Prosecutor Juan Martinez releases new book, February 2016 - #1

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Comment in regards to KN and JW comments about JM's book. No one in this trial "won." The casualties are endless and still counting. We are know full well the reason JM went for 1st degree with the death penalty. The next time KN and JW need to make a comment they should step back and ask themselves if the comment really does need to be said, what purpose would this comment make, if the answer is there is no purpose and nothing needs to be said don't say it. Just take the high road and say "no comment". As for KN's book and his statements about his visits in jail with JA and her talking about nothing and yet he stays there for two hours costing the tax payers more money....JA totally knew how to play him. JM was the only one she could never manipulate. One other thing I remember at the trial when she said JM makes her brain scramble when people yell at her etc....and JA's mother grinned. I can't help but think she was thinking that now JM knows what it was like growing up with that sociopath
Thanks. I've always liked his balanced take on all things JA.

I read his post. I've been skimming past all the posts here about analyzing what happened in the hallway, and zoomed over his take on it with half closed eyes hoping it would be over soon.

Sure was meticulous and well researched, as always, but FWIW, I don't think it's irrelevant that JM states Travis was still alive in that photo.

Beyond that, I disagree with his scenario about what happened before the attack began in the shower. I agree Travis wasn't posing for her, but I think he had to have known she was there. He looks grim because he just wants her to go away.

I think she was probably talking to him the whole time, and that when he turns his face to her it is because she has pulled out the gun, not a knife, and is ordering him to sit down.

A knife in her hand couldn't have convinced him to do so, IMO. Pure survival instinct must have kicked in and that instinct would NOT have instructed him to make himself more vulnerable by sitting down.

Yes she did plan out the murder, and IMO what she planned most thoroughly was her psychological revenge. If she just wanted him dead she would have shot him in his sleep.

I think she wanted to mock him and to make him feel powerless. The gun was for making sure she had maximum advantage to use the knife. My guess is after he was sitting she threw the gun down, intending for him to think he could reach for it, or simply to distract him for the split second it took to pull out her knife.

I always appreciate JDT's writings, he does good homework, but I do disagree with several areas. I like how he did the tile to scale but if you look at the pic, you can only see two grout lines between his foot and her foot, putting him much closer to the linen closet/bathroom area. Also, if the attack is over, why no blood around his upper back/shoulder from all of the stab wounds on his neck and back, no blood on the back of his head/neck where he surely would have gushed (sorry) from two very deep head wounds. His foot may have been in that position if he were trying to turn over or against her pulling his arm the other direction, we are only seeing a millisecond in time when it was taken and there's no doubt much movement was going on when it was snapped.
Thanks. I've always liked his balanced take on all things JA.

I read his post. I've been skimming past all the posts here about analyzing what happened in the hallway, and zoomed over his take on it with half closed eyes hoping it would be over soon.

Sure was meticulous and well researched, as always, but FWIW, I don't think it's irrelevant that JM states Travis was still alive in that photo.

Beyond that, I disagree with his scenario about what happened before the attack began in the shower. I agree Travis wasn't posing for her, but I think he had to have known she was there. He looks grim because he just wants her to go away.

I think she was probably talking to him the whole time, and that when he turns his face to her it is because she has pulled out the gun, not a knife, and is ordering him to sit down.

A knife in her hand couldn't have convinced him to do so, IMO. Pure survival instinct must have kicked in and that instinct would NOT have instructed him to make himself more vulnerable by sitting down.

Yes she did plan out the murder, and IMO what she planned most thoroughly was her psychological revenge. If she just wanted him dead she would have shot him in his sleep.

I think she wanted to mock him and to make him feel powerless. The gun was for making sure she had maximum advantage to use the knife. My guess is after he was sitting she threw the gun down, intending for him to think he could reach for it, or simply to distract him for the split second it took to pull out her knife.


