Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

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I do not have the exact transcripts - what I managed to find are these:


I know you were referring to the bail hearing there, but I do wish that the court had published the actual transcripts for the trial itself online. I was able to find them online for the Mark Duggan inquest here in the UK, and they made fascinating reading and could be relied upon to be the actual words that were said by the witnesses, whereas I find that with the Pistorius case, the only transcripts you can find online are those Sky ones, or other online papers where their journalists were publishing a whole load of tweets as the trial went on, but to me, these aren't really good enough, you do need the *actual* court transcripts, otherwise bits get missed out or words misheard, etc. Also, it is far easier to find a certain part of a witnesses testimony on a transcript than it is to try and find it on those videos of the trial .. it's almost impossible to go back through those things to try and find a certain piece you want to quote. I can't really see why they can't publish the court transcripts online, just like the Mark Duggan ones were here in the UK.
The comparison does not compromise our humanity, to be fair.

Rhinos are indeed wonderful and poachers do deserve life without parole. But there is certainly something amiss when a man can execute a woman in a toilet and potentially get only 10 months in prison.

The issue is not that rhino poachers should get less, but that killers of girlfriends should get more.

How long will it be before these Rhino poachers approach Roux I wonder ?
I was out shooting geese Mr.Roux and this bloody great rhino came charging through the bushes..........I got a fright and the gun went off................................

Brings Masipas ruling into perspective IMO..............ludicrous.
Thanks for these links. I also use enca and news24 who had live blogs over the 4 days.

19 Feb 2013

20 Feb 2013

21 Feb 2013

22 Feb 2013

Also, if you know a reporter who was tweeting from the court room on the day, you can get all their tweets via Topsy e.g. to get Karyn Maughan's tweets for 18-23 Feb 2013 (just to make sure every day is covered):

You'll see it only offers the first 100 tweets over 10 pages but as you scroll forward it puts an offset into the address e.g.


Just keep upping the number by 10 to see tweets beyond this limit.

Does anyone know an easier way?

Thanks so much, Mr Fossil.

For the News24 pages, do you know of any way to get the updates in the `oldest first' order? Then saving the page as pdf or text and reading it would be so much more convenient.
Thanks for this but... and... who would Carl be baiting?

I mean, his brother is sitting in the slammer wearing a glow-in-the-dark onesie with jailbird slippers.

I've no idea, CM, but this is what some people are like, just spoiling for a fight all the time .. oh, and that's exactly the words Mark Batchelor used re. Oscar too .. so it seems like Carl and Oscar are like two peas in a pod!
Thanks so much, Mr Fossil.

For the News24 pages, do you know of any way to get the updates in the `oldest first' order? Then saving the page as pdf or text and reading it would be so much more convenient.

Copy the timed lines into e.g. Excel and then sort. That works.

ETA: To keep the untimed lines in sequence you'll need to insert a couple of columns. The copied lines should now be in column C. In the first column number the rows from 1 onwards (use a formula to do this in rows 2 onwards e.g. =A1+1). Then using a formula e.g. =IF(C1<>"",A1,0) set the second column to the row number if the third column is non-blank. Then select the worksheet, Data, Sort, Sort by Column B, Largest to Smallest and then delete the first two columns. There's probably an easier way ...

I know you were referring to the bail hearing there, but I do wish that the court had published the actual transcripts for the trial itself online. I was able to find them online for the Mark Duggan inquest here in the UK, and they made fascinating reading and could be relied upon to be the actual words that were said by the witnesses, whereas I find that with the Pistorius case, the only transcripts you can find online are those Sky ones, or other online papers where their journalists were publishing a whole load of tweets as the trial went on, but to me, these aren't really good enough, you do need the *actual* court transcripts, otherwise bits get missed out or words misheard, etc. Also, it is far easier to find a certain part of a witnesses testimony on a transcript than it is to try and find it on those videos of the trial .. it's almost impossible to go back through those things to try and find a certain piece you want to quote. I can't really see why they can't publish the court transcripts online, just like the Mark Duggan ones were here in the UK.

Agree completely. I am sure many of us have been searching for the transcripts - all I could get so far are either tweeter updates of different news sites, or summaries by different individuals. While some of them are very good, it is still not the complete thing. And it is so painful and time-consuming to go back to the videos every time.
I think it's disgusting that CP is able to abuse Nel under the cover of "religious" tweets. Is it his ambition for each male in the family to kill a woman and get off free? OP was sentenced to what will probably be less than a year for his crime. You'd think CP would be eternally grateful for such a lenient sentence, show a little humility, and shut up. But he just can't stop!

