Privilege Waived (new book by Dominic Casey)

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What did he say about the psychic? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Briefly delurking. If half of what he says is true, Baez is a horrible human being, more or less another narcissist. He actually managed to manipulate Casey as much as she manipulated everyone else. He started off by isolating her from her family. The only way they could communicate with her was through letters that he smuggled into into the jail. When Casey was out on bail, he had her stealing photos of Caylee every night and bringing them to him so that he could sell them to the news station. DC seems to think that Cindy and George weren't initially aware that this was what she'd been doing. Dominic Casey states that Baez was the one who sent him to the empty lot to look for Caylee's body. He wrote that after Hoover went public with the video of him poking around Suburban Drive, Jose formulated a plan to frame him, Kronk and George for the disposal of Caylee's body. He planned to allege that GEORGE was the one who sent him out to Suburban to look for Caylee's body. He wrote:
Baez had Casey believing that George did not care about her and would be testifying against her. Baez had told her that George was "going to throw her under the bus" and she spoke with contempt that "Jose has a plan for him." Casey thanked me for providing "what Jose needed." It was all about trying to protect her and "her boys" were doing that. She showed no remorse or emotion, it was now all about portraying herself as the victim. Baez would fill her in on the details of her defense before the grand jury hearing. Casey said she would have plenty of time to prepare for her trial because she would be in until then and neither Cindy or George would have access to her.
DC makes this observation regarding the dynamics between the two of them:
Baez and Casey's manipulative behavior was very obvious to those around them. They both manipulated without empathy and targeted victims to accommodate their situational need. They had so many similarities, lying without conscience and the euphoric high of using others. Although Casey was a great liar, he was an older liar with more experience. At first he showered Casey with attention and was outwardly flirtatious.
He wrote that Casey reacted with excitement and began referring to him as "my Jose." He then brings up the notes from the correctional officer observing the two of them during the prison visits. Apparently the correctional officer felt that Casey had a crush on Baez, would want to spend all her time with him and he also noted that Baez often came to visit her in the middle of the night. According to DC, Casey was furious when Baez (while she was out on bond) was coming to dinner and had the audacity to bring his wife. Dominic wrote that one day when he was picking Casey up from the lawyer's office, Casey declined doing an interview that Baez had lined up for her. Baez called to cancel and after hanging up made the comment that "Casey owed him three bjs for this." Then he makes a sort of shocking allegation. DC wrote that less than a couple of weeks later, he "arrived at Baez's office unexpectedly and witnessed a naked Casey running from his office, through the conference room to the hallway. From the open hallway door, she could be seen trying to hide in the kitchen behind stacked cases of water. I told her to get herself dressed and stop the nonsense." He also quotes Baez as smirking and saying on multiple occasions "B killed her kid...she is not playing with a full deck." I'm barely scratching the surface here, but this post is getting really long so I'll continue in another one.
Other interesting stuff in DC's book. 1) He thinks Casey stashed Caylee's body at Lee's house from June 20-25. Lee was out of town and apparently Casey had already begun storing a bunch of her stuff in garbage bags at his house. He thinks the bags leaked when she put Caylee back in her trunk to transport her to Suburban Drive. He said when Lee returned he was upset about Cas'ey using his house while he was gone. Lee moved back home shortly afterwards because it would "help Cindy and George and he wouldn't have to deal with the mold and smell at his house." 2) He thinks Casey drowned Caylee, changed out of her bathing suit and stashed Caylee's swimsuit (to hide evidence maybe?) at Chris Stutz's house because he later returned Caylee's swimsuit to the Anthony's. That seems to be his interpretation of Casey's comment about the police "not even finding the clothes Caylee was wearing yet." 3) He thinks the tape was used to seal the garbage bags. 4) He goes into a lot of detail about Laura Buchanan and her fraudulent testimony regarding having searched the place Caylee was later found way back in August. He seems to think that Baez was behind it because Baez was calling both him and Brad Conway and asking them to get the fraudulent documents from Laura Buchanan (I guess so it wouldn't point back to him if someone aside from him presented them to the court?) Neither one of them did pick up the documents and Baez was still nagging them to do it ten months later. This led to Conway being forced to stop representing Cindy and George because he was seen as a potential material witness. He said Baez went out of his way to get rid of anyone involved with the case who couldn't be easily manipulated. 5) He talks about Baez purposely leaking numerous stuff to the media. He sees Baez as a huge fame monger who lived to be on tv and talks about how during Casey's arrest for the check fraud Baez, instead of going to the jail to be with his client, decided it was a much better idea to go before the cameras and hold a pity party for himself before the Anthony residence. He "aired his disappointment with the sheriff's office over how they handled this alleged arrest. He then referred to himself as a poor hispanic lawyer from a rinky dink office in Kissimee who was struggling to provide good representation for his client." 6) He alleges Casey's defense fund was more or less fraudulent and Baez was pocketing most of the money. 7) DC said that back in August when he told Casey that Baez had asked her father if he had ever molested her, Casey was furious and informed him that "her father never touched her and that Lee was the molester."
I followed the case through every type of venue possible, including here on WS.
Dominic Casey does say in the book that KC changed Caylee from swimsuit to clothes after she was murdered. He was also bound by a confidentiality agreement with KC, separately with JB, and another one with George and Cindy. The scheme by JB to blame George was concocted in the beginning, yet there were several times KC stated that George never touched her. He describes over $300k missing money from defense fund, JB making lewd comments to KC, how JB manipulated KC into sneaking picture albums and videos to him and that JB even said once that KC killed her kid. He discusses the psychic thing also.
I found the book interesting and it shed light on some of the things that puzzled me during the case. He does address the duct tape and explains why it makes sense that Caylee'sbody was in the trunk for 5 days.
If anyone reads the book, do it carefully because all of the concerns mentioned here are indeed addressed.
I may be in the minority, but the book does not come across as him just carelessly throwing a bunch of opinions out there. The 31 days are broken down quite well, and yes, even the flurry of calls is explained. While he wasnt present during Casey activities, his evaluation makes sense and is plausible. He certainly has more knowledge about things than anyone here does.

