Prosecutor Juan Martinez releases new book, February 2016 - #1

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I think she stole money from Travis. I heard it said Mormons keep a large stash of money in case of emergency. Don't know if its true, but he was getting ready to go on a trip. She also had access to his bank accounts and credit cards. I remember her asking Det Flores if they got her money in her safe. SAFE??? What did a part time waitress need a safe for? Where did she get the money to put in it and how much was in it? She bought a gun too and they aren't cheap. She had rented a car and was going on another trip so why wasn't she taking the money in the safe. They said she had money on her and in her purse. I hope Juan explains that.

I couldn't figure out why she wasn't taking the safe with her... That whole thing was a plant including whatever little cash she had in there.
In that "sweet" note:

"I hope you will take this interregnum from who you have been and who you really are and never look back. To be ruled by your best self..."

[Self-snipped] I was running the risk of being offensive.
I always wondered if she thought she could explain buying ONE gas can (woman alone on the road to Utah) , so she saved the receipt...and thought Brewer would never disclose her borrowing TWO gas cans? Then after Brewer testifies she must then say she returned the third can after JM discloses she bought one. Idk...seems like a huge risk to take to "borrow" gas cans. To buy 3 cans would cost less than $40. Why risk someone being able to say you borrowed something which would go toward premeditating a murder? I guess she thought her ex boyfriends would keep her secrets?

That was one of her biggest mistakes. She could have bought 3 gas cans at 3 different hardware stores and no one would have been any the wiser. She could have bought a different gun too, at a gun show where there are no records.
I understand why you think that and you may be right, but for myself I am very sure he wrote it.

The text exchange when she insisted on a sweet note struck me as odd the first time I read it...the request was completely out of context , off the wall given what was happening then.

And if the purpose of the note is what JM believes it to be, that is not the note she would have written to herself IMO. She was constructing a storyline from late Feb through mid-May, and that note doesn't fit into the lie she was creating.

Maybe they had an inside joke about that interregnum line? Is it Mormon, for instance? Did Travis use it in his motivational speeches?

Other than that...Could you elaborate on your evaluation of the letter vis à vis her plotting?
Juan genuinely likes Deanna. :). Speaks of her with real warmth.

She is profoundly lovely. The way she handled herself was one of the best moments of the trial for me. There's so much soul there, and she put it out for the whole world to see. She should be so proud of herself. I hope life works out well for her.
I also found the whole description of how the secret magazine messages were discovered to be fascinating, as it appears that the behavior of Anne Campbell raised the suspicions of Juan and the intelligence officer at the jail. According to Juan, Anne Campbell stared at him with a grin in the waiting room of the jail while she was filling out visitation paperwork, leading him to remark to the intelligence officer that they were up to something. It prompted the intelligence officer to make a more thorough investigation into the magazines, although she had already checked them once. They may not have discovered the hidden messages otherwise.

Who is Ann Campbell anyway? I never did understand this whole thing. I can't figure out who was to tell what to whom and for which purpose and how it was going to be done. How was AC supposed to know there were messages in the magazines? How did JM know who Ann Campbell was?
One thing I took from the book was just how incredibly disciplined Juan Martinez is, which, although it was already evident from watching him at trial, became more pronounced with this behind the scenes look into the mind of Martinez. From the descriptions of how he would never eat or drink at his desk, even a sip of water, because he didn't want to soil the paperwork or his clothing, to how he would not engage in conversation with Flores while court was in session to ensure they would not be overheard by the microphones, to the fact that he went over each transcript and listened to the audio recordings to ensure that everything was transcribed correctly, and his decision early on regarding how he was going to cross examine someone as slippery as Jodi, speaks to the precision with which he approached everything in this case. Very, very impressive. Maricopa County is fortunate to have someone like him.

What was the context for deciding how he was going to cross-examine Jodi?
Good morning, and that it is, because there are still about 150 pages of JM's book to read. :)

One question answered. It's probably impossible to know for certain when the killer began thinking about murdering Travis, but we do know when she took the first step to actualizing her plan.

It was in mid-May, when she called DB about the gas cans.

She didn't call him again about the cans until the last week in May, almost certainly after the May 26 confrontation.

Why the delay between those 2 times? JM doesn't address it, just not his focus.

IMO the killer called DB soon after she realized that the NA55 call had been a trap. The fact Travis would mock her that way, with the help of one of his friends, must have been intolerable for her. She called DB.

But she didn't press him about the cans. He asked why, she got pissy, she got off the phone saying she'd call him again by the end of the week and didn't.

Of course, she had a lot of other details to line up, so maybe she was just too busy before the last week of May to finalize the cans?

Or maybe she waited because she thought she was just that irresistible or whatever and that she'd be able to turn the situation around? (Nah, IMO).
Pg 147.

"Arias appeared to have thought of everything, but one thing that she could not have foreseen was that her defense counsel would turn over these interview summaries. The detail that DB had lent her two gas cans turned out to be the key (to proving premed).


But DB wasn't the only one who said JA was going to Mesa. ALV said that, too, in her deposition. Of course, then ALV defended herself by saying she was out of touch......
Yreka is directly on I5- not complicated by driving. You can get there from either Redding or Medford. Been through it going to and from Portland. Stopped to eat at Black Bear Diner both times. (They think they are called Jefferson).