OOOOOOO-K, I finally figured out the "baiting" thing.

Me, oh my.
(And there I was writing some long tome on Christian beliefs.
The comparison does not compromise our humanity, to be fair.

Rhinos are indeed wonderful and poachers do deserve life without parole. But there is certainly something amiss when a man can execute a woman in a toilet and potentially get only 10 months in prison.

The issue is not that rhino poachers should get less, but that killers of girlfriends should get more.


Let me try to explain my comment...

LM, you were able to say in 50 words what I was unable to say in 500!

Thank you.
We never did find out much about the trophies.

I never knew his trophies were strewn across the floor. Really?
Good grief, I learn a new thing every day, here.

Segue from trophies to watches:

I, too, suspect that it was someone in OP's family / posse who snatched his other watch. Or.... maybe he took it, himself. It wouldn't surprise me if he was a kleptomaniac on top of everything else, although I'm not sure it counts if you steal from yourself.

Anyway, I was just looking up a possible term for people who are addicted to watches and the very first thing that popped up on google search was, and I'm not kidding:$$holes-love-watches

The article describes OP to a "T". Ha!
I never knew his trophies were strewn across the floor. Really?
Good grief, I learn a new thing every day, here.


I didn't realise the trophies actually were, either .. up until now I had only seen links to media reports that suggest they were but which might've been 'sensationalizing' after the event with no basis in truth. I hadn't realised there had been a police source who had actually stated so (from Judgejudi's post: 'One police source said: &#8216;We don&#8217;t know why the trophies were all over the floor. You would think Oscar would take good care of them and have them on shelves or in cabinets. One had been wrecked and they were in an untidy mess. What really matters is that Oscar fired four shots at Reeva and killed her&#8217;&#8221;. '

So then, why wasn't that person made to testify at the trial, and why aren't there any photos of those trophies? I know that the media does make some stuff up/gets things wrong, but would they actually make up a quote like that from someone who never really existed?
A case of big-noting or something else?

The mayor of the town of Gemona del Friuli, Italy that allegedly built OP a house and purpose-built sporting facilities is considering legal action but it’s unclear as to whether it would be against OP. He said the claims were "completely baseless".

A magazine interview with OP creates the opposite impression.

The issue surrounding the house came up during an assessment in court on whether he was a flight risk.

In the magazine interview OP said, "I have for the past two years had a house in Gemona, Italy. I stay there for four months a year because it is where I practise. My house is nestled in the mountains, where it is quiet and peaceful."

The mayor and his office strongly denied this, saying it was "not true that the mayor has offered or built him a house". The mayor said as far as he knew, he didn’t have a house in that town at all and that every time he visited, he booked into a hotel.

He said claims that a track and gymnasium had been built specifically for him were also untrue and that when he’s in Gemona, he trains at the municipal sports centre built a few decades ago.

I didn't realise the trophies actually were, either .. up until now I had only seen links to media reports that suggest they were but which might've been 'sensationalizing' after the event with no basis in truth. I hadn't realised there had been a police source who had actually stated so (from Judgejudi's post: 'One police source said: &#8216;We don&#8217;t know why the trophies were all over the floor. You would think Oscar would take good care of them and have them on shelves or in cabinets. One had been wrecked and they were in an untidy mess. What really matters is that Oscar fired four shots at Reeva and killed her&#8217;&#8221;. '

So then, why wasn't that person made to testify at the trial, and why aren't there any photos of those trophies? I know that the media does make some stuff up/gets things wrong, but would they actually make up a quote like that from someone who never really existed?

That's what I thought too. It's a quote from a police source and surely that would convince anybody that there had been an argument, even a judge :) I agree, where are the photos. It might have been a bit less convincing if the article said a police source said blah blah blah, but it was three sentences in quotes. The question of the trophies being scattered around on the floor was mentioned many times early in the piece but this is the first time I've actually seen anything quite like this. I was looking for something else entirely, and there it was.
Thanks for this but... and... who would Carl be baiting?

I mean, his brother is sitting in the slammer wearing a glow-in-the-dark onesie and jailbird slippers.

Maybe the anti-Pistorians like us.
That's what I thought too. It's a quote from a police source and surely that would convince anybody that there had been an argument, even a judge :) I agree, where are the photos. It might have been a bit less convincing if the article said a police source said blah blah blah, but it was three sentences in quotes. The question of the trophies being scattered around on the floor was mentioned many times early in the piece but this is the first time I've actually seen anything quite like this. I was looking for something else entirely, and there it was.

