Prosecutor Juan Martinez releases new book, February 2016 - #2

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Haven't read this thread yet - just wanted to say

:juanettes: I got Juan's book in the mail today!! A Sunday!! :juanettes:

Off to read it! RickshawFan Hoping to be done by the end of week, as I usually get on the laptop about 4pm, and than start reading my books!

I'll make notes if I have questions for Juan!

What strikes me most about this sequence (the hour where she talks about being attacked by Travis and trying to get away)..... is JA's voice. This is how saints talk in movies, the 1950's black-and-white kind e.g. maybe "Little Flower" about St. Thérése of Lisieux. It's a frail and saintly voice, tuberculoid, over-enunciated syllables, as though consonants add to the poignancy of the suffering. Her eyes follow the beaming light towards the heavens, hands clasped at her bosom (Jodi can't do this part since her hands are so used to being in handcuffs, she always holds them in front of her at her waist; besides, her bosoms aren't real and she doesn't have the requisite saintly flat chest), her eyes rolled slightly upwards in adoration. And there she is, a martyr to the base yearnings and animalistic behavior of MAN (aka TA), with all its tendencies towards violence and unholiness.

And how much must she be suffering indeed during her court questioning, harangued as she is by the evils and temptations of the world (aka JM), who would with devilish purpose divert her from her saintly path and undermine her frail reality. Not even outright mockery of her holy calling deters her (whatever mockery she decides she's received from JM, EF, the Alexanders, Deanna, Mimi and TA's 10 other girlfriends and maybe Naps as well), and this only strengthens her resolve to follow through on her commitment to competitive Hollywood spiritual excellence as she surveys the divine countenance, light reflecting back on her lovely face.

St. Jodith in all her long-suffering torment is revealed as a martyr and movie star. "Goddess" is a whole 'nother plot. As is the sideways sneaking of the eyes to anticipate where JM is going with his questions.

To be clear: I have no intention of mocking a faith here, just stereotypical movie scripts and "St. Jodith's" preposterousness.
There is no proof that the killer DID know Mimi had agreed to go.

Travis immediately texted everyone in his address book to spread the good news. Both his PPL and Mormon circles of friends were tight knit and gossipy, most seemed to FB, the killer stayed in contact with Dan Freeman and ....sadly, CL who did for sure know.

She wouldn't have needed access to his texts to find out.

IMO the Mimi and Ryan twists happening virtually simultaneously is no coincidence. Then again, I've been wrong a thousand times before about every last thing in this timeline.

I remember the killer telling EF in her interrogations that she thought TA was going to take the Hughes babysitter because he owed her money. (ridiculous)
The following is Hope4More's amazing-timeline-post written today. It was broken up in two parts because a new thread was created while she was still typing on her itty bitty lil phone.

Hope4More requested : '(Could someone please cut and paste my last post on the just closed thread to bring it over here and cut and paste this part to complete the post? Still on this stupid phone and can't to it myself. Thank you!!!!!!). '

So here it is. All in one. This is so good!! I really wish Juan Martinez could read this.

4/5. leaves Mesa knowing Lisa is out of the picture and thinks Travis has given up on Mimi.

4/11. Mimi posts on FB a friendly warm message about/to Travis.

4/19- through May 9, the killer wages a near non-stop campaign to get Travis to visit her MySpace page, texts him to open up that forwarded email she sent, that it isn't junk, gains access to his passwords.

On April 18 she tells him twice to include a sweet note in what he's sending her.

The 2nd text:

"definitely send me a sweet note- a handwritten note."

April 19, same day as an extended series of very annoyed texts sent to her by TA about her not sending him the photos he asked her to for his webpage (photos of Naps) in fact in tbe middle of those, she texts him:

"We need to redo the shaving scene. They aren't what I was going for. I'll make you look way better the next time!"

April 22. Texts him referring indirectly to the little red riding hood scenario. He says "deal. A forest activity ."

