Prayers and Well Wishes for Gabriel and his family

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If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

- Emily Dickinson
I do not have anything fancy to say, or a great quote by some fantastic author or poet, but I do want to say that I am praying for you Gabriel, and your family. I do not know where you are, or who you are with, or what situation you are in. So my prayer for you is that you are safe, and will be home soon. Amen.

Sorry, just wanted to add one more thing... I was a little surprised that this thread is not much, much longer... I know it may not be my place, but I just wanted to say, that some people may choose to pray, BUT, others can hope, and wish. And I think it could make a difference if everyone expressed something, even if it is not a prayer.....
BeanE - that picture made me cry!

Logan and the McQueary family - praying for you and thinking of you all day. Counting the days until your Gabriel is home and safe with you.
I am praying for you Gabriel, that you are safe, warm, and being loved by someone, even if it is not your family. I pray the people who have you, love you. I pray for your daddy and his family, I can't begin to imagine their heartbreak. I am also praying for your mommy. She is truly in need of prayer. I pray she will be honest with LE and reveal what truly happened to you. I pray justice will be done and that her life can be not just a representation of evil, but hopefully a story of revelation and change. Wherever you are sweet Gabriel, you are in God's loving arms too. I pray for an end to this situation so that your family can put their lives back together.
To Logan and family,
From the first moment I looked into your little Angel's sweet little face, he grabbed my heart and hasn't let go. I see him every time I look at my little 5 month old baby boy, whose beautiful blue eyes remind me so much of Gabe's. I ask God every night to light a path to Gabe and keep him safe and loved while you make your way to him. I wake up every morning and hurry to turn on the news hoping to see Logan holding Gabriel so tightly while Gabe's little arms are holding onto his Daddy.

Please Don't lose hope! I know in my heart that that morning is coming soon!
I pray that J.J. Armes is inspired and strengthened in his heart and mind in his search for Gabriel.
"Sending My Thoughts & Prayers To Gabriel & Loved Ones, For Gabe's Safe Return InTo His Daddy's Arm's!"

"Remember Angels are never too distant to hear you!"


To Logan:

I have tears in my eyes as I type this. My son, who is two days older than your Gabriel, cut his first tooth yesterday. When I saw it, I couldn't help but think about how wrong it is that you are missing out on these things with Gabe. I know he was teething and learning to crawl when he was taken from you. And I know that even if God brings Gabriel back to you, you can't ever get these things back. I know my son has changed and grown tremendously in the last 3 months and it's heartbreaking to know first hand what you are missing right now. Every milestone my son meets, I think of Gabriel and wonder if he is meeting that same milestone. When I kiss him and put him to bed, I worry about if Gabriel is being loved, and I get angry because even if he is safe and warm, it should be you who is putting him to sleep. I feel extremely sad when I think about all the things that Elizabeth has taken away from you, your family, and most of all, from baby Gabriel. I feel angry knowing that when you get your son back, you will have to explain to him someday all the horrible things his "mommy" did to him and to you. Your innocent child should only have ever had to just grow, learn and be loved.

Please know that I won't ever stop looking for Gabriel. I'm here with you in spirit, thought and prayer, every single day, even when I can't be online or actively searching. My sincerest wish and prayer is for you to have little Gabriel home and settled by his first birthday (if not sooner), and that the two of you can begin your new life together. Don't give up, I'm waiting for the day I see you holding that gorgeous boy again.
I'm praying that the people that have you will do the right thing and bring you home to your dad today.
Thinking of Gabriel, Logan, and family today. Tomorrow Gabriel turns 10 months old.
You all continue to be in my prayers daily. May Gabriel be home safe and soon.
I meant to come say a prayer for Gabe for his 10 month birthday yesterday. However, my son and I have been sick for the past week and I spent the day resting.

Dear Lord,
Please help bring Gabriel home to his daddy. They both deserve to be together as he grows and learns and changes. Gabriel deserves to know who he is and that his flesh and blood love him and need him. Please shed light on this case so that someone may find Gabe safe and sound. And please keep Gabriel safe, warm and healthy in the meantime.


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