Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

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Oh wait, the phone calls from him were early morning June 2nd (in the 3 a.m. area according to HLN's map) and the Flickr pic uploads started just after midnight June 3rd - 12:28 a.m. PDT on the Zion Ponder pic.
Thanks GeeVee!! Glad to be here! My laptop recently passed away so I'm on my iPod til I get a new one so I can't enlarge or look at pics in the manner I would like,but I would bet that it is indeed a buckle or strap for the camera. Do we know for certain that she indeed used his camera for the attack shots or just used hers & put her card in there & uploaded/transfer to his? IDK,just a thought.wonder if TA had a strap on his camera?
Ok, some more questions..
1-where or whom did she get/buy 2nd gun from?? MM maybe? Or somewhere in Yreka?
2-we know the last logon attempt was @ 4:54pm on TA's laptop,but we don't know if it was successful or not,was this her? We know he was on emailing a short time before that,@4 something.IMO, this was her.
3-TA on floor/JA foot shot- was this pic of her sitting on knees,back of jacket shown,not foot(looks like a hemline to a sweatsuit jacket,slitting his throat? Is that what's happening in that very moment?? Looks like it. Also in interrogation she says that's TAs bathroom but we all know it was @ end of hall.
4-Thomas brown(old roomie)statement on FB saying TA face was surprised when she showed up @ 4am,when was this from? And what was this protection rite he talked about & what was it for??
5-Dr.Horn said a piece of glass was on TA body when he did autopsy, what was it from? The glass she used to rinse TA with? It looked plastic to me. She said to Flores she,awhile back cut hand on it washing napolean when it dropped & broke,was it looked at closely?
6-All calls,texts to TA after 12:15 text to C.Hughes were never answered,only an email or so at around 4,which may or may not have been him, is it possible it went down earlier than we think or do u think that's correct? Why did he not answer or call back Anyone?did Roomie Zach see or hear him when he was home at 3-4?? He saw him @ 11-11:30am..
7-what all did MM know and/or participate in?
8-why did Patricia Womack decide right before not to speak in behalf of JA? Caught in a lie?? JM had her arrest record with DUI and heroin charge & she didn't want that becoming public and thrown in her face on tv?
9-she knew of TA being on YT @ 4am,how did she know? Was she in house that long hiding or she checked browser history??
10- And MOST Importantly, WHEN can I get my hands on & read the freak'n MANIFESTO???? Lol..
No, I haven't spent much time thinking about this case.
Omg!! I'm so sorry for the novel.. I just died when I realized how long it was!! :facepalm:
Omg!! I'm so sorry for the novel.. I just died when I realized how long it was!! :facepalm:

That's not a novel, just a few questions. lmao It's a long case, we need lots of words. :)

Ok, some more questions..
1-where or whom did she get/buy 2nd gun from?? MM maybe? Or somewhere in Yreka?

Gun shop I think, nothing covert about it, she registered it so it was a legal purchase.

2-we know the last logon attempt was @ 4:54pm on TA's laptop,but we don't know if it was successful or not,was this her? We know he was on emailing a short time before that,@4 something.IMO, this was her.

I think this was her also, if he was still be capable of getting on the computer, he'd have answered his phone, she couldn't mimic him on the phone but could get on his computer and into his e-mail as she had his p/ws.

3-TA on floor/JA foot shot- was this pic of her sitting on knees,back of jacket shown,not foot(looks like a hemline to a sweatsuit jacket,slitting his throat? Is that what's happening in that very moment?? Looks like it. Also in interrogation she says that's TAs bathroom but we all know it was @ end of hall.

I have had similar thoughts about that, but still haven't reached conclusion. When you get a laptop/PC, look at the reflections on the floor in front of them and let me know if you make anything out. I see something, and it fits with all the wounds we know he suffered on his front side, but I can't figure out how it could be there. Maybe a superimposed image if the camera was on auto and constantly taking pics, or maybe just an artifact that looks stunningly like T laying there with all chest wounds visible, or maybe just my overworked imagination. lol

4-Thomas brown(old roomie)statement on FB saying TA face was surprised when she showed up @ 4am,when was this from? And what was this protection rite he talked about & what was it for??