April 22. Texts her- i never leave you comments on your MySpace page. Her to him a few minutes later- change it. (He may have texted in between and text was deleted).

4/26. Texts him a webpage to go to: paint your Tells him- this is for you.
Blackmail vs. Murder plans, continued....

4/29. Mimi has agreed to go to Cancun, the killer starts texting and calling with Ryan Burns multiple times a day.

First week in May- the killer tells Travis to drop everything and visit her in Yreka. He says no. Burns tells her- come visit and don't play hard to get.

Through May 10. Travis goes to CA but does not visit her. On May 9, his last day in CA, the killer texts him incessantly, demanding his attention, and doesn't get it until she sends him that "accidental" text supposedly meant for Steve Carroll, telling imaginary Steve that beware, her ex-boyfriend has her passwords.

This gets T's attention and he lights into her. As she knew he would. And when TA drops it for a bit, she provokes him again with yet another accidental text. He's really pissed now. She expected he would be.

But she's not looking for just any kind of pissed. She's looking specifically to provoke him into saying something that makes it sound like he's angry because he's jealous.

That's NOT why he's angry, but she texts him responses as if it were, getting on the record-- look, Travis. I knew I shouldn't have told you all that because it always makes you so angry. Please don't try to guilt me anymore about seeing other guys. I'm trying to move on. Let's adopt a policy of don't ask don't tell.

Once she has that convenient comment on the record (one utterly untethered to reality) she has what she wants. She's made it look like Travis is hacking into HER accounts, that he gets insanely jealous and rages when she mentions other guys, and that she responds reasonably and suggests a solution to avoid making him angry in the future. She texts him minutes after that----have a good night. I'm tired of texting.

They stop texting. 10-15 minute later a chat starts on her MySpace page; his password is changed within the first minute of the chat.

The chat is about how she is a sex goddess and he'll never find anyone like her again, that he's responsible for most of their fights, and hey, let's have phone sex right NOW.

The May 10 sex tape supposedly came next.


So far in the timeline...manufacturing evidence to send to women to destroy him? To chase them away? Or as a record to support the story she will in fact tell after she kills him, about his anger and jealousy and insatiable and kinky sexual interest in her?

Do the next few days change anything?

On May 12-13 Travis has a marathon text session with NA55, an unidentified person who he doesn't text with before or after these days. By the end of the session NA55 has supposedly gone over to his house for wild sex.

On May 14 Travis accuses her directly of hacking into his LDS link up account with multiple bogus accounts.

She denies and denies then tells him- if I wanted to go into your account all I'd have to do is use my own account-jodiA, and you would never know anyway.

Mid-May. Travis tells Regan he knows the slashed his tires, stalked him, hacked his FaceBook, and no doubt she is snooping as they speak. Tells Regan- go ahead and say hi to Jodi. Regan says- I'm going to totally do it with Travis.


May 18. The killer files a police report saying her Helio was stolen from the front seat of her car.

There are no texts between TA and the killer after mid day the 17 until the 22.

How convenient? A papering over of the fact TA had already cut her off after catching her on May 13? To make her lie about the Helio being stolen more plausible? Because she was too busy brass tacks planning a murder?

May 22. Travis texts the killer- I know what you did and I'm not mad. She tells him she's in a world of trouble and some of it involves him, but it is way way bigger than that and involves a bunch of other people.

He tells her to put it in an email. Refuses to talk with her on the phone or by text.

Her May 22 journal entry, almost certainly written after she's killed him will say that this day marked the end of their relationship, and was the day they agreed not to share passwords anymore.

Their next communication will begin late May 25 into May 26, and will be the last time they are in touch at all until she badgers him with texts late night June1 through early morning June 2, until he answers. An hour later she is in her car on her way to kill him.


Draw your own conclusions.

I think she had fantasies or even partial plans about murdering him as early as that day in April when she told him she wanted to redo the shaving photos, but that she also kept options open (Burns, chasing away GF's) until mid-May.

