Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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mfcmom at 6:58 PM July 5, 2011
Okay lawyers out there. Since she has been acquitted, but convicted of lying to the police, admitting the baby died in the pool on June 16th, can she be charged for the costs financially of the search for a "missing child"? Runaway bride was. Perhaps we can do something to help by asking the SA to charge her financially with these costs?
It is with a heavy heart that I write this. I am so sad that there will never be justice for Caylee Marie. We have all invested so much time here discussing the case, going over the evidence, talking things through and praying for justice. Sadly, it wasn't enough. All that it took to create reasonable doubt was some lies told by the DT. It's not right, but it happens everyday. We all must accept the verdict and move on in our lives broken heart and all. It will do none of us any good to keep rehashing the case, wondering where it went wrong.
My son came home from work today and ask me what happened, what went wrong. He had heard the verdict on the radio. Naturally, I started ranting and raving on about the lies and how a murderer will walk away with time served. He stopped me and said "Mom, that girl will never have a peaceful day in her life. Its ruined. People will hassle her and call her names. She will have no friends and who would hire her for a job? She will have to live in fear for her life for quite some time over this verdict too." Then he said " Mom, what if it were really an accident or what if her dad was in on it or what if she just downright killed her baby? We will NEVER know the truth. The truth is something that Casey has to live with the rest of her life". And my son is correct. Casey is on her own now. So are the Anthony family. The most important thing that we all must do is to avoid them. Boycott any press or media involving them. Of course let the networks and advertisers and publishers know. Let us all give the A's the privacy that they desire-COMPLETE PRIVACY. Let us forget they exist. If we stop feeding into the media frenzy it will stop. I turned off the coverage of the case soon after the verdict and I urge you all to do so too. Tonight with my heart filled with sadness I will say a prayer for Caylee Marie and tomorrow move on to a family that needs my help.
I just don't know what to do with myself tonight. I heard the verdict at work and was unable to cry like I wanted. I am home now and do not want to cry in front of my husband and kids. I have tried to bury myself in vacation plans. We are leaving at the end of the week for our annual family vacation. But here I am, surrounding myself with people who I know understand what I am feeling.

I am trying to put my faith in God. Casey will answer one day.

According to the tow yard employee with George, they BOTH smelled the dead body and knew what it was. Why didn't either one of them call the police right then and not touch the car???

IMO, this and the cop getting away with not really looking when Kronk called the first time are the reasons LDB and JA didn't have what they needed to work with to prove beyond a reasonable doubt guilt of ICA.

There was no body in the car, people don`t act on smells in a certain, predictable way.

According to the tow yard employee with George, they BOTH smelled the dead body and knew what it was. Why didn't either one of them call the police right then and not touch the car???

IMO, this and the cop getting away with not really looking when Kronk called the first time are the reasons LDB and JA didn't have what they needed to work with to prove beyond a reasonable doubt guilt of ICA.

He didn't really get away with it. He was fired.
I predict time served or 6 months for the other charges.

Thursday she gets credit for time served and walks out the door with JB. She has to get a sentence in line with what other defendants with the same first time offender (she was not a convict at the time she was charged) received for the same crime.

No way she is not out by the end of the week. And the jury saying they wanted a motive or saying they discussed the case is irrelevant at this point. It would be the basis for a possible mistrial had she been convicted, but she was acquitted, she can announce in graphic detail how she killed her now, you can't unwind that clock.
I got kicked off WS this afternoon shortly after we found out a verdict was coming and for one reason or another haven't been able to get back on till now.

I am heartbroken, frustrated, stunned, outraged, shocked and disgusted. I never thought it would come to this. Mistrail, hung jury maybe but never not guilty. I truly did not see this one coming.

I know how our system works and I am lucky to live in a country with such a system but boy, I really don't respect it at all tonite.

There was no justice for Caylee.
Going around facebook
Porch lights on 9 tonight to 6am for
Caylee Marie Anthony
As the court clerk was reading the verdict, I swear her voice at one point became strained and cracking as the NOT GUILTYs kept coming... did anyone else hear/think/get this?

Today was a sad day for Caylee, indeed.
Rest in Peace Little Angel, so many people tried so hard to bring you justice.