I read his FB postings early on and even at this late date don't know how he has any idea T was surprised that JA called from outside the door at 4:00 a.m. (wouldn't that call have shown on T's phone?) or why Brown would do a protection rite, he never spoke to T after JA came to have any info at all. He was the one JA told Flores to 'look into', maybe a tit for tat on his part?

5-Dr.Horn said a piece of glass was on TA body when he did autopsy, what was it from? The glass she used to rinse TA with? It looked plastic to me. She said to Flores she,awhile back cut hand on it washing napolean when it dropped & broke,was it looked at closely?

I thought Horn was referring to the plastic glass found on top of T in the shower, did he also mention glass in his autopsy?

6-All calls,texts to TA after 12:15 text to C.Hughes were never answered,only an email or so at around 4,which may or may not have been him, is it possible it went down earlier than we think or do u think that's correct? Why did he not answer or call back Anyone?did Roomie Zach see or hear him when he was home at 3-4?? He saw him @ 11-11:30am..

I'm not sold on the time stamps, I don't believe the nudies were taken that day so I also have to question the other time stamped pics. No conclusion yet though.

7-what all did MM know and/or participate in?

I would love to know this too.

8-why did Patricia Womack decide right before not to speak in behalf of JA? Caught in a lie?? JM had her arrest record with DUI and heroin charge & she didn't want that becoming public and thrown in her face on tv?

Fear of JM would be my best bet.

9-she knew of TA being on YT @ 4am,how did she know? Was she in house that long hiding or she checked browser history??

Checked his computer is my guess, if there's one thing I've learned from studying everything, her hands never stopped, whether in the pics, his office, everywhere, her hands were never stilled.

10- And MOST Importantly, WHEN can I get my hands on & read the freak'n MANIFESTO???? Lol..

Oh honeychild, I want to read that manifesto too, I'm sure we will all get many chuckles out of it.

No, I haven't spent much time thinking about this case.

LOL, same here.
Hi everyone. Long time lurker and really enjoy this particular thread! Here's one for you Geevee. I am one of those who think the nude pictures were not taken on June 4th. If you look at the one of Jodi lying on the bed in the full frontal pose, you will see that there is a portion of her hair hanging over her left eye that is not within the braid. (I have shorter pieces of hair framing my face that are always escaping when I put it up, in a pony tail, etc.). When you look at the mug shots and the interrogation tapes which were about five weeks later I never see any shorter pieces of hair seen in the nude photo. And forget the various shades of brown. I can't keep up with them. I'm just throwing this out there to see what you all think. Thanks and again I look forward each day to see what is going on with this read. Love all you dedicated websleuthers!
6-All calls,texts to TA after 12:15 text to C.Hughes were never answered,only an email or so at around 4,which may or may not have been him, is it possible it went down earlier than we think or do u think that's correct? Why did he not answer or call back Anyone?did Roomie Zach see or hear him when he was home at 3-4?? He saw him @ 11-11:30am..

I'm not sold on the time stamps, I don't believe the nudies were taken that day so I also have to question the other time stamped pics. No conclusion yet though.


I never stopped to question the time stamp, but it could have been incorrect. Given that Enrique says he was home between 6 and 6:30, it would make more sense if the time stamp was off by a number of hours. Like everything going down in the morning after roommates left, with her figuring she had plenty of time...this would also give her more time to stage the scene and get herself cleaned up.

The prosecution had to go with the time stamps; to try to argue that the hours were off slightly would put them in a weaker position overall of not taking evidence at face value.

Is it possible that she sent the text to Chris Hughes just past noon?

I don't recall an email being sent around 4...can someone please direct me to this information?