Yes, I have been to Yreka and along I-5 many times. I meant that the trip would have been time consuming. It's not like flying from Phoenix to LAX. I would guess you'd have to change planes somewhere (SFO?) to fly into either Medford or Redding. Then you'd have to drive from one of those airports to Yreka. That's a lotta hours.
I agree Rickshaw Fan, in my day the IQ test given was the Stanford-Binet test. I worked in Personnel for a financial company and we gave this test to all applicants. The scores were all over the map but we were looking for sharp people with good mathematical skills not glib talkers. CMJA would have been a no hire. We didn't hire anyone that didn't score 125 and above.

That sounds more like what I was thinking an IQ test is. It's about fundamental intelligence, not SAT stuff.
Who is Ann Campbell anyway? I never did understand this whole thing. I can't figure out who was to tell what to whom and for which purpose and how it was going to be done. How was AC supposed to know there were messages in the magazines? How did JM know who Ann Campbell was?

Ann attended many of the pre-trial conferences. JM knew her by sight.

The messages were about upcoming testimony about the pedo letters. The different story was that TA had used paper photos rather than computer child *advertiser censored*. Who the recipient was to be is not addressed (so far) but I think it was MM..."Bob White."
From carefully watching the interrogation tapes he realized that EF's linear style of questioning allowed JA to anticipate his next questions, giving her precious seconds to formulate her next lies. He knew he would have to use a scattershot style of questioning that would give her few opportunities to manipulate. As a result of this method, JA found it difficult to be smoothly evasive and instead had to rely on the fog, bald lies, and outright hostility. The result: the jury got to see--over and over--the real JA. The man is brilliant.

ETA: Ooops, forgot to quote Rickshaw's question about the context of JM's style of questioning. Sorry for the lack of context!
If the felon did not like being interviewed by a female PO, then can one imagine if all her guards are female? Felon is probably having a hissy fit because she cannot put things pass them like she does males. That is probably why she mouthed off to female guard....she so wanted a male to cut her hair....and probably, IMO, do some illegal favor for her...sneak things in and out.

Does JM mention Maria all? sorry, I honestly don't remember her last name, I never can.:thinking:

I really wished, more than either gender, the barber was extremely manipulative, could out-manipulate Jodi and wanted to curry favor with the guards. Shave! Oops!
Maybe they had an inside joke about that interregnum line? Is it Mormonish, for instance? Did Travis use it in his motivational speeches?

Other than that...Could you elaborate on your evaluation of the letter vis à vis her plotting?

That probably would be a waste of your time, lol, since I tend to be all over the place trying to hammer down that kind of detail securely enough that it doesn't go flying away with the next gust of new info. ;)

FWIW, she didn't have any other piece of written correspondence from TA. She did have 2 of his journals so she didn't need the note to study his handwriting.

The one new bit of info along those lines is that LE found TA's last journal in his car. Perhaps that's why she didn't steal it too.
I need to back off my snarky remark about the Barbara Cartland novels. Interregnum is an important word for Mormons, and I meant no offense. I Googled it, and it popped right up.
P 159. Lovely JM snark.

(About the coded messages, including the line- " you f-cked up.")

" (Any doubt that Arias would stop at nothing, including witness tampering) evaporated as I read this attempted communication, in which she even cursed, in violation of her Mormon faith, which prohibited profanity."
Good morning, and that it is, because there are still about 150 pages of JM's book to read. :)

One question answered. It's probably impossible to know for certain when the killer began thinking about murdering Travis, but we do know when she took the first step to actualizing her plan.

It was in mid-May, when she called DB about the gas cans.

She didn't call him again about the cans until the last week in May, almost certainly after the May 26 confrontation.

Why the delay between those 2 times? JM doesn't address it, just not his focus.

IMO the killer called DB soon after she realized that the NA55 call had been a trap. The fact Travis would mock her that way, with the help of one of his friends, must have been intolerable for her. She called DB.

But she didn't press him about the cans. He asked why, she got pissy, she got off the phone saying she'd call him again by the end of the week and didn't.

Of course, she had a lot of other details to line up, so maybe she was just too busy before the last week of May to finalize the cans?

Or maybe she waited because she thought she was just that irresistible or whatever and that she'd be able to turn the situation around? (Nah, IMO).

She was being manipulative: she didn't call DB back because she thought he'd back off his inquisitiveness —give him a little time to cool his heels—or she'd flirt him into compliance. She evidently didn't get the memo that says, "When you create a fuss, people remember, especially when you're not making sense." I'm sure she never anticipated DB would remember detail from the conversation.
Her turn at pro per would be worth paying to see.

Not just the golf pencil which she had to keep sharpening, but her total cluelessness, including beginning to ask questions of her stooge fellow Estrellian inmate before she was even sworn in.

Despite prior coaching her stooge responded with wrong answers to almost every question about the codes and magazines.

JM shredded the stooge.

The killer took advantage of playing at being an attorney, though, and had Deanna kicked out of the courtroom because the told JS that she intended to call Deanna as a witness later on.
Ann attended many of the pre-trial conferences. JM knew her by sight.

The messages were about upcoming testimony about the pedo letters. The different story was that TA had used paper photos rather than computer child *advertiser censored*. Who the recipient was to be is not addressed (so far) but I think it was MM..."Bob White."

I still don't get who Ann Campbell was. Why would she be at pre-trial conferences? MDLR's predecessor?

But now I get it why the note in the magazines. JA also told ALV it was computer *advertiser censored*. Was that after MM told JA's attorneys "the wrong thing"? Or did JA compound the eff-up?
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