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DV Pistorius Folo

HEADLINE: TV show with Pistorius' dead girlfriend airs

CAPTION: Reeva Steenkamp's last wish for her family before she was shot dead at boyfriend Oscar Pistorius' home was for them to watch her in a reality TV show that went on air in South Africa on Saturday night, two days after her killing. (Feb. 16)



DIVAS INC. -- Courtesy

Johannesburg - Recent

1. Various of the late former girlfriend of Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius, Reeva Steenkamp at a media launch party of the new season of the reality TV programme "Tropika Island of Treasure", starring Steenkamp and other celebrities

2. Close of Steenkamp introducing herself as a contestant in the show, UPSOUND "Hi, my name is Reeva, I am a celebrity contestant of 'Tropika Island of Treasure 5 - Jamaica', and you are watching Divas Inc. TV."
The removal of evidence from the crime scene is outrageous in my view.

As we have seen with the phone, there must have been some reason the bag needed to be removed.

Would love to know what it was.

Trying to put myself in their shoes, I'd grab the bag because "who knows what might be in there?"

Grab it now, go through it with a fine tooth comb; remove, delete or edit anything that might be incriminating, then make up some excuse why I took it.
Trying to put myself in their shoes, I'd grab the bag because "who knows what might be in there?"

Grab it now, go through it with a fine tooth comb; remove, delete or edit anything that might be incriminating, then make up some excuse why I took it.

I would doubt that very much. Unless one has some very specific information, there are way too many things there to remove.
I would doubt that very much. Unless one has some very specific information, there are way too many things there to remove.

I'm just talking about her bag (purse).

That would be easy to grab.

Heck, I'd throw that sucker over my shoulder and walk out like it was mine.
Trying to put myself in their shoes, I'd grab the bag because "who knows what might be in there?"

Grab it now, go through it with a fine tooth comb; remove, delete or edit anything that might be incriminating, then make up some excuse why I took it.

A diary would be my guess. For all we know there was and it disappeared. Even though I have a smart phone I still run a diary. Old habits die hard but perhaps she was young enough to have used her smart phone for everything.
I'm just talking about her bag (purse).

That would be easy to grab.

Heck, I'd throw that sucker over my shoulder and walk out like it was mine.

But it is quite probable that it may not have anything related to the crime in it. If so, trying to remove it from the scene would be far too much of a risk - risk of being charged with removing evidence, tampering with the crime scene. I would risk being charged with such a serious offence only if I know that the benefit far outweighs the risk.
This guy is clearly a criminal mastermind. Able to act distraught and at the same time deliberately stage the crime scene just minutes after murdering his gf. Then shortly after create a bail statement with a plausible defence that is (at least broadly) consistent with the evidence in the house and witness evidence (which he's yet to hear). Maybe this isn't the first murder this mastermind has committed? Yet he comes across as a bit dim. Must be those acting skills again.

I've given this some thought.

I'm confident that I could think that fast - if driven by immediate terror at the consequences of my actions.

Maybe it's self-preservation? As in Derman's example of an attacking polar bear giving me (and the bear) an adrenalin rush that focused everything in my mind like a laser beam.

More than knowing much about world politics, geography, and philosophy, etc., I think that OP is very, very practiced (years and years, in fact) at quickly and convincingly saving/covering his own a$$. In fact, I'd say he has an (honorary) doctorate in it.

My son had a friend (ugh) who was half a bubble off plumb but on a moment's notice she could recite every Justin Bieber lyric of every song JB ever sang and was ever going to sing (while applying mascara with her toes as she sped down the expressway on her way to work).
Well let's hope the judge's boyfriend doesn't gun her down in the bathroom at 1am. I truly think the judge was jealous of Reeva because her reasonings for her not guily verdicts didn't make since. Iam sure Reeva cried after the first shot but the judge act like Oscar really didn't know that Reeva was in the bathroom.
A diary would be my guess. For all we know there was and it disappeared. Even though I have a smart phone I still run a diary. Old habits die hard but perhaps she was young enough to have used her smart phone for everything.

Really? Are you crazy? What are you going to do if a crazed guy from South Africa shoots you four times in a toilet with Black Talent (OP's pronunciation) ammunition? His sister's likely to swipe that thing and read it, and they'll know all your secrets!!

Well, at least listen to your mother's advice and always wear clean underwear!

(In the US, everyone's mom tells them to be sure to always wear clean underwear just in case there's an accident and the ambulance personnel end up seeing them.)

But it is quite probable that it may not have anything related to the crime in it. If so, trying to remove it from the scene would be far too much of a risk - risk of being charged with removing evidence, tampering with the crime scene. I would risk being charged with such a serious offence only if I know that the benefit far outweighs the risk.

I do see your point. At the same time, I honestly believe that they didn't think he'd BE charged. Didn't Uncle Arthur even say that on the news the first day or so?
Well let's hope the judge's boyfriend doesn't gun her down in the bathroom at 1am. I truly think the judge was jealous of Reeva because her reasonings for her not guily verdicts didn't make since. Iam sure Reeva cried after the first shot but the judge act like Oscar really didn't know that Reeva was in the bathroom.

I totally agree with you that something went wrong with that verdict.
I do see your point. At the same time, I honestly believe that they didn't think he'd BE charged. Didn't Uncle Arthur even say that on the news the first day or so?

Yes, that is possible; in fact I believe someone in the Police investigation team in the initial stages (most likely Botha IMO) was compromised. But I was not assuming this while debating with you over the issue of removing Reeva's handbag.
Ah, the bravado continues.

