Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

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I think that in this case HHJP should definitely sanction JB for the discovery issues or this will be allowed to occur in other courts. I wonder if there is a way to find out if he has done so, or will do so.
I think JB should be in BIG trouble for alleging sexual abuse. I mean, he admits his client is a huge liar and then he says she was in a incestual relationship EVEN at age 13 and HE (Baez) BELIEVED THAT???? Gimme a break!
I think that in this case HHJP should definitely sanction JB for the discovery issues or this will be allowed to occur in other courts. I wonder if there is a way to find out if he has done so, or will do so.

HHJP may prove true to his word but I am not sure it will happen for awhile. I think HHJP was just as shocked as we are at the verdict. He has no doubt seen the justice system's imperfections at times before but since this acquittal is such an outrageous failure of justice I think everyone--including the judge--may need some time to regroup.

With that said, I would bet that even if sanctions do happen, the Florida Bar will not do much of anything to JB.
I absolutely think JP will follow through. The Bar isn't a big fan of JB's to start and this won't help any but in the end he prob pays a fine and is censured. I'm also not so sure JB continues as a lawyer. I think he would prefer to be TH. This verdict aside I still wouldn't hire him and I don't think I'm alone.
FLmom777, if you ever need a defense attorney, trust me - most are not like that. As long as you stay away from those who advertise on television, you'll be fine. The defense attorneys I work for were all unimpressed with a lot of JB's behavior, and I know from sitting in on various trials for classwork as well, that's not the usual behavior. Most attorneys, whether for the state or the defense, show proper respect for the court and play by the rules. We just happen to hear more via the media about those that don't.

Thank you for this reassurance. I doubt I would ever need such assistance, but there are cases of people being wrongly accused.
Thank you for this reassurance. I doubt I would ever need such assistance, but there are cases of people being wrongly accused.

Thiis true, but I bet they don't make up big old whoppers and expect their attorneys to buy it hook, line and sinker. I think we should consider ourselves lucky if no one has ever falsely accused of doing something we did not do. It happens all the time just doesn't end up in criminal court. jmo
IF JP does NOT follow thru..I will beome very skeptical..JP knows the law and all those side bars he had to intruct JB on LAW yet JB continued to dismiss his intructions...This is only during the trial...Yikes..JP was trying to protect the record..however..JB's infractions were blantant and ignored "THE LAW" somehow, I feel JP wil hold JB accountable...folowing that..JB will lose his license to practice law..But I am sure he hopes to either back KC or think he had a Media TH career ahead of him....

JB is and was a bottom feeder and happen to find his ticket to ride..and it will be up to Caylee "Just Us for Caylee" to make sure whatever and whomever he wishes to contract with will avoid this masty, low blow attny to prosper due to his actions!! The "Jurors" were snow'd and brainwashed..and I balme the Death Penalty venue:banghead:

DP is something each and every prosecuting attny needs to undersatand just when to go for LWOP and lessors thus no need to DP qualify..

BTW I mis-typed qualify..but after watching JB,CM and especially AF..I tend to believe its a Quantify...and embed their (DT) "MERCY" thoughts...I was always worried that JP allowed this?..and somehow..DT programmed this jury NOT to look at evidence..only the Dysfunctions..GEEEEEESSGGGGHHHH!!

IMO..No Lawyer should be abe to ask a potential juror their thoughts on "Mercy"!!

LindyLou, I really don't think it would've have mattered much, these jurors did not take their job serious. One of them was on TV saying the prosecution didn't prove a motive.....hello, they don't have it, it's in the rules they gave you! Then, she said they didn't prove whether it was Casey or Cindy that did the searches...what about the cell pings that show GA went to work that day, CA was at work that day, & Casey went back hom THAT day... They just either didn't care or just wanted to hurry & go home...either way, I don't they fully understood how big this was and how people would feel about them! I do agree about JB, his tactics being allowed & I feel he should be held accountable for the OS.
saw this and signed it today
(looks like his last name was spelled wrong, but over 2,000 signers so far)

www.change .org/petitions/josebeaz
And if this is true that I snipped from the "All Sorts Of People Suing Casey" thread,perhaps he can be given some new punishments...

Originally Posted by roseofsharon View Post
And in the past two days, JB has made reference to Caylee being murdered!!

Did JB forget the defense's theory or has the truth come out!!!

I absolutely think JP will follow through. The Bar isn't a big fan of JB's to start and this won't help any but in the end he prob pays a fine and is censured. I'm also not so sure JB continues as a lawyer. I think he would prefer to be TH. This verdict aside I still wouldn't hire him and I don't think I'm alone.