TMZ has a clip of the clerk reading the verdict and it appears that she has to get her composure before she can read it. You can see the shock on her face when she reads it. I would link but my computer is being uncooperative.
Having seen a fair number of high-profile trials, when the announcement came today that the jury had reached a verdict, I felt very confident, much more so than I ever had in other cases, that there would be a conviction. In my mind, it was only a question of whether ICA would be convicted of first degree murder or manslaughter.

Like most of you, I was completely shocked and stunned at the verdict. I am still in a state of disbelief. In other cases I've seen, I might have been able to attribute an acquittal to serious mistakes made by the prosecution, or an extremely capable defense team ... but not in this instance. JA, LDB and FG did an outstanding job, and the DT was rather weak, IMO (though I will say their closing arguments were surprisingly strong).

This is all the more infuriating to me, as survivor of a family violence incident that very nearly took my life, and as a heartbroken mother who had to deal with this matter in court over the protestations and machinations of a certain family member who behaved eerily like CA. Long story that I won't go into here, but suffice it to say, truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

I strongly believe that the intense media coverage surrounding the A case helped contribute to the gross miscarriage of justice that we saw unfold today. I understand why interest in this case has been so great (It certainly grabbed my attention the day Caylee's disappearance made national news), but in the end, I believe the nonstop sensationalistic coverage also contributed to the questionable quality of jurors who were ultimately selected to decide this case. I also believe, due to the increasing prevalence of crime shows, that we are starting to see a "CSI effect," where more potential jurors expect the "smoking gun" of DNA, finger prints, etc. (without the need to resort to the mental effort of piecing together the parts of a circumstantial case), and more potential criminals are starting to figure out how to better cover their tracks.

I do not believe the system worked in this instance. At least for high-profile cases, I think we need to seriously consider the use of professional juries - not just limited to attorneys, but also open to those who are willing to become educated re: legal processes.

What sickens me most of all, is the likelihood that ICA, CA and the jurors in this case will profit handsomely from book deals and continued media coverage of this controversial acquittal. If even 5% of people continue to tune in to the news media concerning this case, I believe that could still translate into large sums of money for these people (at least over the short term). For whatever it's worth, I will have no part in this. As I said earlier, I AM DONE. I will not watch any more coverage of this case, and I will not be buying anyone's book. I will focus my efforts on helping other victims of crime, and I will go back to doing all of the things that I love - especially dancing! Life is just too short ...

ETA: I do take some comfort that ICA's life will never be quite the same. Like OJ, she will be in a prison of sorts, always having to watch her back, being shunned by most everyone, and I also agree that it's only a matter of time before she commits another crime. If I were GA, I'd move out of that house, pronto. ICA and CA deserve each other. Maybe that's what the jury thought, too ...
I followed the Casey Anthony case since July 2008 when she failed to report her daughter missing after 31 days. We had just got back from Florida and my son was the same age as her murdered daughter Caylee. I was drawn to the case since then. To not report a missing child for 31 days - unbelievable. I have spent endless hours reading the evidence that came out through Florida's sunshine laws, gone over everything out their including this board. I am devastated and disgusted that Casey got away with murdering her innocent child. I have been crying for the last two hours - work this afternoon was a blur. I pray the jury will beat their chests and cry bitter tears when they go home and realize what they have done. Hell has a special place for people like Casey Anthony.

Lady Justice weeps tonight, I feel brokenhearted as many of you - RIP Caylee Marie Anthony. My porch light will be on for you tonight.
I have to respectfully disagree with you. She will become a celebrity and people will flock to be around her. The reason I say this is because I used to work with a girl who eventually became OJ's longtime girlfriend after he was aquitted (she was still with him when he eventually went to prison). I know that when they would come home to visit her family people went nuts to be seen with him.
I never once heard anyone ever say anything negative to fact, they tripped over each other to sit at his table and take pictures with him.
I do believe people will clamor to be near Casey even though we all know she is a "baby killer"...sad but true in this day & age.

I agree with you. I have read comments on the CNN stories. She has many supporters and even potential suitors.
I cannot explain the depth of my heartache. Driving home, stunned, I felt that I have no faith in humanity. I want to unplug. Just take care of and worry about my little corner of the world and that's it. I have been obsessed with this case, and during time obsessed with politics as well, and well.....I have just given up on humanity.