As we have seen, she has a very hard time NOT talking. I can only imagine the diatribe TA had to weather...
Yeah, her foot would have to be in that spot if that's a sock, but you can clearly see *through* that area and his whole back line against the floor. The indentations imo are either from her having held the towel with weapons inside, or stepped on it with wet bare feet, causing them.

I'm saying there's a black sock over the shoe, and her foot is in the shoe. You indeed see through the sock slightly, because it's a cheap sock.

If that's not a foot with a shoe draped by a pant leg, it would have to be explained where JA's foot is, 'cos her ankle has to come out of that pant leg.
How about this scenario...

Re foot photo:

She slits his neck (not fatal wound yet) at the carpet-tile area. T is not dead yet but is in and out of consciousness while she drags him nearer to the linen closet area.

He is still alive when the accidental photo is taken as she is trying to slit his throat deeper and he is trying to grab the knife fighting for his life. Both his head and right arm are up on his own accord.
Beyond that, I disagree with his scenario about what happened before the attack began in the shower. I agree Travis wasn't posing for her, but I think he had to have known she was there. He looks grim because he just wants her to go away.

I think she was probably talking to him the whole time, and that when he turns his face to her it is because she has pulled out the gun, not a knife, and is ordering him to sit down.

A knife in her hand couldn't have convinced him to do so, IMO. Pure survival instinct must have kicked in and that instinct would NOT have instructed him to make himself more vulnerable by sitting down.

Yes she did plan out the murder, and IMO what she planned most thoroughly was her psychological revenge. If she just wanted him dead she would have shot him in his sleep.

I think she wanted to mock him and to make him feel powerless. The gun was for making sure she had maximum advantage to use the knife. My guess is after he was sitting she threw the gun down, intending for him to think he could reach for it, or simply to distract him for the split second it took to pull out her knife.

There is no concrete evidence to suggest he got into the shower voluntarily. All we know was that he ended up in the shower. I agree she may have used the gun to direct him as it makes sense. None of those shower pics look relaxed or happy. He is posing - almost as if being told what to do. The look on his face when sitting is fear, perhaps hurt and shock at what is happening, in my opinion. From a psychological point of view, I've always found it difficult to accept that Arias didn't get her chance to tell him exactly what she thought. Her feelings are what it's all about. Did time prevent her getting her venom out in full flow? I guess we shall never know. She could have shot him in his sleep, absolutely but perhaps she wanted to stick to her 'forensically perfect' plan? I'm intrigued by what really happened in the hours after the sex and before the shower. The CDs are there but that part of the story seemed poorly formed, to me.
FYI, Tricia is trying to get JM to guest on TrueCrime Radio, and there is a brand new thread in this forum to start listing questions for Tricia to ask him if he agrees to come on.

I imagine the more questions that get posted and the more interest is demonstrated about having this opportunity, the more likely he is appear??

Let's ask away!!!! :)
Regarding Jodi's shoes.....

A poster upthread has provided a screen shot of the shoes Jodi was in when she was interrogated by EF. They are black shoes, look to be high tops.

I think those are not just any pair of shoes, but THE pair of shoes used in the murder. I wonder if LE checked them for TA's blood? Blood would definitely have soaked through the socks she wore over them and would absolutely have wicked into the fabric of the shoes.

I wonder why the socks over the shoes (i.e. in the photo) weren't in evidence for premeditation? Socks don't go over shoes unless you're planning something in advance, and it's likely to be nefarious unless you're dusting the floor.

Which reminds me.....if Jodi had socks over her shoes—as seems obvious—she must have been sliding all over the place on those tiles.

Also, sort of on the topic....At the EF interrogation. I've always considered it bizarre that Jodi was so well dressed, so early in the morning, and with a plan to go camping. Those pants are so lovely and white... At 6 am or whatever it was for the arrest? Who does that? LE knocks on the grandparents' front door to elicit her help over the gun theft, and she comes to the door in spiffy white pants and matching tee? This is not exactly a beach cabaña or a tennis date!
Does anyone remember Beth Karas bragging on KLNurmi's book? Has anyone heard her say one positive thing about Juan's book? Notice she doesn't get an interview with him. I hope he never does give her an interview.