Since JM has said she began actively planning his murder by mid-May, here's a question. What was she trying to accomplish on May 26 by provoking him into such rage?

How was what she did and said on May 26 part of her already existing plan to kill Travis?
Last edited by Hope4More; Today at 05:49 PM.

I remember that so called expert for the defense said he had to do something to TA's voice on the sex tape because it was hard to understand. Could that be because she was taking Travis's voice from another source to record on her helio phone? She may have recorded him earlier on a recording device and then transferred it to her phone. That would make his voice sound different than hers on the phone. I think the prosecution should have had another expert check that rigged up tape out. But I believe the prosecution was on a budget that prevented them from spending a lot of money on experts whereas the defense seems to have been given a BLANK check for anything they wanted.
Great work on pulling strands together, Hope4More and WingDing. I'm grateful for you sharing.

Regarding when Arias first thought of killing Travis, I've often thought it was as early as when he was dating Lisa. Maybe even before. The rage exhibited - the sheer frustration of knowing that she couldn't get what she wanted. The furnace of hatred was lit and stoked with each new perception of Arias being wronged. Cancun was a powder keg event - a source of further humiliation and risk of exposure for Arias.
I don't think she planned it that far back. I think that she really believed she could get anything she wanted from a man with her body and willingness to debase herself. Once that did not work was when the killing I believe was planned. She knew he was really moving on, I think the last encounter was planned as a look what you threw away thing before she killed him.

It still breaks my heart to think of Travis fighting trying to live.
The way she killed him was the most brutal I have seen.
Jason Lamn is on a radio program with King Jordan and he is bashing Juan for writing the book but defending Nurmi. Not surprised since both are defense attorneys and hate Juan for winning convictions and them losing. Also this idiot King Jordan brings on Kreem, JA's lover and prison visitor and rapper. Don't waste your time listening to them.:maddening::maddening::maddening:
Jason Lamn is on a radio program with King Jordan and he is bashing Juan for writing the book but defending Nurmi. Not surprised since both are defense attorneys and hate Juan for winning convictions and them losing. Also this idiot King Jordan brings on Kreem, JA's lover and prison visitor and rapper. Don't waste your time listening to them.:maddening::maddening::maddening:

I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard for an hour nonstop than to hear 2 minutes of their bullcrap. That wannabe rapper makes me want to puke.. he is just plain disgusting. Hell the nuts on the vile support site don't even want him anymore, now that's saying something, I felt he fit right in with those nuts.
What strikes me most about this sequence (the hour where she talks about being attacked by Travis and trying to get away)..... is JA's voice. This is how saints talk in movies, the 1950's black-and-white kind e.g. maybe "Little Flower" about St. Thérése of Lisieux. It's a frail and saintly voice, tuberculoid, over-enunciated syllables, as though consonants add to the poignancy of the suffering. Her eyes follow the beaming light towards the heavens, hands clasped at her bosom (Jodi can't do this part since her hands are so used to being in handcuffs, she always holds them in front of her at her waist; besides, her bosoms aren't real and she doesn't have the requisite saintly flat chest), her eyes rolled slightly upwards in adoration. And there she is, a martyr to the base yearnings and animalistic behavior of MAN (aka TA), with all its tendencies towards violence and unholiness.

And how much must she be suffering indeed during her court questioning, harangued as she is by the evils and temptations of the world (aka JM), who would with devilish purpose divert her from her saintly path and undermine her frail reality. Not even outright mockery of her holy calling deters her (whatever mockery she decides she's received from JM, EF, the Alexanders, Deanna, Mimi and TA's 10 other girlfriends and maybe Naps as well), and this only strengthens her resolve to follow through on her commitment to competitive Hollywood spiritual excellence as she surveys the divine countenance, light reflecting back on her lovely face.