I appreciate your thoughts. I believe that most anyone following Caylee's case ever wanted was the truth about what was done to Caylee, and to hold all those involved accountable.

BBM - I beg to differ, IMO, WS's AZlawyer and JWG found more real evidence than Dominic Casey ever did. And sadly, more than the OCSO too. Such a thing to miss - that search would have nailed her butt.
[/B] I appreciate your thoughts. I believe that most anyone following Caylee's case ever wanted was the truth about what was done to Caylee, and to hold all those involved accountable. BBM - I beg to differ, IMO, WS's AZlawyer and JWG found more real evidence than Dominic Casey ever did. And sadly, more than the OCSO too. Such a thing to miss - that search would have nailed her butt.
Unfortunately, I don't even think the search would have made a difference. I think Baez would have done what he said he planned to do in his book, tried to pin the search on George by claiming "George was looking up ways to kill himself" and the jury would have ignored that the same way they ignored all the forensic evidence that Caylee was in Casey's trunk and the way they ignored the chloroform and neck-breaking searches even after Cindy Anthony was proven not to have made them. The jury didn't even double check the cell pings and the internet activity the day Caylee died in an effort to debunk Casey's new version of what happened. If they had, they would have seen that Casey had been awake since 7:00 o'clock that morning and the internet activity remained casual and did not point to an accident occuring. IMO, the jury was determined to believe the accidental drowning along with George disposing of the body story and nothing less than a video of Casey murdering Caylee would have convinced them otherwise. Heck, the jurors couldn't even decide that Casey was "Caylee's guardian" during this "accident" alleged to have occurred and hold her responsible for that. Their reasoning seemed to revolve around the state not being able to provide an exact cause of death. They seemed afraid to even ask themselves why that was (which was because Casey lied and deflected for so long that Caylee wasn't found for months.)
Unfortunately, I don't even think the search would have made a difference. I think Baez would have done what he said he planned to do in his book, tried to pin the search on George by claiming "George was looking up ways to kill himself" and the jury would have ignored that the same way they ignored all the forensic evidence that Caylee was in Casey's trunk and the way they ignored the chloroform and neck-breaking searches even after Cindy Anthony was proven not to have made them. The jury didn't even double check the cell pings and the internet activity the day Caylee died in an effort to debunk Casey's new version of what happened. If they had, they would have seen that Casey had been awake since 7:00 o'clock that morning and the internet activity remained casual and did not point to an accident occuring. IMO, the jury was determined to believe the accidental drowning along with George disposing of the body story and nothing less than a video of Casey murdering Caylee would have convinced them otherwise. Heck, the jurors couldn't even decide that Casey was "Caylee's guardian" during this "accident" alleged to have occurred and hold her responsible for that. Their reasoning seemed to revolve around the state not being able to provide an exact cause of death. They seemed afraid to even ask themselves why that was (which was because Casey lied and deflected for so long that Caylee wasn't found for months.)

