Prescriptions on the Property

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Retired WS Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
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I see the search warrant was looking for prescriptions on the property.
I am still looking for discussion on this, but what are the thoughts on this?
Will they match drugs in Caylee's toxicology results?
If I find the discussion on this I will merge.
Well, we know there were scrips because George took his when he left. With Cindy being an RN, there's a good chance there were more. I was thinking there was probably a scrip for Xanax.

I don't know if anything will match the tox reports; I have no knowledge in that area. Perhaps something would show in the bone marrow, but if the body was completely skeletonized, I don't even know if there would be any marrow left to test.
Well, we know there were scrips because George took his when he left. With Cindy being an RN, there's a good chance there were more. I was thinking there was probably a scrip for Xanax.

I don't know if anything will match the tox reports; I have no knowledge in that area. Perhaps something would show in the bone marrow, but if the body was completely skeletonized, I don't even know if there would be any marrow left to test.
I would think the prescriptions they were looking for would be directly related to what they find in Caylee's remains. I was thinking that was specifically why they were looking.
I see the search warrant was looking for prescriptions on the property.
I am still looking for discussion on this, but what are the thoughts on this?
Will they match drugs in Caylee's toxicology results?
If I find the discussion on this I will merge.

Since they are probably trying drug tox on the hair. I would imagine that at the very least they would take an inventory of the the Rx medications. If they've gotten a prelim report back and found, let's say Xanax, then they might be looking for that specific drug.

Other common Rx that would be of interest (pure speculation on my part, don't even know if the A's have been prescribed this stuff but they are fairly common)

Vicodin (hydrocodone) - pain killer
Ambian - sleep aid
Tylenol with Codiene - pain killer
Darvocet- pain killer
Lots of different blood pressure meds
Klonopin - anxiety medication
Flexeril - muscle relaxant

I know that they can check hair for certain drugs even after 6 months since ingesting them. They wouldn't be able to give a level of drug in her system but they can say yea or nea to if it was there.
Well, we know there were scrips because George took his when he left. With Cindy being an RN, there's a good chance there were more. I was thinking there was probably a scrip for Xanax.

I don't know if anything will match the tox reports; I have no knowledge in that area. Perhaps something would show in the bone marrow, but if the body was completely skeletonized, I don't even know if there would be any marrow left to test.
I would think that they would have sleeping pills, maybe something like Zanax, anti-depressants in the home. I know Cindy was seeing a Physician and since this search warrant was unexpected, C & G were in LA, maybe they left some of the meds in the home.

I remember the ME saying that it's possible they could pick up the type of drug in Caylee's hair (if there are any), but not levels of the drug for cause of death purposes. So, if she was being drugged they can determine that with hair tests, POSSIBLY.
I'm still under the assumption that Caylee's remains would show cause of death from Chloroform vs. Prescription Rx's...if that is possible due to the nature of the condition of her remains.

However, I am would like to hold on to the hope that Caylee's hair and the duct tape forensics will reveal more than just the Chloroform.

Will keep my :crossfingers: till we learn more in the trial...

***I'd also guess that the A's medical records have already been supoened (sp?) by the Prosecution which would include all RX's prescribed to each of them.
I started thinking after the George incident that KC was stealing GA's sleeping pills or whosever they were and giving them to Caylee. I would think she could steal a few pills, break them up and 1/4 table would knock a two year old most of the night. I wonder if the A's ever realized some of their pills were missing?
One of the forensic guys told NG that "bones are tissue" and that if there was any drugging of child the bones will hold that information. NG did not follow up with "what if, Dr., the drugging was a one time event, would it still be revealed from the bones?" so I suppose the Dr.'s statements could be interpreted to mean only long term, chronic drugging would show up but that was not the context of the discussion and NG's continued theory of a overdose event.

The hair collected would be cut into sections according to standards regarding normal human hair growth and each section would be tested. The tests would be able to confirm or deny long-term chronic drugging.

Perhaps it was confirmed, thus part of the warrant.
I would think the prescriptions they were looking for would be directly related to what they find in Caylee's remains. I was thinking that was specifically why they were looking.

(bolded by me)
JBean- I'm thinking the same, that they would be more directly related (i.e. finding a pill bottle in the bag or part of a rx. label, something like that). IMHO
Remember something- some of the prescriptions that G&C currently have may not have been in the house in June before all of this happened.

I'm sure the stress and anxiety of the last 7 1/2 months has taken a toll on them- and has resulted in some scripts for anxiety, sleep, possibly depression.

