Post verdict discussions #2

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I thought, since TM is not a suspect she was not to be named in this site again, with her new name. The police don't believe she was involved so why is this allowed. I feel for her children.

With respect...I feel for TM's boys too, but obviously TM didn't, otherwise she would have thought twice about succumbing to chequebook journalism and putting her face (thank you Makeup Dept - a little too much IMO) and victim story in front of 1.4 ml people nationally. The segment was obviously recorded prior to the verdict. The motive? "He owes me!" Hell hath no fury....

I've heard people buy a phone, load the app then bury it in their partner's car to keep tabs on them.

Wow, until someone quoted your post, I first read it as "burying it in their partner's cat" !!! :floorlaugh:

Gerard Baden-Clay's colleague tells: 'I was working with a murderer'
Monday, July 21, 2014

Jocelyn Frost described the accused wife killer as a "serial offending con man and a pathological liar"..." he’s without conscience and a conniving control freak," Jocelyn says..."From the moment Allison went missing, I thought, ‘oh my God, what has Gerard done?" she recalls...""I was shocked, but not surprised when he was arrested," reflects Jocelyn"..."For Allison and those little girls, for her parents and everyone destroyed by this monster – all of us can now be grateful for a justice system that saw right through him and got an insight into how rotten he is."...
What's the point in publishing a book that no doubt has all the same freaking information that was presented in court and written in articles already???? I hate these books that come right out after the case without any kind of unique take whatsoever .. as in what on earth is the point, does it really add anything to anyone's knowledge of the case? Pointless .. wont be buying it, think he's cashing in, he better give some of that money to the girls etc.

Just to be fair though, the writer of the book is David Murray, one of the crime reporters that works with Kate Kyriacou and whose tweets from the courtroom we were all following avidly. He has been following and reporting on this case for a long time, and will have a unique inside slant on what the detectives were thinking, how they joined the dots, etc etc. There may well be a lot more background info than emerged during the trial too.

I can't vouch for the book, and I am not trying to promote the book. But of all the people to write the book, David Murray would be one of those in the best positions to do so, IMHO.

I'll probably get it....
Nah, I wont give it to you Dr W .. I just see these books as pointless, they are often written by journalists on the case, but still .. bit of a yawn for me as I see no value in them :)
I thought, since TM is not a suspect she was not to be named in this site again, with her new name. The police don't believe she was involved so why is this allowed. I feel for her children.

Karo, I think most of us here feel for her children, I certainly do. It's a shame that TM didn't feel the same way! Imagine the crap her boys (now 16) are going to cop now that the 60 minute interview is out there. TM didn't stop and think for one minute about her kids. It is all about her and the money!

ETA: Sounds a lot like Gerard doesn't it?
Will the Dickies and the girls receive any sort of compensation for being the victims of crime? I know there's Allison's superannuation and life insurance, but will that be held in trust until the girls are older?

I worry about the Dickies financial situation :( They are going through enough without worrying about how the bills will get paid.
Will the Dickies and the girls receive any sort of compensation for being the victims of crime? I know there's Allison's superannuation and life insurance, but will that be held in trust until the girls are older?

I worry about the Dickies financial situation :( They are going through enough without worrying about how the bills will get paid.

They would be entitled to it but it's not much anymore. Under $10k each I would say.
Will the Dickies and the girls receive any sort of compensation for being the victims of crime? I know there's Allison's superannuation and life insurance, but will that be held in trust until the girls are older?

I worry about the Dickies financial situation :( They are going through enough without worrying about how the bills will get paid.

Yes they do receive compensation. It depends on each individual case as to how much is given. From memory there were some changes made not too long ago.

Related victims of a person who has died because of an act of violence

•Up to the value of $50,000. If there are 2 or more related victims, a combined total of $100,000 is available.
•$500 for legal costs for each witness when applying for assistance if your application is successful.
Karo, I think most of us here feel for her children, I certainly do. It's a shame that TM didn't feel the same way! Imagine the crap her boys (now 16) are going to cop now that the 60 minute interview is out there. TM didn't stop and think for one minute about her kids. It is all about her and the money!

