Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

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Settlement Conference

From http://www.maricopacountyattorney.o...inal-trials/adult-criminal-trial-process.html...

"In some cases, the trial Judge assigned to a case will order the parties to meet with another Judge to discuss possible resolutions to a case short of trial. At the conference there is an exchange of views, and the Court will typically suggest ideas to attempt a resolution. The victim has a right to be present and express his/her views whenever the defendant is present. The trial Judge can only participate in such discussions with the consent of both parties."
OT - Regarding junk - we've done this more times than I can count...Just rip the part(s) out with your name and addy, and stuff the junk mail (or ANOTHER junk mailer) into their SASE/no postage necessary envelopes...and MAIL it, lol...They pay to get their own crap back, or someone else's crap...

:floorlaugh: I do that too!!
Okay, here's the floor reflection pic I said I'd label and post, pretty sure you'll need a regular monitor to make out the details. I don't for the life of me understand how it can be there unless it's a superimposed image but the visible wounds are all where we know them to be. I'll leave it up to you all, maybe it's just a merging of artifacts or just plain spookiness, I don't know, but here it is.


This is incredible. And something you should send to JM. It is amazing how you have shown us right there, TA with all his wounds and there is JA face right there.
Okay, here's the floor reflection pic I said I'd label and post, pretty sure you'll need a regular monitor to make out the details. I don't for the life of me understand how it can be there unless it's a superimposed image but the visible wounds are all where we know them to be. I'll leave it up to you all, maybe it's just a merging of artifacts or just plain spookiness, I don't know, but here it is.


wow geevee! really amazing image.....thank you for all the sleuthing you do! Is there any possible way that this is a reflection in the shower door created when JA is trying to hoist poor, dear Travis into the shower stall??
This is incredible. And something you should send to JM. It is amazing how you have shown us right there, TA with all his wounds and there is JA face right there.

I wish I could see something but I can't make out anything other than it looks like a design in the tile?????
I wish I could see something but I can't make out anything other than it looks like a design in the tile?????

I feel your pain LambChop. At first I couldn't see anything either. But somehow, after looking more form a distance, and not so closely, I saw it. Maybe try this-the line going from where geevee has written JA's face...that line ends on JA's forehead, right above her eyes.
wow geevee! really amazing image.....thank you for all the sleuthing you do! Is there any possible way that this is a reflection in the shower door created when JA is trying to hoist poor, dear Travis into the shower stall??

This is one of the final images of Travis, taken in the hallway.

A splotch of blood in a poor quality image has been transformed into CMJA and Travis during his final moments of life.

I'm a bit distressed about this "sleuthing", as it is really stretching things outside of the realms of possibility. While I can appreciate the fervor behind it, I don't want to see this take on a life of its own. Before anyone comments on this further, please go back through the posts to see how this evolved.

No offense intended to the OP, who clearly stated that this was not possible unless the image was superimposed.
This is one of the final images of Travis, taken in the hallway.

A splotch of blood in a poor quality image has been transformed into CMJA and Travis during his final moments of life.

I'm a bit distressed about this "sleuthing", as it is really stretching things outside of the realms of possibility. While I can appreciate the fervor behind it, I don't want to see this take on a life of its own. Before anyone comments on this further, please go back through the posts to see how this evolved.

No offense intended to the OP, who clearly stated that this was not possible unless the image was superimposed.

No offense taken gc :), and I don't intend for it to go anywhere except right here. Yes, it looks like the two of them but realistically I do not see how it could be except for being superimposed, which in itself is a long shot. It's just spooky how it looks so much like them in a position we might expect to see given the circumstances.

Maybe I'll download that program I posted about above and see if I can get any clarification on any of the pics, but I think that may be a longshot as well, since I figure Melendez' photo equipment has probably already taken out as much motion as is likely while maintaining the authenticity of the photos, but it's worth a try I suppose, I believe the courts have strict guidelines on how much 'enhancement' is allowed and still be 'the picture that was taken', as it were.
No offense taken gc :), and I don't intend for it to go anywhere except right here. Yes, it looks like the two of them but realistically I do not see how it could be except for being superimposed, which in itself is a long shot. It's just spooky how it looks so much like them in a position we might expect to see given the circumstances.

Maybe I'll download that program I posted about above and see if I can get any clarification on any of the pics, but I think that may be a longshot as well, since I figure Melendez' photo equipment has probably already taken out as much motion as is likely while maintaining the authenticity of the photos, but it's worth a try I suppose, I believe the courts have strict guidelines on how much 'enhancement' is allowed and still be 'the picture that was taken', as it were.

I couldn't see Caylee's outline in the trunk until someone drew it out for me. I'm just not good at picking images out of photos.
I wish I could see something but I can't make out anything other than it looks like a design in the tile?????

It took me a minute.. Well more than that..

