Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

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Doesn't look like JB is going to be held accountable. Any reference or comment made by a Judge or anyone re: possible sanctions or accountability was just a joke. But what is not a joke but is just sad and pathetic and useless - the Florida Bar. If I ever had any doubts that if a person has money or access to high priced experts and attorneys that they can get away with Murder or that "any publicity is good publicity" or that the Florida Bar Association is a "boys club" - this case and JB not being sanctioned put those doubts to rest. Yesterday I saw "the Queen" of interviews, the Icon BW adorn JB with such praise that I expected her to lay flowers at his feet. I am embarrassed for her. I am embarrassed by the American Justice System. I am appalled that more ethical attorneys haven't spoken out against JB's OS and his unethetical behavior before and during the trial and calling for him to be sanctioned.

BBM- you would think (IMO) that merely by association, the rest of the boys would feel kinda dirty.

PS- it's also MPO that this is how lawyers get a bad rap...and in this case deservedly so.
BBM- you would think (IMO) that merely by association, the rest of the boys would feel kinda dirty.

PS- it's also MPO that this is how lawyers get a bad rap...and in this case deservedly so.

Do you think I need to step back and lighten up my posts? Even to me some are an intense read.
Do you think I need to step back and lighten up my posts? Even to me some are an intense read.
I think you're doing just fine. It's a lot to swallow. It makes me cry to see justice thwarted at every turn. When will the powers to be start doing the right thing? Bad behavior continues to be rewarded...heck, now admired? People need to stand up and say "This is wrong!"
I think you're doing just fine. It's a lot to swallow. It makes me cry to see justice thwarted at every turn. When will the powers to be start doing the right thing? Bad behavior continues to be rewarded...heck, now admired? People need to stand up and say "This is wrong!"
You are psychic - I am on here, reading your post and also watching the film "Contact' and it's at the part where Jodie Foster's character is in the plane talking to S. R. Hadden about the primer and he says something along the lines of (paraphrasing) "The powers to be have been quite busy lately, falling over each other to position themselves for the game of the millennium".
Not an exact quote but that was freaky!
The Florida Bar and all Legal Bars in all States are staffed by Attorneys. The only time I have witnessed any action is when it is fudiciary (money) related. It is my opinion and I certainly am not a lawyer but have followed cases. I thought California had the most useless Bar of all but guess not.

I wondered it Mason is a member of the Bar..

The fact that Baez could get away with what he did and it filmed for the world to see is reprehensible, imo...but if Baez misused some of the escrow account for KC and she complained, you may witness them take action.
The Florida Bar and all Legal Bars in all States are staffed by Attorneys. The only time I have witnessed any action is when it is fudiciary (money) related. It is my opinion and I certainly am not a lawyer but have followed cases. I thought California had the most useless Bar of all but guess not.

I wondered it Mason is a member of the Bar..

The fact that Baez could get away with what he did and it filmed for the world to see is reprehensible, imo...but if Baez misused some of the escrow account for KC and she complained, you may witness them take action.

I keep wondering if the JAC will take action because surely many of the expenses Baez requested and were granted would not have applied if he knew Caylee was dead from Day One.....all that money spent investigating the TES searchers - what was the need of that?
I keep wondering if the JAC will take action because surely many of the expenses Baez requested and were granted would not have applied if he knew Caylee was dead from Day One.....all that money spent investigating the TES searchers - what was the need of that?

The Bar doesn't care if the State gets fooled an pays out money. They only care if a client gets taken advantage of financially. Remember the Bar is made up of lawyers. They care about money. Money used from escrow account for wrong purposes can be more easily tracked so they usually find in favor of the client if there are records. IOW, they have no choice. Most complaints go nowhere. Clients file often on their attorneys and some for very good reason. Remember, they are filing to a bunch of lawyers. These lawyers ask for an explanation and the accused lawyer responds (in writing) and we all know they are a master at word manipulation. They are schooled in it.

IIRC Strickland turned in Baez to the Bar. I never heard what sanctions they imposed on Baez. Apparently not much, if any at all.
I keep wondering if the JAC will take action because surely many of the expenses Baez requested and were granted would not have applied if he knew Caylee was dead from Day One.....all that money spent investigating the TES searchers - what was the need of that?

