Procedure and legal questions

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I posted this in George's thread but figured it should belong here as well.
I have been wondering since yesterday if Baez did put George up to barging in at that news conference by manipulating him regarding the photos and or other. If so could Baez be charged with tampering with a witness or other?

I just posted something similar over there and am wondering the same... and am hoping he can be!

Can someone please tell me how the details of the funding sources for the past 12 years of the work done at the Oak Ridge Lab is relevant to Casey's defense at all? the section detailing the defense's request is above, and here is the link to the pdf. This section is on page 7 & 8 of 91: with Law Enforcement, et al.PDF

I am not trying to be snarky, but I don't see how that is relevant to her case whatsoever. Thanks in advance to whoever has the answer!

Can someone please tell me how the details of the funding sources for the past 12 years of the work done at the Oak Ridge Lab is relevant to Casey's defense at all? the section detailing the defense's request is above, and here is the link to the pdf. This section is on page 7 & 8 of 91: with Law Enforcement, et al.PDF

I am not trying to be snarky, but I don't see how that is relevant to her case whatsoever. Thanks in advance to whoever has the answer!
They probably want to know if they are in bed with anyone that could possible influence their results.
White, young, cute, and female.

If she was an ugly babe with shooting-gallery scars and meth mouth, would she have any apologists? I don't know.

True, true, probably true. She's obviously not well off though. Did she have opportunities that she squandered? Absolutely!
Does the "Dream Team" ring any bells? :)

Seriously --- she has a much better defense team and more resources than her parents' circumstances would imply. I understand the difference between being 'well-off' and appearing 'well-off' but even with that consideration, I think the point was that there are those with much lesser financial circumstances than the A family. A lot more with a lot less.

I call that lucky - being lucky (which is a real oxymoron). I've appointed myself the wordsmith of WS - just to aggravate people which is what I seem to do best. :bang:

It is mysterious this acquisition of a "Dream Team" :confused:. But I've heard many refer to JB as a ? (take it from the word above that begins oxy).
So, the Defense is allowed to lie?

I just watched TM on truTV make blatant claims that there is no evidence for a body in the trunk of the car. Would that not be a lie?

I mean if he said it's not clear or all the tests are not out yet but he used no qualifiers. He stated, There is NO evidence of ..... and went on to name various things.

I don't get it.
So, the Defense is allowed to lie?

I just watched TM on truTV make blatant claims that there is no evidence for a body in the trunk of the car. Would that not be a lie?

I mean if he said it's not clear or all the tests are not out yet but he used no qualifiers. He stated, There is NO evidence of ..... and went on to name various things.

I don't get it.

He's just quietly filling in the justifications for these statements in his head so he can pretend to himself he's not lying. No "evidence" of means...(1) no evidence he's seen yet, (2) no evidence he thinks meets his very high standards of quality, (3) no evidence that can't POSSIBLY be explained in any other way--i.e., a HAIR or even decomp fluids (I can't quite recall if we have a report on that piece of carpet yet) doesn't ABSOLUTELY prove a whole body was in the trunk. etc. etc.
Today George played the "I don't Remember Card". Now, how is it that he can remember what he wants but when it comes to something like today he can't remember what Padilla was doing in his home? Especially since in the beginning of the case he and Lee were all openly giving Padilla and Rob leads and info on Casey. They were so grateful that Padilla bonded Casey out since that was the only way they could get her to tell them where Caylee was. Was that not the reason Padilla came in the picture? He came into town in hopes of finding the kidnapper and bonded Casey out so he could catch the kidnapper?
So, can that info be shared with the SA? Is George going to continue with his I don't recall to duck questions in the future so that he is not charged with perjury? He clearly lied today.
So, the Defense is allowed to lie?

I just watched TM on truTV make blatant claims that there is no evidence for a body in the trunk of the car. Would that not be a lie?

I mean if he said it's not clear or all the tests are not out yet but he used no qualifiers. He stated, There is NO evidence of ..... and went on to name various things.

I don't get it.

They can't present knowingly false information to the court.
He can make outrageous interpretations of evidence to the press all day.
proving that LP is bound by JB's attorney client privelege is the easiest thing in the world. All that has to happen is JB to produce a cancelled check or an invoice or receipt for services rendered.

Didn't LP already state in an interview that he told JB this. That to exend privelege he would have to be paid something, such as at a minimum a dollar. And JB declined to do so at the time?

I posted this in one of the other threads as well, but with LP being on TV every night discussing what was going on in the house and repeating what his employees had reported there is no claim of privilege available to JB that I can see.

He didn't protest then.
He didn't fire LP and his crew.
Better to have your client in jail than to have privileged info being leaked.
He did not produce a contract and sue LP for being in violation of it.

If privilege existed, big if there, but if it did it has been pierced and you cannot put that bullet back in the gun.
Someone please explain to me why does it seem like Jose's team is trying to gather evidence of another perpetrator? Isn't that the state's attorney's job and the police department's job? Why is he asking for fingerprints from someone who hasn't been implicated in this at all? I'm not understanding, who does he think he is? A cop or a defense lawyer?
He is trying to create "reasonable doubt" for a jury.

Someone please explain to me why does it seem like Jose's team is trying to gather evidence of another perpetrator? Isn't that the state's attorney's job and the police department's job? Why is he asking for fingerprints from someone who hasn't been implicated in this at all? I'm not understanding, who does he think he is? A cop or a defense lawyer?
According to this link here:
Casey has a chance, a fairly good one, at getting a change of venue.

I hope it doesn't happen but the odds are it will. This has been so extensively covered though, on the national level, that I would think they would have as difficult a time seating a jury in ANY county as they would in Orange county.

It seems like Judge S will bend over backwards to make sure there are no appealable issues.
According to this link here:
Casey has a chance, a fairly good one, at getting a change of venue.

I hope it doesn't happen but the odds are it will. This has been so extensively covered though, on the national level, that I would think they would have as difficult a time seating a jury in ANY county as they would in Orange county.

I think it will be granted simply because of the Scott Peterson trial. I believe the OJ case was as well, am I correct?
It seems like Judge S will bend over backwards to make sure there are no appealable issues.
At first I had the utmost respect for this stance that he seemed to be taking...Now I am starting to wonder if he has a backbone that's capable of enduring the contortions that he seems willing to subject himself to!

JB et al filed a new Motion to set trial date for the check fraud - how beneficial that Defense filed this? SA at Motion Hearing kept stating that they were not requesting a speedy for Defense to come out and request a trial date, is this good, strategically for Defense?
In the recent 91 page motion filed by Jose, there is supporting documentation that includes letters from LKB to the FBI and Oak Ridge. In the letter to Oak Ridge, LKB asks about accreditation by the American Society of Crime Lab Directors (ASCLAD), to which Oak Ridge responds "Oak Ridge National Laboratory is not a crime lab, but is the largest multi-purpose research and development science laboratory owned by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science."

For our lawyer friends out there, how much mileage will LKB get out of the fact that Oak Ridge does not refer to themselves as a Crime Lab? :waitasec:
when will we see the new stuff that was just turned over? maybe tomorrow? or could we still see something tonight?
thanks :)
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