If the camera was badly damaged, does anyone know if forensic people would have been able to determine the time setting on the internal memory of the camera?
Hi everyone. Long time lurker and really enjoy this particular thread! Here's one for you Geevee. I am one of those who think the nude pictures were not taken on June 4th. If you look at the one of Jodi lying on the bed in the full frontal pose, you will see that there is a portion of her hair hanging over her left eye that is not within the braid. (I have shorter pieces of hair framing my face that are always escaping when I put it up, in a pony tail, etc.). When you look at the mug shots and the interrogation tapes which were about five weeks later I never see any shorter pieces of hair seen in the nude photo. And forget the various shades of brown. I can't keep up with them. I'm just throwing this out there to see what you all think. Thanks and again I look forward each day to see what is going on with this read. Love all you dedicated websleuthers!

Hiya Gryphon! Good observations, I too think her hair near her face looks much more like back when she had the highlights, I also tried looking for the shorter hair and couldn't see it in later pics.

It's so dark in that nudie pic that the highlights wouldn't show up as bright as in the outside shots, and if she'd just had her hair darkened, it would look black in that pic, not medium brownish.

Glad to have you here, Gryphon. :)

I never stopped to question the time stamp, but it could have been incorrect. Given that Enrique says he was home between 6 and 6:30, it would make more sense if the time stamp was off by a number of hours. Like everything going down in the morning after roommates left, with her figuring she had plenty of time...this would also give her more time to stage the scene and get herself cleaned up.

The prosecution had to go with the time stamps; to try to argue that the hours were off slightly would put them in a weaker position overall of not taking evidence at face value.

Is it possible that she sent the text to Chris Hughes just past noon?
I don't recall an email being sent around 4...can someone please direct me to this information?

If the camera was badly damaged, does anyone know if forensic people would have been able to determine the time setting on the internal memory of the camera?

I never thought about that, she sure could have sent the text to CH, she would know he'd sound the alarm if he didn't hear back from T before the conference call (and it still mystifies me that CH did not sound an alarm when T missed that conference call). But we don't know what that text said, I don't recall CH being asked about it, do you?

I don't know if they could tell the time setting from the camera, I thought Melendez said it wouldn't power up but I could be wrong, didn't he say no pics were on it's internal memory? Doesn't it have to power up in order to get to the internal memory? I can't offload pics from mine until it's turned on.
I was googling for a pic of the exif data that someone got of the back of the full face pic when they were trying to see the reflection in his eyes, to my knowledge that's the only pic that had exif data on it. Could not find the image but found a pic of the bottom of the shower floor I have never seen before, only the cup is in it, but there is a narrow, rectangular outline that looks really odd. If I can find it later I'll drop a link here.
I am new around here also but have been following this trial from the beginning! I have gone thru alot of previous forums and posts and have already learned many new things about this trial! I have many questions just like everybody else...but thing that stood out to me from the very beginning that still doesnt make sense to me is the laundry in the washer. How did the roomates not see this? I thought at least one of the roomates said they had done laundry in that time? Just seems like someone would have wanted to wash clothes and noticed a camera or something that seemed odd to them (maybe blood?). Also it is wierd that none of the roomates found it strange that Napolean was blocked off from going upstairs. I thought Napolean was normally free to roam the house. Just seems really strange that nobody even bothered to call Travis to see if he had in fact already left for his trip to Cancun? Anyone else have thoughts on this..?
Refresh my memory please.

When was the picture of CMJA wearing the "Travis Alexander's" t-shirt taken? IIRC, she took a picture of the t and undies after Travis died for a keepsake, but was this picture of her wearing the t-shirt taken at the same time?

The reason for asking is that her hair is quite blonde, at least the bangs. This would indicate another lie, but for what reason?
I won't be much help; Dworkin testified that the pic with the panties and tshirt was taken July 12, 2008, more than a month after T died.

I don't know about the pic with her in the tshirt, I'm not sure if I've ever seen a date for it.

There's mention of JW entering that pic into evidence but don't see a date for when the pic was taken.

Her bangs are awfully short and light in that pic though, huh?
I won't be much help; Dworkin testified that the pic with the panties and tshirt was taken July 12, 2008, more than a month after T died.

I don't know about the pic with her in the tshirt, I'm not sure if I've ever seen a date for it.

There's mention of JW entering that pic into evidence but don't see a date for when the pic was taken.

Her bangs are awfully short and light in that pic though, huh?