I read the free book of Nurmi's online and it was worse than I expected. It was very difficult to follow. He is redundant throughout most of it. Just like in trial where he overused the sexual language. And of course, "How did that make you feel?" or "how does that make you feel?" "Three hole wonder," "Sl--", "Whor-", that sort of thing. But he contradicts himself over and over again. He says CMJA was deeply concerned about her reputation and determined to destroy TA's reputation but he couldn't figure out why she wanted to kill him, no motive???? Juan was right, she wanted him and he didn't want her, so no one was going to have him. Simple.

Also, Nurmi say's TA talked and texted with her all the time. She was obsessive with him and I think he responded to keep her from doing anything more destructive. But Nurmi admits she phoned his office constantly, several times in one day and became enraged when he didn't talk to her. She talked for two hours or more on his jail visits about nothing relating to her case, and it drove him nuts. What did he think about TA? He refuses to give TA a break when he complained about similar behavior from this monster.

After H4M looked at the texts, it seemed clear that JA was texting a lot, and she'd often do it while she knew he was involved with someone/something else. Often TA did not respond.
After H4M looked at the texts, it seemed clear that JA was texting a lot, and she'd often do it while she knew he was involved with someone/something else. Often TA did not respond.

We don't know for sure if she could hack into his texts at will, or when on any given day she hacked his SM accounts and texted to interrupt.

But it is clear in the text records that from Dec. 07- May 08 Travis rarely initiated texting with her, and when he did it was most likely to be about car arrangements or cleaning supplies or the like, or increasingly, after January 07, to ask her WTH about something she'd done.

I can think of only 1 or 2 exchanges in that whole time that were friendl back and forth and that lasted for more than a few texts.

There wasn't a single text exchange between the two that sounded any where near as warm, teasing, loving, and comfortable as those between Travis and Deanna or Michelle.

And there is only one time I can remember when he texted her to suggest sex, and that was indirectly. SHE initiated every other text exchange relating to sex, and there weren't a whole lot of those. I think Nurmi managed to get almost all of them introduced and referred to ad naseum.

After she finally was forced to take her claws out of him, physically at least, and return to Mesa, there was NO occasion when he started talking sexy flirty with her, and only one time he responded to her attempts to draw him into that, which were unsubtle and frequent.

After she left he was more likely not to text her back at all in response, or to text back many many hours later. Before that he didn't always text back, but seemed to try hard not to offend her (with replies like...Im busy, but what do you need?).
Samspace..sorry for not quoting your whole last post- it's difficult to winnow down on this wee phone.

This part, which you're saying JM was saying: She wanted him, he didn't want her, if she couldn't have him, no one was going to have him.

I've been trying to figure out for months why that didn't sound quite right. Just understood why from your post. Might be a subtle difference in words, but for me it isn't the words.

IMO this is more accurate: She wanted him to marry her, he didn't want to marry her, since he wasn't going to chose her, she was going to make sure he couldn't choose anyone else either.

It wasn't about anyone else being able to have him, it was about him not being able to have anyone else.

Same thing with Cancun. It wasn't about his taking Mimi or some other specific woman. It was about him not taking her. If he didn't take her, she was going to make sure he didn't get to go either.

IMO that is why she murdered him before the trip.
Thanks. I've always liked his balanced take on all things JA.

I read his post. I've been skimming past all the posts here about analyzing what happened in the hallway, and zoomed over his take on it with half closed eyes hoping it would be over soon.

Sure was meticulous and well researched, as always, but FWIW, I don't think it's irrelevant that JM states Travis was still alive in that photo.

Beyond that, I disagree with his scenario about what happened before the attack began in the shower. I agree Travis wasn't posing for her, but I think he had to have known she was there. He looks grim because he just wants her to go away.