ETA: Sounds a lot like Gerard doesn't it?

Yes I agree with that. Anyone with half an ounce of decency would have refused that interview and most certainly would never take that amount of money for it. I've said it before on here, TM was no starry eyed teenager, she went in with both eyes wide open and was quite prepared to take her "gorgeous guy" away from Allison.

I think Allison had her summed up...

Of course he also had her in his ear constantly encouraging him to forget his commitment…..

And then I think of her…the dirty ***** that she is – she knew me and she was sleeping with some-one else’s husband even while she was still with her partner

and it enrages me that he would talk to her about the intimate details of MY LIFE with some stupid bimbo even before they ****ed…
I'm wondering about the timing of Allison's 'Dear Gerard' letter

It mentions 'as this year draws to a close', that it was started on Sept 17 2011, and the last date mentioned is 25/11/2011. I'm wondering if the letter was given to him around the start of December. Interesting timing with Gerard initiating contact resuming his affair with Toni before Christmas.

Mumma Bear

Did Allison ever actually give GBC the letter? I'd assumed not because it has been called "secret"?
From memory I feel sure I read the letter was found by Detectives on Allison's computer.

I have this 'gut feeling' Allison was aware the affair had rekindled. I'm trying to find the text Allison sent to GBC in reference to being with TM with the seats down in snowy.
Mumma Bear

Did Allison ever actually give GBC the letter? I'd assumed not because it has been called "secret"?

Secret to the court proceedings (and the public until now) I'd assumed. The intent of the letter is to get answers from Gerard and explain the impacts on her to him. I doubt she got much of a response seeing as that was an issue raised with the counsellor - he wouldn't discuss it. Why it wasn't it admissible in court - I'd like to know that!
From memory I feel sure I read the letter was found by Detectives on Allison's computer.

I have this 'gut feeling' Allison was aware the affair had rekindled. I'm trying to find the text Allison sent to GBC in reference to being with TM with the seats down in snowy.

Me too - plus around the time she died she was trying to organise a catch-up with the lady who first alerted her to the affair. Makes me think she wanted to see if the friend (Wendy Mollah?) had any new info or could keep an ear out for her.
TM is a typical 'other woman' type IMO .. 'I'm not like the 'other mistresses' you see, this was different because I thought we had a future together' .. Hello .. that's what most mistresses let themselves believe, most guys who want to cheat on their wives don't have the kind of maturity required to say to women they just want to use for sex 'Hey, I think you're kinda fun to bang, but don't be getting any ideas .. this is going nowhere, but to the back of my car whenever I feel the urge' .. :facepalm:

Her problem wasn't that she trusted the wrong guy, or all the other things that bugged her, her issue is that she requires very little before she places herself in a situation which is doomed to hurt her, that's the lesson in my opinion: Don't sleep with married dudes, it'll end in tears, and you wont have a leg to stand on when it all comes out.
TM is a typical 'other woman' type IMO .. 'I'm not like the 'other mistresses' you see, this was different because I thought we had a future together' .. Hello .. that's what most mistresses let themselves believe, most guys who want to cheat on their wives don't have the kind of maturity required to say to women they just want to use for sex 'Hey, I think you're kinda fun to bang, but don't be getting any ideas .. this is going nowhere, but to the back of my car whenever I feel the urge' .. :facepalm:

Her problem wasn't that she trusted the wrong guy, or all the other things that bugged her, her issue is that she requires very little before she places herself in a situation which is doomed to hurt her, that's the lesson in my opinion: Don't sleep with married dudes, it'll end in tears, and you wont have a leg to stand on when it all comes out.

Well said! :seeya:
The 60 Minutes interview was interesting to watch with the sound off (once you've listened with the sound on of course ;))
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