The relevant prescriptions will be those that were there in May/June or prior. So a search in December may be fruitless. Hopefully there are subpeonas out there for records of prescribed meds in the six months preceding Caylee's disappearance.
GA had knee surgery and had been on disability for while, so pain meds and muscle relaxers would be in the house. But I really think it was Cold meds over the counter and maybe xanax. JMO
Remember something- some of the prescriptions that G&C currently have may not have been in the house in June before all of this happened.

I'm sure the stress and anxiety of the last 7 1/2 months has taken a toll on them- and has resulted in some scripts for anxiety, sleep, possibly depression.

The relevant prescriptions will be those that were there in May/June or prior. So a search in December may be fruitless. Hopefully there are subpeonas out there for records of prescribed meds in the six months preceding Caylee's disappearance.

Exactly. Hopefully LE has gotten those records.
While looking into more information regarding two fellow posters discussion from another thread on whether KC is a sociopath or merely someone suffering from ODD, I found some information regarding a medication, Clonidine, a name which I was not familiar with. Upon further research, I discovered this medication is also a brand name, Catapres, which is used to treat withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, smoking, heroin, ODD, (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), ADHD, high blood pressure, and hot flash symptoms associated with menopause. These pills are available in 1mg, 2mg and 3 mg dosage and all the tablets are scored, meaning they have a line through the middle, and can be cut in half. Warnings for this medication urge caution with alcohol use and the use of other sedatives. These pills are tiny and could easily be administered to a small child. Not trying to refute everyone else's theory on the butter knife, but it certainly could have been used to score these tablets.
I originally thought maybe KC was dosing Caylee with some sort of codeine cough medication that she may have received following her alleged bruised rib, if a cough indeed led to a bruised rib. I have also considered the readily available OTC cough meds and benadryl. I am now leaning toward the use of prescription medication, although possibly with a mixture of OTCs.
We know hypertension is rampant, and we know CA was complaining of hot flashes and inability to sleep brought on by menopausal or at least perimenopausal symptoms. CA being a nurse could make her more likely to forgo hormonal replacement therapy and opt for a "safer" alternative to ease her symptoms. This is an older well studied medication and apparently is often prescribed in conjunction with other hypertensive medications.
My vote is for Catapres, or another antihypertensive agent, as we know GA took this type of medication while at the motel. Thoughts anyone?
Perhaps they are attempting to inventory the Rx Casey allegedly got for her bruised rib in May. Get the prescription #, refill status, pharmacy used in order to follow-up on that trail to see if it supports/leads to the CVS across from Amscot :thumb:

If, as text w/ Ricardo IIRC indicated, Casey had already established the use of OTC to put Caylee down for longer naps, then her med-of-choice would likely still be @ G&C's (and/or Lee' least until he freakin' moved out w/o a search warrant being served :furious:).

In general, they certainly would like to focus in on Rx species to test for in the remains if they can. IF they did find a pull-up with the remains...perhaps it absorbed enough from post-mortem evacuation that trace evidence remains for toxicology.
In an e-mail to her sister, Shirley P. mentioned CA's "depression". It's quite possible that she (CA) was taking an antidepressant like Paxil or Effexor, and/or a benzo like Ativan, Xanax or Klonopin.
We have heard about GA allegedly taking "sleeping pills". But they may have been only recently prescribed.

Anyway, I wanted to mention that Xanax is also prescribed to sleep. So is a Xanax-like pill called Restoril.

We have no evidence that these were in the house on any date before June 16th but I thought I'd mention that these can also be prescribed to sleep.
Well, we know there were scrips because George took his when he left. With Cindy being an RN, there's a good chance there were more. I was thinking there was probably a scrip for Xanax.

I don't know if anything will match the tox reports; I have no knowledge in that area. Perhaps something would show in the bone marrow, but if the body was completely skeletonized, I don't even know if there would be any marrow left to test.

If they found any maggots they will contain the drugs the body contained.
If we're theorizing and speculating - I wonder if she gave Caylee sudafed, because she bought that later at Target. The reason I am theorizing about this is because from the phone records we know she is up almost all night on the phone, there has to be a time when she is tired and she may have hit that wall in the afternoon. She could have given the baby something so she could lay down and go to sleep herself - remember she wasn't working that phone between 1 and 4, but after 4 there is a whole flurry of phone calls.

Kids that age start to fight against taking afternoon naps, so dosing the baby might have been more appealing to KC than entertaining her all afternoon - especially if she was tired herself.

p.s. I don't think that CA being a nurse would mean they would have more rxs - they can't write them.

thanks to HotDog for the above :)

Here is the search warrant. The prescriptions are in the last sentence, listed a bit separately from the specific items, like the pony, stickers, clothing. What could that mean, what is the significance (if any) of the way it is worded?
It means that they couldn't take the rxs, but they could write down what it was.

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