I think she was probably talking to him the whole time, and that when he turns his face to her it is because she has pulled out the gun, not a knife, and is ordering him to sit down.

A knife in her hand couldn't have convinced him to do so, IMO. Pure survival instinct must have kicked in and that instinct would NOT have instructed him to make himself more vulnerable by sitting down.

Yes she did plan out the murder, and IMO what she planned most thoroughly was her psychological revenge. If she just wanted him dead she would have shot him in his sleep.

I think she wanted to mock him and to make him feel powerless. The gun was for making sure she had maximum advantage to use the knife. My guess is after he was sitting she threw the gun down, intending for him to think he could reach for it, or simply to distract him for the split second it took to pull out her knife.

The piece that stuck out for me is Just Da Truth saying because TA's foot is slack in that photo, he had to be relaxed and sleeping or dead, ergo he must have been dead. However, TA could have been paralyzed down his legs..... And, since JA mentioned paralysis in her ninja BS, it would seem very likely that paralysis was there in some form of reality.
I always appreciate JDT's writings, he does good homework, but I do disagree with several areas. I like how he did the tile to scale but if you look at the pic, you can only see two grout lines between his foot and her foot, putting him much closer to the linen closet/bathroom area. Also, if the attack is over, why no blood around his upper back/shoulder from all of the stab wounds on his neck and back, no blood on the back of his head/neck where he surely would have gushed (sorry) from two very deep head wounds. His foot may have been in that position if he were trying to turn over or against her pulling his arm the other direction, we are only seeing a millisecond in time when it was taken and there's no doubt much movement was going on when it was snapped.

The other piece I didn't get in his scaling of the graphic is that he only allowed for and 18" width for TA's shoulders. He was probably wider than that when he was 6!
The piece that stuck out for me is Just Da Truth saying because TA's foot is slack in that photo, he had to be relaxed and sleeping or dead, ergo he must have been dead. However, TA could have been paralyzed down his legs..... And, since JA mentioned paralysis in her ninja BS, it would seem very likely that paralysis was there in some form of reality.

That is strange, Juan Martinez already pointed out in the book (medical examiner discussed this with him), that after she went for his throat w/the knife, he was unable to make any further defensive movements. Voluntary movement and his ability to scream had been taken out of the equation...

It doesn't necessarily mean he was unconscious, yet*, (there are few seconds to death after someone decapitates your jugular and carotid arteries) he was however, definitely paralyzed..

She threw water down that hallway too to clean up so can't say by blood pattern alone I would say either way...
Here's something new (to me) that I found:

Page 38, "About a week into the investigation, Flores called my office with some curious news. Arias had traveled more than one thousand miles - fifteen hours on the road - from Northern California to Mesa on June 17 to provide biological swabs for use in DNA testing and to provide fingerprints samples."

I thought she flew to Travis' memorial service which was on June 16th, so is this driving info an error? Or is he saying she took three separate trips (murder, swabs, service) to Mesa in June?
Here's something new (to me) that I found:

Page 38, "About a week into the investigation, Flores called my office with some curious news. Arias had traveled more than one thousand miles - fifteen hours on the road - from Northern California to Mesa on June 17 to provide biological swabs for use in DNA testing and to provide fingerprints samples."

I thought she flew to Travis' memorial service which was on June 16th, so is this driving info an error? Or is he saying she took three separate trips (murder, swabs, service) to Mesa in June?

Good catch. It makes zero sense any which way.

As we have seen, she has a very hard time NOT talking. I can only imagine the diatribe TA had to weather...

Yes. I think that was what she meant when she wrote in his memorial book- " Travis, what can I say to you that I haven't already said?"

Taunting him even after death.
It would seem to me that the book was vetted more for legal (ethical violation) reasons than for factual truths. Yes? No?

They should've had a WS'er proofread it before the final before print. We hate inconsistencies like this. Especially when it goes against DeMarte's explanation of the exchange of phone numbers on the flight home from the memorial service.
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