But I see it now and now I cannot NOT see it..
Gcharlie (or anyone else), would you be more comfortable if I removed the picture? I didn't mean to offend anyone.
Gcharlie (or anyone else), would you be more comfortable if I removed the picture? I didn't mean to offend anyone.

I think the picture is fine. For myself, I can't see anything but we know what the picture is and we have seen it before from the court pictures. It's just hard for some to look at when we think about what JA did to Travis. At some point she had to have looked into his eyes while she was stabbing him. She tries by her tweets to make herself seem normal but she is far from it. jmo
I have a question- or 6...
1-Does anyone know who and what the 10 pics they found in CMJA cell on 1/1/09 were of?? she got written up for it,I was just wondering if any were of Travis??
2-In the autopsy report, it states TA had alot of Right shin bruises,etc. they were obviously inflicted before death to bruise right? Dr.Horn said they were before death & I know they are consistent w/being dragged,kicked over n over,but that means he was still alive when she dragged him???? In the lower body/sit down pic, he has a couple that i saw but I saw those pics on my phone so Not sure if I was seeing them correctly.. Maybe her pulling him in the shower,I guess..
3-Did they ever say he was missing any of his pillows with the tassles??
4-The floor cleaner- when was it set up??just seems weird it was all set up,furniture up,etc and nothing done,was she gonna try to use it upstairs in his room on the floor but no time? I may be reading into it too much...;P
5-Ryan Burns said the trip was planned for over 2 wks, was it last attempt to make TA jealous & then became her alibi or was she planning it longer than I thought? I think she made her decision after the May 26th email & Final decision on May 28th,the moment she found out he was taking Mimi to Cancun...
6-Gus Searcy....WTH is wrong with that Dipstick?? what a loser! IMO,he just wanted to slip himself into the case for attention..Good Grief..:facepalm:
and I used to live in Flagstaff, an almost 2hr drive from Phx, North. there was a hwy I lived off of,60 maybe?- that led straight to the Grand Canyon. Maybe where she went to burn evidence and throw gun over one of the rims??? It took less than an hr to get from Flagstaff.then off to Utah for her alibi??or maybe crater lake? just a few thoughts/questions Ive had running around in my head...
I agree with GC: The quality of this photo makes it impossible to analyze, other than gathering that it is a pic of some part of Travis, probably in the hallway. Was there ever a time stamp on it? I don't remember any testimony about it. ?
Holy Stromboli!! Im on the Mac and see the fingers Clear as day now!!! I cant believe I never saw it before. It almost looks like the big one is sliced all to he**, thats what I thought it was at first but leaning towards Travis' arm or something else now...If it was,she darn near took sliced that puppy off. LOL!
** I was trying to include the drag body/finger pic, have not gotten the quote thingie down yet..My Bad.
I had to get another set of eyes on it. Now I can't unsee what my bf saw. Clear as day you can see her face , but there is something in her hand. Is it the camera or a weapon?
Gcharlie (or anyone else), would you be more comfortable if I removed the picture? I didn't mean to offend anyone.

I think it's interesting. I can clearly her face and Travis' so it's quite eerie no matter what it actually is.
I don't think you should remove the pic. It's an interesting piece of info. I read Picture Perfect and it was a good read, but reminded me that the public knows more about this case than the jury did. For all the rumblings that some gave about JM steamrolling the defense and them getting a lot of wins, they got a good bit of useful info not in the trial . It wasn't as great of a book as I expected a'la Ann Rule's book about Ted Bundy, but it did give me some info I didn't previously know or remember. Like the fact that he got his tires slashed twice and did a police report the second time. Why was that not allowed? I'd also have called Donavan Bering or her gf to the stand. Jodi had to have told them something based on the infamous magazine code passing. I'd have also called Taylor Searle to the stand. He was quoted throughout the book and seemed to grasp Jodi's true nature and warned Travis that she may hurt him. It's weird because I was talking to my BFF this weekend about the case and we get the interest in the case. It's not the gore- it's the fact that we've all been in either Jodi or Travis's place. We've all used someone or have been used, but we don't make plans to take a trip to kill someone. The intricacies that she took to execute the murder are astonishing, but the sloppy and stupid lies and cover up are just dumb. It's like she wanted to get caught. I feel like Shanna Hogan says in the book- you want to know , but you won't get the truth and you are just giving her the attention she craves.
I have a question- or 6...
1-Does anyone know who and what the 10 pics they found in CMJA cell on 1/1/09 were of?? she got written up for it,I was just wondering if any were of Travis??
2-In the autopsy report, it states TA had alot of Right shin bruises,etc. they were obviously inflicted before death to bruise right? Dr.Horn said they were before death & I know they are consistent w/being dragged,kicked over n over,but that means he was still alive when she dragged him???? In the lower body/sit down pic, he has a couple that i saw but I saw those pics on my phone so Not sure if I was seeing them correctly.. Maybe her pulling him in the shower,I guess..
3-Did they ever say he was missing any of his pillows with the tassles??
4-The floor cleaner- when was it set up??just seems weird it was all set up,furniture up,etc and nothing done,was she gonna try to use it upstairs in his room on the floor but no time? I may be reading into it too much...;P
5-Ryan Burns said the trip was planned for over 2 wks, was it last attempt to make TA jealous & then became her alibi or was she planning it longer than I thought? I think she made her decision after the May 26th email & Final decision on May 28th,the moment she found out he was taking Mimi to Cancun...
6-Gus Searcy....WTH is wrong with that Dipstick?? what a loser! IMO,he just wanted to slip himself into the case for attention..Good Grief..:facepalm:
and I used to live in Flagstaff, an almost 2hr drive from Phx, North. there was a hwy I lived off of,60 maybe?- that led straight to the Grand Canyon. Maybe where she went to burn evidence and throw gun over one of the rims??? It took less than an hr to get from Flagstaff.then off to Utah for her alibi??or maybe crater lake? just a few thoughts/questions Ive had running around in my head...

