Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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I think I'll just keep reposting my original post because I have no other words right now.
I do have 1 more comment and then I may have to leave all the hub bub for a while as it makes me ill.

But one problem with this case was that the forensic evidence was poor. Cindy made sure of that by washing everything in the trunk and Casey made sure by lying for 31 days giving the body time to rot. There wasn't much left to prove she didn't anything but I still feel there was just as much as the Peterson case and her actions spoke louder than words. Its really a shame Cindy washed away so much evidence. I hear she was smiling big when they left the court. I bet she kicks George out and lets KC back home.
To all the wonderful members of Websleuths

I am SICK about this verdict. I will no longer anything to do with this case.

I thank the prosecution team for their hard work.

I will no longer post or read here on websleuths. I know there are other trials that deserve attention but I cannot face them.

I pray for each and every one of you to move on, to heal, to live to the highest standards of ethics and morals...

Thank you.
I'm done and disgusted. and so very sad
I can't do this anymore. I really like all you guys, but I just can't do this anymore
Did Richard Hornsby and Jeff Dean speculate that KC may stay at home with one of the attorneys?

Oh my, this looks like it could be a disaster.
Those attorneys are going to want to keep her as close to them as they can - They all want to have one hand in her pocket (some of them more than others).

Whoever can keep her happy will get their share of the profits for sending this murderer back on the streets.
Heartbroken here too, was so worried this would happen. Jose did indeed create reasonable doubt :(
She will have the same type of life O.J. did and we know how that has turned out. He did not get book or movies deals. No one is going to pay to read or see the story of a person getting away with murder. No one is going to want to be associated with her. What man would want to risk even having a family with her? She may have be found guilty by this jury but in the court of public opinion she is still a child
killer. It is what it is.
Those 12 cowardly beings couldn't even show face and discuss their decision. This is mind boggling. I cannot wrap my mind around any scenario that they could have all unanimously found her not guilty on all the murder charges. I cannot believe HHJP let the verdict stand. I was so wrong about him. He had the choice to override and he chose not to. Has our world really come to the point that nobody but a handful of people will stand up for what's right? I am not proud to be an American today.

I have voiced a few times from start of trial IMHO that judge ruled in favor of defense...after today it was sealed for me.

There is no justice.....there is no god.....there is only a world full of corrupt evil people....I am going to go under my covers and hybrinate for awhile....

Poor sweet Caylee will never rest in peace
I won't be buying any of that stuff nor will I buy anything this jury tries to peddle. I hope they keep quiet and that we never hear from them again. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I am simply stunned by this. I cannot believe this jury acquitted Casey. I will not buy any book or watch any interview that anyone on the defense team (including Casey herself) puts out there. I don't want ANYONE involved in this case to make money off of this travesty of justice.
No Justice for poor Caylee Marie Anthony .
1) lies and obfuscation by the A's and dt confused the jury

2) JP gave much latitude to dt's shenanigans

3). Jury wanted to go home

No justice for Caylee
I'm speechless. I'm so sad for Caylee Marie. She was not protected in life and has been failed even in death.

ICA will be a free woman by this weekend. CA will kick GA out of the house and ICA will live with her mother and continue to live her bella vita. She will never have to work another day in her horrid life.
I resign. From crime.

Until the Caylee/Casey Anthony case, I wasn’t a blogger or even a “true-crime advocate for justice”. This particular case, for like many of you, grabbed me somehow, stirred me, grasped my attention in a way no other case had; not Haleigh Cummings (though I was thoroughly interested in that one!), Kyron Horman (I dropped that one along with everyone else), Zahra Baker, Hailey Dunn and so on and so on and on.

Today’s verdict of “Not Guilty” was as stunning to me as O.J’s not guilty verdict and I’m resigning my interest in all of this madness from this day forward. I have devoted 3 years of my time, energy and emotions to this case and to be honest, it isn’t, wasn’t and will never be, worth it.

And Casey Anthony is going to walk. Free.

Even her lying to law enforcement will be rewarded, not punished but rewarded with time served for 4 misdemeanors. And being the model prisoner that she is, she’ll get the 4th year off for “good behaviour”. It’s enough to make me vomit.

I enjoyed being part of the Websleuths family, was delighted when Tricia got the radio show up and running on Blogtalk, the whole nine yards really.

But enough is enough, to quote Judge Perry. I am reclaiming my life and I will never get this involved in a crime case every again (though those that know me don’t believe me!).

I’m looking forward to losing the 12 lbs. I gained sitting on my arse, reading and contributing to blogs, and finally being rid of Nancy Grace.

Good luck to all of you dedicated, caring and devoted people who seek justice for those with no voice. I admire each and every one of you, enjoyed your comments and thoughts but I just cannot do it anymore.

I pray I don’t hear about the next child victim – or adult for that matter, because I have come to realise that what I think and feel doesn’t matter. Not one iota.

