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Aleph you said

Michael Pak just did not strike me as a dangerous person. He seemed kind of harmless and nerdy. He's not wound tightly like someone full of rage. He struck me as a basically harmless person trying to navigate the immigrant community, some of it legal, some of it less so, but a blend of the two. Hence "are you trying to set me up?" I know he has done some shady things (like illegally bringing the woman from China into the country -- it sounds bad, but he may have had valid reasons or perhaps feelings of obligation toward someone) but he did not strike me as someone who would hurt Shannan unless he was in a situation where he somehow believed it was unavoidable.

Ah yes the poor ethnic boy, just trying to get his share of the American Dream. Really quite a nice fellow....NOT!!!

The criminal record, the prison term, the involvement in the sex-trade, a likely involvement in drugs, no visible means of legal income, all point to something very malicious.

One killer who changes his MO
Killing since the late 70s
Older than average serial killer age 50-60s
Wealthy with unlimited resources
Second homeowner on Long Island
International ties
Lives in a penthouse where evidence can be found to tie him to the killings.
Not someone the police would ever suspect
Split and fragmented personality

Welcome to WS Maddalenasgirl!

This sounds like my very first poi almost to a tee!

I think the LISK murdered all the victims found along the parkway. Still undecided if he was the killer of the AC women. I picture him as an older version of Ted Bundy in the present age range of early 40's to late 50's. He is a small framed man because he chooses petite women he is able to physically overpower. I think he uses some sort of manipulation to build trust from his intended victims. He may fake a physical disability or have given them special gifts to gain their trust that he is safe to see. Since an escort would never leave her phone behind, its possible he told the girls that didn't take their phone that he had a little something for them and they just went to his car to get their gift instead of an actual appointment. Once in his vehicle, he subdued them. He is obviously a woman hater. The crossdresser was a surprise to LISK and that is why he was beaten instead of strangled. In his real life he is a bit introverted so no one gets close enough to find out his secret but otherwise a typical acting man. He knows he isn't normal but like most sociopaths, he has leaned how to mimic normal so not to draw attention to himself. The killing puts him on a power rush that must be repeated to get that rush again. Same thing with the taunting calls...he gets a high from terrorising the person on the other end. Just one big sick power trip that he cant get in his pitiful real life. Over the years of killing, he has found that the taking of life is what satisfies his need and not so much the afterwards of what to do to the body. That is why the earlier victims were dismembered and the AC4 were not. I also believe he lives local to the killings because of the length of time between the murders, but wouldn't doubt he has killed other women in other locations in the country where he has vacationed or gone for work.

He has figured out how the escort world works with the popularity of online adds on craigslist and backpage. He knows not to go through an agency or see a lady who screens her potential clients thus leaving a trail to his identity. Makes it easy for him to hunt his next victim. The pics and physical description are all right there for him to choose from whenever he gets the need to kill. Unless he gets caught, he isn't done killing. Eventually he has to do it again.
2 or more killers at work here. The GB4 and the AC4 are the same guy...Manorville,low level gang related. Shannan Gilbert...murdered. I believe by the same killer as the GB4 and AC4, but it wouldn't shock me to discover her murder wasn't connected either.

I think the LISK murdered all the victims found along the parkway. Still undecided if he was the killer of the AC women. I picture him as an older version of Ted Bundy in the present age range of early 40's to late 50's. He is a small framed man because he chooses petite women he is able to physically overpower. I think he uses some sort of manipulation to build trust from his intended victims. He may fake a physical disability or have given them special gifts to gain their trust that he is safe to see. Since an escort would never leave her phone behind, its possible he told the girls that didn't take their phone that he had a little something for them and they just went to his car to get their gift instead of an actual appointment. Once in his vehicle, he subdued them. He is obviously a woman hater. The crossdresser was a surprise to LISK and that is why he was beaten instead of strangled. In his real life he is a bit introverted so no one gets close enough to find out his secret but otherwise a typical acting man. He knows he isn't normal but like most sociopaths, he has leaned how to mimic normal so not to draw attention to himself. The killing puts him on a power rush that must be repeated to get that rush again. Same thing with the taunting calls...he gets a high from terrorising the person on the other end. Just one big sick power trip that he cant get in his pitiful real life. Over the years of killing, he has found that the taking of life is what satisfies his need and not so much the afterwards of what to do to the body. That is why the earlier victims were dismembered and the AC4 were not. I also believe he lives local to the killings because of the length of time between the murders, but wouldn't doubt he has killed other women in other locations in the country where he has vacationed or gone for work.