1. I think there were more than 10 (thougth I'd read 19 or 20) but what the pics were hasn't been disclosed that I'm aware of. Hopefully when this is all over we'll find that out what those pics were.

2. I was thinking the same thing, I don't know if bruising can occur post mortem, the struggle to get out of the shower from the sitting position (or her trying to keep him in it) seems most likely to me, but as seen in 5:32:16, she had him on the floor so could have caused them then as well.

3. I don't think either roommate knew how many were there, in Flores report one of them (Zack) had been in his room and knew what bedding he used but I saw no comments about the throw pillows.

4. Zack said T bought the cleaner a few weeks before 6/4, at first he said it remained out and unused but in a follow up interview he said it was there the first day (6/5) that things seemed less than normal (furniture off tile, ring and watch on counter, gate across stairway). I have the link to Flores report but I saw a post on JDT yuku that seemed to have more details (unredacted?).

5. I think originally Ryan's location was what interested her in him, he lived closest to Travis as any guy she could hook up with, but things blew up sooner than expected with Travis and Ryan became the alibi guy (although she messed that up with too much missing time on the way to him). She told Flores he wasn't active in the church so him not wanting to continue things while the investigation went on was probably for the best. She wanted an active church member and someone nearer Travis than she was in Yreka, imo.

6. I can't explain Gus, he was handy for her (got her replacement phone, who knows what else that didn't come up in trial).

Flagstaff was my first thought of the direction she'd go, but I have serious doubts that she'd just toss the weapons anywhere (out the window, dumpster, lake, etc.) but in her state of mind at that time who knows. With the memory skills she displayed on the stand I believe she knows exactly where everything is but even if not ideally secured, she can't get help to hide them further without giving away the location to those listening and watching. The terrible barriers of being imprisoned. ;)
I don't think you should remove the pic. It's an interesting piece of info. I read Picture Perfect and it was a good read, but reminded me that the public knows more about this case than the jury did. For all the rumblings that some gave about JM steamrolling the defense and them getting a lot of wins, they got a good bit of useful info not in the trial . It wasn't as great of a book as I expected a'la Ann Rule's book about Ted Bundy, but it did give me some info I didn't previously know or remember. Like the fact that he got his tires slashed twice and did a police report the second time. Why was that not allowed? I'd also have called Donavan Bering or her gf to the stand. Jodi had to have told them something based on the infamous magazine code passing. I'd have also called Taylor Searle to the stand. He was quoted throughout the book and seemed to grasp Jodi's true nature and warned Travis that she may hurt him. It's weird because I was talking to my BFF this weekend about the case and we get the interest in the case. It's not the gore- it's the fact that we've all been in either Jodi or Travis's place. We've all used someone or have been used, but we don't make plans to take a trip to kill someone. The intricacies that she took to execute the murder are astonishing, but the sloppy and stupid lies and cover up are just dumb. It's like she wanted to get caught. I feel like Shanna Hogan says in the book- you want to know , but you won't get the truth and you are just giving her the attention she craves.

I'll leave the pic up but if anyone is offended, please post or mail me and I'll remove, it's never been my intention to hurt or offend anyone.

Someone was posting pics of Kindle pages of her book on Twitter a few weeks ago, one of them showed that Nurmi was the one who got the pedo letters as an attachment to an anonymous e-mail, that was new info to me, wonder if Nurmi had the IP tracked to know where that e-mail came from.
I saw today on the news that there is a settlement conference scheduled for her to meet with prosecutors.. Now I have to tell you, That I would be happy to give her life in prison/no parole for a complete truthful accounting of what happened that day.
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