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Urteil: Pistorius wird 5 Jahre in Badezimmer gesperrt

Die Richterin verfügte, dass der ehemalige Sportstar die Strafe in einem Badezimmer verbringen muss: ”Angesichts des Tatverlaufs halten wir diese Variante für angemessen”.

Des weiteren entschied sie, dass für die gesamte Zeit der Strafe schwer bewaffnete Bewacher vor dem Badezimmer postiert werden, um bei verdächtigen Geräuschen sofort das Feuer auf die Tür zu eröffnen. Dies sei ein Zugeständnis an das starke Sicherheitsgefühl des Verurteilten, der sich bekanntlich sehr vor Einbrechern ängstige.

Google translation:
Verdict: Pistorius is five years locked in bathroom

The judge ordered that the former sports star must spend the punishment in a bathroom: "Given the Tatverlaufs we consider this variant to be appropriate".

Furthermore, they decided that for the entire time the punishment heavily armed guards are stationed outside the bathroom to open at suspicious noises immediately fire on the door. This was a concession to the strong sense of security convicts, who famously frightens himself greatly before burglars.

Hahahahaha - great find FG . . . but you need to warn other forum members . . . this is SATIRE !! :p

I wasn't happy with coverage of even the best german media . . . but it w/b unjust to go by THIS article :eek:
Ah! ... No wonder OP and family were so stoic and quiet when the sentence was delivered.

Roux is delusional - excellent chance the public will NEVER forgive OP, regardless how much time he serves.

No big surprise that Uncle Arnie’s trying to skate on Roux’s bill. Little Ozzie’s destitute, essentially unemployable for the rest of his life and with zero income, he can never repay the outstanding legal fees. OP sold all his real and personal property, including a car and set of wheels/tires ... that turnip’s been wrung dry.

Uncle Arnie sure didn’t offer any of his personal money towards that insultingly paltry (REJECTED) Steenkamp settlement, did he? He wants to make sure he’s not out anything. Really makes you wonder if he even believes OP’s “version” of “self-defense” and “terrible accident”? Seems like he’d be a bit more generous financially if he actually believed it was genuinely a tragic case of mistaken identity. Perhaps forcing OP to foot all expenses till he’s broke was his ‘punishment’ for recklessly murdering Reeva and bringing shame and notoriety to the family name.

I doubt the arrogant, belligerent OP is fearful of many people (any?) but I imagine at the top of that list is Uncle Arnie. LOL

But even worse for Uncle Arnie - though the trials’s over and OP’s sitting in VIP Prison (not the VIP Room) - Uncle Arnie’s looking at MORE legal fees with the looming appeal. Man, he must be ticked. LOL

My friggin heart just breaks. He must be incensed at being so inconvenienced! Defending the “innocent” nephew he very likely knows(?) is guilty of murder - as well as defending the family honor - must be a bitter pill to choke down.

Just take a hammer to the Cartier piggy bank on your night stand, Uncle Arnie. You’ll never miss it.

I don't think we as a group give uncle Arnold enough credit.

When OP's mother passed away and his dad abandoned them, it was uncle Arnold who took the three Pistorius kids and specifically said these three kids were equal to his own biological kids.

That's something very special and worth remembering, not all people would do something like this.

In that same regard, I'm sure uncle Arnold will give OP a well paying job so he will never be destitute. Plus, I believe that OP has money, it's just we're looking at a shell game that wealthy people are good at, we just don't know where the money is.
I suspect he only wanted her for showing off in front of his friends and to bug the ex he keeps texting all the time.
I think you and Sherbert are both right. A relationship with a narcissist is a nightmare. (I'm of the mind he is, obviously.) Usually they're attracted to people with traits they themselves are lacking - whether it be compassion, intelligence, closeness to family, a successful career, etc. Whatever the traits, the partner of a narcissist must make the narcissist look good. They idolize their new partner, building them up, complimenting them on those traits they find so enamoring. And when they realize that partner can't love them enough, can't do enough for them, can't make them feel good enough the very traits they so seemed to admire are often turned around as weapons ala emotional abuse. The technical term is devaluing.