He has figured out how the escort world works with the popularity of online adds on craigslist and backpage. He knows not to go through an agency or see a lady who screens her potential clients thus leaving a trail to his identity. Makes it easy for him to hunt his next victim. The pics and physical description are all right there for him to choose from whenever he gets the need to kill. Unless he gets caught, he isn't done killing. Eventually he has to do it again.

I agree with most of your profile and would add that if the LISK has access to drugs that would render a person helpless or unconsciious he would not need a lot of strength. That is one of the many reasons I believe the LISK is CPH and I believe he has been practicing his skills since 1982.
I agree with most of your profile and would add that if the LISK has access to drugs that would render a person helpless or unconsciious he would not need a lot of strength. That is one of the many reasons I believe the LISK is CPH and I believe he has been practicing his skills since 1982.

Yes, good point about using drugs to subdue the women. I thought about that also but kept coming back to why they were all except one under 5'5. If he was using drugs right off the bat then why aren't the victims of different heights. Sure seems as he deliberately targets shorter women. Maybe he tried with the taller escort and she almost got away so he went back to the petites. There is a reason to his preference and I don't think it's because he finds petite women more attractive. I believe it has something to do with his own height/size or maybe the victims remind him of a woman in his life who hurt him. Mommy, wife, girlfriend. Then again I think if he was targeting a look alike of the woman who hurt him then there would be more of a resemblance between the victims than just being short.

CPH looks very suspicious and if he is the LISK then it seems they would have arrested him by now. Sure wish LE wasn't so tight lipped with details about how the victims were found. Were the dismembered victims cut with surgical precision or just hacked up. If they were surgically dismembered than that would point to someone in the medical field like CPH.
I think one of his reasons for picking small women is because he is short and wants to feel powerful. Every short man (little Napoleons) I ever dated was very self-conscious about his height and tried to be Mr. Tough Guy. I always wore flats to make them feel more comfortable.
I think one of his reasons for picking small women is because he is short and wants to feel powerful. Every short man (little Napoleons) I ever dated was very self-conscious about his height and tried to be Mr. Tough Guy. I always wore flats to make them feel more comfortable.

Is the doc short?
I think one of his reasons for picking small women is because he is short and wants to feel powerful. Every short man (little Napoleons) I ever dated was very self-conscious about his height and tried to be Mr. Tough Guy. I always wore flats to make them feel more comfortable.

I am short...5'9. This guy has gotta be shorter than me.
I'd venture to guess that he's just attracted to short women.
I agree with most of your profile and would add that if the LISK has access to drugs that would render a person helpless or unconsciious he would not need a lot of strength. That is one of the many reasons I believe the LISK is CPH and I believe he has been practicing his skills since 1982.

Is the doc short?
I guess I really meant small more than short. Although overweight, he does not appear like a muscle man to me. I just looked up the video links I had saved. A month or so ago most of them were gone. Now I can only found one, which shows him to be slightly shorter than his wife when they are not standing on stairs:


I could spend more hours looking for more videos but I think most people get my point. I don't really like to parse words.
I guess I really meant small more than short. Although overweight, he does not appear like a muscle man to me. I just looked up the video links I had saved. A month or so ago most of them were gone. Now I can only found one, which shows him to be slightly shorter than his wife when they are not standing on stairs:

FBI joins search for bodies on Long Island - YouTube

I could spend more hours looking for more videos but I think most people get my point. I don't really like to parse words.

I guess I really meant small more than short. Although overweight, he does not appear like a muscle man to me. I just looked up the video links I had saved. A month or so ago most of them were gone. Now I can only found one, which shows him to be slightly shorter than his wife when they are not standing on stairs:

FBI joins search for bodies on Long Island - YouTube

I could spend more hours looking for more videos but I think most people get my point. I don't really like to parse words.

Why did you bring up the "Napoleon Complex" if you don't think the doc is short?

I'm still not sure how you are able to ascertain his height based on videos. Just because he appears shorter than his wife doesn't mean he isn't tall.
if we're just talking "short"..both Brewer & Pak are also short IMO.
I don't think he is just your typical short guy. Short guys can still be strong enough to overpower a women taller than him. LISK is either a small weak man or has some kind of physical disability that causes him to pick the petite women as his victims. Too many short victims for it just to be a coincidence. There has to be a reason.
I wouldn't say our guy is short, per say... but I do think he chooses petite women for a reason. He needs to feel powerful, and I don't think he's a guy who truly IS powerful in his real life. Not physically, and certainly not emotionally. There's a reason these girls trusted this guy enough to let their guard down. They knew him. They never thought him capable of getting the upper hand...either because he came off as a meek "nice guy", or because of some physical infirmity (old, frail, small, handicapped, you decide). In fact, I'd wager NO ONE sees our guy as a threat of any kind...not his wife, not his mother, not his children, not his male peers. Like I said, he's powerless in his real life. Painfully so.