St. Jodith in all her long-suffering torment is revealed as a martyr and movie star. "Goddess" is a whole 'nother plot. As is the sideways sneaking of the eyes to anticipate where JM is going with his questions.

To be clear: I have no intention of mocking a faith here, just stereotypical movie scripts and "St. Jodith's" preposterousness.

The link to this part of cross was posted in the other thread a bit ago, I guess? Thought it was here.

In any case, Day 25, 1 of 3 by David Lohr, JM on cross about June 4 sequence, at 22:03:

She admits that they did NOT make a video that day.

In his book though JM says they did. Eh??? She said no, JM!!!
According to Ryan Burns testimony, he said he met JA at the Oklahoma convention in April, 2008. he must have been mistaken because the Oklahoma convention was held March 13-15, 2008 according to the PPL calendar.

RB might have been recalling when he first started calling/texting her in April ... allegedly Zion(I think this may have been the surfing friend) had suggested RB give her a call, though not sure why he would have known that RB and JA had met at all, unless JA had instigated the whole thing.

@Steve44 - Re JA involving all these people, especially her ex-bf's and family, I'm betting she thought it would keep them all from saying anything to the police because it might incriminate them too.

@Wing Ding - ""If I am found guilty, I won't have a life ... If I killed Travis, I would beg for the death penalty," Arias told Esteban Flores, a Mesa, Ariz., police detective, in a videotaped interview from July 15, 2008, that was played in court Monday."

I think that bit of her quote sums it up. TA was threatening her life(her reputation, prospects, etc) and the only way she seemed to see out of that and punish him for "wasting" two years of her life, was to rid herself of the threat, short-sighted as that was(ironic if she really is short-sighted... re her new glasses).

However, once her first story of not having being there didn't fly, she tried to minimize the damage by claiming it was two ninja's and probably figured she could just confess her "sins" to the bishop about her and TA's relationship while setting herself up as this poor victim(almost always a good hook to get men...).

Then dangit when that didn't work either and all this other stuff started leaking out proving she was the one that had killed TA(pics, dna, prints), DV became the only route left to be found not guilty and save her life(reputation, prospects). At that point she was still so confident that, "Because I`m innocent. And you can mark my words on that one. No jury will convict me.", that I doubt the DP even crossed her mind.
They definitely met at the March OKC convention, at a splashy wingding party she went to after making sure Travis wasn't going to be there; she just happened to bump into Ryan (who ran with the $10k earnings a month PPL pack).

Just wondering with your April/May timeline, do you still have the info when TA had made his "How dare you!" comment/s during that? Does it/they? line up with either the April 26(paint your reality) or the May 14(hacking his LDS linkup) arguments?
I remember the killer telling EF in her interrogations that she thought TA was going to take the Hughes babysitter because he owed her money. (ridiculous)

Imo, that was the only "setup" that TA had done(other than perhaps getting his friends to help him put on a monitoring program so he'd be notified when his accounts were accessed) and I'm betting JA had found out about it.
Just wondering with your April/May timeline, do you still have the info when TA had made his "How dare you!" comment/s during that? Does it/they? line up with either the April 26(paint your reality) or the May 14(hacking his LDS linkup) arguments?

Yes. He texted her that 10-15 minutes or so after his last text with NA55, around midnight on May 13. The texting with NA55 had gone on almost non-stop, with a few hours break here and there, for a day and a half. There is no other text exchange remotely like it in content or duration..

After it, yes he texted her - how dare you. As others who have read all the texts can tell you, that's a phrase he used a lot, sometimes as a joke and sometimes as a hurt- where were you?

IMO, it really isn't the angry comment I know it sounds like.

The other context is TA also texts "mysterious Maria," and tells her- didn't hear from you last night.

TA is positive Maria is JA, and IMO that is what the trap was about. TA got JA so absorbed in the NA55 marathon text that she forgot to contact him as Maria and didn't as herself either for a stretch of time that was very exceptionally long.