Narcissists (or if one prefers, emotional vampires) always follow the same routine -> Idealize, devalue, discard. Rinse. Repeat.

Poor Reeva. If he is a narcissist, I think she spent the little bit of their relationship always trying to figure out what his deal was, walking on eggshells, trying to be happy and make him happy too, caught in a roller coaster of emotions. :(
I suspect he only wanted her for showing off in front of his friends and to bug the ex he keeps texting all the time.

... and presented her to Stander as his fiancee? OP is "not ticking quite clean" - as we would say.
Hahahahaha - great find FG . . . but you need to warn other forum members . . . this is SATIRE !! :p

I wasn't happy with coverage of even the best german media . . . but it w/b unjust to go by THIS article :eek:

Don't know, I have always avoided to read German and do prefer foreign newspapers/articles.
It's not a sporting event, it is his job/career and under the terms of house arrest, he needs to have a job. The question will be whether all of the different Olympic bodies will allow him to compete.

And if he'll be sponsored.

Here's an old link about his sponsors which I hadn't seen.

.....Mr Pistorius, who has strongly rejected the murder charge, is thought to have earned several million pounds from sponsorships with Nike, BT, Thierry Mugler, Oakley, and Ossur, the Icelandic....

The "strapline" for the Nike ad, sure got my attention:

"I am the bullet in the chamber"
Might be, but they didn't delete e.g. the October 2012 blog entry of OP visiting McLaren HQ in England.

It's just odd there is NO ENTRY at all on their blog (or anywhere else on the internet) for certain dates mentioned in the trial - and J.Divaris is the CEO of the company, but there is other members of board, so I assume he can't decide on his own.

I remember reading a comment on an article long long time ago, suggesting Divaris had retracted from OP - along the lines of "he did not want to get involved in a murder case" . . . for the life of me I cannot find that comment now :(

Mandy Wiener ‏@MandyWiener

Two critical characters in this story, Justin Divaris and Samantha Greyvenstein, didn't give evidence. Likely amongst those who refused.

Keep Swimming ‏@titude101 8. Juli

@MandyWiener #OscarTrial saying not wanting voices to go out is an easier way to let down a friend, maybe just didn't want to get involved
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Maybe, you remember this part of twitter conversation?
Firstly, that the athlete had had a lengthy phone conversation with a contact in his phone called "Babyshoes", now known to be his ex-girlfriend Jenna Edkins, the day before the shooting. He had also sent her several text messages in the hours after he accidentally discharged his firearm in Tasha's Restaurant a month before. (Pistorius had told the court he "couldn't remember" where he went and what he did that evening.)

The extensive interviews with those on the periphery of the story are illuminating, not least Justin Divaris, Pistorius's super-car salesman friend, who he called at 4am, and who despite living 40 miles away, arrived within 15 minutes to an unimaginable scene.

Not useful, I would admit, but - interesting.
I agree with your exercise without checking, because there were early statements after the murder, that neighbours heard 6-8 shots. When I remember, newspapers also wrote so. - Generally I think, the news on 14./15.2.2013 and the following days weren't as wrong as asserted later (I think of the shot to Reeva's hip, perhaps before she had entered the toilet ... etc.).

Thanks FG. The exercise showed me that two sets of shots remains a possibility, supporting the idea that this is what the Stipps heard first, but I think the only shots to hit Reeva occurred in the toilet and were the second sounds.
We the people of South Africa and people of the world did not accept the court’s judgment. The State is now appealing Oscar’s conviction and sentence. Accept this as fact. We embrace this opportunity for justice to not only be done but seen to be done. Accept that the court of appeal will not be influenced by the crying, vomiting, and general histrionics demonstrated by Oscar in the court a quo.