And I'd also bet my bottom dollar he drinks. ALOT. And has a tendency to "drunk dial" when he's drank his fill of liquid courage.

This is my attempt at a profile of the LISK:

Age: 35-55+

Is either married or has a long term partner. If married he is the head of the household, likes his wife to be kept in her place e.g "the little housewife". She would never question or challenge him as hes extremley dominant & controlling & knows better not too.
If his wife works, it is in a voluntary position as he is the bread winner & needs his wife to complete depend on him.

He works from home or has his own business, makes a decent living & is financially stable.

He is hetrosexual.

Is just about average height 5.7-5.9 & likes petite women as they make him feel like a big man & its easier to physically control them e.g violence & or sex.

Has a boat/garage/workshop his own private place where he spends alot of time, Also has a room in his home maybe a study that he doesnt like any one in, he likes his stuff to be left alone, perhaps its somewhere to store some trophys locked away, mabye jewellery/phone/underwear from his victims.

Thinks all women are beneath him, only good for for sex & serving men, very chauvinistic but can put on a really good act & can hide this well when hes getting to know his victims.

I believe he was a client of the victims & used them a few times to build up a rapport & gain their trust, also he paid them very generously.
Then he stops seeing them for a short time & then contacts them again & there cool with seeing him again as hes a normal client & pays well, but he makes up some excuse like hes been having marriage troubles/going through a divorce & asks the girls not to bring their phones as hes afraid of being recorded or pics taken & if his wife got hold of them she could use them against him. But for all this trouble he will pay them extra & will take them home so they dont have to worry about transport. Keeps offering them more money until they agree to this, the girls think whats the harm, they'll be safe, as hes been a good client before & never did anything weird. Hes a normal joe, nothing stands out about him.

His childhood was normal, he was not abused & hasnt had any major pyschological problems, apart from being a serial killer this guy is completely normal.

The reason why he kills is simple, he does it because he likes to kill, he likes the feeling of power it gives him & it gets him off sexually.

Thinks he is so clever & superior to most people he believes he will never get caught, thats why he dumps the bodies close to where he lives. Also hes not bothered about the media being all over the case, really enjoys seeing his handiwork splashed all over the t.v/newspapers etc.

I dont believe the Asian guy was a victim of his.

I dont know if poor S.G was murdered by him.

This profile is just about the G.B killer, I dont know if A.C & Manorville are conected.

This is just my opinion & thanks for reading.:tyou:
I wouldn't say our guy is short, per say... but I do think he chooses petite women for a reason. He needs to feel powerful, and I don't think he's a guy who truly IS powerful in his real life. Not physically, and certainly not emotionally. There's a reason these girls trusted this guy enough to let their guard down. They knew him. They never thought him capable of getting the upper hand...either because he came off as a meek "nice guy", or because of some physical infirmity (old, frail, small, handicapped, you decide). In fact, I'd wager NO ONE sees our guy as a threat of any kind...not his wife, not his mother, not his children, not his male peers. Like I said, he's powerless in his real life. Painfully so.

And I'd also bet my bottom dollar he drinks. ALOT. And has a tendency to "drunk dial" when he's drank his fill of liquid courage.

ITA! The killer of the GB4 is a meek man and he appears to be "harmless." That is what he uses to his advantage. He is the classic "hen-pecked" husband, his wife talks over him, answers questions for him, tells him what to wear, where to sit/stand, how to spend his money, what to do and when it needs to be done. As soon as she is out of his hair, gone away or gone to work her night shift, whatever...little Johnny gets to act out his violent and sexual fantasies with very few or any repercussions.

There is some rage bottled up and simmering below his calm demeanor. He is that classic "nice & quiet man." The one no one would have ever expected. He gets sick delight in knowing that he has everyone fooled...including the battle-ax at home. In his weak and twisted little mind he is giggling with delight because he thinks, "I am doing what I want, anyway. She doesn't even think I'm capable enough to pick out my own outfit. Boy, is she the fool. I wonder what she'd think of me if I ever do get caught. Her little "perfect image" would be annihilated. Now that would make it all worth while."

The wife would never suspect him because she "knows" she is the boss. She "knows" that everyone walks all over him.
ALL of the above is IMO.
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