It will take me a long time to get over this.
I am also sick and heartbroken over this verdict. I just do NOT understand it. My friends and family had a problem with the murder in the 1st degree part. And while I do believe she thought about it many times before actually doing it, I could see that charge as the ONLY charge coming back not guilty. The other counts was proven beyond a reasonable doubt in my opinion, so what the hell happened????? I am sickened by this "justice system" tonight.
I do hope karma comes onto Casey and the defense team. People have pointed out what happened to OJ and his DT.

Yes! My sister and a friend said the same...even so, I am disgusted with the jury system....she is SO guilty BEYOND reasonable doubt, but the jurors were not intelligent enough to understand the overwhelming evidence against that murderer Casey...which is what we should all remember to speak of her as....and then yes, may she have a rotten life like OJ .
I haven't been a posting member here or anywhere for a long, long time, as my own life is so far from perfect in the last two years that I have not been able to indulge myself with anything other than just hoping my own little family gets by, BUT I have to put this somewhere tonight, so here goes.
Nothing would surpise me about Casey Anthony from what I have learned in the past few years. Nothing she would say or do would cause me to gasp. It is not her allegations, actions or statements that have caused me such dismay as it is only to be expected from someone who I consider depraved, selfish and evil.
My shock and education during this trial has been in witnessing the level her defense team sank to in order to win this case. This is a big thing for me as I have always resented seeing people or hearing people call lawyers names, put them down etc. I have always believed in our system that guarantees everyone the right to counsel. I always could put myself in their shoes, and think, well I can't be smug or superior because what if someone I love did something terrible? I am not saying I would want them to get off scot free, but I would want them to have good counsel, so that however it turned out, there would be a sense that the chips had fallen as they were supposed to. However what I have witnessed here has shaken me to my foundation. I guess I am sheltered, but I truly have never witnessed in my life or on televised trials, or even in my reading on such subjects, a lawyer who got up and was so ruthless, damning, and destructive to victims as Jose Baez. I was so sickened that I felt cheated out of watching this trial in it's entirety as I literally felt ill when he was talking to the point of having to tune out. I knew as I did this, it was ignorant if I wanted to be truly informed at the end of this trial, but that is how strongly he has affected me. He seems very proud of himself, but I am ashamed of him. May the Lord forgive him because I won't, and I know little Caylee is in heaven right now with all this left behind, but today was a sad day for her little memory here. I am finished, and thanks for listening.
on a personal level, as an abuse survivor, the verdict feels like a slap in the face to me. child abuse goes unpunished so frequently. i don't care if ICA was an angelic mom to caylee the rest of the time (which i highly doubt anyway), those pieces of duct tape amount to horrific child abuse which ended in her death, and it doesn't matter. if we truly knew the number of abusive parents out there right this moment who will never be held accountable for their actions, we would probably keel over from how bad we felt about it. i'm having a hard time processing all this today. :sick:
It is with a heavy heart that I write this. I am so sad that there will never be justice for Caylee Marie. We have all invested so much time here discussing the case, going over the evidence, talking things through and praying for justice. Sadly, it wasn't enough. All that it took to create reasonable doubt was some lies told by the DT. It's not right, but it happens everyday. We all must accept the verdict and move on in our lives broken heart and all. It will do none of us any good to keep rehashing the case, wondering where it went wrong.
My son came home from work today and ask me what happened, what went wrong. He had heard the verdict on the radio. Naturally, I started ranting and raving on about the lies and how a murderer will walk away with time served. He stopped me and said "Mom, that girl will never have a peaceful day in her life. Its ruined. People will hassle her and call her names. She will have no friends and who would hire her for a job? She will have to live in fear for her life for quite some time over this verdict too." Then he said " Mom, what if it were really an accident or what if her dad was in on it or what if she just downright killed her baby? We will NEVER know the truth. The truth is something that Casey has to live with the rest of her life". And my son is correct. Casey is on her own now. So are the Anthony family. The most important thing that we all must do is to avoid them. Boycott any press or media involving them. Of course let the networks and advertisers and publishers know. Let us all give the A's the privacy that they desire-COMPLETE PRIVACY. Let us forget they exist. If we stop feeding into the media frenzy it will stop. I turned off the coverage of the case soon after the verdict and I urge you all to do so too. Tonight with my heart filled with sadness I will say a prayer for Caylee Marie and tomorrow move on to a family that needs my help.

WOW!! That is some son you have. Thank you for sharing that with us. How old is he?

Out of the mouth of babes. There really is hope for us all if a young man has this much insight into the life Casey will be leading. Might be that karma that so many have spoken of today.
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