But did JB really accuse GA. I remember JB saying KC "could" have had GA's her mouth and then gone out on the playground at school and act like nothing had happened. He did not say she did. He never said KC said he did. Not sure how JB started out but I caught that right away. Obviously that part got lost on the jury. jmo
Any word or update at all on JBP's actions re:sanctions against JB? I haven't heard any reference to it anywhere?
Why does everyone hold such hatred for JB and want his career ruined? He did not kill Caylee. If everyone thinks he such a bad attorney, then you must also think that he had nothing to do with the not guilty verdict. Why the vendetta against JB? Why would anyone take pleasure in seeing a man's career ruined because you did not like his client? Does this bring justice for Caylee? If you had a child Caylee's age, would you teach them to hate like this?

I don't know any lawyers with proper reasons would be in talks with a major tv network at the very beginning of the case and the talks took days for an amount of money never paid before for pictures of a supposed missing child and would have the non grieving mother sneak them to him and keep it hush hush.
Hope I am not posting off-topic, but could not find a more appropriate thread for this.

Baez, who was born in Puerto Rico and raised in New York and Florida, had to take a winding path to becoming a criminal lawyer, even after he graduated law school. He passed the written test for the Florida Bar, but he was denied admission by the Florida Board of Bar Examiners because of a list of complaints about his personal and financial conduct.

The Florida Supreme Court upheld the bar's decision in 2000 for not paying child support for a daughter he had with his first wife and for what it called "very serious doubts as to his respect for the rights of others and for the law," like writing worthless checks.

I'd not heard this before!

This is so ironic. Birds of a Feather......

Right at 2:07 it was stated that the Florida Bar is investigating whether Jose Baez intentionally ignored court orders about defense experts. The Florida Bar said they read about the alleged infractions in the media.

And about Cheney Mason flipping the bird at the party. Another lawyer made this complaint.

Right at 2:07 it was stated that the Florida Bar is investigating whether Jose Baez intentionally ignored court orders about defense experts. The Florida Bar said they read about the alleged infractions in the media.

And about Cheney Mason flipping the bird at the party. Another lawyer made this complaint.

Very interesting. Thank you.
Well the good thing is that they started this investigation on Baez without a complaint. That tells me they want to know what happened.
I have lost my faith a lot since watching this trial, unfortunately. Although I love the justice system and the law I'm disappointed watching it be manipulated by the Defense team. And I'm so deeply saddened that a murderer will walk free on Sunday and will be partying it up like there's no tomorrow that same night.

Having said that I no longer hold any hope that anyone including JB and CM will be held accountable for what they may have or may have neglected to do in this case. It's over and I'm saddened that this will now become the status quo. I would like to think HHJP will do the right thing, but I've just lost any sort of hope that anyone will do the right thing. I thought for certain 12 people would be intelligent enough to do what was proper and they failed, failed miserably. So I don't think I can muster up the hope to think that JB will be held anymore accountable than his murdering client.
John Gotti was named the Teflon Don, I think that name fit's the entire Anthony entourage, including everyone from ICA (yes, to me still an Inmate) the entire Anthony family to the entire Defense Team. They will all go on their merry way without a care in the world. They won and nothing will stick. With that said, I believe very strongly in Karma, and what you give you will get back tenfold. Life is funny that way. Note to self, have patience.
I wonder...why would JB ask DC to notify him rather than LE if DC found Caylee's body?

Follow me here...If good ol' George was the one to take and get rid of Caylee against KC's wishes, wouldn't the defense want LE to be able to find Caylee and gather evidence against George or gather evidence of a drowning? Isn't the defense, by inference in their story, postulating that KC could not tell them where Caylee was because she did not know? Sure she was forced to lie about the drowning or George the Boogey Molester would come get her, but JB never said KC did not want the body found.

At any rate, I wonder what the bar ever did with that complaint. I find it deplorable that he asked DC to do that, and I actually believe DC because I think the pressure was getting to him and he wanted the monkey off of his back before the state got it out of him.

ETA-My question above is rhetorical-I know why Jose wanted DC to do that. Yet another thing I wish would have slipped out of DC's mouth on the stand, so that the jury would lose faith in their best buddy Baez.
I think DC's complaint to the bar was because JB did not pay him for his services. I could be mistaken but I think that is what happened. During DC's depo he came out with JB told him to call him if DC found the body and suddenly DC wanted to go off tape. I don't think we heard it again.

Anyone think JB may be looking for a new place to live? Maybe he is the one interested in PR. jmo

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