I have to believe there was some turning point where the jury would see reason. You know at some point they say, I can't explain away this intent to kill, that these events lead to the death of a child. In what world does a person participate in the drowning death of a child actually stop to google how to kill themselves? There's no googling, they just do like GA did later and that's get a bottle of pills and a pen and paper. I mean it's not like the jury was brain washed away from reason or were they....
Jkly- Thank you. Very interesting stuff. He could have affected some change with his information and in that regard I hold him accountable for her being set free, however I want to say that in the beginning I kind of liked DC.

I appreciate you sharing.

Baez is exactly who I thought he was and so is Cindy. What a fool and weak man George is. Sigh.

Caylee never stood a chance and now Lee has a child.

I never liked him (Lee) and knew there was a reason he covered for his sister- to protect his own Azz. Wow. He wiped her computer clean- I always believed that and he gave his sister the time to think her idiotic story through before the police arrived. There was a reason and it was about him- not her.
Jkly- Thank you. Very interesting stuff. He could have affected some change with his information and in that regard I hold him accountable for her being set free, however I want to say that in the beginning I kind of liked DC. I appreciate you sharing. Baez is exactly who I thought he was and so is Cindy. What a fool and weak man George is. Sigh. Caylee never stood a chance and now Lee has a child. I never liked him (Lee) and knew there was a reason he covered for his sister- to protect his own Azz. Wow. He wiped her computer clean- I always believed that and he gave his sister the time to think her idiotic story through before the police arrived. There was a reason and it was about him- not her.
i never liked Lee either. I tentatively think some of the stuff Casey said about him could be true because Jesse Grund mentioned he had to basically drag the information that Lee was trying to do inappropriate stuff with her out of her long before Caylee's disappearance. About Dominic saying more...How admissible would his information have been if he was bound by attorney client privilege (which he claimed he was)? Could he have shared the information and been forced to pay a fine or would it give him a criminal record and would it have been deemed inadmissible in court? The reason he says he waited so long to write the book was that he had to wait or Casey and Baez to waive privilege, which they eventually did for their own reasons. He dd tell Judge Stan Strickland about Baez's comment ("if you find Caylee, walk away, call me immediately and we'll meet at an undisclosed location") and a bar complaint was filed against Baez for this that Baez was later cleared of. He also mentioned that the main reason that he dropped off the radar was that Baez was trying to implicate him in disposing/moving and/or hiding Caylee's body via George's orders. DC claims Baez was also badgering both him and Brad Conway for over ten months to retrieve the fraudulent documents from Laura Buchanan saying that she had searched Suburban Drive back in August, which led to Conway being deemed a possible material witness and forced him to stop representing Cindy and George.
I am in the minority right there with you. There are many plausible points in this book. I purchased it and enjoyed it.
This ebook was more like a really long blog posting than a book.


The noteworthy items I take away from DC's investiagtion:

A. DC claims that Casey kept tabs on Caylee's since married father through his social media sites, and got the "Bella Vita" idea from him after seeing a variation of the phrase in a picture of the nursery he and his expectant wife were readying for their new arrival.

