Posting articles,pics from other sites or email???

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2005
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Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble posting pics, articles or info from a pdf in a post? I was emailed some pictures and articles to my Yahoo email that I would like to share on a thread but no matter what I try, they won't post!!

I tried to copy/paste but that didn't work. I tried to copy it to a Word document, then paste it but that didn't work either. HELP!!!
Hi itsreenw...In order to post images here, first the image has to be uploaded to a site that will store your pictures/images and will allow you to post them here. I am in the dark ages and still store my images at Homestead, but it costs money to store them there. Other posters here may have free spaces and hopefully will share them here.

Here's an email that I wanted to post, but first I had to upload the 2 images to my Homestead site. I know this isn't much help, but other posters may explain it more clearly!!!!

Make sure you read the poem below the bulletin board...


Cleaning Poem

I asked the Lord to tell me
Why my house is such a mess.
He asked if I'd been 'putering',
And I had to answer "yes."

He told me to get off my fanny
And tidy up the house.
And so I started cleaning up...
The smudges off my mouse.

I wiped and shined the topside.
That really did the trick...
I was just admiring my work...
I didn't mean to 'click.'

But click, I did, and oops I found
A real absorbing site
That I got SO way into...
I was into it all night.<<Sigh>>

Nothing's changed except my mouse
It's very, very shiny.
I guess my house will stay a mess...
While I sit here on my hiney....

Texas 1,

I understand exactly what you mean. I have Photobucket. It's free.

Thanx for sharing the cute poem and pics. I had to LOL at the poem because I can relate. I have been on my PC ALL day and night. Logged on about 12 hrs ago to email my boss and surfed for a few hrs-never did send that email. Then I cooked dinner, sat down to send the email again...ended up reading some True Crime blogs. Went to a friend's house for an hour, came home and got right back on the PC. I never did email my boss and now that it's 2am, I'm not going to because she is going to wonder why I am up at this hour on the PC instead of getting some sleep!!
I use photobucket too, I like it.

If ya need help learning how to use photobucket, just post back and someone will help you through it the first time...there may already be directions somewhere already on here...have you searched yet?

If not, we'll help ya learn how to post your pics :D just post back and let us know if you need da help
christine2448 said:
I use photobucket too, I like it.

If ya need help learning how to use photobucket, just post back and someone will help you through it the first time...there may already be directions somewhere already on here...have you searched yet?

If not, we'll help ya learn how to post your pics :D just post back and let us know if you need da help

... I like Photobucket too Christine! I just opened an account a couple weeks ago and it's pretty easy to use. The only problem I've had so far is the photo sizing on one racing message board I belong to. It works great at Websleuth's or this type message board. Okay, let's see some of your pic's Christine!! :D
Stan said:
... I like Photobucket too Christine! I just opened an account a couple weeks ago and it's pretty easy to use. The only problem I've had so far is the photo sizing on one racing message board I belong to. It works great at Websleuth's or this type message board. Okay, let's see some of your pic's Christine!! :D
Stan, try resizing the pic before you upload it to can easily do this by right clicking on your picture and choosing, open with Paint, or whatever program you prefer to edit pics, size it smaller then upload...that has worked for me!

I'd love to share my pics with ya, but they are boring...all maps that I've posted in WS or perps, or my son...that's it...BORING!
I finally figured it out!! Then my PC was hacked AND I got a stinkin' virus!! It changed my homepage, turned off my Norton auto-protect and changed some of my Norton preferences to allow itself access to my ino. My boyfriend, Eric, had to do whatever you do when you get a virus. He had to reinstall XP and everything-I thought I was gonna die!! All my files were deleting as I sat there helpless. Uuugh, people have nothing better to do than hack into other's pc's. I have the articles saved to a file, now I'm going to attempt to post them-Cross your fingers everyone....
I got a hysterical email. This was of the fruit cake lady. I want to share but I have no clue as how to do this. If anyone knows could you give me a step by step tutorial. Remember I am a dummy with computers.
after 8PM Central...ask Amraann to tell you how to find us and I'm sure one of our Ms Becky Hi-Teckies can help you out. You might enjoy our chat group as well...

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