Any privileged, pampered white male who’s never been inside a SA prison who says he’s not afraid of going to prison is flat-out lying.

It's probably pretty easy to say, though, if you don't believe you'll ever be going to prison.

I think that, until the very end, when his DT? family? were preparing him for the fact that there was a good chance he would be going, I absolutely think he figured all he'd have to do was (have Uncle Arthur) pay a fine and get a suspended sentence, or get mansion (house) arrest for awhile.

He might even have entertained, for a minute or two, the possibility of teaching disabled kids in Mozambique how to use zombie stoppers but I believe that, never in his wildest imagination, did he ever think he was going to prison.

Before the trial started, I heard he laid down a bet, 1000 to 1, that he'd be acquitted. Lost his (Uncle Arthur's) shirt on that one.
... putative private self-defence has never been successful in a South African court where the accused fired through a closed door thinking his life was in danger.

Yet what do we have here - SUCCESS!

Yes, Masipa - that rogue, judicial trailblazer, hands OP this legal first!

How did she do it?

Cutting, pasting and duck-taping prime bits of evidence to fit her chosen verdict.
Asking the wrong questions.
Giving the wrong answers.
Ignoring inconvenient questions altogether.
Willfully misinterpreting and misrepresenting the law.
And last, but not least, putting State’s damning evidence through a wood chipper.

But hey, she assured us her ruling was “balanced”, right?
What self-serving, toxic crud.

This is exactly why Masipa’s verdict is such a biased, flat-out fraud. She never once addressed the fact that NEVER was OP attacked nor was there ever any remote hint of an imminent attack. On his own version the door never opened! The only damage that night was to the bedroom door, the bathroom/toilet and Reeva. Oscar - not a single scratch or broken fingernail ... yet we are to believe that he was terrified, in fear for his life and too damn scared to even turn on a light. It simply defies all common sense.

This aspect of the SA gun law - attack as it relates to lawful self-defense - is clear and unambiguous. Self-defense requires actual or imminent ATTACK. Such a defense to a charge of murder would have no reason to exist without this one essential catalyst.

A closed, locked door = zero threat.
How can one claim “self-defense” against a stationary, inanimate object?
How can one even claim to mistakenly perceive such?
There’s simply nothing to “perceive” as nothing happened ... except in OP’s devious, storytelling mind.
The idea that his scenario involved any element of “self-defense” is ridiculous beyond reason.
There was literally nothing to defend against!

I don’t understand how this utterly crucial element was all but ignored by Masipa & Co. - its blatant omission reeks of bias, incompetence and/or gross corruption. OP is a trained, licensed gun owner - he KNOWS this backwards and forwards (as per gun dealer/trainer Sean Rens testimony). But, all of a sudden - this one night only - OP “forgets” all his training, “forgets” all the rules and Masipa lets him skate because he’s wailed and howled and puked his guts out in “remorse”?! (Unreliable State witness Dr. Stipp said so!) “Remorse” is cheap - ask a three year old.

What’s the freakin point of gun laws and licenses if one (read: Oscar Pistorius) is simply allowed to pull a Whoops-Sorry-My-Bad-LOL? It’s the worst kind of flagrant mockery of the rule of law; the worst, most unapologetic display of rich man’s justice; it utterly defies even common sense god gave horses and rocks.

If the Appeals Court fails to properly nail OP on dolus eventualis and re-sentence accordingly, we’ll know that SA justice is still corrupt to the rotten core.
It's probably pretty easy to say if you don't believe you'll ever be going to prison.

I think that, until the very end, when his DT? family? were preparing him for the fact that there was a good chance he would be going, I absolutely think he figured all he'd have to do was (have Uncle Arthur) pay a fine and get a suspended sentence, or get mansion (house) arrest for awhile.

He might even have entertained, for a minute or two, the possibility of teaching disabled kids in Mozambique how to use zombie stoppers but I believe that, never in his wildest imagination, did he ever think he was going to prison.

Before the trial started, I heard he laid down a bet, 1000 to 1, that he'd be acquitted. Lost his (Uncle Arthur's) shirt on that one.

I think you're exactly right, Colonel.

Even if Roux & Family prepared him for every eventuality, up until about ten minutes before Masipa sent him downstairs to the holding cells, I think Mr. Arrogance actually still believed he'd get away with merely correctional supervision and perhaps a fine for Tasha's (that alone pisses me off - she wouldn't even FINE him for such a flagrantly dangerous public offense?! :mad:)

(Where did you hear about that bet?)

Noncommittal phrases
A liar will use words such as "I think," "I believe," "to the best of my knowledge" or "kind of”. They try to keep the details of the story as vague as possible.

Oooohhhhh, I think, maybe I'm using the phrase "I think" here on WS a little too often ...... :D

My grandfather likes me to keep him current on all things WS. He says he's not a liar but a young whippersnapper like that fellow in the video would think he was.

Pop's responses:

Hesitation: That's only before I take my Viagra.

Euphemisms: Expanding my vocabulary keeps my mind sharp.

Negative emotion words: Old people are always crotchety.

Extraneous information: When you've lived as many decades as I have you have a lot more to say.

Staying neutral: I eat stewed prunes for that.

Mix up small details: Yeah, but I can tell you every single thing that ever happened to me every single moment of every single day 75 years ago.

Unable to work backwards: H€!!, I can't even work forward.
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