That Tshirt pic could not have been taken AFTER TA was murdered since just weeks earlier her hair was deep dark brown. Or, is it possible? Was her hair blonde or very highlighted when she was arrested? I don't think so. She also didn't have bangs after the murder, did she? Her mug shot didn't show any.

According to Chris Hughes, that Tshirt - Travis Alexander's was only shown from the front view. He stated in an interview on Dr Drew that the back said something about TA's blog page. In other words, the Tshirt was a walking advertisement but JA made it sound like TA was possessive of her. UGH!

I have only two things to say about JA......

Some people just need a hug...around the neck...with a rope and instead of donating her hair, she should donate her blood.......all of it :giggle: Don't beat me mods!!!
I won't be much help; Dworkin testified that the pic with the panties and tshirt was taken July 12, 2008, more than a month after T died.

I don't know about the pic with her in the tshirt, I'm not sure if I've ever seen a date for it.

There's mention of JW entering that pic into evidence but don't see a date for when the pic was taken.

Her bangs are awfully short and light in that pic though, huh?

Willmott introduced the picture during her opening argument. I can't find a transcript and right now, I cannot bring myself to listen to her. From what I am hearing it was basically thrown out there to show how possessive Travis was without any further elaboration.

The background of the picture looks like it could be in Travis's house, possibly the bedroom. There is a tall piece of furniture in the background. The paint color looks similar to his house.
Looks like crown moulding in the room she's in - did T's house have that?
What's this??

Okay, I don't know why that's opening like a video, it's another Flickr account with pics of Travis in it.

[ame=""]Guy Travis Alexander collage 3 4 2013 | Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]
Shoot, I can't make that link come normally, about a dozen or so pics of T from glancing through the stream, but other pics there as well.

One of them I have been looking for, his driver's license. I recalled the autopsy said his eyes were brown, but I read a comment early on from someone who knew him saying they missed his clear blue eyes. His driver's license, on the other hand, says they are Green. Way too odd.
Shoot, I can't make that link come normally, about a dozen or so pics of T from glancing through the stream, but other pics there as well.

One of them I have been looking for, his driver's license. I recalled the autopsy said his eyes were brown, but I read a comment early on from someone who knew him saying they missed his clear blue eyes. His driver's license, on the other hand, says they are Green. Way too odd.

I think the confusion comes from the word Hazel. You can basically put brown or green eyes on a DL. My mom has hazel eyes and sometimes they look green sometimes brown. What I don't understand is how they could look blue to some??

I can't find a pic of Travis' house that includes ceiling/crown molding to tell if he did or not :(
I think the confusion comes from the word Hazel. You can basically put brown or green eyes on a DL. My mom has hazel eyes and sometimes they look green sometimes brown. What I don't understand is how they could look blue to some??

I can't find a pic of Travis' house that includes ceiling/crown molding to tell if he did or not :(

I know there wasn't any in the upper hallway. lol

I have a couple downstairs pics, I'll look and see if I can find any crown moulding anywhere.

ETA: None in a CSI pic of his bedroom.

Yeah, I was stunned by that comment about his "clear" blue eyes because I was sure I'd seen them listed as different but couldn't find his DL to see what that said, hard to tell in most pics of him but I thought they looked lighter than the 'brown' on the autopsy report.
I've been staring at the photo of 5:33:32 you posted a little bit back and comparing with those I have, for the longest time I've thought that a hand/fingers were in the foreground and your pic (which is the clearest I've seen so far) convinced me further.

This one below is the best I have been able to get of what seems to be touching the lens - a hand/fingers either brushing by or reaching to pick up the camera.


You can make out two distinct fingernails, top left and far right (which seems to have hit the lens and has blood dripping from the nail), I'm still not positive of what the larger shape is, if that's T's hand, maybe it's his forearm.

That metal on very far left is still driving me bonkers.

And Nolachurch, I meant to elaborate on the part in your previous post where you mentioned about the blue maybe being a jacket hem (in 5:32:16), I've had similar thoughts and it's certainly possible, with some things I think I see there, a leg in that position makes little sense, I'll work some more on that pic later today and post if I can get a pic worth looking at.
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