B. He puts emphasis on the "One Tree Hill" storylines that Casey followed to some degree: a near drowning of a child in one episode, and the psycho nanny kidnapping in the noted 100th episode that Casey researched.

C. Casey was only pretending to go to school each day during the last months of her senior year, and later pretended to attend classes at Valencia College after Geo. & Cin. got a line of credit to pay for her tuition. Naturally, Casey spent the money on other things.

D. DC disagrees with the medical examiner about the duct tape being placed on Caylee's mandible prior to decomposition because the duct tape hadn't been damaged by animal chewing the way the trash bags were.

I thought these were a good read. He is the only author to report the AH gaffe tape connection and the first I have heard report that Casey hid caylee's body at Lee's house. I think dc heard things he can't report details on. Is there a connection to Lee getting immunity bc his house stunk of decomp?

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I thought these were a good read. He is the only author to report the AH gaffe tape connection and the first I have heard report that Casey hid caylee's body at Lee's house. I think dc heard things he can't report details on. Is there a connection to Lee getting immunity bc his house stunk of decomp?

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As of late DC has been really getting on my nerves because the crap he keeps pulling regarding the depositions is delaying Kronk's trial. He's a drama queen and he's making it all about him.

However, think parts of his books rang true...

1) The part about Baez saying that Casey killed her kid and he needed to find Caylee's body before anyone else did. DC said that way back when and Baez had a bar complaint filed against him for that.
2) The part where he claims Baez was involved in witness tampering and evidence tampering regarding Laura Buchanan, Suburban being searched and the claims that someone had moved Caylee's body. Conway had to resign as Cindy and George's attorney due to the sleazy crap Baez pulled by way of trying to make him into a "witness" who saw the forged documents.
3) Casey ranting to DC in jail about how Baez told her that her father was ready to throw her under the bus with his grand jury testimony, and then saying "Jose had a plan for him."
4) The "you owe me three blow jobs" remark in the car when Casey was picked up after being bailed out of jail. I do think Baez made that remark, maybe jokingly, or maybe not. Either way, he's stupid enough and tacky enough to make that remark.
5) Baez smirking and saying "B killed her kid, she's got a few screws loose."

I disagree with DC that Casey drowned Caylee in the pool. I think Casey had been thinking about killing Caylee for months and was very interested in chloroform. Ultimately I think it was too complicated and too much work for her (much like burying her daughter in the backyard was.) I think Casey was seething mad at her mother for daring to yell at her for stealing from her sick grandfather and threaten to throw her out and get custody of Caylee. At her idiotic wit's end, she did a quick search for foolproof suffocation that afternoon, was interrupted by the phone call from Jesse Grund. Jesse may have further exacerbated her anger since she seemed to harbor a lot of hostility towards him for "loving Caylee more than her."

After she got off the phone with Jesse, she killed Caylee with some combination of smothering her, duct taping her and hopefully drugging her beforehand. etc.

The Lee thing I always found intriguing. I'm not 100% convinced it happened that way, but if Lee was actually out of his house on some sort of trip the way DC claimed, it lends credence to it. If he really was complaining about his house smelling weird, it lends more credence to it. IIRC, he also moved shortly after that.

I don't think that's why Lee got immunity though. I think if the cops heard about a decomp smell in Lee's house, they would have gotten a warrant to search it and turned it upside down.

I always thought he may have done something to the computer Casey was using during the 31 days or he initially hid some kind of evidence from the police and then later came forward with it. I can't remember my exact reasoning now, but I read something that made me think that.
As of late DC has been really getting on my nerves because the crap he keeps pulling regarding the depositions is delaying Kronk's trial. He's a drama queen and he's making it all about him.

However, think parts of his books rang true...