You complained that the trial was being televised. This decision was made by a judge who said, “Court proceedings are in fact public and this objective must be recognised”. The defence legal team fiercely opposed it, saying it would infringe on Oscar’s rights and distort proceedings, yet they failed to appeal the judge’s ruling. You and your family revelled in the media attention when he was a famous athlete. He courted the media in order to gain hugely lucrative sponsorships. Celebrities use every opportunity to use the media for financial gains, but that comes at a price and that price is privacy. Once he fell from grace, you emphatically denied every article relating to his misdeeds. Unfortunately, you can’t run with the fox and hunt with the hounds.

You asked the media and public to accept Judge Masipa’s judgment. Perhaps you will be gracious enough to accept another court’s findings.

This has been an incredibly hard and painful process for everyone, the Steenkamp family, your family, the people of South Africa and the general public worldwide. It is now time for Oscar to embrace this opportunity to pay back to society.

We are all emotionally drained. The case that was originally set down for 3 weeks has dragged out for 7 months due to the mendacity, deceitfulness and snowball of lies told by Oscar coupled with virtually all the defence witnesses who were either biased, grossly incompetent or in fact not experts at all.

You criticised the State for trying to find Oscar guilty of premeditated murder and the collateral damage caused by that persistence. The State was endeavouring to find the truth and prove that he was guilty of murder. The “collateral damage” as you call it, was due to his persistence in lying and changing his version several times.

One of the most distressful parts for Reeva’s family and the public throughout this whole trial was the refusal by Oscar and the defence to be truthful, honest and transparent with the court.

We too hope that Oscar will start his own healing process. Now he’s unable to yield to temptation and recklessness, perhaps as a family you can support and guide him as he serves his sentence.

You live in the Rainbow Nation, and somewhere over the rainbow dreams really can come true. If this is so, justice will prevail not only for Reeva but for all the women of South Africa.

Thank you for your great letter, Judgejudi! :)
Firstly, that the athlete had had a lengthy phone conversation with a contact in his phone called "Babyshoes", now known to be his ex-girlfriend Jenna Edkins, the day before the shooting. He had also sent her several text messages in the hours after he accidentally discharged his firearm in Tasha's Restaurant a month before. (Pistorius had told the court he "couldn't remember" where he went and what he did that evening.)

The extensive interviews with those on the periphery of the story are illuminating, not least Justin Divaris, Pistorius's super-car salesman friend, who he called at 4am, and who despite living 40 miles away, arrived within 15 minutes to an unimaginable scene.

Not useful, I would admit, but - interesting.

Yes. interesting. On another note....why didn't he just break up with Reeva?
We are proud to announce that yesterday Oscar Pistorius was in Woking, at the MTC (McLAren Technology Centre) where he spec'd his McLaren 12C Spider very much bespoke to his liking, which he will be taking delivery from us at Daytongroup.
Vodafone Mclaren are extremely excited to welcome and have such a fantastic and world renowned person and athlete as part of the McLaren Family now,450&fbid=426029990792153

The legend Mr Oscar Pistorius was in Cape town last week, and Daytona Group had given him the Aston Martin Vantage to drive, he was blown away by the performance and new 7 speed Paddle box,1536&fbid=412498632145289
And if he'll be sponsored.

Here's an old link about his sponsors which I hadn't seen.

.....Mr Pistorius, who has strongly rejected the murder charge, is thought to have earned several million pounds from sponsorships with Nike, BT, Thierry Mugler, Oakley, and Ossur, the Icelandic....

The "strapline" for the Nike ad, sure got my attention:

"I am the bullet in the chamber"

I am the bullet in the chamber"[/QUOTE]

Here is the video -

my body is my weapon . . this is how I fight . . . this I my weapon . . .how I defeat my enemies . . how I win my war . . how I make victory . . this I my weapon . . this is how I fight . . .

It's the wording that makes me shiver
Thanks, I hadn't seen it explained in such detail before.

Now presumably it shouldn't be up to Masipa to grant leave to appeal Seekoei. So perhaps this is the appeal that the State is taking straight to the appeal court. Would that make sense?