... and if I haven't Alzheimer yet, then I believe myself to have seen a pic with thrown trophies in the early days after the murder! I'm repeating myself at least a 3rd time, sorry. :smile:

EDIT: Bateman has been the first journalist at the crime scene. We should ask him! My question to Carl via twitter hasn't answered, I think (knowing twitter not enough, though I have an account). It seems me to be the wrong person to ask Barry Bateman. Some other WS members ready for it?
That's what I thought too. It's a quote from a police source and surely that would convince anybody that there had been an argument, even a judge :) I agree, where are the photos. It might have been a bit less convincing if the article said a police source said blah blah blah, but it was three sentences in quotes. The question of the trophies being scattered around on the floor was mentioned many times early in the piece but this is the first time I've actually seen anything quite like this. I was looking for something else entirely, and there it was.

In another thread I posted these
Check this one out too, it shows the little lounge beyond the stairs where Reeva was found and there appears to be nothing obviously amiss.
Click image for larger version.


and the original state : With the booze cabinet too?

Click image for larger version.


Don't know if this was a crime scene photo or not but I think it looks messy, has the same guitar and what looks like a broken trophy?


see original for better pics.
That's what I thought too. It's a quote from a police source and surely that would convince anybody that there had been an argument, even a judge :) I agree, where are the photos. It might have been a bit less convincing if the article said a police source said blah blah blah, but it was three sentences in quotes. The question of the trophies being scattered around on the floor was mentioned many times early in the piece but this is the first time I've actually seen anything quite like this. I was looking for something else entirely, and there it was.

It just sounds to me like that there was yet another cover up going on there ..
A case of big-noting or something else?

The mayor of the town of Gemona del Friuli, Italy that allegedly built OP a house and purpose-built sporting facilities is considering legal action but it&#8217;s unclear as to whether it would be against OP. He said the claims were "completely baseless".

A magazine interview with OP creates the opposite impression.

The issue surrounding the house came up during an assessment in court on whether he was a flight risk.

In the magazine interview OP said, "I have for the past two years had a house in Gemona, Italy. I stay there for four months a year because it is where I practise. My house is nestled in the mountains, where it is quiet and peaceful."

The mayor and his office strongly denied this, saying it was "not true that the mayor has offered or built him a house". The mayor said as far as he knew, he didn&#8217;t have a house in that town at all and that every time he visited, he booked into a hotel.

He said claims that a track and gymnasium had been built specifically for him were also untrue and that when he&#8217;s in Gemona, he trains at the municipal sports centre built a few decades ago.

Wow, so many lies already before a/the murder??? That fits with other statements, ie his expensive car, which was only lent and never had been OP's own.
... and if I haven't Alzheimer yet, then I believe myself to have seen a pic with thrown trophies in the early days after the murder! I'm repeating myself at least a 3rd time, sorry. :smile:

EDIT: Bateman has been the first journalist at the crime scene. We should ask him! My question to Carl via twitter hasn't answered, I think (knowing twitter not enough, though I have an account). It seems me to be the wrong person to ask Barry Bateman. Some other WS members ready for it?

I'm pretty sure people have looked for the photos but I can't recall anyone finding them. I don't doubt for a moment that you saw them, but quite a few things have disappeared from the net over time and I'll bet that's one of them.
A case of big-noting or something else?

The mayor of the town of Gemona del Friuli, Italy that allegedly built OP a house and purpose-built sporting facilities is considering legal action but it’s unclear as to whether it would be against OP. He said the claims were "completely baseless".

A magazine interview with OP creates the opposite impression.

The issue surrounding the house came up during an assessment in court on whether he was a flight risk.

In the magazine interview OP said, "I have for the past two years had a house in Gemona, Italy. I stay there for four months a year because it is where I practise. My house is nestled in the mountains, where it is quiet and peaceful."

The mayor and his office strongly denied this, saying it was "not true that the mayor has offered or built him a house". The mayor said as far as he knew, he didn’t have a house in that town at all and that every time he visited, he booked into a hotel.

He said claims that a track and gymnasium had been built specifically for him were also untrue and that when he’s in Gemona, he trains at the municipal sports centre built a few decades ago.

Thanks Judgejudi, your post reminds me of the mural that was done in the town of Gemona and proudly unveiled by Pistorius himself:


He clearly wasn't flavour of the month after the shooting(Sparare means shooter in Italian):


I believe the mural has now been removed:

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