Best wishes to each and every one of you and God bless Judge Belvin Perry who tried his hardest and his very best to get justise for Caylee Marie Anthony. Who is now, nothing but dust - and even less than that to her own mother.

So sad, so very sad.


We cant give up. Thats what evil wants us to do.I used to feel the same way after my family didnt get the verdict we wanted. If you give up evil wins.I had to tell my sister that evry day. If you give up they win. Thanks to all of you who have been here seeking justice for Caylee.You shine a light in the darkness so truth is reveled.Never give up we know the truth and so does Caylee.
I am APPALLED, SHOCKED, and SICK. Complete injustice for an innocent baby girl who didn't even get a chance at life. I have lost ALL faith in the American justice system. The jury may not know the truth, but the rest of the WORLD does.
I was wondering if Ron Goldman's family was sad today, reliving in their minds the horrible day that justice was denied to their child.
I didn't think I would hurt this much....
I feel absolutely sick over it too! I wish I had a Valium or Xanax right now because I really feel like I need one.

I had my doubts that she would be found guilty of 1st degree murder but she should have been found guilty of SOMETHING!! Whether it was intentional or an accident, as a mother you are responsible for the well being of your children. If something happens to your child it is your job to do what you can to protect that child, in life and death. You cannot just dump your child like a piece of trash and continue on your life as if they didn't matter. At the very least it was a negligent homicide..
What happened today is part of our justice system.. It is flawed, as are all human related creations.. But just as is done with all of these human related creations when tbe flaws are found THEY ARE NOT IGNORED, or coVered for repair with say even some duct tape.. Those flaws are repaired, fixed, improved and with each flaw repaired and even improved the creation becomes a better working and functioning machine.. Our justice system is far from a well oiled, smooth working machine.. It's not even an adequate working machine.. Not when that machine has failed the most innocent of all human beings, failed the complete embodiment of all that is good and pure that we have left in this evil world.. When a completely innocent and very definition of defenseless in every single solitary way.. That Ill functioning machine has produced the ENTIRE OPPOSITE EVERYTHING THIS MACHINE HAS BEEN BUILT TO DO.. to see that justice is served!!!

Not only was justice NOT served..this most innocent and defenseless of all human life has been slaughtered in vain by zero fault of and at the murderous, self serving, and all emcompassing of the purest of evil that walks the face of this earth.. This baby GIRL's "mother".. Caylee today was proven to just not matter.. Lady justice who is not ONly blind but IMO broken.. This broken justice instead of producing the very thing of which it was created to produce.. JUSTICE!! Instead this broken machine that is our justice system null and voided the life of our most innocent and defenseless.. Our justice system instead rewarded/awarded a full embodied of nothing but blackness amd self serving evil!! A brutal murderer today was REWARDED/AWARDED FOR BEING A DAMN FINE AND EFFICIENT KILLER!!

RWARDED/AWARDED FOR BEING A MIGHTY FINE LIAR! skilled in the sheer artistry of the act of lying, conniving, deceiving!!

A victim of the murder of all murders at the hands of her very own flesh and blood mother!!! Caylee's pain filled, terror stricken, huge brown eyes and the last thing those eyes saw and were looking into was the face of evil, the face of a monster, her very own "mother"!!!!

That victim, Caylee her life was proven today to be of zero worth.. The monster that murdered WAS REWARDED/AWARDED FOR BEING A GREAT VICIOUS KILLER.. for doing one helluva bang up job In slaughtering her precious daughter, Caylee!!!! Rewarded for doing a bang up job of then chunking her tiny, lifeless body literally to the wolves to have their way with!!*


The broken and ill working machine of justice handed out top of the line AWARDS/REWARDS to a monster for doing a fabulous job of murdering a defenseless and helpless being, tossing her into the garbage, and lying, conniving, and wasting millions of dollars with her OSCAR Winning performance for lying and covering up that murder!!

The machine of justice is broken.. Severely flawed and if this is ignored, patched up with a little duct tape, and not fixed you can expect for more defenseless, innocent *life to be lost and that murderer to be awarded for doing a bang up job of murdering amd covering up the murder..*

Continue to ignore, but you better pray and pray hard that you or even one of your innocent, defenseless children NOT become one of these free walking, full embodiment of all that is evil murderers that we share our sidewalks with.. Pray to God you or your child not end up a victim of that evil and then to have the ill working machine of justice REWARD THE EVIL AND MONSTROUS MURDERER THAT YOU OR YOUR CHILD ARE THE VICTIM OF.. Unfixed, still broken, and extremely flawed machine of justice will too produce the result we have here to today.. Injustice and REWARDING ALL THAT IT IS EVIL..

No change, no demanding of improvements to this broken creation could soon be rewarding the murderer that slaughtered you or even your defenseless child.. That I can guarantee..

Today justice was not served and infact just the opposite a murdering, lying, conniving MONSTER was rewarded for being one helluva a mighty fine killer and a pathological liar..*
Evil won today and our flawed system produced that WIN!!
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