I was wondering about the same thing.'s possible they will argue that Seekoei shouldn't apply in the same appeal they are filing against the "not guilty" verdict.

Here is the video -

my body is my weapon . . this is how I fight . . . this I my weapon . . .how I defeat my enemies . . how I win my war . . how I make victory . . this I my weapon . . this is how I fight . . .

It's the wording that makes me shiver[/QUOTE]

Ohhhh my goodness! :gaah: Did he write this script or did he simply adopt it. He's nuts. Thanks you for the video!:)

The key trump card being played by Pistorius’ defence in regard to the shots is a phone call Pistorius states he had made at 3.19.30am to estate security.

“On his [Pistorius’] version, we know one thing. He called [security] shortly after breaking down the [bathroom] door,” said Roux.

Importantly, both Burger and Johnson have testified that they made a call at 3.17am and that they heard what they termed the gunshots moments later.

On the defence’s version, this means that Oscar breaking down the bathroom door with his cricket bat coincides with the same time period that Johnson and Burger had heard what they were calling gunshots.

The two phone calls are just 150 seconds apart.

Mr. Fossil,
I don't look over the timelines and all the stuff (too much input now), but I notice: almost everything based of OP's testimony, whether he lies or not ("or not", hahaha).
We are proud to announce that yesterday Oscar Pistorius was in Woking, at the MTC (McLAren Technology Centre) where he spec'd his McLaren 12C Spider very much bespoke to his liking, which he will be taking delivery from us at Daytongroup.
Vodafone Mclaren are extremely excited to welcome and have such a fantastic and world renowned person and athlete as part of the McLaren Family now,450&fbid=426029990792153

The legend Mr Oscar Pistorius was in Cape town last week, and Daytona Group had given him the Aston Martin Vantage to drive, he was blown away by the performance and new 7 speed Paddle box,1536&fbid=412498632145289
BIB - now that he's "broke", maybe Uncle can lend him the money for one of these.

I don't think we as a group give uncle Arnold enough credit.

When OP's mother passed away and his dad abandoned them, it was uncle Arnold who took the three Pistorius kids and specifically said these three kids were equal to his own biological kids.

That's something very special and worth remembering, not all people would do something like this.

In that same regard, I'm sure uncle Arnold will give OP a well paying job so he will never be destitute. Plus, I believe that OP has money, it's just we're looking at a shell game that wealthy people are good at, we just don't know where the money is.

When you say 'we as a group', please don't include me in that .. cheers!
Quote Originally Posted by Estelle

"Where did I state that he went with Reeva? I said "she" but will edit it to read Sam Taylor as I assumed everyone knew it was Sam Taylor".

You didn't, but Reeva was mentioned in the preceding posts, whereas Sam Taylor wasn't. I didn't quote any of them because the quotes have got mixed up. It was all a bit confusing.

This whole bit is confusing and there's lots of articles to look at. One thing I've noticed numerous times is the threat to break legs. I've seen Batchelor interviewed where he said OP threatened to break his legs and he stated that he just ignored that comment. There are plenty of articles on that.

On the other hand, I've also seen as many articles saying that he made the threat to Batchelor but the threat was that he'd break Van der Burgh's legs. I've often wondered if OP made this threat to each of them.

In the overall scheme of things I don't think it really matters. We do know there were 3 incidents related to Van der Burgh, one with VdB himself, and the remaining 2 with Batchelor.

Let's face it, he was so out of control in 2012 that he could have done anything that year. The whole point of the list was never meant to be a timeline like the one relating to the shooting. It's really just to show more of an outline of events and approximate times showing how things appeared to be reaching a climax. It's all irrelevant now anyway. I just did it for our benefit because we like to know everything. :)
Interview with Dan Abrahams and Nancy Grace

They make some interesting comments about the verdict.

"He was a horrible witness but I believe him and not all the other witnesses"
....Nancy's take on MLady
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