But I also think PR loved her children fiercely and made a decision she really believed at the time was in BR's best interest.

I understand. I just don't see how a parent could not get help for their child, but that's just me. I do understand that its likely the Ramseys could and did refuse to call for help until the next morning when Patsy called 911.

This cherished child just left to lie there and dead or not, no one cared enough to call.
Patsy was dead by age 50, so she got some kind of Karmic justice for her part.

I am not IDI and I am fully aware of Patsy's possible involvement but this has just got to stop. Cancer is a horrible disease, it has affected many of our loved ones and it has taken some. Cancer is not a karmic justice.
I am not IDI and I am fully aware of Patsy's possible involvement but this has just got to stop. Cancer is a horrible disease, it has affected many of our loved ones and it has taken some. Cancer is not a karmic justice.
No cancer is not Karmic justice. Dying relatively young and facing your murdered daughter in the afterlife is Karma (or Karmic justice as some want to think of it). How one gets to the afterlife is not what's's getting there and facing up to whatever you did in your previous incarnation. This assumes of course a belief in the afterlife, soul journey, Karma and all of that. The only forgiveness necessary for Patsy is that which she receives from her daughter and I'd say the same goes for any member of JBR's family who may have hurt her.
I so wish I could join y'all.
I hope someone finds a way to record and post or put on YouTube or something .
I live in southeast La and got 53 inches of river floodwater in my home and have been homeless until last week when I found a little trailer to rent .
I have a television a friend gave me and hooked it up to an antenna bit I only get a few channels .Dont have internet yet and dont foresee getting it anytime soon as we need more important thinsh such as underwear etc
I will be using up my data to keep up with what is going on with websleuths.
Gonna miss Burke on Dr Phill too ...
Darn old mother nature !
First a fire ...then a flood ....aaaarrggghhh !
Please keep it updated as I'm sure I'm.not the only member who can't watch .
Any way to see this outside the USA?

Did you try the NBC link Tadpole12 posted earlier? It popped up a Dr Phil/Burke clip, but below it was a picture of the Dateline JBR episode. I clicked that and the NBC app popped up. The app asked if I would allow my location and I clicked "allow." After it was done downloading, I clicked "open" and the show started. I'm in the USA but it's worth a try.
Any way to see this outside the USA?

The Dateline episode is currently on YouTube. Hopefully it will be available for those outside of the U.S. as well:

I so wish I could join y'all.
I hope someone finds a way to record and post or put on YouTube or something .
I live in southeast La and got 53 inches of river floodwater in my home and have been homeless until last week when I found a little trailer to rent .
I have a television a friend gave me and hooked it up to an antenna bit I only get a few channels .Dont have internet yet and dont foresee getting it anytime soon as we need more important thinsh such as underwear etc
I will be using up my data to keep up with what is going on with websleuths.
Gonna miss Burke on Dr Phill too ...
Darn old mother nature !
First a fire ...then a flood ....aaaarrggghhh !
Please keep it updated as I'm sure I'm.not the only member who can't watch .

Oh cubbeegirl

Stay strong!

We'll post every detail and
impression, I'm sure.

wrt Karma

Depending on the state of mind that a person has at the time of death,

will determine the type of bardo experience a person will have,
as well as whether their rebirth, or next life, will be mostly fortunate or beset with obstacles.
I so wish I could join y'all.
I hope someone finds a way to record and post or put on YouTube or something .
I live in southeast La and got 53 inches of river floodwater in my home and have been homeless until last week when I found a little trailer to rent .
I have a television a friend gave me and hooked it up to an antenna bit I only get a few channels .Dont have internet yet and dont foresee getting it anytime soon as we need more important thinsh such as underwear etc
I will be using up my data to keep up with what is going on with websleuths.
Gonna miss Burke on Dr Phill too ...
Darn old mother nature !
First a fire ...then a flood ....aaaarrggghhh !
Please keep it updated as I'm sure I'm.not the only member who can't watch .

Sorry to hear about your troubles!!! That's horrible bunch of luck, but thankfully you are alive and still kicking!!
Hang in there!

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No cancer is not Karmic justice. Dying relatively young and facing your murdered daughter in the afterlife is Karma (or Karmic justice as some want to think of it). How one gets to the afterlife is not what's's getting there and facing up to whatever you did in your previous incarnation. This assumes of course a belief in the afterlife, soul journey, Karma and all of that. The only forgiveness necessary for Patsy is that which she receives from her daughter and I'd say the same goes for any member of JBR's family who may have hurt her.

I'm glad you clearified that, M74. Somehow, I know in my heart that JonBenet forgives her mother for everything.
That's a good question. I tend to think even if they thought she was dead they would still call 911 hoping something could be done to resuscitate JonBenet. I really don't understand it.

Not if they knew their other child caused it and would be dragged through the legal system and made out a monster for is entire life.
I've seen lots of parents go to extreme measures to save their child from legal system and I can see how they could stand together for that reason.
I can't imagine they would have done the same if one of them was the killer.
I can't wait to watch the DATELINE episode!! :)

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Dateline always does a really strong job, I wish they would drop new episodes more often though. Rerun city all year long gets old after you've tevo'ed every single episode and watched them!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I understand. I just don't see how a parent could not get help for their child, but that's just me. I do understand that its likely the Ramseys could and did refuse to call for help until the next morning when Patsy called 911.

This cherished child just left to lie there and dead or not, no one cared enough to call.

I think they did care. But what happens if the attacker is also someone you care about and love equally? Gets a bit more complicated, a lot more. If JonBenet had only suffered a head wound, it might have been different...but the obvious sight that she had been sexually abused... well that is something that stays forever on a family.

Upstanding citizens in a moment of panic can do really stupid things. A citizen with no criminal record could knock over a person in a car, panic, and floor it, hit and run. It happens more than you think.
I enjoyed this show, I am not familar with Dateline, being from the UK and all. Looking forward to the one next Monday more though, Laura Richards is great, she did a examination on Jack the Ripper a few years ago.

Can anyone say why they couldn't release the 999 call? Its on youtube after all.

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