1) The part about Baez saying that Casey killed her kid and he needed to find Caylee's body before anyone else did. DC said that way back when and Baez had a bar complaint filed against him for that.
2) The part where he claims Baez was involved in witness tampering and evidence tampering regarding Laura Buchanan, Suburban being searched and the claims that someone had moved Caylee's body. Conway had to resign as Cindy and George's attorney due to the sleazy crap Baez pulled by way of trying to make him into a "witness" who saw the forged documents.
3) Casey ranting to DC in jail about how Baez told her that her father was ready to throw her under the bus with his grand jury testimony, and then saying "Jose had a plan for him."
4) The "you owe me three blow jobs" remark in the car when Casey was picked up after being bailed out of jail. I do think Baez made that remark, maybe jokingly, or maybe not. Either way, he's stupid enough and tacky enough to make that remark.
5) Baez smirking and saying "B killed her kid, she's got a few screws loose."

I disagree with DC that Casey drowned Caylee in the pool. I think Casey had been thinking about killing Caylee for months and was very interested in chloroform. Ultimately I think it was too complicated and too much work for her (much like burying her daughter in the backyard was.) I think Casey was seething mad at her mother for daring to yell at her for stealing from her sick grandfather and threaten to throw her out and get custody of Caylee. At her idiotic wit's end, she did a quick search for foolproof suffocation that afternoon, was interrupted by the phone call from Jesse Grund. Jesse may have further exacerbated her anger since she seemed to harbor a lot of hostility towards him for "loving Caylee more than her."

After she got off the phone with Jesse, she killed Caylee with some combination of smothering her, duct taping her and hopefully drugging her beforehand. etc.

The Lee thing I always found intriguing. I'm not 100% convinced it happened that way, but if Lee was actually out of his house on some sort of trip the way DC claimed, it lends credence to it. If he really was complaining about his house smelling weird, it lends more credence to it. IIRC, he also moved shortly after that.

I don't think that's why Lee got immunity though. I think if the cops heard about a decomp smell in Lee's house, they would have gotten a warrant to search it and turned it upside down.

I always thought he may have done something to the computer Casey was using during the 31 days or he initially hid some kind of evidence from the police and then later came forward with it. I can't remember my exact reasoning now, but I read something that made me think that.

I just read this book and I too don't agree with her drowning Caylee, it doesn't really explain the duct tape on the face. Heres a couple of things I'm not sure from the book. He states she hid the body at Lee's for 5 days. Also states she used his Hinkle tape. I'm not sure about it. Also implies the decomp cause a smell and mold in his house so he had to move back home? He explains the flurry of calls made on June 16 was typical KC where she calls people knowing they will not be able to answer but wants to appear she is staying in touch. I'm taking some of the book with a grain of salt. One thing I found and it is a crazy glimpse into KCs mind. On the July 30th jail video with her the very beginning she grins, whispers "this is not going to be easy" and giggles. 50 secs in. Just chilling to watch that.
I just read this book and I too don't agree with her drowning Caylee, it doesn't really explain the duct tape on the face. Heres a couple of things I'm not sure from the book. He states she hid the body at Lee's for 5 days. Also states she used his Hinkle tape. I'm not sure about it. Also implies the decomp cause a smell and mold in his house so he had to move back home? He explains the flurry of calls made on June 16 was typical KC where she calls people knowing they will not be able to answer but wants to appear she is staying in touch. I'm taking some of the book with a grain of salt. One thing I found and it is a crazy glimpse into KCs mind. On the July 30th jail video with her the very beginning she grins, whispers "this is not going to be easy" and giggles. 50 secs in. Just chilling to watch that.

Looking back on those phone calls even now, they're insane. They really let Casey walk all over them. Cindy was even claiming Casey deserved "the mother of year award." I realize sociopaths are manipulative, but this was ridiculous. Cindy did the right thing (calling the police, cooperating with the investigation) for all of two days.

IMO, it's partly her fault Caylee is dead. She let Casey get away with too much for far too long and ultimately she helped Casey get away with murder by obstructing the investigation and by getting on the stand and lying.

She left Tim Miller that repulsive voicemail message where she claimed "the Anthonys always win." The truth is that she didn't win. Her granddaughter is dead. A portion of the country believes that her husband is an incestuous pedophile. Casey appears to hate her. The only thing she succeeded at was profiting off the death of her granddaughter. Yeah, what a winner she is.

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