Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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I know this doesn't make any sense, but I feel I've let Caylee down. What more could I've done? How many more prayers could I have said? Did I not wish hard enough for justice? I wanted her spirit to soar knowing that her death was avenged. Oh, Caylee...please forgive me.

This is heartbreaking. I didn't cry until I read this. I feel I let her down as well.
I am so sick right now. It will be interesting to see what she gets caught doing in the future. A leopard doesn't changes its spots.
This bashing of the jury is sickening. They came to the conclusion they came to because all 12 of them didn't think the state proved their case. Juries are instructed to follow the law as instructed. It doesn't mean they think she didn't do anything, it just means to them, the state didn't prove she did.

Honestly, I'm surprised she didn't even get manslaughter or child abuse. The child died in her care. I thought that meant child abuse.
.....and Cindys perjury assisted the DT, and now the state could charge her if they can prove it.

NO jurors want to talk to the media.

In a total perversion of justice, Cindy could end up serving more time than Casey.
The folks on this jury need to be named and shamed. Makes me ashamed to be a Floridian.
What a sad day in the USA. You can murder your kid, party for 31 days, throw her body in a trash dump, and then probably grow rich from talking about it.

I will bet that as we speak someone is visiting her in that jail, offering her upfront money for a book deal.

I am sick to my stomach, and heartbroken for Caylee.
Never underestimate the stupidity of our fellow human beings. I'm just surprised they could find 12 of them to put in same room at the same time. You would think the law of averages would allow for at least one of them to have some sense.
If they had found her NG in 1st but guilty of Agg Man or Agg CA I could understand it, but this is nothing short of absurd.

I feel shattered that Caylee gets no justice on earth as her mother threw her away like trash but believe God is good and justice will come to ICA one day.

I'm grateful for SA and all the detectives, etc. that fought for justice for Caylee. I'm grateful to all the strangers that loved her more than her own mother.
I know this doesn't make any sense, but I feel I've let Caylee down. What more could I've done? How many more prayers could I have said? Did I not wish hard enough for justice? I wanted her spirit to soar knowing that her death was avenged. Oh, Caylee...please forgive me.

I feel the same way. I've cried since the verdict. I turned off the TV and haven't watched since. I feel I've let Caylee down. How was this not enough? What more could have been done? People can just murder their children in Florida and get away with it?

For 3 years I've been with all of you on this board analyzing and talking and laughing and crying together. I'm really floored by this verdict. Maybe I'm too sensitive for this world.

Poor Caylee.

I dunno about being on WS anymore. I think I'm too sensitive.

Poor Caylee.
I am sick. Casey has a life of money and fame with no child to tie her down.

George will probably kill himself.

La Bella Vita.

There are no words to describe the horrible hurt and pain that I feel right now. My hurt hurts so bad right now. I can't remember the last time I hurt this bad! My 14 year old daughter cried right along with me. How can the jury live with the choice they've made??? The only thing that will put my heart at ease is knowing that God will judge her! Like it says in my favorite bible verse... Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you"...... God will hold her accountable for the murder of her child! I have more faith in God than anyone else. It's very sad that this happened but God has a reason for the decision that was made today.
I am very shocked over this verdict. I found Websleuths 3 years ago come September because of this case. I have been following ever since Nancy Grace covered it back in July of 2008 when it first started happening. I am just so shocked over this. I NEVER thought that she'd get off scott free. I didn't want her to get the DP because of George and Cindy Anthony going through so much but I at least thought she would get life in prison. I just cannot believe this. :grouphug:
I bet Cindy kicks George out and let's Casey back to live her with. I wouldn't doubt it at all. What a travesty. How can those jurors live with themselves. Throwing a baby under the bus so this killer could go free. WHY???
I am simply stunned by this. I cannot believe this jury acquitted Casey. I will not buy any book or watch any interview that anyone on the defense team (including Casey herself) puts out there. I don't want ANYONE involved in this case to make money off of this travesty of justice.
I can only hope that Zanaida Gonzales wins an enormous, huge ridiculously high verdict in her defamation case. At least that way maybe Casey won't be able to profit from Caylee's death.
Do we know anything about which juror was the foreman? I wonder if there wasn't one or two that bullied the others into their decision. My husband is a very forceful personality and just for joy or arrogance has served on a few juries and was only one or two with a particular view and bullied the rest into going with his decision. If the rest were tired an sick of the whole thing and did not realize the gravity of the public perception they might have just caved to get it over with.

I dunno.

I am sick right now. Anyone want to join me in a glass of wine? I am having one, to calm my nerves. I will never understand how in the world in Florida it's ok to chloroform, duct tape and drive around with your daughters rotting corpse until it stinks so much you chunk it into the woods for animals to chew on.

I hope this doesn't get me a time out. I will delete if necessary.

If that is what happened, then it is "peer pressure" at its "finest." I thought that myself. Some bully probably went into action, kowtowing the others into submission. Well, I'm one who would refuse to be bullied by fellow jurors. I don't mind standing against a thousand if I am convinced I am right and just in a stance. I cannot for the life of me imagine TWELVE PEOPLE unanimous on this! I've heard of jurors say, "Well, we all thought X was guilty, but we had to vote lesser because the state did not prove the case." I think that's a possiblity here, too.
Did Richard Hornsby and Jeff Dean speculate that KC may stay at home with one of the attorneys?

Oh my, this looks like it could be a disaster.
I am speechless. Well, she knows what she did, everyone else knows what she did and The Man Upstairs knows, too. Her life will be miserable anyway, and no chance of Heaven.
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