Following all that, yes he tells her flat out he knows she has been going into his LDS acct using multiple bogus accounts, all of them starting with the initial "J."
Imo, that was the only "setup" that TA had done(other than perhaps getting his friends to help him put on a monitoring program so he'd be notified when his accounts were accessed) and I'm betting JA had found out about it.

Chris Hughes did propose that to TA if Mimi declined the invite to go. Chris offered to wipe out what TA owed them (he did) if TA gave them his second ticket , and they in turn would use it to bring a babysitter.

The question is how she knew of that plan. Others have suggested TA might have told her that to avoid all the psycho crap he guessed would follow if he told her he was taking a GF.
Does anyone remember the butcheress taking a memory photo album to Travis' memorial and asking friends and family to sign it? Did we ever find out if anyone signed it or if it was found in her belongings? I don't remember hearing anything more about it.
Haven't read this thread yet - just wanted to say

:juanettes: I got Juan's book in the mail today!! A Sunday!! :juanettes:

Off to read it! RickshawFan Hoping to be done by the end of week, as I usually get on the laptop about 4pm, and than start reading my books!

I'll make notes if I have questions for Juan!


The Post Office delivers on Sunday?
If Travis didn't go to OKC convention in March, then how was there a pic taken in front of LDS Temple?

Jodi and Travis Travel we know this from pictures posted on myspace

1.March Oklahoma City, OK Pictures in front of LDS temple

2.March Amarillo, TX Travis with Statue

March Ryan Burns met Arias at a PrePaid Legal convention in Oklahoma in mid-March (PPL Conv are always in March) with Blonde hair.

A few weeks after that initial meeting, Burns and Arias were chatting on the phone three to five times a week. (LDS Conference is always in April)
@Steve44 - Re JA involving all these people, especially her ex-bf's and family, I'm betting she thought it would keep them all from saying anything to the police because it might incriminate them too.
I had the same thought, and although I think Arias is capable of such (ill)logic, that scenario requires she project the possibility of getting caught and any subsequent scenarios. I think she would have avoided such thoughts and just use the fact that others helped her, however unknowingly, to strengthen her self-justification by internally forming a phantom support network. Remember after she came back, her mother said she was uncharacteristically cheerful and happy. This fits in as a way of gaining her mother's approval and friendship, something she was not normally interested in, as a way of incorporating her into the network of those who 'support' her, without any of them needing to know the details of that support.
Yes. He texted her that 10-15 minutes or so after his last text with NA55, around midnight on May 13. The texting with NA55 had gone on almost non-stop, with a few hours break here and there, for a day and a half. There is no other text exchange remotely like it in content or duration..

After it, yes he texted her - how dare you. As others who have read all the texts can tell you, that's a phrase he used a lot, sometimes as a joke and sometimes as a hurt- where were you?

IMO, it really isn't the angry comment I know it sounds like.

The other context is TA also texts "mysterious Maria," and tells her- didn't hear from you last night.

TA is positive Maria is JA, and IMO that is what the trap was about. TA got JA so absorbed in the NA55 marathon text that she forgot to contact him as Maria and didn't as herself either for a stretch of time that was very exceptionally long.

Following all that, yes he tells her flat out he knows she has been going into his LDS acct using multiple bogus accounts, all of them starting with the initial "J."

According to his journal the April stuff with JA was the same time frame as he had just found out he'd qualified for Cancun. The 17th he wrote he needed to find out when he had to make his decision for it(I'm guessing he meant who to ask) and then he was busy seeing Mimi(bookclub and raffia basket) and saying how he was tired of trying to figure girls out.

His journal entries from the NA55 time period seems he's questioning the authenticity of her(intrigued but it seemed too good to be true, but better to trust too much, then not a word about it) and then just after it Mimi suddenly just wants to be just friends. Sounds to me like TA had been set up to get rid of Mimi, just like the email and tire slashings with Lisa.
I sure would like someone to put together a conversation timeline like in movie script. Would be an easier read.

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