:seeya::seeya::seeya: Me,Me,Pick me!!! I know! To prove RK took Caylee's body from the woods ,hid it,put duct tape on her skull and returned her remains back to the woods.JB was just trying to prove RK had possession of Caylee's body for awhile. Takes a lot of money to prove the absurd.:crazy::propeller::bud:
I found it disgusting that Cindy admitted in the Dr. P interview that JB manufactured his opening statement....she would know. I thought there were ethics that compelled an attorney to be truthful in the statements made in court, and if they could not be proven or backed by facts, then they SHOULD NOT make them.

In other words, DON'T LIE IN OPEN COURT .... as a member of the a representative of the Court......

But once again....Good Ole' JB skirts under the line....and smirks while doing it.
If my son "won" a case the way JB "won" this case I would be ashamed of my son. I believe JB is an embarrassment to our legal system. How other countries must be laughing. It's time for me to move on. I'll be waiting for JA's book. I know his mom is proud of him, she will walk with her head held high, she will never walk in shame!
If my son "won" a case the way JB "won" this case I would be ashamed of my son. I believe JB is an embarrassment to our legal system. How other countries must be laughing. It's time for me to move on. I'll be waiting for JA's book. I know his mom is proud of him, she will walk with her head held high, she will never walk in shame!

Well said Grammie. :)
:seeya::seeya::seeya: Me,Me,Pick me!!! I know! To prove RK took Caylee's body from the woods ,hid it,put duct tape on her skull and returned her remains back to the woods.JB was just trying to prove RK had possession of Caylee's body for awhile. Takes a lot of money to prove the absurd.:crazy::propeller::bud:

bobkealing bob kealing
#fla bar confirms two complaints re #josebaez and his rep of #caseyanthony now with Grievance Committee. The Bar's version of a grand jury.

Does anyone know what this means? IOW did his complaints ever get this far before or were they dismissed before going to the Grievance Committee?
bobkealing bob kealing
#fla bar confirms two complaints re #josebaez and his rep of #caseyanthony now with Grievance Committee. The Bar's version of a grand jury.

Does anyone know what this means? IOW did his complaints ever get this far before or were they dismissed before going to the Grievance Committee?

I sure hope they chastise him for not proving his opening statement. He gave that knowing full well FCA was not going to take the stand. Can they do that?
Sentinel Casey Anthony alert: Attorney Jose Baez faces two Florida Bar complaints stemming from Casey Anthony trial
bobkealing bob kealing
#fla bar confirms two complaints re #josebaez and his rep of #caseyanthony now with Grievance Committee. The Bar's version of a grand jury.

Does anyone know what this means? IOW did his complaints ever get this far before or were they dismissed before going to the Grievance Committee?

I'm not sure if it ever got that far before but I don't think so. Here are a couple of links. The first is a list of those attorneys and lay people who are on the Grievance Committee he would be under. It's interesting that some of the people on this committee are non-lawyers. Where do I go to get hired? LOL

This one is where you would watch for the results of any actions (nope he's not there yet)

Right at 2:07 it was stated that the Florida Bar is investigating whether Jose Baez intentionally ignored court orders about defense experts. The Florida Bar said they read about the alleged infractions in the media.

And about Cheney Mason flipping the bird at the party. Another lawyer made this complaint.

I am reading back in the thread to refresh my memory on what are the Bar complaints
I found 1, above...looking for the other....
I'm not sure if it ever got that far before but I don't think so. Here are a couple of links. The first is a list of those attorneys and lay people who are on the Grievance Committee he would be under. It's interesting that some of the people on this committee are non-lawyers. Where do I go to get hired? LOL

This one is where you would watch for the results of any actions (nope he's not there yet)

Thanks for the links! Looks like the Bar gives a monthly update.,0,4260800.story

Also on Wednesday, The Florida Bar told the Orlando Sentinel that defense attorney Jose Baez is the target of an investigation related to the probation issue.

The Florida Bar told the Sentinel that it has an open probe into Baez — Anthony's lead defense attorney — related to him knowing about Anthony serving her probation, but not alerting the court that the Department of Corrections was not following the judge's order.

---( putting this article from the 'current news' on the appropriate thread..)

Yup, the Probation issue is one of the Bar Complaints

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