Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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Along with everyone else I'm heart sick over this verdict. From the beginning I was worried about how the state would handle the Anthony's. During the trial, it seemed as though the state wasn't being honest as far as their involvement in lying and covering up for Casey. I felt at least they should have been charged with obstruction , tampering with evidence. Maybe that would have helped in the circumstantial part of their case, and the jury could understand better the family dynamics. Casey and her family have gotten away with so much. What does this mean to families who may have similar circumstances to this case ? There was no justice for sweet Caylee today, none, nada, zip, 0 ! God Bless you sweet Caylee:heartbeat::rose:
To everyone who feels they have let Caylee down, I'd like to share a thought with you.

Justice does not build a stairway to heaven.
Love does that, and initially Caylee was unloved and dumped by her mother.
Then her grandparents and uncle abandoned her to take up for her poor excuse for a parent.

BUT now - 3 years down the line, JA, FG, LDB and thousands of strangers (you included) have embraced Caylees cause, fought for justice, prayed for her peace, and hung onto hope that someone would pay.
The lack of payment is just one small part, your love and your prayers lifted Caylee into heaven a long time ago. That is worth so much more than a guilty verdict.

Caylee sits at the end of every rainbow that you see, swinging her legs and singing. Sometimes she kicks that pot of gold and a coin falls out, so when you find a penny on the floor......... that is Caylee reminding you that she is now loved.

Oh thank you for this, this is beautiful and I really needed to read something like this. Thank you so very much.
I am so sick and outraged. That poor baby got thrown away like she never mattered and now no one will pay for that. It is so very sad! I'm wearing purple for the rest of the week to show my love for Caylee Marie to show she mattered to all of us!
Chris in Texas you are my hero! I agree with everything!!! Oj was a celeb after his trial
What site was the story with juror 14 on link please it's important. tia
I see her next date on "Dancing With The Stars" and her partner Tony Babalonie!.
This is all sick and I am angry with the verdict today.
My law partner, who is a criminal defense attorney, called me sickened, shocked and stunned. He is beyond words and simply does not get it. And he defends murderers! And he knows casey is guilty and cannot understand how the heck this happened.
I feel like the jurors just said one collective 'eff you to the judicial system and to all the rest of us.

I'm sorry if that's inappropiate but it's how I feel. JMO
¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥ Keep this balloon going in memory of Caylee Marie
♥ forever in our hearts♥ TO HONOR CAYLEE'S MEMORY....PLEASE PASS THIS ON R.I.P. Baby girl. Fly with Angels
Random thoughts in no particular order:

* Like most here I am horrified by this verdict. No only will there be no justice for Kaylee, but the opposite -- her killed is about to CASH IN. Casey is now a celebrity, she is now the person to be seen with, she is the coolest cat in any room. People will want their pictures taken with her, they will want her autograph.

* While it is absolutely NOT a popular sentiment here, I have said for some time now that JB was a good attorney and doing a fine job...

* JA and the prosecution team, on the other hand, did a fantastic job and then failed spectacularly at the end with their closing. The left out a very criticial point of their rebutal...

* They never CLEARLY explaned to the jury what beyond a reasonable doubt meant. Mr Mason did a FANTASTIC job creating the illusion that anything less than absolute 100% air-tight PROOF was a "reasonable doubt." The prosecution pretty much allowed that nonsense to stand unchallenged, which likely goes a long way towards explaining why....

* This jury had already reached a verdict before they retired. They went back there with the opinion that the prosecution had not "proven" their case. They also, likely (and this is also gonna annoy some here), felt that...

* Mr Ashton acted like a complete tool during the defense closing. The guy was arrogant, cocky, and a bit of a jerk during the best of times, and that likely was a bit off-puting, but that stunt during the defense closing was outrageous. And I say this as a HUGE FAN.

* Please please PLEASE stop with the "Kaylee is in a better place" and "God will punish Casey" stuff. Please. It's offensive as hell to some of us.

* The folks who are using this verdict as an excuse to condemn the entire jury system make no more sense than those who would say that all mothers are as fatally flawed as Casey. It's not perfect, but our system is the best in human history, and generally when it makes a mistake it is in favor of the accused. It's designed that way for a reason -- it is better for a hundred guilty to go free than for one innocent to be wrongly condemned.

* It is totally inappropriate to villify the defense team for the actions of Casey or defending her. They did their job, and very well. They won a case that NO ONE thought could be won.

* This verdict is NOT an excuse to abandon the search for justice for everyone else or to quit these forums. If anything it is a call for more activity.

Thanks for reading.
Her name was CAYLEE please. The very least that can be done.
I am just stunned. I could not believe she was found not guilty. Justice was not served today and their is no way that ICA is not guilty. I hope the judge can give her the max sentence that he can. Does she still have a trial coming up for the checks/fraud? I am just sick over this.
Very Sad
About every five days a small child dies from accidental drowning in the U.S. ...very tragic, but accidental, not murder. How many duct tape and hide the body of their own dead child, lie to everyone, place blame on fictional person(s) and continue with their life as nothing happened?.... The standard is "Beyond a REASONABLE Doubt", not beyond the realm of any distorted, twisted series of events the defense attorney can put together! If anyone thinks hiding your own child's body, bound in duct tape, and pretending nothing happened is reasonable, and the person(s) involved are not responsible for the death, please let them know during jury selection you watch too much television and cannot determine what is real and what is a story for entertainment.
By: Christopher Michael

This was written by a friend thought I would share
I think we are a society of miscreants that loves sensationalism and drama more than justice. People want Casey the reality show. That's y people followed this case. There are those that advocate for caylee but the average person just wanted to watch cause of all the drama. My dh is one of them.
The judicial system needs an overhaul, particularly in the area of jury selection. We obviously have a problem here. Do we need to form professional jurors??? Test, qualify, quantify them prior to serving? I can see where that might cause some problems, but the judicial system needs to better qualify jurors by making sure that they understand the terminology, or request that the courts use 'plain' English in charging the jurors for deliberation. I also think we need to be sure that the jurors can tie their own shoes, walk without walking off a cliff, use a remote to operate their tv's and even perhaps add 1 + 1. George could...just sayin....
i feel sick. sick, sick, sick.


i was at a doctor's appointment when i overheard someone in the reception area talking about it because they heard it on the radio. i had hoped that i overheard wrong, or that they had misheard the radio.

i have so many threads to catch up on and i don't even know how to begin. what's next?

did HHJP ever rule on the last motion for mistrial? can he rule on that now and grant them mistrial, or would that be grossly unethical/wishful thinking on my part?


i am going to pour every drop of extra love i can on my children, today and every day. this feels so not right to me, my head is literally buzzing from how just plain shocked i am.
So the check charges & the lying to LE charges were served concurrently?

She has not yet been sentenced for lying to LE. That will happen Thursday.
I am still in a daze, I cannot believe this!!! Am I dreaming? Please wake me up!!!
I cannot comprehend what has happened today, I really can't..............
I predict time served or 6 months for the other charges.
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